Email from Bob Bass to Sun Letters, August 22, 2000. From: Bass, Robert W (IDS) [] Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 10:39 PM To: 'Sun Letters' Cc: 'Paul Moore'; 'Robert Park'; 'Douglas Morrison'; 'Will Happer'; 'P. James E. Peebles' Subject: Unbalanced portrait of Dr. Robert Park Sirs: [942 words] Michael Hill's 8/22/00 advocacy of Bob Park omits his known misdeeds such as getting two Patent Examiners fired and getting two scheduled Conferences at public auditoriums canceled at the 11th hour because they offended Park's personal beliefs as to what is and is not "good science." Park tried to publicly humiliate top executives of BAE SYSTEMS (in the UK), by saying that they must be ill-informed about basic physics for supporting research at British universities pertaining to gravity control & modification (published in respectable journals before the Parks of this world realized the implications for undermining their preferred dogmas and raised a furore). Although I'm employed by BAE SYSTEMS as a Digital Communications Engineer in Southern Maryland, I was proud that my employers' UK-management includes at least 3 Ph.D.'s who are not intimidated by the APS, but now I personally resent Park's disparagement of them on the BBC! Check the Washington Post June 25 BookWorld review, which exposes Bob Park as someone with the ethics of an "overzealous prosecutor" so certain of the righteousness of his cause that he will knowingly withhold evidence. Park started denouncing Cold Fusion a decade ago, and his insistent demand at the time was for "nuclear ash" (i.e. helium-4, the end-result of _fusing_ two heavy-hydrogen nuclei [or deuterons]) in heavy-water electrolysis with a palladium cathode. It has taken a decade for the evidence to be developed to the point where it is literally overwhelming, but now highly respectable scientists on 3 continents have found helium-4 in direct proportion to the "excess heat" measured, and Park KNOWS this because he has been present at meetings where the work was presented in detail, but in his book and radio debates he tells his audience not one word of the contrary evidence! (I'm referring to the work of Miles and of McKubre in the USA, of Gozzi in Italy, and of Arata & Zhang in Japan.) It's just INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY for Park to pretend not to know that a mountain of evidence exists which contradicts his naive/ill-informed prejudices. The day of reckoning for the American Physical Society's Establishment and their dogmatic-propagandist Bob Park is coming at the November meeting of the American Nuclear Society in Washington, D.C. which will have about 20 invited speakers at a Special Session on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and Cold Fusion that ANS members of Park's ilk have tried unsuccessfully to squelch; this session on LENR/CF was organized by U of Illinois (UIUC) professor George Miley, for decades a respected authority on Hot Fusion and editor of the important peer- reviewed archival journal "Fusion Technology," one of the _few_ "respectable" journals that is sufficiently open-minded about real innovations that they will even consider publishing papers about Cold Fusion. Sir Arthur C. Clarke (who published the concept of the geostationary ComSat in 1945!) says that the suppression of CF by the APS is "... almost certainly the biggest scandal in the history of science." One doesn't need vast education to realize this. Just read the new popular book "Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed" by retired MIT-educated electrical engineer Charles Beaudette who spent the past 6 years FULL TIME in getting to the bottom of this matter and documenting every salient point in definitive detail. The subtitle of his sober book is: "An investigative report prepared for the general reader to explain how the most extraordinary claim made in the basic sciences during the twentieth century was mistakenly dismissed through errors of scientific protocol." To realize how Park knowingly suppresses evidence, check out www.infinite- & and on September 1 get the Vol. 8, issue 1/2 [double-issue] of "Accountability in Research," edited by U of Md scientist Dr. Adil Shamoo, to see a dozen papers by scientists of impeccable credentials that collectively expose Park's knowing falsehoods and deliberately deceptive disinformation about Cold Fusion. Admittedly, some of Park's targets probably cannot survive objective scrutiny, but Park's substitution of sneer-review for serious peer-review is the antithesis of objectivity, and the genuinely mistaken ideas he reports merely serve to provide "guilt by association" for worthwhile research that academic vested interests at the APS hopes the public never learns about, lest the magnitude of their selfish disregard of the public interest, and ignoble rejection of truth which threatens the over-privileged positions of those currently in power, should reveal both the wretchedly poor judgment and Crimes Against Humanity of the current APS Hot Fusion Mafia & APS High-Energy Priesthood. The late, very great theoretical physicist, Nobel Laureate Julian Schwinger RESIGNED in disgust from the APS when they incompetently rejected his pro-CF papers! Also Nobel Laureate Willis Lamb (discover of the celebrated Lamb shift) has published 3 pro-CF papers [in Proc. NAS which _cannot_ reject papers by NAS Members!]. Two other Nobel Laureate physicists have publicly declined to endorse the negative conclusions of the DoE's biased ("Kangaroo Court") ERAB Report of 1989. Why should the public listen to an undistinguished, mediocre PR flack, whose principal talent is as a wannabe stand-up comic, when FOUR Nobel Laureate physicists have publicly taken positions contrary to Park's unjustifiable prejudices? Robert W. Bass, M.A. Oxon, Ph.D. P.S. Compare my resume with Park's resume: Registered Patent Agent 29,130 Prof. of Physics & Astronomy, BYU (1971-81) inventor, 3 issued USA Patents on "optimal" controlled thermonuclear fusion configuations ['hot' fusion] Member, Theoretical Division, Project Matterhorn Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, 1957-59 Rhodes Scholar (Md./D.C. & Wadham, 1950-52) named Outstanding Young Scientist of 1960 by Maryland Academy of Sciences named Fusion Scientist of Year (1994), Fusion Info Center honored by two-hour session of 6 papers at national ACC [formerly JACC of 7 engineering societies] in Philadelphia (June, 1998) ======================================================== Dr. Robert W. Bass 45960 Indian Way (#612) Lexington Park, MD 20653 (301) 866-9657; FAX .../9674 ======================================================== Dr. Robert W. Bass Engineer III Identification Systems Department BAE SYSTEMS 44414 Pecan Court California, MD 20619 Phone: (301) 863-0687 FAX: (301) 863-0755 e-mail: ========================================================
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Aug. 28, 2000.