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Look who bumped into what... in the ionosphere!

Space Shuttle 'Columbia' Encounters Excess Energy?
By Dr. Harold Aspden

From: NEN, Vol. 3, No. 9, March 1996, pp. 1-2.

New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

One might wonder when those of us engaged in the 'free energy' pursuit will reach the end of our tethers. Sadly, the space shuttle 'Columbia,' which was on a mission to tap into the energy of the ionosphere, has (with near perilous consequences for the seven-man crew) already done that with the loss of a $442 million satellite. This experimental satellite was tethered to the space shuttle by a 12.8 mile long cable which was blown apart by an unpredictable excess of energy.

A U.K. newspaper report dated 27th February 1996 stated: "Video footage beamed down later to Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, showed the end of the tether - made from copper, nylon and Teflon - looking charred and melted. It was said to resemble 'curly french fries.' There was a 'large electrical discharge along the tether.'

So, what went wrong? Well, as we readers of New Energy News can well imagine, the NASA experiment was a large scale version of the Correa discharge tube or the Chernetskii self-generating discharge device or the Spence device, all of which reveal excess power. The only difference was that the 'evacuated tube' was replaced by the rarified plasma state of the ionosphere, where there are as many positive ions as electrons.

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The space shuttle Columbia was, in fact, the cathode and the now-lost satellite was the anode. The cable was the power supply circuit and the intervening ionized space provided the discharge path.
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The excess energy anomaly was that of a cold-cathode discharge where inexplicably large forces act preferentially upon the heavy positive ions and drive them into the cathode. We know from such experiments that the cathode reaction forces developed by impact of positive ions can be thousands of times greater than theory predicts. It would seem that this possibility, which owes its origin to a fundamental breach of physical law, was not factored into the design of the experiment. The protons in the upper ionosphere regions of the atmosphere which provided the closure current would be driven with enormous force into the tether connection point (the cathode) on Columbia. It is no wonder that the cable fused and the mission failed and that, I submit, is all because the extremely high anomalous cold-cathode reaction forces know from decades of research have never been properly understood by the scientific community.

What we can therefore now point to is the failure of a major space mission aimed at generating power in space because far more power was produced than was bargained for! It had not been understood that the aether which fills that space is ready and willing to shed excess energy once we contrive to develop circuital current flow that is not that of an all-electron circuit.

I add a footnote quotation from the 1989 Novosti Press Agency (USSR) release on the Chernetskii project: "In a bid to explain the experimental data, the researchers actually tried to prove the impossible and one of their proofs turned out to be violent. The one megawatt substation at the Moscow Aviation Institute, where Chernetskii and Galkin were staging an experiment with a powerful plasma unit, burned out. When the discharge currents reached criticality, superstrong current was born in the generator and went back into the network, playing havoc with the safety devices calculated for short circuit events."

The United States of America should not be sending men into space on missions aimed at power generation by tapping into plasma fields until enough research on the anomalous cold-cathode plasma discharge problem has been done in the Earth-based laboratory environment to understand fully this mystery energy source. At this time, Dr. Paulo Correa in Canada has the means for demonstrating the generation of excess energy using cold-cathode discharge tubes of special construction in which the cathode is able to take off the power electrically in a controlled manner. The time has come for the Establishment scientists to wake up to the possibility that we can draw upon energy in the space medium but we should be looking at those protons and not just at those electrons!

[Editor's Note: See Correa's U.S. Patents numbers 5,416,391 and 5,449,989. Latest information from NASA sources relates that all electronics (included shielded electronic housing designed for up to 10,000 volts) was fried. It is strongly suggested that the satellite be recovered and examined in detail.]

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