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Posted: Oct. 24, 2001

See the Database Guidelines file for:

Additions, Changes, and Your Supportive Input into the data in these files.

Device Name:          Davis Tidal Turbine
Device Catagory:      Tidal
Device Type:          Over-Unity
Inventor Name:        Davis, Barry
Inventor Address:      
Date First Demo:       
Watts Generated:       
Date Last Demo:        
Watts Generated:      10-40 kW
% O/U Claimed:         
% O/U Measured:        
% Weight Loss:         
Date Witnessed:        
Witnesses Name:        
Witness Address:       
Date Tested:           
Tester Name:           
Tester Address:        
Researcher Contact:    
Researcher Address:    
Ranking, Interest:    10
Ranking, Commercial:  10
Last Ref. & Date:      
File Name:            DAVIS
Date Last Modified:   7/23/1997

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Oct. 24, 2001.