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By Dr. Harold Aspden

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 1996, pp. 1-3.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

In view of the recent flurry of interest in sonoluminescence, thanks to C. Eberlein, Physical Review Letters, 76, pp 3842-45, (1996), we find that not only the journal Nature 381, pp 736-7, (27 June 1996), but other news media are referring to Casimir forces and zero-point energy and are now even suggesting that there really is a mysterious vacuum energy source which deserves our attention. It appears that a bubble of water expanding and contracting at about 25 kHz will emit light in time with the sound pulses.

Now I am not at all convinced that pointing the finger at Casimir forces is a sufficient solution to the mystery. As I see it, Casimir forces evidence the existence of an underlying energy activity in the microcosmic field environment, but I cannot relate that to the prospect of generating power. To me, that activity is a kind of aether noise that exists just as tidal motion ripples in the sea. Yet we do not sit by the sea shore with buckets to tap its energy activity by collecting water lifted to a higher energy potential by the surging motion of the sea.

The sonoluminescent light pulses last less than 50 picoseconds and they imply the sudden release of energy concentrated at pinpoint sources of high temperature. This has to be an electrical effect and, given that I have explained several anomalous energy phenomena by my vacuum spin theory, it is logical to interpret sonoluminescence in the same way. My theory explains why aether energy is shed by the setting up of an electric field radially directed from a point center or from an axis of spin, optimally aligned with the preferred spin direction of local space. Incidentally, space magnetic anisotropy, meaning a preferred spin direction in the aether, has been discovered experimentally by Yu A. Baurov, et al., Physics Letters, A162, pp 32-34, (1992) and A181, pp 283-88, (1993) and Baurov now claims to have built a power generator which runs on physical vacuum energy with an excess power gain of 0.5 kW.

Note that Stan Meyer uses concentric metal tubes immersed in water and applies a pulsating voltage between the tubes. He therefore induces radial field effects which presumably enhance the ionic dissociation of water molecules and so can generate hydrogen and oxygen with power tapped from the aether.

In the case of sonoluminescence in water each air bubble provides a focal point for radial compression as water under pulsating pressure converges on that point. Water is partially dissociated into positive hydronium ions and negative hydroxyl ions, the latter having the lower mass. Therefore, the pressure pulse will displace the negative ions towards the center of the air bubble at a faster rate than the more sluggish positive ions. Here is the process setting up the radial electric field. What then happens is that the aether responds by spinning to set up its own compensating electrical displacement but, owing to a phase-lock condition prevailing in its energy system, it asserts forces which augment the energy stored by that displacement of ionic charge. In effect, for every unit of energy put in by the sonic pressure another unit of energy is provided by the reacting aether spin state.

In physics as applied to linear harmonic systems there is equipartition of energy as between dynamic motion and static potential. In the sonoluminescent activity the sonic pulsations input energy stored by the electrostatic displacement and the aether adds the dynamic vacuum spin energy. This action hold the displaced charge in a quasi-stable state so that when the sonic pressure relaxes the hydronium and hydroxyl ions are driven again towards the focal point in that air bubble and separate further to increase the radial electric field. The cycle then repeats as field and the compensating aether charge displacement increase whilst the vacuum spin builds. This is a pumping action that occurs at the 25,000 Hz sonic frequency as more and more energy is tapped from the aether.

However, there is a limit because the aether sphere in spin builds up in radius with the increase of energy. Periodically, at moments when the inward pressure pulses are occurring, the aether spins of two adjacent bubbles will crash as their surfaces come into contact. This initiates what is, effectively, the discharge of a charged capacitor and I see that as the feature that may well account for the luminescence.

The practical implication is that ionized water containing small air bubbles subjected to sonic frequency pressure pulsations will exhibit anomalous energy properties, and deliver up to twice as much heat as the energy consumed. Another such implication is that the radial electric field pulsations can cause more of the water to dissociate naturally, perhaps even cooling the water if set up with electric power input rather than by pressure pulsation. That effect gives scope for separating hydrogen and oxygen from water to provide a combustible product of higher energy potential than the electric input consumed.

In these circumstances I suggest that the physics of the several known phenomena we can relate to the above is a lot easier to understand than the theory of Casimir forces. My new book, "Aether Science Papers," gives the full account of the physics scientists will need to study if they are to make sense of this new-energy source.

[A review of Dr. Aspden's new book is presented in this issue of the newsletter. Cost and ordering information is also provided. Ed.]

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