
August 31, 2001

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Institute for New Energy Announcements Page

ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MEETINGS: Future and Past (listed below)

From the Institute for New Energy Web Site at: www.padrak.com/ine

If you know of any additional meetings or conferences that may be of interest to our readers in the advanced physics areas, please send the information to the INE.


International Symposium On New Energy - ISNE 2001
Oct. 26-27, 2000, Salt Lake City, Utah
The 8th ISNE (2001) to be held at the Quality Inn City Center in Salt Lake City. An INE Board of Director's Meeting will be held on Oct. 27 in the afternoon. Proceedings of 2000 ISNE are now available!

[More upcoming meetings information will be forthcoming soon.]


International Symposium On New Energy - ISNE 2000
Sept. 8-9, 2000, Salt Lake City, Utah
The 7th ISNE (2000) was held at the Quality Inn City Center in Salt Lake City. An INE Board of Director's Meeting was held on Sept. 9 in the afternoon. Proceedings of the 2000 ISNE are now available!

8th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation (RCCNT-8)
October 4 - October 11, 2000, Dagomys near the city of Sochi that is the best recreation and holiday place on the Black See shore, Russia.
The Program included Experimental researches of Cold Fusion and Nuclear Transmutation, models, and devices.

2000 AntiGravity Conference, June 24-26, 2000
June 24-26, 2000, Reno, Nevada
As sponsored by AntiGravity News and Space Technology, and others. It was on a Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. A Proceedings and videotapes are expected to be available soon. The Proceedings and The Videos from this 1999 AGN Conference are now available.

4th Asti Workshop On Anomalies In Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals
22-24 October 1999, Hotel Villa Riccardi, Via al Monte 7, Rocca d'Arazzo(AT)
This was the announcement.

International Seminar on the Technology of Inherently Conductive Polymers
September 26-29, 1999, Toronto, Canada
This was the announcement. Designed for engineers and scientists involved in the R&D as well as design of a variety of electrical and electronic applications and devices incorporating semiconducting and high conductivity polymers.

7th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation (RCCNT-7)
September 26 - October 3, 1999, Olimpiyskiy Hotel, Dagomys
This was the announcement. The Program included Experimental researches of Cold Fusion and Nuclear Transmutation, models, and devices.

INE'99 Symposium For New Energy
August 27 & 28, 1999, Salt Lake City, Utah
The announcement for the 1999 INE Conference. The Proceedings are available!

The 1999 IECEC
August 2-5, 1999, Vancounver, BC, Canada
The announcement for the 1999 Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conferernce, sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers.

The Orgone Energy Accumulator: History, Construction, Experimental Use, 31 July - 1 August, 1999>
31 July - 1 August 1999, Ashland, Oregon
The announcement for the yearly conference covering Wilhelm Reich's discovery of the Orgone Energy; Orgone Biophysics: laboratory demonstrations of orgone energy experiments; Effects of local weather upon accumulator functioning; Medical use of the orgone accumulator in clinics and hospitals overseas, in Germany and other nations; and more.

Institute Of Nuclear Materials Management 1999
July 25-29, 1999 , Phoenix, Arizona
The announcement for the 40th Annual Meeting that provided attendees with professional forum for the exchange of the latest technical information in nuclear materials management.

Exotic Research Conference
July 22-July 25, 1999, Phoenix/Mesa, Arizona
The old annoucnement for the Exotic Research Conference scheduled in Seattle for March 25-March 28, 1999, that was changed to Phoenix/Mesa, Arizona. July 22-July 25, 1999.

1999 AntiGravity Conference, June 27-28, 1999
June 27-28, 1999, Reno, Nevada
As sponsored by AntiGravity News and Space Technology, and others. It was on a Sunday and Monday. The Proceedings and The Videos from this 1999 AGN Conference are now available!

The National Town Meeting For A Sustainable America
May 2-5, 1999, Detroit, MI, and Over the Internet
This meeting showcased the best practices that promote sustainability around the country. The program emphasized building individual and institutional capacity so that best practices can be replicated elsewhere.

The First International Conference on Free Energy (CoFE)
Apr. 29-30, May 1, 1999, Washington DC, State Department
The First International Conference on Free Energy (CoFE), was held in Washington, DC, April 29, 30 with all day workshops on May 1st, 1999. The Proceedings are now available!

Space Technology And Applications International Forum
Jan. 31 - Feb. 4, 1999, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Papers were invited that presented theories, proposed experiments, or empirical evidence that are aimed at addressing breakthrough energy production methods to power spacecraft propulsion. New (Aug. 3, 1998) Session Descriptions and NASA's involvement are included.

Second International Symposium On Consciousness, New Medicine And New Energy
November 26-27, 1998, Tokyo, Japan
The Second International Symposium on Consciousness, New Medicine, and New Energy - raising new questions for further research on the inter-relationship of consciousness, matter and energy, complimentary and intergrative medicine, and new energy technologies.

First Global Workshop on the Nature and Structure of the Aether
November 1998, Melbourne, Australia, and was in
May 1998, Waiatarua, West Auckland, New Zealand
Millennium Twain desires to continue the Aether Conferences on an international scale! Here is his HTML file that he recently emailed to the INE.

IANS 1998 Conference
October 29 - November 1, 1998, Fort Collins, CO.
A flyer has been received, that is promoting the 9th Annual International Forum on New Science, at the Holiday Inn (North), 3836 E. Mulberry (Hwy. 14) in Fort Collins, CO. The flyer lists several noted speakers, and says to call 970-221-3123 for further information. No additional data on this conference or on the legal status of the IANS is available as of this date (Sept. 8, 1998).

March For Peaceful Energy
October 24, 1998, Washington D.C.
Was Cancelled. Trying Again in 1999! The March for Peaceful Energy aims to hold President Clinton to his promise and pressure Congress in creating a similar program to the one which gave birth to the microchip in the 50's, massively reducing cost of production. The March is being organized by students at the University of Maryland College Park.

Sixth Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation (RCCNT-6)
September 28 - October 5, 1998, Dagomys (near Sochi), Russia
The Sixth Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation includes the following subjects: 1. Experimental researches of Cold Fusion and Nuclear Transmutation; 2. Cold Fusion and Nuclear Transmutation theoretical models; 3. Cold Fusion applied technologies and devices.

World Renewable Energy Conference V
September 20-25, 1998, Florence, Italy
Congress topics: Solar and Low Energy Architecture, Photovoltaic Technologies, Solar Thermal Applications, Wind Energy Generation, Biomass Conversion, Energy Resources, Wave and Tidal Energy, Hydrogen and Storage, Economics and Financing, Institutional Issues, Geothermal and Ocean Thermal, Climatic and Environmental Issues, and Renewable Energy: Manufacturing. Hosted by the University of Florence, School of Architecture. Sponsors include: UNESCO, U.S. DOE, Commonwealth Science Council, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL-USA), Italian Ministry of Scientific Research, and others. For further information contact: Professor A.A.M. Sayigh; World Renewable Energy Network; 147 Hilmanton, Lower Earley; Reading RG6 4HN, U.K.; Phone: (44) 0118-961-1364, Fax: (44) 0118-961-1365; (Dialing from abroad, omit the zero.)

International Workshopon Fundamental Open Problems
August 28, 1998, Beijing, China
International Workshopon Fundamental Open Problems In Mathematics, Physics, Biology And Other Sciences At The Turn Of The Millennium.

18th International Symposium On Discharges & Electrical Insulation In Vacuum
August 17-21, 1998, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Scientific Program, Papers were presented on all aspects of: Fundamentals of Discharges and Breakdown in Vacuum; Vacuum Discharge Devices and Applications; and Vacuum Insulation Technology and Applications. Mini-Courses held parallel with conference: Diagnostics for Vacuum Devices, and Production Technology for Vacuum Insulated Devices.

INE Advanced Energy Conference, August 1998
August 14-15, 1998, Salt Lake City, Utah
The first INE Conference on New and Advanced Energy Concepts and Working Devices! Summary information files: INE Symposium 1998 Papers and Abstracts, Report on the INE 1998 Symposium, Welcome: Institute For New Energy, By Hal Fox and FIC, and Welcome To The 1998 INE Symposium, By Patrick Bailey.
This conference replaces the annual "International Symposium on New Energy" that had been managed by the IANS, as the IANS formally closed its operations in March 1998.

Meeting Global Energy and Environmental Needs: The 33rd IECEC
August 2-6, 1998, Colorado Springs, CO
The 33rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC).

ISSSEEM Eighth Annual Conference
June 18-24, 1998, Boulder, Colorado
The Future Of Energy Medicine. Sponsored by the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine.

International Scientific Congress - 98: "Fundamental Problems Of Natural Sciences"
June 22-27, 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia
Call For Papers (Closed)
Fundamental Problems Of Natural Sciences, Including Nontraditional Sources of Energy and Technologies.

ICCF-7 International Cold Fusion Forum
April 19-24, 1998, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
ICCF-7 attracted a more diverse audience including additional scientists, research institutes, students, national funding agencies, commercial interests, journalists, and spouses. The objective of ICCF-7 was to provide a productive international forum for communication and education.

A report on the III ASTI Workshop on Amonalies in Hydrogen/Deuterium Loaded Metals
November 27-30, 1997
An international workshop, in English, near Asti, Italy, held last November.
November 27-30, 1997, Rocca d'Arazzo (AT), Italy

The Meeting of the Minds '97
October 24-26, 1997
A sharing of ideas and a meeting with others who are at the forefront of alternate energy! This 10th year anniversary meeting of the 1987 meetings did bring back as many of the previous attendees as possible. We can find out where everyone is, how they have been doing with their projects and what kind of success they have had. We can then better plan for more MEETING OF THE MINDS gatherings and decide what direction they should take.
October 24-26, 1997, Hidden Valley, AR

The German Association of Vacuum Field Energy
September or October 1997
The 1997 conference was planned in the Singapore Hyatt, Singapore, in 1997. Inquiries may be directed by FAX to Germany: (05 11) 31-84-17. They are now planning a new conference.
September or October, 1997, Singapore

8th International Forum On New Science
9-12 October 1997
Lectures, Kinetic Displays, Exhibits, Workshops, Bookstore, Banquet, Sunday Focus on Health & Healing. Register Early and Save. Contact: IANS, 216 Commerce Dr., #4, Fort Collins, CO 80524, TEL 970-482-3731, FAX 970-482-3120, Email science@ians.org and www.ians.org. Hotel information 1-800-222-TREE (mention IFNS).
9-12 October 1997, The Doubletree (Red Lion) Hotel, Denver, Colorado

5th Russian Conference On Cold Fusion And Nuclear Transmutation (RCCFNT-5)
September 28 to October 5, 1997
Program of the Conference includes: Experimental Researches of Cold Fusion and Nuclear Transmutation; Cold Fusion and Nuclear Transmutation theoretical models; Cold Fusion applied technologies and devices.
September 28 to October 5, 1997, Hotel Olimpiyskiy in Dagomys, near Sochi on the Black Sea

Orgone Energy Seminars Offered in Aug. 1997
August 1997
Four seminars were offered in August 1997 on: (1) Wilhelm Reich's Last Years - The Oranur Experiment, Cosmic Orgone Engineering, Contact With Space, and the FDA "Investigation; (2) The Orgone Energy Accumulator - History, Construction & Experimental Use; (3) Remembering Wilhelm Reich - the Man and His Work; and (4) Bions and The Reich Blood Test - Introductory Laboratory Microscopy.
August 1997; Ashland, Oregon

32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference.
July 27 - August 1, 1997, Honolulu, HI
The 32nd IECEC, sponsored by the AIChE. Special attention was focused on "Innovative Concepts in Energy Conversion Technologies", sessions "CT-06". These CT-06 areas included "cold fusion", "space energy", "transmutation", "rotational magnetics", "Tesla technologies", "HAARP", etc. See 32nd IECEC 1997 Innovative Concepts Sessions (CT-06) Abstracts, containing some of the abstracts of papers presented in these sessions at this conference. From NEN Vol. 5, No. 4, Aug. 1997.

The First Aether Conference
A two-day Conference on the Aether was held in Pleasant Hill, California, on July 19-20, 1997. Various concepts of the aether were discussed. Most of the attendees could agree that there definitely is an aether and it acts like a gaseous or fluid media but is composed of much finer particles than those that make up matter. It was generally accepted that the aether is a primary factor in magnetism, electrostatics, and gravity. From NEN Vol. 5, No. 4.

Conference on the Fundamentals of Physics and Cosmology
An email received on this conference that was to be held 30 May to 2nd June 1997, near Grass Valley, CA. For further details, refer to www.kcbbs.gen.nz/users/rtomes/conf-l.htm.
May 30 - June 2, 1997, Grass Valley, CA

Forth International Symposium On New Energy (4th ISNE) May 23-26, 1997, Memorial Day Weekend
The 4th ISNE 1997 sponsored by the Academy for New Energy andf the International Association for New Science.. Was held at the Marriott Denver Tech Center. See the ISNE 1997 Proceedings Table of Contents for ordering information.

Global Sciences Conference, 15th Year Mid-Winter
January 16-20, 1997
Global Sciences Conference was at the Doubletree Hotel, Tampa Airport Westshore, Tampa, Florida, January 16-20, 1997. Global Sciences, 669 Peoria #345, Aurora, CO 80011, TEL 303-343-6461, FAX 303-344-1578.
January 16-20, 1997; Tampa, Florida

The First International Symposium On Consciousness New Medicine, & New Energy
November 21-22, 1996
A symposium to present research results and to discuss issues in broad areas such as consciousness phenomena, holistic medicine, integration of Western and Eastern medicine, and new energy technology. Paramahamsa Tewari has been chosen as the key note speaker for the New Energy Section of the symposium.
November 21-22, 1996; Tokyo, Japan

The German Association of Vacuum Field Energy
September or October, 1996
They are now planning a later conference. The 1996 conference had been planned in the Singapore Hyatt, Singapore, in October 1996. This has been postponed until September or October 1997. Inquiries may be directed by FAX to Germany: (05 11) 31-84-17. Rescheduled for September or October, 1997, Singapore

Sixth International Conference On Cold Fusion
October 13-18, 1996
See the Review of the Sixth International Conference On Cold Fusion (ICCF6). The Sixth International Conference on Cold Fusion was held 13-17 October 1996, Hotel Apex Toya, Hokkaido, Japan. Conference Secretariat: Tel +81-3-3508-8901, Fax +81-3-3508-8902, E-mail mac@iae.or.jp.

Relations of Biological and Physico-Chemical Processes with Space and Helio-Geophysical Factors
September 23-28, 1996
The Forth Symposium: Three international Symposiums in Pushchino on problems of research of space and helio-geophysical external factors influences on biological and physico-chemical fluctuation processes were held in the past (1983, 1990, 1993). The Proceedings of the Third Symposium are in effect published in issues 4 and 5 (1995) of Biophysica journal. This is the forth symposium.
September 23-28, 1996, Pushchino (Moscow Region, Russia)

Second Conference on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions
September 13-14, 1996
See the Great Review Article.
Was held at College Station, Texas, on September 13-14, 1996. Papers addressing issues of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions will be presented at the conference. The proceedings of this conference will be published in Vol. 1, No. 3 of the Journal of New Energy. The proceedings of the first conference, held in September 1995, have been published in Vol. 1, No. 1 of the Journal of New Energy.

31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference
August 11-16, 1996
The 31st IECEC, sponsored in 1996 by the IEEE. The conference has been held and the proceedings are available. No "Innovative Concepts" papers were presented.
August 11-16, 1996; Washington D.C.

The Orgonne Energy Accumulator Conference
July 20-21, 1996
The Orgonne Energy Accumulator: History, Construction, and Experimental Uses
July 20-21, 1996; Ashland, Oregon

1966 International Tesla Society Yearly Conference
July 19-21, 1996
Announcement of the yearly meeting of the ITS.
July 19-21, 1996, in Colorado Springs, CO

International Conference On New Ideas In Natural Sciences
June 17-22, 1996
An international conference on advanced energy and cold-fusion topics. Abstracts must be received ASAP.
June 17-22, 1996; St. Petersburg, Russia

World Renewable Energy Congress IV
June 15-21, 1996
Renewable Energy - Energy Efficency and the Environment.
June 15-21, 1996; Denver, Colorado.

International Conference On High Technology In The Power Industry
June 4-8, 1996
A forum for the exchange of information and expertise on all aspects of high technology and advances in the power field. Papers due February 1, 1996.
June 4-8, 1996; Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Alternative Technology
Saturday, June 1, 1996, Grahame Park Estate, Hendon, London
A seminar on the Searle Effect Generator, which is promoted as being an over-unity device as well as an anti-gravity device. Searl claims to have had the BBC film his earlier 1970's working models of flying saucers.

International Symposium On New Energy: 3rd ISNE
April 25-28, 1996; Denver, Colorado.
See the Great Review Article.
The 3rd ISNE, with all papers documented in the proceedings. The above review article file contains abstracts of the papers. See the Proceedings' Foward and the Table of Contents for additional information.

Cold Fusion And New Energy Symposium
January 20, 1996
See the Great Review Article.
An open meeting discussing cold fusion and other commercial developments in the new energy field. The U.S. Patented Patterson Power Cell which has demonstrated record excess power production levels via cold fusion will be demonstrated. $15.00 admission fee. Open to the general public.
January 20, 1996; Cambridge Marriott Hotel, near MIT, Cambridge, Mass.

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