jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // prepare calendar for popups $("table.tec-calendar tbody tr").each(function(index) { // add a class of "right" to Friday & Saturday so tooltips stay onscreen $(this).find("td:gt(3)").addClass("tec-right"); }); // big popups $("table.tec-calendar:not(.tec-calendar-widget) .tec-event a").hover(function() { // one for IE6, one for everybody else if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version == 6) { var bottomPad = $(this).parents("td").outerHeight() + 5; } else { var bottomPad = $(this).outerHeight() + 18; } $(this).next(".tec-tooltip").css('bottom', bottomPad).fadeIn(300); }, function() { $(this).next(".tec-tooltip").fadeOut(100); }); // little popups $("table.tec-calendar-widget .tec-event:has(a)").hover(function() { // one for IE6, one for everybody else if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version == 6) { var bottomPad = $(this).outerHeight(); } else { var bottomPad = $(this).outerHeight() + 3; } $(this).find(".tec-tooltip").css('bottom', bottomPad).fadeIn(300); }, function() { $(this).find(".tec-tooltip").fadeOut(100); }); // datepicker $(".tec-events-dropdown").change(function() { baseUrl = $(this).parent().attr("action"); location.href = baseUrl + $('#tec-events-year').val() + '-' + $('#tec-events-month').val(); }); });