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31ST INTERSOCIETY ENERGY CONVERSION ENGINEERING CONFERENCE CALL FOR PAPERS INDUSTRY, ENERGY AND CONSERVATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. August 11-16, 1996 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) announces the thirty-first Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC). This conference provides a forum to present and discuss engineering aspects of energy conversion technologies and system. Papers in the following topical areas are welcome: TOPICAL AREAS: Aerospace Power Systems Aerospace Power Technologies Conversion Technologies Electrochemical Technologies Environmental Impacts Energy Systems New Technologies for Energy Utilization Policy Impacts on Energy Renewable Energy Sources Stirling Engines and Applications Submission of Abstracts: Four copies of abstracts are to be submitted for review by December 15, 1995, to the IECEC-96 administration office. [This deadline has passed, and in past years has usually been extended into February and sometimes even March of the next year.] Abstracts should be approximately 500 words in length, but no longer than 1000 words in length, presenting facts that are new and significant and should include the results achieved. Submission dealing with any topic within the scope of the IECEC Topical Areas will be considered. Include the following on the first page of your abstract: (1) the name and address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed and (2) the Topical Area(s) you feel would be most appropriate for your paper. Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance and provided instructions for manuscript preparation in the end of January 1996. A draft copy of the manuscript will be due March 15. ReviewerÕs comments will be provided by April 15. A camera-ready copy will be due by June 1, 1996. Only accepted papers published in the 1996 IECEC Proceedings will be presented orally at the conference. [Authors are allowed to publish a paper of up to six pages in length for free, and at least one author is expected to present the paper at the conference.] The IECEC is jointly sponsored by six participating societies: IEEE, AIChE, ANS, SAE, AIAA, and ASME. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Ms. Eileen Grady Business Assistants Washington, D.C. TEL 301-330-0048 FAX 301-258-0524 PROGRAM CHAIR Dr. P. Chetty Orbital Sciences Corporation Washington, D.C. TEL 301-286-6338 FAX 301-286-1699 GENERAL CHAIR Dr. William Jackson HMJ Corporation, Washington, D.C. TEL 301-946-1586 FAX 301-946-4374 Email: [Taken from the Call For Papers published in the Proceedings of the 30th IECEC, August 1995.]Return to the INE Announcements Page