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By Edward Lewis
P. O. Box 2827
Champaign, Illinois 61820


Received via email to the INE, Sept. 15, 1997.

Info. About The Plasmoids And Cold Fusion Info. Web Site, Book On Scientific Revolutions, And Periodic Economic Depressions, By Edward Lewis.

September 13, 1997.

There is a new web site, Plasmoids and Cold Fusion INFO. It contains 19 pictures of microscopic features and markings that are on parts of electrolysis cells used at the U of I by George Miley's lab group, and two pictures of plasmoid markings by a Japanese researcher, T. Matsumoto. The 19 pictures mainly show the markings left by microscopic plasmoids, in my opinion.

Since I developed this theory years ago, it hasn't changed, but I made many original predictions that are proving to be accurate, including the ideas of micrometer size ball lightning, the emission of plasmoids during earthquakes, the emission of plasmoids from light water devices, and the role of plasmoids and ball lightning in elemental transmutation. The many proved predictions and the stability of the theory are evidence of its validity.

On the site, there are also new links to more of my articles. Most articles are about ball lightning or tornadoes. One is about superconductivity.

If you are interested in the topic of scientific revolutions, paradigms, crisis periods, or economic depressions, you'll find an abstract to a long book I have written that is titled, The Periodic Production of Rationalized Phenomena and the Past Periodic Depressions. Laser writer copies of this book manuscript are available for 20 dollars, and include money for postage.

Here is the intro. to the first picture article on the web site:
(It's worth a look)

Photographs of Some Components of an Electrolysis Cell


Plasmoid theory and modeling has a long history since at least the 1950s with the experimental and theoretical work of Noble prize winner Alfven and W. Bostick. Research was carried out to use plasmoids for atomic fusion, and it was found that discharge devices producing plasmoids would induce fusion, but on a very small scale relative to the energy expenditures. In the early 1990s, I developed a plasmoid theory resolving both cold fusion and ball lightning based on the experimental evidence of Matsumoto, Bostick, and K. Shoulders, and this theory has proved accurate and exactly predictive so far. One of the main experimental evidence that is necessary to show that the phenomena that is called cold fusion is a plasmoid phenomena is the verification of Matsumoto's production of plasmoid marks by heavy water- palladium, and regular water - nickle electrolysis cells. By microscopic observation of components of various regular water electrolysis cells at the Fusion Engineering Laboratory at the University of Illinois, I was able to find copious micrometer size plasmoid markings like those produced by Matsumoto, Shoulders, and Bostick and Nardi. An electronic camera that was attached to the microscope was used to photograph many markings, and pictures are shown here as examples. Though it may be that there is some chemical or mechanical cause for the markings that is unknown, it is more likely that these are actually plasmoid markings, showing a relationship of plasmoid production to transmutation, and providing further evidence of the validity of my plasmoid theory. I predicted that such markings as these would be produced by "cold fusion" devices.

In earlier articles(1,2), I proposed that atoms and particles are plasmoids, ball lightning is a kind of plasmoid and may be very tiny, and that there are very tiny ball lightning that are plasmoids emitted from electrolysis and discharge devices and other devices associated with excess energy and transmutation. But until now no one has reported confirmatory evidence of the production of plasmoids or tiny ball lightning in electrolysis cells. In several articles in The Journal of Fusion Technology, Matsumoto showed pictures of micrometer size trail, ring, pit, and other markings on components of both heavy water(3) and light water electrolysis cells(4) and on very thin sheets of plastic that are used to register particle emissions that are called nuclear emulsions. I recognized that the markings he showed were like those produced by plasmoids on materials(5) and like ball lightning marks. I found similar markings last year on the components of a different kind of light water electrolysis device produced by the Ceti Company in which little beads are positioned between the anode and cathode. These markings may be confirmatory evidence that the production and emission of tiny ball lightning or other kinds of plasmoids is part of the transmutation and excess current or heat reported from many such devices, that atomic phenomena is plasmoid phenomena, and that much material may be leaving parts of devices and traveling as moving plasmoids and depositing as plasmoid residues in various places both inside and outside of devices. The plasmoid residues may generally contain new elements or isotopes. Plasmoid residues have been found to contain new elements by both K. Shoulders and T. Matsumoto(6). Jim Reding who is the president of CETI wanted people to know that the CETI company doesn't agree with these ideas or support my publishing of these ideas though.


1) E. Lewis, "A Description of Phenomena According to My Theory and Experiments to Test It," manuscript article submitted to Fusion Technology, December 1992.

2) E. Lewis, "Concerning Production of Elements and Plasmoids," Extraordinary Science, 8, issue 3/4, (July, Aug, Sept, 1996).

3) T. Matsumoto, "Observation of Gravity Decays of Multiple-Neutron Nuclei During Cold Fusion," Fusion Technology, 22, no. 1, 164 (August 1992).

4) T. Matsumoto, "Cold Fusion Experiments with Ordinary Water and Thin Nickel Foil," Fusion Technology, 24, 296 (Nov. 1993).

5) V. Nardi, W. Bostick, J. Feugeas, and W. Prior, "Internal Structure of Electron-Beam Filaments," Physical Review A, 22, no. 5, 2211 (November, 1980).

6) T. Matsumoto, "Artificial Ball-Lightning -- Photographs of Cold Fusion," manuscript dated Jan. 17, 1995 presented at the ICCF-5, April 9-13, 1995, Monte Carlo, Monaco.

See Also:

Edward Lewis's New Web Site About Plasmoid Marks on Electrolysis Cells
Edward Lewis's New Web Site About Plasmoid Marks on Electrolysis Cells with several new pictures, posted May 16, 1997.

"Additional Plasmoid Marks on Electrolysis Cells" a photographic article by Edward Lewis, May 16, 1997

"Photographs of Some Components of an Electrolysis Cell" a photographic article by Edward Lewis, March 1997

"Recent Experiments That Produced Fundamental Anomalies For Novel Hypotheses Concerning the Production of Elements, Superconductivity, and Anomalous Radiation" a paper by Edward Lewis, Oct. 1996

"The Periodic Production of Rationalized Phenomena and the Past Periodic Depressions" a paper by Edward Lewis, Oct. 1996

"Considerations about Plasmoid Phenomena and Superconductivity Phenomena," a paper by Edward Lewis, June 1996, June 1996, Revised. Oct. 1996.

"Gorgons, Tornadoes, and Plasmoid Phenomena," a paper by Edward Lewis, June 1996, June 1996, Revised. Oct. 1996.

"Tornadoes and Ball Lightning," a paper by Edward Lewis, June 1996, Revised. Oct. 1996.

"Concerning Production of Elements and Plasmoids," a paper by Edward Lewis, June 1996, Revised. Oct. 1996.

"Plasmoid Phenomena," a paper by Edward Lewis, June 1996

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Sept. 15, 1997.