THE UFO EXPERIENCE or ARE THE GREYS WHO THEY CLAIM TO BE? Brought to you by: Unique/ 101502,706 Any comments would be very much appreciated and *will* be answered ASAP. -Please note that the following mainly concerns greys..other `alien' races are left out of the picture.. -Please note that the word `spiritual' is used as meaning: `wanting to act in the benefit of spiritual development' instead of being understood as a `supernatural manifestation'. Hi everyone!... Thank you for showing an interest in my article and I hope you'll enjoy it... When one takes a look at the reports of UFO abductions and the abductees accounts, one will notice that the following aspects are almost identical in most cases.. 1. The aliens take the abdcutees against their will. 2. The abductees life is affected drastically. As far as I'm concerned, this seems like a seriously threatening situation and not desirable at all. However, a lot of abductees tell their therapists and loved ones that they actually *enjoy* their encounters with the aliens and that they are eager for these creatures to return to them. At first sight, this seems like a positive thing; indicating that the aliens actually mean no harm to the abductees. However, when one takes a closer look into these cases something disturbing comes to the surface. A while back, a hypno-therapist in Santa Barbara (Donna Higbee), who treats numbers of abductees, found the following pattern in the behaviour of abductees: 1. The abductee is terrified of the so called greys and hates to be abducted by them. 2. The abductee is getting fed up with the visits of the greys and getting fed up with his life being messed around with. 3. The ubductee suddenly claims that these beings have shown him that they are very spiritual creatures and that everything that's happening is for the abductee's own good. "So now there's a large group of submissive, controlled abductees, who are passively letting the abductors do as they please with them, all in the name of spiritual progress." - Donna Higbee- I must say that I find this very disturbing. What is it that makes these people suddenly change their mind? Are the greys really spiritual beings that care for the abductees, as they claim they do? My answer is: No! No matter whatever they claim to be, or whatever they claim their motives are, their behaviour indicates directly the opposite. Let me go into this a bit further... The greys often claim that they are very spiritual creatures and that everthing is done for the abductees benefit. I think this is simply a lie. Just take a look at this.. 1. The aliens come into the abductee's home, and take him/her against his/her will. (At first, that is...) 2. The abductee's lives are often completely ruined. Relationships are broken-up and contact with the outside world diminishes. 3. Many abductees suffer from severe stress and mental problems, as a result of the abduction. 4. They suppress the abductee's free will and privacy. 5. They follow their own agenda, showing no interest in the lives of the abductees, etc. Let me ask you: Does this indicate that these beings are spiritual? I would say : No! I have dealt with spiritual entities throughout my life and I can assure you of the following: ANY LIVING-BEING WHO DESIRES TO ENSLAVE OR DOMINATE OVER YOU IS NOT SPIRITUAL. ANY LIVING-BEING WHO WANTS TO TAKE CONTROL OVER YOUR WILL IS NOT SPIRITUAL. ANY LIVING-BEING WHO DOES THINGS TO YOU AGAINST YOUR WILL IS NOT SPIRITUAL. ANY LIVING-BEING WHO CAUSES YOU TO FEEL INFERIOR OR DEGRADED IS NOT SPIRITUAL. ANY LIVING-BEING WHO DOES NOT RESPECT YOUR UNIQUE INDIVIDUALITY IS NOT SPIRITUAL. ANY LIVING-BEING WHO INJURIOUSLY DECEIVES OR HARMS YOU IS NOT SPIRITUAL. So, even though they claim that they care for the abductees and that they do all that they do in the name of spiritual progress, their behaviour actually indicates otherwise. Obviously these beings do *not* care for the abductee's spiritual progress. And there's more... Some abductees have discovered, under hypnosis, that they had been the victim of `screen memories' that were blocking their authentic experiences. What they had remembered as a loving and joyful experience, later appeared to have been an extremely dreadful experience. So maybe it's good to question their motives in general. Are these beings really as peacefull as they often claim to be? Much to my disapointment, my answer again has to be: No, they are not! Allow me elaborate on this a bit further: 1. Other (alien?) races have come to warn the government not to deal with the greys, before the treaty between the greys and the US government was signed. 2. The greys violate law, privacy, as well as the abductee's feeling of safety. 3. They have ruined the lives of many young children, as well as adults. 4. The greys use extreme forms of manipulation on the abductees. Examples would include: screen memories, mental control, inserted devices; 5. The testings that are performed by the greys are often accompanied by sexual, physical or mental abuse. The `required' investigations could be expected to be performed painlessly through the use of anesthetics. However the abductees are often exposed to long and very painful investigations. 6. They follow their own agenda, not showing any interest about the feelings of the abductee, although they claim that they do. 7. Abductees have reported that they (often not dealt with by UFOlogists because of the negative nature of the experience) were forced to watch the greys kill hundreds of hybrids systematically. 8. Human bodies have been found in Brazil with muscles and internal organs removed, in a way very similar to that used in the mutilation of cattle. The lack of bleeding, as well as the lack of detiaration found in most of the cattle cases, was also discovered in these cases (an article -with photos?- was published in the `internation UFO magazine'). You will probably agree with me that this does not at all indicate a friendly intension from the aliens side; nor does it indicate positive motives. Some quotes: "I wondered if I might be in the grip of demons, if they were not making me suffer for their own purposes, or simply for their enjoyment"-Whitly Strieber- "Transformation" "U.F.O behaviour is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it...the modern U.F.O.-nauts and the demons from the past are probably identical" Dr. Pierre Guerin, FSR Vol.25, no. 1 "The `medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, is often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework; any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that U.F.O.s possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alledged scientific objectives in a much shorter time and with fewer risks" Dr. Jacques Vallee. From: "Confrontations" "We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extraterrestial invasion, so as not to alarm us" -Terrence McKenna "These entities are clever enough to make Strieber think that they care about him. Yet his torment by them never ceases. Whatever his relationship to the entities, and he increasingly concludes that their involvement with him is something `good', he also remains terrified of them and uncertain as to what they actually are" -John Ankenberg. From: "The facts on UFO's and Other supernatural Phenomena" "I became entirely given over to extreme dread. The fear was so powerful that it seemd to make my personality completely evaporate..'Whitley' ceased to exist. What was left was a body and a state of raw fear so great that it swept about me like a thick, suffocating curtain, turning paralysis into a condition that seemed close to death. I died and a wild animal appeared in my place" -Whitley Strieber. From "Communion" And there is more... The US governmet has recovered crashed disks with human body parts in them (you'll probably have heard of this before) AND SO ON.. I hope to have made it clear that these beings might not be as peaceful as they have claimed to be. But then what *are* their motives? That would be a very, very difficult question to answer. But of course, there is room for some speculation. But before I deal with that issue, I would like to share something with you. The more I read and learn about cases in which the greys are involved, the more I begin to doubt that they are actually acting to save their race from extinction, as they have claimed for so long and has been assumed by many U.F.O.- ologists over the years. The greys have demonstrated behaviour that would indicate that they are not evidently trying to safe their race from extinction. First of all, they do not treat the abductees very well. They cause them unnecessary pain and suffering. If they didn't do this, their testing could be performed with greater ease and in a relatively shorter time, increasing the progress in their investigations. Greys have been reported to destroy so called `Hybrids'. Why do this infront of humans? Were the hybrids no longer evolving according to plan? Were they no longer suitable for investigation? Still, if they weren't, destroying them systematically in front of humans would be pointless. Why mutilate cattle? Are they trying to breed a cow-grey hybrid? Sounds a little bit unlikely. AND SO ON.. But then what *are* their motives for harming human beings, destroying thelives of people, mutilating humans, and abducting people against their will? In order to answer this, we would have to take a closer look at these greys. Many people describe the greys as being emotionless. Also some psychic abductees have reported that they witnessed no aura surrounding these beings (I may be mistaken on the last point.). Also, native believes state that the greys are not even extra-terrestial in origin, but that we are dealing with demons. They claim that there were `star people' who had an E.T. origin (maybe there still are), but that something evil has taken their place. Abductees have reported to have noticed how the greys seemed to `feed' upon their fears. If this is so, then this would indicate that we are dealing with beings from a lower level of existence. You could even conclude that these beings have less (perhaps none?) vital bodies than humans have. Overall, (from an occult point of view) this would mean that they have no incarnating-ego, resulting in a merely mortal existence, without the possiblity of the continuation of life beyond physical death. Maybe they wish to climb the ladder of spirituality? Maybe they wish to gain eternal existence? Who knows! Whatever they are, or whatever their motives, we can only continue to speculate.... But we can conclude with the most important point: They are not at all spiritual and peaceful and simply do not seem to care about our well-being. Apparently they are following their own agenda, and not concerning themselves with ours. So, consider this, and think about whether it is really a positive thing that these beings are doing (for whatever motives they may have). If you are one of those people who's been abducted at any time, think about whether you really want these beings to control your life and whether you really want these beings to supress your free will, to manipulate you and whether you really want to be part of their egocentric game that they are playing with humanity. The general public appears to have a positive image of these beings even though they hurt, mutilate, kidnap, torture and abuse human-beings on a regular basis. And all just because they cunningly deceived the abductees that they have no bad intentions. DO NOT BELIEVE THESE BEINGS BLINDLY. Do not believe them because you *want* to believe what you are being told. They might tell you one thing, and mean another. Despite of what they claim to be, despite of what they claim their intentions are, their behaviour indicates otherwise.. In my opinion they should not be trusted until they have *proved* that they *can* be trusted to begin with. And don't forget, you *do* have the power to break free from these beings (will upload article on that soon). You are a free person, and no one, alien or human, is allowed to take your freedom and manipulate you. Let me know what you all think, Unique. -------------------------------------------(c)'96---------------- - END OF FILE-