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A Book Review by Hal Fox

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 1996, pp. 18-20.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

Harold Aspden, "AETHERIC SCIENCE PAPERS", published by Sabberton Publications, P. O. Box 35, Southampton SO16 7RB, England, c1996, 168 pages, figs, numerous references, ISBN 0 85056 015 2, page size 8.25 x 11.75 inches.


[The following author's remarks are printed on the back cover of book.] The author has, for some 40 years now, sought to interest the world of science in his discoveries concerning the nature of the force of gravitation. His contribution has not been heeded because the research findings have not developed from the conventional theoretical stream. Yet, from his Ph.D. research at Cambridge on anomalous energy activity in ferromagnetism, Dr. Aspden could see so clearly where the mathematical philosophers had erred drastically in replacing the aether by mathematical symbols before they had fully understood how it stores energy. The aether plays a creative role, besides constituting a universal energy bank, giving us the means to deposit and withdraw energy. Left to its own devices it even absorbs the energy we shed as waste and which we write off under the heading "entropy" but it does something our textbooks say is impossible. It thrives on that energy and regenerates it in a material form by creating the particles we know as protons and electrons. However, scientists have become blind and cannot "see" such an aether in their vision of things. They look only at how created matter evolves and see no creative source. So they devise computer programs to test their imagination of a universe in a notional Big Bang scenario, with scant regard to the simple problem of how the energy of electromagnetic induction is actually stored in "empty" space in our laboratories here and now on earth. In so doing they create obstacles in science where none exist, imposing their will on Nature's province and missing key issues which should be obvious to any mechanic. They use equations to represent electrodynamics, say energy has mass, introduce an quantum jitter which makes the position and momentum of that mass uncertain, and then forget to look for whatever it is that accounts for dynamic mass balance and so keeps their jittering wave mechanical universe from tearing itself into pieces. They try to understand gravity as a property of matter and cannot see that it is a property of the aether by which it responds to the presence of matter to keep it in dynamic balance. They complicate gravitation by declaring it to be a distortion of 'space-time' by matter but still cannot reach their objective of field unification. In adopting Einstein's theory mathematicians have confounded our understanding of physics, without realizing that there is a better way forward by which to solve the mystery of unification of gravitation and electrodynamics. Although this unification is of clear record in the scientific literature, one needs a guide map to find a way to the relevant clearing in the jungle of periodicals which line university library shelves. This book provides that guidance and goes further in presenting the full text of fourteen of the basic papers. The reader will see from these papers how easy it is to derive the constant of gravity in terms of the electron charge-mass ratio and determine by simple theory the precise value of the proton-electron mass ratio. Given this unifying connection between gravitation and matter creation, one can see a way forward by which to tap some further energy from the same source as that which fed the creation of the universe. We are now on the brink of a technological revolution that will deliver us energy in abundance with no risk of pollution, but we need to understand its source, that real medium, the aether, that so many think of as a mere vacuum. Emphasis mine, Ed.]


On the last page Aspden observes, "If we could see the system of particles which constitutes the aether that fills all space, we would find that its form depends upon whether there is any local matter present which comprises heavy atoms." In one sentence this is a summary of the nature of the aether that produce gravitational attraction between massive particles. On page ii (preceding page 1) Aspden forecasts, "Very soon now, the world at large will need to face up to the discovery of new ways in which we can generate energy that has no pollution risk." In between these two statements Aspden presents and defends his theory of the aether and how it can be both the source of energy and antigravity.

Dr. Harold Aspden, scientist, inventor, patent agent, professor, and writer summarizes his life's work in determining the underlying nature of physics with special regard to an understanding of the long-abandoned aether. Here, in one volume, is an excellent essay urging the reader to delve into and question the relativistic and quantum mechanical interpretation of matter, energy, electromagnetism, and gravity. In addition, fourteen of Aspden's most important writings have been republished in this important volume.

This reviewer shares the view that Aspden has been essentially correct in his acceptance of and study of aetheric science. This book is not destined to become a dusty memorial to a student of reality. Events in the new-energy world are accelerating and therefore the interest in this type of publication will also increase. Many of the readers of this periodical will be wise to read this book. Although not written for the lay person, it can be read by the intelligent lay person. The book is an important contribution to the engineer or scientist who desires to have a background review of the science that should be the framework upon which new technology is built. One of the many messages of this book is that science has wandered off into the lands of relativity and quantum dynamics with their obscure and difficult mathematics and has ignored simpler paths to scientific understanding of nature.

If you are an engineer or scientist, or if you plan to gain the education in math and physics to qualify you to read the technical literature, this book should be yours. If you do not understand all of the concepts presented in Aspden's lucid, technical style, you will be able to use it as a study guide for further study of those concepts that you do not, on the first reading, fully understand.

About half of the book is a tutorial on various aspects of aether science. The other half of the book consists of the following Aspden papers, previously written, peer-reviewed, and published from 1986 through 1995:

1. The Theoretical Nature of the Neutron and the Deuteron.

2. Meson Production based on Thomson Energy Correlation.

3. An Empirical Approach to Meson Energy Correlation.

4. The Physics of the Missing Atoms: Technetium and Promethium.

5. Synchronous Lattice Electrodynamics as an Alternative to Time Dilation.

6. Instantaneous Electrodynamic Potential with Retarded Energy Transfer.

7. The Theory of the Proton Constants.

8. Conservative Hadron Interactions Exemplified by the Creation of the Kaon.

9. A Theory of Proton Creation.

10. The Theory of the Gravitation Constant.

11. A Theory of Pion Creation.

12. Standing Wave Interferometry.

13. The Theory of Antigravity.

14. Retardation in the Coulomb Potential.

In paper 4, Aspden discusses the physics behind the scarcity of technetium and promethium. They appear capable of assuming supergravitational or antigravitational properties and therefore scarce (they went elsewhere). However, from this view, Aspden suggests closely associated elements that may form the basis for antigravity devices.

In paper 5, Aspden discusses an alternative to the idea of relativistic time dilation. The simple concept is that the clock is modified. That is a much simpler explanation than the one offered by the theory of relativity.

In paper 9, Aspden provides a theory by which a sea of primordial muons can produce proton-electron pairs. With the statement, "...involve a concentrated muon field and a critical threshold at which muons can combine with a degenerate electron state to form a proton and an electron." Our readers will want to determine if this concept fits the Rowe Effect where the vacuum (the aether) is caused to produce hydrogen by an explosive force.

Paper 10 presents a summary of Aspden's theory of gravitation.

Paper 12 reviews some of the experimental techniques used to determine if there is an aether and some of the misconceptions that were adopted. A relatively simple experiment is discussed by which any well-equipped laboratory should be able to make definitive measurements of the aether.

Paper 13 is Aspden's 1991 contribution to extend his own principles of gravitation theory. Anomalous gravitational effects, reproducible in the laboratory, reveal the potential of antigravity devices or systems.

[This book is available directly from the author. U.S. buyers can obtain a copy by sending a check drawn on a U.S. bank for $25 U.S. dollars ($33 for airmail) made out to Harold Aspden. Send to address shown in the bibliography at the top of this review.]

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