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CONTENTS FOR JANUARY 1997:  Vol. 4,  No. 9

NEW ENERGY SCIENTISTS OF 1996  .................1  Fox, Hal
THE NEW ENERGY YEAR IN REVIEW  .................2  Fox, Hal
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................3
   Pd/D & Ti/D Lattices & LENR  ................3  Rao, K.R. & Chaplot, S.L.
   The Work of Einstein In Relation To
      Cold Fusion  .............................3  Lazarus, Steve
   Search For Particle Emissions  ..............4  Nicholson, J.P.
   Tritium Generation  .........................4  Sankaranarayanan, T.K.
                                                      et. al.
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................4
   Charge-Coupled Phenomena  ...................4  Allen, Clynton
   Unknown Positive EMF  .......................5  Ide, Osamu
   Creation of Energy & Matter  ................5  Tewari, Paramahamasa
MISCELLANEOUS  .................................6
   Simultaneity Interpretations  ...............6  Coon, Vincent
   A New Solution to the Heat-to-Electric
      Conversion Problem, Can Also Be
      Utilized for Cooling and Energy Storage  .6  Goldes, Mark
   Free Energy Consciousness  ..................8  O'Leary, Brian
   Superconducting Magnet N-machine  ...........8  Inomata, Shiuji
   Cosmology Notes  ............................9  Hodowanec, Greg
   Editorial in Global Energy Outlook  ........11  Moody, Gordon
LETTERS  ......................................11
   Recall of My Pelton Studies (Error found) ..11  Bodner, Christoph
   Experiments With Gaseous Discharge Tubes  ..12  Raney, Timothy
   Anti-Gravity From Finland
      (No Doubts About It)  ...................14  Holwerda, Martin
BOOK REVIEWS  .......14
   Power From Magnetism: Over-Unity
      Motor Design  ...........................14  Aspden, Harold
   Suppressed Energy Devices  .................16  Wine, Byron
   Handbook of Formulae, Equations, and
      Conversion factors for the
      Energy Professional  ....................16  Kerwin, Bryan
MEETINGS  .....................................17
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................18
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................19

CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY 1997:  Vol. 4,  No. 10

   Nature's micro-miniature Tokamaks  ..........1  Fox, Hal, and Faile, Samuel
CHARGE CLUSTERS IN KNOTS?, Summary  ............3  Fox, Hal
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................3
   Notes on the Big Tokamak  ...................3  Roen, Steve
   Review of Cold Fusion Pub. Contents  ........4  Cold Fusion
   Space Energy Journal Report  ................7  Kelly, Don
   Greenpeace News - Nuclear Disarmament  ......7  
   GEET Sheet Report  ..........................7  GEET
   Occult Chemistry & Modern Science  ..........8  Bourne, William
   Electrets - Why Don't We Hear More?  ........9  Fox, Hal
   Report on Two Conferences  ..................9  Fox, Hal
   Review of Infinite Energy  .................10  Infinite Energy
      Vol. 2, No. 10, Sept/Oct 1996.
   Old US Patent :  H2 from H2O - 1897  .......10  Eldridge, Hillary
   New Experiments on Gravity Reduction  ......12  Dawson, Troy
   All Pervading Waves  .......................12  Wagner, Orvin
   Empty Space and Casimir Force  .............13  Faile, Samuel
   Burning the Midnight (& Daylight) Oil  .....13  Moody, Gordon
LETTERS  ...13
   Dennis Lee and Better World Technology
       Plans to Install FE Units in Homes  ....13   Lee, Dennis
   Weather, Gravity Winds, and the Galaxy  ....14  Hodowanec, Greg
   A Greeting and a Challenge  ................14  Mueller, Francisco
   Energy-Efficiency Day, Mar. 6, 1997  .......15  Austria
   International Symposium on New Energy  .....15  ANE
   IECEC - 1997  ..............................15  IECEC
   The 17th IEEE/NPSS Symposium  ..............16  IEEE
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................16
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................17
   Winter 1996-7, Contents  ...................18
   Vol. 30, No. 3, Dec. 1997  .................19

CONTENTS FOR MARCH 1997:  Vol. 4,  No. 11

   Nature's micro-miniature Tokamaks  ..........1  Fox, Hal, and Faile, Samuel
LETTER from WATER FUEL CELL (TM)  ..............1  Torres, Dineh
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................3
   Nuclear Scientists Reach Agreement on
      New Energy Technology (CETI)
      Press Release  ...........................3  CETI Press Release
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................4
   Space Propulsion by Puthoff  ................4  Puthoff, Harold
   More On Antigravity  ........................4  Shamp, Dick, and
                                                   Roen, Steve
   T. Henry Moray and the
      Transmutation of Elements  ...............5  Grotz, Toby
   Now:  The Complex Electron  .................5  Shamp, Richard
MISCELLANEOUS  .................................5
   To The Stars  ...............................5  Puthoff, Hal, and
                                                   Pangman, Ed
   Power from Plastics:
      Hopkins Scientists Create
      All-Polymer Battery  .....................6  J. Hopkins Press Release
   As In U.S., Also in Taiwan
      Nuclear Rad-Waste Problem  ...............7  Moore, Jonathan
   Tulsa Company Makes Syntroleum  .............8  Roen, Steve
ARTICLES  ......................................8
   Radioactive vs. Stable Nuclear Reactions  ...8  Fox, Hal, and
                                                   Jin, Shang-Xian
   Experimental Indications that the
      Second Law of Thermodynamics
      May Not Always Hold  ....................10  Ross, Donald
   New Confirmations of Ken Shoulders'
      Condensed Charge Structures  ............11  Reed, Don
   Torsion Fields - A New Science  ............12  Frolov, Alexander
CONFERENCES  ..................................14
   Proceedings of the International Conf.
      on New Ideas in Natural Sciences
      (Ordering and Table of Contents)  .......14  Frolov, Alexander
BOOK REVIEWS  .................................15
   "Space Energy Receivers, Power from the
      Wheelwork of Nature" by Richard Ford  ...15  Fox, Hal
   "Safe As Houses?  Ill Health and
      Electro-Stress in the Home" by
      David Cowan and Rodney Girdlestone.  ....16  Fox, Hal
LETTERS  ............................17
   An Astute Letter Regarding of the US
      Formal "Outlawing" of Cold Fusion and
      Other Related Scientific Topics  ........17  Sinclair, John
   Comments on the Cold Fusion Update
      No. 12 ICCF-6 Report  ...................18  Gozzi, D.
   Possible Conflict of INE Interest with
      Regard to Charge Clusters  ..............18  Lindley, Gerald
   A Review About Patents and the 
      Related Classification Processes  .......19  Dodson, Brian
   Momentum and Energy CANNOT both be
      Conserved: Here is a Simple Example  ....20  Mobberley, Peter
MEETINGS  .....................................21
   International Symposium on New Energy
   ICCF-7 in Vancouver]
   Conference on Fundamental Structure
      Mechanisms of the Universe  
   Aether Conference
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................22
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................23

CONTENTS FOR APRIL 1997:  Vol. 4,  No. 12

CETI Files Objection To The Issuance Of
   Pons-Fleischmann Patents In Europe  .........1  Fox, Hal
The Motors That Keep Us Alive  .................1  Aspden, Harold
Enzyme Cyclotron  ..............................2  Nature Magazine Ltr.
   So You Want To Be Involved In New Energy?  ..2  Fox, Hal
   Energy Measurement Positive  ................4  Dufour, J., et. al. (Paris)
   Energy & Fe In Gold Electrodes  .............4  Ohmori, T., et. al. (Japan)
   Calibration For Fusion  .....................4  Pons, S., Fleischmannm,
                                                      M. (France)
   Phusons In Nuclear Reactions  ...............4  Swartz, Mitchell
   Cathodic Polarization  ......................5  Vigier, J. (Paris)
   Patent JP 08075882 A2; Generation of
      thermal energy by cold nuclear fusion;  . 5  Yoshiaki Arata, Getsuko
                                                      Cho (Japan)
   Patent HU 71652 A2;  Method for producing
      excess energy and neutron radiation in
      the mixture of the light atoms solved -;  5  Laszlo Daruhazi, Oedoen
                                                      Pinter (Hungary)
   Patent WO 9606434 A1;  Hydride condensation
      process;  ................................5  Richard A. Day, Kenneth A.
                                                      Rubinson (Univ. Cinc.)
   Patent JP 08166478 A2;  High occlusion of
      hydrogen in a hydrogen-occluding metal;  .5  Novuro Goto, Takehiko Ito,
                                                      Yasuhiro Iwamura (Japan)
   Patent JP 07318672 A2;  Electrolysis-type
      low-temperature nuclear fusion reactors;  5  Yoshito Tanaka (Japan)

   Cold Fusion Bibliography
      Available on PC Disk  ....................6   FIC
   Demonstration Of Casimir Force  .............6  Lamoreaux, S.K.
   NASA Preparing For The Future  ..............6  Millis, Marc G.
      "Breakthrough Propulsion Physics
         Research Program," NASA Technical
         Memorandum 107381
      "The Challenge to Create the Space
         Drive," NASA Tech. Mem. # 107289
   Einstein's Mass Dilation As Aether Drag  ....7  Bennett, Chuck
   Gravitation Shielding Possible  .............7  Podkletnov, E.E., (Moscow)

   Magnetic/Gravity Field Monitoring  ........ .7  Ramsay, Bill
      The Nature Of The Aether  ................8  Fox, Hal
   GAO Reports On DOE  .........................9  Fox, Hal
   The Centenarian Electron  ..................10  Siegel, Lee
   Vortex Guided By Continuous Conductive
      Path By A Pinning Mechanism?  ...........10  Faile, Samuel P.
   Cosmology Note  ............................11  Hodowonec, Greg
   World Energy Report  .......................13  Moody, Gordon B.
   New Particle Discovered?  ..................13  Faile, Sam. & Pardau, Jim
   Media Shouldn't Be Duped
      By Pro-Nuke Letter Writer  ..............14  Greenspun, Brian
   Fighting Nuclear Waste Import  .............15  Vesperman, Gary
   Now Available - Honda EV  ..................15  Pardau, Jim
   Samples From Electrifying Times  ...........15  Meland, Bruce
      "Magnatron, Fusion Magnetic Motor"
      "The Radiant Energy Device on T.H. Moray
         Web Connection"
      "Coler Converter"
      "Flywheel Energy Storage System
         Development and Test"
      "Advanced Energy Prototype Testing and
         Preparation for Commercialization"
      "Lithium Battery Update"
      "Quantum Mechanics: The Subtle Pull
         of Emptiness"
      "Power from Plastic Batteries"
      "Ken Shoulder's Charge Clusters"
      "Ultracapacitors for EVs & Hybrids -
         Requirements, Status of Technology
         and Key Future Considerations"
   Deutsche Physik Review  ....................16  Marinov, Stefan
      "Siberian Coliu Machine with Eccentric
         Circular Current Rotor"
      "A History of the Aether and Electricity"
      "The Deisting Drive"
      "A Sensitive Hall Detector Which
         Everybody Can Put Together"
      "Marinov's Formula is Dead, Long Live
         Marinov's Formula"
      "Grassmann's Formula Violates the
         Angular Momentum Conservation Law"
   Sampling The Electric Spacecraft Journal  ..17  Yost, Charles
      "Electrostatics and its Measurement"
      "Isotropic Capacity, the Capacity of
         a Single Body with the Universe
         at Large"
      "Casimir Forces"
      "T.T. Browns's Rock Electricity"
      "Spark Experiments"
   What's Happening In Infinite Energy?  ......18  Infinite Energy
      "A Bombshell Techno-Thriller,
         The Saint: Hollywood's First Good
         Cold Fusion Movie"
      "COH2 and AquaFuelTM Update"
      "Development of Advanced Concepts for
         Nuclear Processes in Deuterated
      Patent: GB 2,282,708 B; Electrical
      Patent:  US 5,590,031; System for
         Converting Electromagnetic Radiation
         Energy to Electrical Energy
   Regarding the SHARP Space Drive
      in the book 3001:  SHARP:
      "Sakharov, Haisch, Alfonso, Rueda,
      and Puthoff."  ..........................19  Puthoff, Hal
   Regarding the "Floating Magnet" Trick.  ....19  Ramsay, Bill
   Request for Information on Superluminal
      Torsion Fields.  ........................19  Twain, Millennium
   Thoughts from a book in Progress  ..........19  Twain, Millennium
   From the article:  "On an Experimental
      Curiosity That If Undetected May Lead
      to Erroneous Far-Reaching Conclusions"   20  Fusion Tech.
MEETINGS  .....................................20
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................21
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................23

CONTENTS FOR MAY 1997:  Vol. 5,  No. 1

PROMOTION BY DESTRUCTION  ......................1  Fox, Hal
The New Energy Spectrum  .......................2  Aspden, Harold
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................3  
   Playing The Lose-Lose Game  .................3  AP
   R&D Magazine Looks At Cold Fusion  ..........4  Kestenbaum, David
   Gene Mallove In The News  ...................4  Wall St. Journal
   Solid-State Plasma Fusion  ..................5  Arata, Y. et. al. (Japan)
   Achieved Fusion  ............................5  Arata, Y. et. al. (Japan)
   Nuclear Products  ...........................5  Savvatimova, I. (Russia)
   Energy Is Not Neutron Emission  .............6  Fernandez, J. (Spain)
   Einstein Would Have Called It "Cold Fission" 6  Bennett
   New Patterson/Cravens Patent  ...............7  Patterson, James
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................7
   Finnish Gravity Research  ...................7  Gottschall, Martin (Nexus)
MISCELLANEOUS  .................................8
   Randall Mills Hits The Big Time  ............8  Sunday News
   Nuke Wake Island  ...........................8  Shamp, Dick
   Nuke Nevada?  ...............................8  Greenspan, Brain
   First Liquefied Natural Gas Truck Fleet  ....9  Raley's
   Cosmology Notes  ............................9  Hodowanec, Greg
   Conference on Hans Nieper  .................10  Fox, Hal
   Tapping Torsion Fields Of Space  ...........10  Reed, Don
   1983 Patent On Splitting Water  ............13  Michrowski, A. (PACE)
EDITORIAL  ....................................13
   Polarizing The Vacuum  .....................13  Fox, Hal
   What are the Characteristics of the Aether  14  Fox, Hal
BOOK REVIEWS  .................................15
   The Fusion Quest (by Ken Flowers)  .........15  John Hopkins Univ.
MAGAZINE REVIEWS  .............................15
   Space Energy Journal (V8, N1, 3/97)  .......15  Kelly, Don
   Cold Fusion Times (V5, N2, Spring '97)  ....16  Swartz, Michael
   Electrostatics Newsletter (bimonthly)  .....16  Smart, Bill
LETTERS  ......................................17
   Apologies To Dr. Bockris
      (by Texas A&M ME Staff Person)  .........17  Bockris, John
   More on the Mini-MRA (that works!)  ........17   Hodowanec, Greg
   Summary on New Energy Projects  ............18  Kelly, Don
   Minn. Cold Fusion Associates Briefs
      State Gov  ..............................19  Rotegard, Dana
   Comments of Letter from Peter Mobberley  ...19  Schreiber, Bert
   On the Worst Form of Tyranny - The INE
      with Support from Author Ann Rand  ......20  Smith Steve
MEETINGS  .....................................21
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................22
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................23

CONTENTS FOR JUNE 1997:  Vol. 5,  No. 2

A Special Edition of NEN to Honor the Attendees
   at "The Forth International Symposium On New Energy"

Need For Energy Policy   .......................3  Moody, Gordon
FUSION BRIEFINGS    ............................4
   C.F. Experimental Device  ...................4  Moon, D., and Bennett, C.
   DOE Cuts Funds on Princeton Tokamak  ........5  AP Staff
   Energy & Fe in Gold Electrodes  .............5  Ohmori, T., et. al. (Japan)
   Lattice Ion Trap  ...........................5  Violante, V,
                                                      and De Ninno, A. (Italy)
   Phusons in Nuclear Reactions  ...............6  Swartz, M.
   Energy Not Correlated to Neutron Emission  ..6  Fernandez, J.,
   Cathode Surface Modifications  ..............6  Kunimatsu, K., (Japan)
   Deuteron Hopping  ...........................6  Liu, F., (China)
   Transmutation in Semiconductors  ............6  Shlimak, I., et. al.
   Biological Transmutation  ...................7  Patent
   Radioactive Waste Amelioration  .............7  Patent
   New & Old Transmutation  ....................7  Bostrup, O., (Denmark)
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................7
   Demonstration of Casimir Force  .............7  Lamoreaux, S.
 MISCELLANEOUS  ................................8
   Gravitation Shielding Possible  .............8  Podkletnov, E. (Russia)
   Torsional Spectroscopy  .....................8  Avram, H. (Canada)
   Light is the Ghost of Mass  .................8  Bennett, C.
   Texas A&M Refuses Seminar  ..................9  Kirsch, J.
   Apologies To Dr. Bockris  ..................10  Texas A&M ME Letter
   Zenergy Proposes an Award  .................11  Fisher, M.
   Hodowanec's Cosmology Notes  ...............11  Hodowanec, G.
LETTERS  ......................................12
   On Magnetic Gravity Field Monitoring  ......12  Walton, D.
MEETINGS  .....................................13
   IECEC-1997  ................................13
   ICCF-7  ....................................13
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................14
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................15
SYMPOSIUM PAPER  ..............................16
   Charge Cluster Transmutation  ..............16  Fox, H.
VIDEOTAPE AVAILABLE  ..........................16
   Free Energy:  The Race to Zero Point  ......16  FIC & Lightworks

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Mar. 25, 1997.