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As submitted to the INE for posting by Robert Bass.
Email from Bob Bass to Eugene F. Mallove, August 21, 2000.

From:   Bass, Robert W (IDS)
Sent:   Monday, August 21, 2000 1:37 AM
To:     'Eugene F. Mallove'
Cc:     'Roger Billings'; 'Harold Aspden'; 'H. Aspden'
Subject: re: Cook Drive reactionless propulsion


Have you heard anything more about the Cook drive? I was amazed that Boeing's 
Phantom Works agreed to test it. My old friend Roger Billings (of hydrogen-car 
fame) has asked about this general subject, and I sent him the following 
references to papers in IE.  If you have any news about Cook, since the article 
in December 1999, please send a copy to Roger also.

-----------  Reactionless propulsion  -----------

This kind of idea has a LONG history; I remember reading about the "Dean Drive" 
in what is now "ANALOG: Science Fiction & Fact" in the 1960s; you can probably 
start with the 1980 Cook patent mentioned below (available at and also 
the IBM Patent Server as you doubtless know) and get all "prior art" before 1980 
and then bring yourself up to date by KeyWord searches.  If you want to delve 
deeply into the subject, ask Dr. Eugene Mallove, editor of Infinite Energy (IE) 
magazine,  or my friend Dr. Harold Aspden (whom I 
visited in the UK a year ago, and whose website is mentioned below).

I will send an e-mail to Gene Mallove and ask what has happened regarding the 
patented Cook reactionless drive supposedly tested and validated in December, 
1999 by Boeing's Phantom Works.

Do you subscribe to Infinite Energy magazine?  At their website 
 you can see contents and prices of all previous 
issues.  I looked through my last 4 years and came up with the 6 references 
summarized below. All of these back issues can be purchased at their website or 
by phoning Christy L. Frazier  at (603) 228-4516.

(REF. 1) In IE # 17 (Jan. 1998), pp. 7-8 there is a long obituary for Prof. Eric 
Laithwaite of U of Sussex (formerly Imperial College, London), who was 
videotaped standing on a scales and losing 50 pounds while holding some sort of 
gyroscopic apparatus.  In 1993 he applied for a UK patent on a thrustless 
propulsion system or gyroscopic space drive.

This excellent article is by my friend Dr. Harold Aspden, whose website is 
 .  Dr. Aspden did his doctorate in electrical 
engineering at Cambridge, worked as IBM's chief Patent Agent in Europe, and is a 
(retired) professor at Southampton.  He could doubtless tell you if the 
Laithwaite patent ever issued and if so, how to get a copy.

The article also mentions that my late (e-mail-only) friend, Cambridge U 
educated electrical engineer Chris Tinsely, was not only working on Stan 
Gleeson's radioactivity remediation electrolysis cell at the time of his 
untimely death in 1996 or 1997 [around age 50], but in 1994 Chris had tried to 
duplicate Laithwaite's work (but lacked resources to finish, though his 
"mysterious" gyroscopic apparatus is still in existence).

(REF. 2) On the cover of that same issue [# 17] is a color photo of my late 
friend Stefan Marinov, whose obituary I had written in IE issue # 13/14 (March-
June 1997), pages 83-84. There I tell about Marinov's being the ONLY allowed 
"outside member" of the Christian commune "Methernitha" in Switzerland, which 
has 250-500  people living with NO outside electricity, allegedly on a "free 
energy" electrical generator of which the largest size produces 10 kW from 
"nowhere" (it has a rotating disk like an electrostatic generator).  I referred 
to his death as an apparent "suicide" but there is much later evidence [below] 
that it was murder. I also told where you can get his book "Divine 
Electromagnetism" (in which I had found a serious mathematical error, but when I 
contacted him he told me that a friend in Italy had already caught it and it had 
been fixed in the Second Edition, which he sent me on credit; later I handed him 
$150 cash at a meeting in Denver, little-knowing that this would be the last 
time I would ever see him).  He supposedly jumped from the highest building in 
Graz, Austria, but the police would not let his own son (a senior government 
official) see the Autopsy, and when friends from Italy arrived to investigate 
the police stone-walled them and sent them away convinced there had been a 
deliberate "cover-up" of an assassination [see below].

(REF.3) In IE # 21 (August-Sept. 1998), pages 53-57 & 69 there is extensive 
ddcumentation and a book available about Bessler's various self-rotating wheels 
of diameters 1-meter to 3-meters; in 1717 one of his wheels ran for 2 weeks, and 
again for 6 weeks, in a _sealed_ room and the validity was attested by many 
seemingly sincere & competent people. He destroyed his machines in frustration 
because no one would pay his asking price, and soon died in a fall.

(REF. 4) In IE #28 (Nov.-Dec. 1999), pages 61-62 & 70 there is a fascinating and 
seemingly important article about Robert Cook (with ad for a book about him 
called "The Man Who Changed the Future") showing a part of his drawing of a 
Device for Conversion of Centrifugal Force to Linear Force and Motion," US 
Patent 4,238,968 (1980).  It has been tested by top engineers at JPL, Boeing, 
Hughes, GE, Riocketdyne, UA, and the FAA and "they have all endorsed the CIP 
principle as being sound and a practical propulsion system."

(REF. 5) In IE #29 (Jan.-Feb. 2000), pages 66-67 there is an important Update on 
the testing of Cook's invention by Boeing.  A Boeing theoretician "proved" that 
it could not work if Newton's third law holds; however, the testing showed that 
it did work!  There is reproduced an affidavit from a Boeing test-engineer.   It 
is amazing to me that nothing further has been heard about this!

It could be that the government, Boeing's biggest customer, now has clamped 
secrecy on it (despite his expired 1980 patent).

But that doesn't jibe with NASA's "breakthrough physics propulsion program" by 
Dr. Marc Millis at NASA's John Glenn Propulsion Research Center in Cleveland, 
Ohio.  They have an annual conference and attract hundreds of Proposals and fund 
a few of them. (It seems to me to be a low-budget thing approved by NASA 
Administrator Dan Goldin as a cheap way to avoid Congressional criticism of 
closed- mindedness.)  I will ask some friends to refresh my memory about how to 
contact NASA on this.

(REF. 6) In IE #32 (July-Aug. 2000), pages 9-24 & 67, there is a major article 
(also his photo on the cover) about our mutual friend John Bockris (who now has 
cancer but hopefully may recover).  There is also a summary of ICCF-8.

Moreover, on pages 64-65 there is an amazing article by Russian physicist Lev 
Sapogin about his visit to the above-mentioned Christian commune which has NO 
outside electricity but visibly runs "research labs, TV & movie studios, a 
furniture factory, shops, garages, and homes," and must be consuming at least 
500 kW on average. They will not release to the world the secret of their 'free 
energy' generators, which come in sizes 100 W, 300 W, 3 kW and 10 kW. They have 
many 3 kW generators (that weigh 20 kg) & others of 10 kW. Their 10 kW generator 
has a plastic disk with a diameter of 2 meters. The disks rotate at "a speed of 
rotation of 50-70 per minute." Sapogin gives their mail address and their phone 
number and specifies 4 websites where you can see photos of the Testatik Machine 
(also called the M/L converter, invented by Paul Baumann when he was unjustly 
imprisoned).  Dr. Sapogin was invited by Swiss physicists and he and another 
were supposed to be able to enter the commune and observe.  At the last minute 
he was denied entry but walked all around the commune's periphery and saw only a 
wind-turbine and a water-wheel not capable of more than 2-5 kW.  Many of the 
commune's members are physicists with degrees from Geneva, Laussane, and Berne.  
When the Swiss physicist who had been allowed inside came out "he seemed to be 
shocked and intellectually confused" although not a drinking man.  Sapogin is 
head of the Physics Dept. at the Technical University in Moscow and can be 
reached at .  Sapogin is very indignant about the 
assassination of Marinov and quotes one of Marinov's books as saying about the 
M/L Converter "I can confirm, beyond the smallest doubt that this machine is a 
classical perpetuum mobile."  The title of Sapogin's article ("Is This Really 
True?") says it all!




Dr. Robert W. Bass
Engineer III
Identification Systems Department
44414 Pecan Court
California, MD 20619
       Phone: (301) 863-0687
       FAX:      (301) 863-0755

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Aug. 28, 2000.