Hybrid Profile.txt *************************************************************************** Authors: LG and R. Weijers Date : June 1996 ************************************************************************** This file is Uploaded with permission. *************************************************************************** ( for more Alien Profiles visit the Alien Profile Pages or search in your forum library ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adress : http://ourworld.compuserve/homepages/Ron_weijers/homepage.htm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Alien Type : Hybrid ( Grey/Human ) Hybrid Profile : General Classification : Intelligent and sensitive crosbreed species Desciption : A completly human featured body and appearance with some small anomalies like a pale white/grey skin and a somewhat larger and rounder head with big and bright( human) eyes. Forms of communication: Telepathy. (Human/Grey Hybrids are the result of Grey genetic experiments which have been performed during abductions. The Hybrid foetus is grown in the human female abductee for about three months and then removed and raised by the Greys. It is believed that the first phase of growing and developing of the foetus has to take part during a normal pregnanty. Contacts between the hybrids and humans: Some abductees are given the oppurtunity to bond emotionally with there hybrid child. Most of the time these contacts occur during abductions or dreams where the meeting is arranged and supervised by Greys. Some abductees are given the chance to name their child and to experience some physical contact. Public Opinion : The public opinion on Human / Grey Hybrids is still a topic that can be found on many Ufo related forums and newsgroups. Many abductees who have been part of this experiment feel the connection between their hybrid child and themselves. The emotional bond seems to remain strong even if the contact are rare and temporarily . The overall public opinion expresses a lot of questions and theories about the Human / Grey Hybrids. One populair theory states that hybrids are under control of the Greys and are used to perform unknown tasks. (This page is still under construction and will be updated soon ) ************************************************************************** This sample is taken from the Alien Profile Pages. **************************************************************************