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CONTENTS FOR JANUARY 1996:  Vol. 3,  No. 8

   FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY  ...............1   Fox, Hal
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................2
   The Basic Facts of Our Field  ...............2   Gluck, Peter
   Major Developments in Cold Fusion  ..........5   Rotegard, Dana
   Anharmonic Fusion Patent  ...................6   Fox, Hal
   RE:  The Piantelli Patent  ..................6   Collis, W. J.
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................7
   Breakthrough in Vacuum Energy?  .............7   Samokhin, Andrei (Summary)
   Free Power Generation  ......................7   Tewari, Parahamsa (Summ.)
   Patent of Historic Interest  ................7   Fox, Hal
   Electromagnetic Eureka  .....................8   Goldes, Mark
   Takahashi Motor Released  ...................8   Goldes, Mark
MISCELLANEOUS  .................................9
   Electrons Versus Photons  ...................9   CyberDyne
   Not Hasenohrl, But Maxwell Was the
      Inventor of the Formula e=m * c**2  .....11   Marinov, Stefan
   Dualing Theories  ..........................12   Faile, Samuel
   Rotational Earth Power?  ...................13   Business Week
   Characterizing the Performance of Non-
      Conventional Electrical Machines Based
      On Power and Energy Measurements (Pt. 2).13   Hathaway, George
   Cosmology Note  ............................16   Hodowanec, Greg
   Power-Gen Ô95 Conference:  CETI Demon-
      strates 1,300 Watt Cold Fusion Reactor
      Produces 1000 to 4000 Times Input  ......17   Rothwell, Jed
LETTERS  ......................................19
   Letter from Dr. Harold Aspden  .............19   Aspden, Harold
      The Japanese Motor
   Letter from Switzerland (HoloTec)  .........19   Waser, Andre
      New Maxwell Theory
   Letter from Don Kelly  .....................20   Kelly, Don
      Rankine vs. Stirling Cycles
   Letter from England (Donald P. Walton)  ....21   Walton, Donald
      Remarkable Magnetic Effects
   Letter from India (P. Tewari)  .............21   Tewari. Parahamsa
      7.5 kW with 7.0 kW input SP Generator
MEETINGS  .....................................21
   Cold Fusion and New Energy Symposium  ......21
      January 20, 1996, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
   Sixth International Conf. on Cold Fusion    22
      October 13-18, 1996, Hokkaido, Japan
   International Conf. on High Power Tech.  ...22
      June 4-8, 1996, Banff, Alberta, Canada
   ISNE:  International Symp. on New Energy  ..23
      April 25-28, 1996, Denver, CO
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................22
   Companies and Products  ....................22
   Information Sources  .......................23

CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY 1996:  Vol. 3, No. 9

INFINITE ENERGY MEETING  .......................1   Fox, Hal
   Summary of the Jan. 20, 1996,
      "Cold Fusion" Meeting, Held Near MIT
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................2
   Damned With Faint Praise  ...................2   Storms, Edward (Summary)
   Ultrasonic Irradiation  .....................3   Jorne, Jacob (Summary)
SOLID-STATE ENERGY DEVICES  ....................3
   MRA And Measuring Methods  ..................3   Nectroux, R.
   Remarks About G. H. Mini MRA Demo
      Circuit FE-6B  ...........................5   Extraordinary Science
   Invited Response by Gregory Hodowanec  ......6   Hodowanec, Greg
ELECTRIC VEHICLES  .............................8
   Battery Comparison  .........................8   Himy, Albert (Summary)
   Target Date For Mandated Emergence Of
      Electric Vehicles Set Back  ..............9   Electrifying Times
   Congree Urged to Investigate EV Battery  ....9   Adv. Transport. News Notes
   Automakers' EV Price Estimates High,
      Study Says  ..............................9   Electrifying Times
   World Speedboat Record Set  .................9   Electrifying Times
   Reports On GMC EV  ..........................9   The Western Australian
MISCELLANEOUS  ................................10
   "Free Energy" As Seem On British T.V.  .....10   Aspden, Harold
   Einstein's Second Postulate  ...............12   Gazdag, Lazlo (Summary)
   The Mushroom Cave And
      The Second Law Of Thermodynamics  .......12   Dart, Harry
   Keelynet Reports On Experiments  ...........13   Decker, Jerry
   The Passive Micro-Inductive Array As
      A Novel Energy Conversion System  .......13   Reiter, Nicholas, and
                                                    Faile, Samuel
   Electrogravitics Systems Book
      Electrogravitics Systems:  Reports On a
         New Propulsion Methodology, 2nd Ed.  .16   Valone, Thomas
   Starburst Foundation Press Release  ........17   LaViolette, Paul
   Why Do Many Scientists Shun
      New Discoveries?  .......................18   Fox, Hal
LETTERS  ......................................19
   Letter from Dr. Arthur C. Clarke  ..........19   Clarke, Arthur C.
      On Einstein and On Gyroscopes
   Letter from Bill Ramsey  ...................19  Ramsey, Bill
      Updating the Rodin Ciol Design
   Letter from Gerald Lindley  ................20   Lindley, Gerald
      On the Supergraviton Mass of 102 amu
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................21
   Companies and Products  ....................21
   Information Sources  .......................21
MEETINGS  .....................................22
   Sixth International Conf. on Cold Fusion    22
      October 13-18, 1996, Hokkaido, Japan
   International Conf. on High Power Tech.  ...22
      June 4-8, 1996, Banff, Alberta, Canada
   ISNE:  International Symp. on New Energy  ..22
      April 25-28, 1996, Denver, CO
   New Ideas in Natural Sciences  .............22
      June 17-22, 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia
   Infinite Energy Magazine  ..................23

CONTENTS FOR MARCH 1996:  Vol. 3,  No. 9

SPACE ENERGY BLOWS NASA'S FUSE  ................1   Aspden, Harold
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................2
   WSJ Reexamines Cold Fusion Due to PPC  ......2   Winter, Dee (Summary)
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................3
   Space Energy Research by Zaha  ..............3   Lindsay, David (Summary)
   Micro-Inductive Array as a Novel Energy
      Conversion System (Part 2) ...............3   Reiter, Nicholas and
                                                    Faile, Samuel
   Over-Unity Mag-Motors (Forever Power?)  .....8   Fairbanks, Avard
ELECTRICITY  ...................................9
MISCELLANEOUS  .................................9
   California - Backyard Experimenter  .........9   Hayes, John (Summary)
      (from "Transmutation of Mercury into 
      Gold and Platinum" to be published)
   Periodic Table of Beta-Stable Nuclides  ....10   Brightsen, R. A.
   Hooper's Gravity-EM Coupling Concept  ......11   Millis, Marc and
                                                    Williamson, Gary
   Scalar and Vector Forces  ..................11   Fox, Hal
   Unexpected Quark Development  ..............13   Brown, Malcohm (Summary)
   A New Beginning for Thermodynamics  ........13   Hasslberger, Josef
   Aetheric Hydrogen?  ........................17   Rowe, Paul
   Tornadoes and Tiny Plasmoid Phenomena  .....18   Lewis, Edward
   Another Point of View?  Tirade Against the
      mental menace of Mythical ZPF  ..........20   Physics, Deep
LETTERS  ......................................22
   Letter from J.R.R. Searl  ..................22   Searl, John
      Proposal for Cleaner Energy and 
         Propulsion in the Near Future
   Letter from Gary Vesperman  ................22   Vesperman, Gary
      Regarding Morris Vesperman (his Father)
   Letter from Ben Iverson  ...................23   Iverson, Ben
      Hodowanec/Nectroux Dialog Important!
   Letter from Jim Buzonas  ...................23   Buzonas, Jim
      Book:  19th Century Aether Theories
MEETINGS  .....................................24
   Sixth International Conf. on Cold Fusion    24
      October 13-18, 1996, Hokkaido, Japan
   International Conf. on High Power Tech.  ...25
      June 4-8, 1996, Banff, Alberta, Canada
   ISNE:  International Symp. on New Energy  ..25
      April 25-28, 1996, Denver, CO
   New Ideas in Natural Sciences  .............25
      June 17-22, 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................26
   Companies and Products  ....................26
   Information Sources  .......................26

CONTENTS FOR APRIL 1996:  Vol. 3,  No. 10

ENERGY - DEMAND & SUPPLY  ......................1   Fox, Hal and Youngs, R.
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................4
   7 Years on and the Supergraviton Connection  4   Aspden, Harold
   New Patents Issued (Cold Fusion, etc.)  .....4
   News from China  ............................6   Li, Xing
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................8
   Plasma Tube Coheres ZPE  ....................8   King, Moray
   Faraday's Effect in Space  ..................9   Jin, S. X.
   In Quest of Vacuum Energy  ..................9   Summary (London)
MISCELLANEOUS  ................................10
   Solar Energy From Water  ...................10   Graneau, Peter
   Reconsider Physics?  .......................10   Hasslberger, Josef
   Electric Spacecraft Journal  ...............12   Summary
   Gunnerman Fuel Tested  .....................12   Huish, Reed
   Kawai Motor Patent  ........................13   Summary
   Keiretsu, Space Energy Style  ..............13   Lambertson, Win
   World Energy Crisis  .......................14   Goldes, Mark
   British "Green" Expo Park  .................14   Chevalier, Remy
LETTERS  ......................................15
   Omission of Author  ........................15   Chevalier,Remy
   Speculations on the Gravitational Constant  15   Hodowanec, Greg
   One Must Study Energy - Not Words  .........17   Iverson, Ben
   More on Micro Inductoive Arrays  ...........18   Nectoux,Raymond
   Cold Fusion - and Convencing People  .......19   Powell, Wayne
   Challenge to Convert to Singukar CGS Units! 20   Schreiber, Bert
   Acoustic Fuel Cell Data Availale  ..........20   Walton, Donald
   Just My Thoughts  ..........................22   Leek, E. G.
MEETINGS  .....................................22
    Renewable Energy, Orgone Energy  ..........22
    6th International Cold Fusion Conf.  ......22
    High Technology in Power Industry  ........22
    International Symp. on New Energy  ........23
    Consciousness/New Medicine/New Energy  ....23
BOOK REVIEWS  .................................23
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................25
ADVERTISEMENTS  ...............................26

CONTENTS FOR MAY 1996:  Vol. 4,  No. 1

ISNE-3 A RESOUNDING SUCCESS  ...................1   Fox, Hal
International Symposium on New Energy Abstracts 1   IANS
     Italy - Cold Fusion & Judge's Verdict  ....9   Rothwell, Jed
     High Grade Electrical Energy  ............11   Swartz, Mitchell
     Space Energy Journal - March 1996  .......12   Summary
     Canadian Breakthrough in Power Gener.  ...13   Fox, Hal
     Welcome to the ANE  ......................13   Summary
     Increased Voltage Phenomenon  ............14   Ide, Osamu
     Countering Biological Effects of Coils  ..14   Faile, Samuel
     Summary of Studies Using Activated
        Sources  ..............................14   Faile, Samuel
     Micro-Inductive Arrays  ..................15   Reiter, N. A.
     Still More on the Simple Coil Test  ......17   Howowanec, Greg
     Warning About the HAARP  .................18   Zielinski, Adolf
     The Green Scissors Campaign  .............19   Friends of the Earth
     Idea Roulette  ...........................19   Hovnanian, Ralph
       "A Unified Field Theory of Gravity
          and ElectroMagnetism"
     Questioning and Noting Points  ...........21   Nectoux, R.
     Comments on Infrastructure  ..............23   Poole, Albert
     Today's Heroes and Geniuses  .............24   Fox, Hal
     ICCF6  ...................................24   October 13-17, 1996
     Alternative Technology  ..................25   June 1, 1996
     High Technology in the Power Industry  ...25   June 4-8, 1996
     Renewable Energy  ........................25   June 15-21, 1996
     International Symposium on Consciousness,
        New Medicine and New Energy  ..........25   Nov. 21-22, 1996
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................25
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................26
ADVERTISEMENTS  ...............................27

CONTENTS FOR JUNE 1996:  Vol. 4,  No. 2

COMMENTS FROM JOHN O'M. BOCKRIS  ...............6   Bockris, J.O'M.
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................6
     A Trio of Theories  .......................6   Bass, Robert
     A Cold Fusion Review  .....................7   Storms, Edmund
     New Fusion Plan in Washington D.C.  .......8   Faile, Samuel
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................8
     Latest Deutsche Physik  ...................8   Marinov, Stefan
     Listening for EVs  ........................9   Fox, Hal
     Magnetic Energy  ..........................9   Shoulders, Kenneth
SOLID-STATE SPACE-ENERGY DEVICES  .............10   Reiter, Nicholas, and
     Summary of Recent Spark Gap  .............10      Faile, Samuel
        Fireball Research
     Cosmology Note  ..........................11   Hodowanec, Greg
     Coil Winding to Increase Power 62.5%  ....12   Rodin, Marko
MISCELLANEOUS  ................................12
     New Energy Overview  .....................12   Bailey, Patrick and
                                                       Grotz, Toby
     Energy from Earth's Spin Motion  .........12   Buerger, Douglas
     A Fundamental Error in Physics  ..........13   Dart, Henry
     Gulf Stream Electrical Generation  .......14   Davis, B.V.
     Tesla and the 21st Century  ..............14   Articles Refs.
     Planetary Assoc. for Clean Energy  .......14   Michrowski, Andrew
     Rodin Coil Research  .....................14   Ramsay, Bill
     Santilli's Hadronic Energy  ..............15   Smith, Shannon
LETTERS  ......................................16
     Author's Disclaimer and Corrections       16   Correa, P. and A.
     Environmentalists Misinformed about  .....17   Manning, Jeane
        Emerging Energy Technologies
     The Advanced Energy Network and Use of  ..17   Doel, Sean
        NEN Articles for Reprinting in the
        Advanced Energy Newletters
     Testing Over-Unity Devices in Germany  ...18   Gruber, Joseph and
                                                    Bahmann, W.
     Quatrains on Levitation from a Letter  ...19   Walton, Donald
     A Quatrain for Today's Boffins  ..........20   Walton, Donald
MEETINGS  .....................................21
     Renewable Energy  ........................21   June 15-21, 1996
     International Symposium on Consciousness, 21   Nov. 21-22, 1996
        New Medicine and New Energy  ..........
     ICCF6  ...................................21   Oct. 13-17, 1996
     The Pollution Solution  ..................21   Oct. 15-22, 1999
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................22
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................22

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Jan. 12, 1997.