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Sixth International Conference on Cold Fusion

will be held 13-17 October 1996

Hotel Apex Toya, Hokkaido, Japan

Conference Secretariat:
Tel +81-3-3508-8901
Fax +81-3-3508-8902

The conference will consist of both oral and poster sessions covering
experimental work and theory on the following topics:

*  Excess Energy Phenomena in D2/Metal Systems
*  Correlation Between Excess Energy and Nuclear Products
*  Nuclear Physics Approaches
*  Material Science Studies
*  Innovative Approaches (Miscellaneous Phenomena)

Registration fee of ´40,000 (about $400) includes a banquet and proceedings.
A technical tour to the NHE lab is scheduled on Oct. 18, along with other
professional and social events.

Hotel: Deadline for guaranteed accommodation is August 1.


Hotel Apex Toya Hokkaido
Aza-Shimizu, Abuta-machi, Abuta-gun
Hokkaido 049-56, Japan.  
Tel: +81-142-73-1111  Fax +81-142-73-1157

Registration: Final Deadline August 1.

Send for application package to Conference Secretariat:

c/o NHEl-Center, IAE
Shinbashi TS Building
1-22-5 Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105, Japan
(tel. info above)

[Taken from the September 1996, issue of New Energy News, Vol. 4, No. 5]

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