To the Stars: The
Reality of Warpdrive |
Sun Feb 1 21:38:10 2004 GMT |
bludot writes:
I'm sure many people have wondered about
the feasibility of travelling to other stars. In this article I hope
to give a semi-quantitive overview of some of the current research
in to warp drives and hopefully inspire some of you to take a
further interest in what I consider be quite an interesting topic.
I will not give a full definition of a warp
drive right now since we haven't done the necessary mathematics.
However, a qualitive description of the properties that we require
of a warp drive is useful since we then have something to aim for.
So, what properties are we looking for? Ideally we would like a way
by which a human could travel interstellar distances and return
within a single lifetime of both those on board the ship and those
that remain on the Earth.
General Relativity was the theory proposed
by Einstein in 1915 that incorporated gravity into his special
theory of relativity. I won't go into the details of how he did this
or explain why Newton's theory of gravity was incompatible with SR
here, but I will use some results from General Relativity and they
will be explained when they are called upon.
Of central importance to our discussion is
the concept of length and it's more generalised counterpart, an
interval (you can think of the interval as a length that includes
time). The reason for it's importance originates from the fact that
it is a physically invariant quantity, hence all observers will
measure the same interval between events. This sort of invariance is
most easily visualised in terms of the result of some experiment;
for instance the outcome of measuring the length of a rod in normal
everyday space is not dependent on the nature of the coordinate
system we impose on space. The length of the rod is a physical
reality distinct from any arbitrary choice we may make. We say
length is invariant under rotations in 3D space. At least in
Euclidean (flat) space ;)
We have briefly referred to our natural
concept of length previously, we now will discuss it in more detail.
In Newtonian mechanics the concept of an interval does not really
exist. Newtonian mechanics makes a distinction between spatial and
temporal separation, i.e. separation in space and separation in time
of events. The spatial separation of two events we call length and
the temporal we call time. Furthermore, we have a formula for
calculating length, the well known Pythagoras' Theorem, which if we
are using a Cartesian coordinate system, has the form:
However, let us change to a cylindrical
coordinate system, the formula for length then becomes,
Or if we change to spherical coordinates
the formula for length becomes,
So it is clear that the formula for length
is certainly dependent on the coordinate system we choose. We could
write this more generally as,
represents the coefficient of a term in the formula for
We can express
in the form of a matrix, so for the case of Cartesian coordinates,
(1) |
This is actually a mathematical object
known as the metric tensor, and encodes how length is calculated.
Now that we have developed a slightly more sophisticated
understanding of length, we will move on to Special relativity and
how the definition of length changes to accommodate this theory.
In the transition from Newtonian
mechanics to Special Relativity we obtain new formulas relating
measurements made by two observers moving relative to one another.
It can then be shown that the former concepts of length and time
no longer remain invariant, i.e. they appear different to
different observers. However, what is
found to be invariant is the quantity,
This is our first meeting with a
generalised form of length, in that it combines all coordinates,
including time. In SR this is known as the invariant. A
distinction is no longer made between space and time separation.
You may be curious how this relates to Newtonian mechanics. Well
let us consider what occurs when the spatial components
are a lot smaller than
Then the interval reduces to,
and hence
We can write the interval of special relativity in terms of the
metric tensor
as we did previously with Newtonian mechanics. We then have again
(2) |
This is the metric of SR. Since length (
and time
no longer remain invariant as measured by observers but
does, SR suggests that the invariant is what should be considered
to be the true 'length'. Note that we have adopted the common
convention of defining the speed of light as
The concept of curvature is crucial to
the General Theory of Relativity, unfortunately a full
mathematical treatment would be too lengthy to undertake here
and so again I will give a semi-quantitive outline. Consider the
metric of 3D Euclidean space given in (1).
We have already seen that the components of the metric are
dependent on the choice of coordinate system, however there is a
crucial point that must be made: we can return to the original
metric via the inverse coordinate transform. This may seem an
obvious point, but lets consider it more carefully. It means
that there exists a transform that will take a metric which
varies with position and at each point in
space return it to,
But this begs the question: if we
invented a metric whose components were an arbitrary function of
position could we still use a coordinate transform to return it
everywhere to (1)?
The obvious answer is "no". So what is the physical significance
of this? Well, what it means physically to return to (1)
everywhere is that we can construct a Cartesian coordinate
system over the entire space. This can be easily visualised if
we consider the 2D geometry of a piece of paper. Firstly it is
quite clear that we can construct a global Cartesian system for
a piece of paper:
However, let us now roll this paper
into a cylinder. We have looked at cylindrical coordinates
previously when we said in 3D space it had the metric:
However, since we are now confined to a
surface of a cylinder
so the metric becomes,
is a constant. However if we now make a change of coordinates:
we can see that the metric reduces to the Cartesian form
This shows that if we were beings confined to live on a surface
of a cylinder we could still impose a Cartesian coordinates
system over the entire cylinder, like this:
A consequence of this, is that all of
the familiar rules of geometry hold true e.g. parallel lines
never meet, the sum of the internal angles of a triangle is 180
Let us now attempt to do something
similar with a sphere.
From the picture we can see that if we
try to impose a Cartesian system over the entire surface we run
into problems. What would be parallel lines meet at the poles
and other terrible things. What this demonstrates is that if we
were beings confined to live on a sphere we would not be able to
construct a Cartesian coordinate system over the entire surface.
In terms of the metric it means there doesn't exist a coordinate
transform that takes us from
The qualification of 'everywhere' is
important. Although we can not cover the entire surface of a
sphere with a Cartesian coordinate system we can make one that
works locally. What I mean by this is that if we take some point
on the surface, say for instance the point on which you are
standing right now, we can draw a Cartesian coordinate system on
the floor and it will work. However the bigger the area we try
to cover the less like a Cartesian coordinate system it will be.
In terms of the metric this means there exists a transformation
that will make the metric equal to
and even the first order derivatives of
zero. However, what is found is that for a sphere the second
order derivatives are non-zero. The only time when higher order
derivatives are zero is for a piece of paper. These second order
terms define the curvature. They
tells us how much 'parallel' lines converge or by how much the
sum of angles in a triangle exceeds 180.
What we have just done above can be
directly transferred to General Relativity. In General
Relativity flat space is characterised by the metric of SR,
(3) |
If space were flat everywhere, we could
construct a global SR coordinate system (a global inertial frame).
However, when gravity is present this is not possible, particles
on straight paths curve when acted on by gravity. Einstein
concluded that this must be because gravity affects the metric
of space time i.e. gravity is curvature of space time. He
hypothesised that the curvature was affected by mass and energy
through the equation:
is the Einstein Gravity tensor and is basically a second order
differential operator that acts on
is called the stress-energy tensors whose components correspond
to the energy and momentum density at points in space.
So distilled to its most fundamental
parts General Relativity says that gravity is just curvature
of space-time which manifests itself as non-zero second order
differentials of the metric. For a given distribution of mass
T, we can find the metric using the equation
. Finally, all particles travel on straight lines through
space-time but since space-time is curved they follow curved
paths as seen by us.
We are now nearly in a position to
tackle the warpdrive metric however we need to cover one last
thing: the 3+1 formalism. This is a way of formulating General
Relativity in which space-time is separated back into space (3
dimensions) and (+) time (1 dimension), much like Newtonian
theory. This was first done so that problems in GR could be
modelled on computer, in which it is natural to parametrise
the problem in terms of time and view a systems evolution in
space. This separation can be done by considering space at a
and then again at
Since space is 3 dimensional this will consist of slices of 3
dimensional surfaces (hyper-surfaces) imbedded in a 4-dimensional
space. What we are doing is shown in this diagram:
As can be seen for each
that passes we move from one hypersurface to the next. What we
need is a way of finding what the coordinate system on the
next hypersurface is given the present one (or how we get from
one to another). Firstly, we must specify how far apart the
surfaces are in time. Remember that our label
is only a parameter and does not correspond to actual time
elapsed i.e. the proper time. Let us define a constant
that relates our parameter
to the actual time passed
We then have
The constant
is called the lapse function and it's value can vary with
position. Furthermore we must specify how much our coordinate
system shifts along through space. We do this using the shift
which tells us what direction and how much we move the
coordinate system between hypersurfaces. This means the
coordinates on the new hypersurface is given by
So we can see that if one were to remain at rest relative to
the coordinate system then in a time
we would move, according to the diagram,
(4) |
Where we have defined the 3D metric
so that we can calculate the amount our coordinate system
shifts by. The key thing to recognise here is that
is telling us how much our coordinate system shifts through
space between hypersurfaces and
is saying how much time passes. Additionally by just
and the metric
we have obtained a full metric (4)
for space-time.
By using the 3+1 formalism
Alcubierre constructed a metric that had very interesting
properties. These properties were the ones that we set out
at the beginning as being what was required for realistic
interstellar travel.
The metric that Aculbierre proposed
was this; take an arbitrary metric written in terms of the
shift and lapse, (4),
and set the lapse, shift and the 3D metric
as the following:
(5) |
Lets have a look at what this all
means. The lapse function
everywhere, so the parameter
we use to label successive hypersurface
is the time elapsed between them. Furthermore the
metric of the 3D space in each hypersurface is just
but this is just the metric of
everyday life, the very familiar Pythagorean theorem of 3D.
So 3D space is flat on each
hypersurface. Finally we come to the shift function, which
is where the heart of the warp drive lies. In the above
expressions we gave the shift as,
So we see that there is no shift in
directions. But something is happening in the
In the Alcubierre paper,
is the position of the ship in the
direction. So
just gives us the distance from the ship of a point at
The speed of the ship is defined by
Now lets look at the function
Since it is a function of
we can see that it is cylindrically symmetric about the ship.
In the paper it is defined by some horrible expression,
however the only real property it needs is that it looks
like a top-hat. This means,
and zero otherwise. This defines our warp bubble. Lets first
look at the case when
we see that the shift in the x
direction is also zero. So if you were a person at a
from the ship (which is at
then as time progressed nothing would happen; there would be
no movement. However lets look what happens when
We now have,
So all our coordinates which are
less than a distance
from the ship shift backwards by an amount
This may seem odd at first since we want our ship to move
forwards. But consider this diagram:
We can see that by shifting the
coordinates backwards we have effectively moved everything
inside the warp-bubble forwards relative to the coordinate
system by
So if Earth were at
and some other star was at
then we could arbitrarily choose
Then for each
that passed we would shift the coordinate system relative to
anything in the warp bubble backwards by
until the warp bubble had shifted the coordinate system back
times and we were now at
That is really all there is to the Alcubierre warp drive,
you just need to stick a ship inside such a bubble and
choose a value for
and your off.
There a number of properties of
the warpdrive that warrant further analysis.
Some of you may be worried about
the fact we are permitted to choose any value we like for
Since in special relativity if we assign a velocity
greater than
then we run into all sorts of paradoxes. However, one must
remember that these paradoxes are a consequence of the
fact that due to the metric of SR if we travel faster than
we will causally connect spacelike separated events. This
will obviously lead to contradictions since by definition
spacelike separated events are not
causally connected. So the real concern we should have is;
how high can we make
before the warpdrive starts moving on a spacelike, rather
than timelike, path? To answer this question we must
consider the warpdrive metric, which if we simplify our
last expression, is,
For people far from the warp
field, in flat space,
and so,
which is just the metric of
Special Relativity. We can see that for non-moving
and so
i.e. the interval between two events at the same place in
space is just equal to the time between them. Now let us
consider what happens if we are travelling on the warp
ship, for which
Then we have
So we see again that
This is amazing in that not only is the ship travelling on
a timelike curve
but the time on board the ship in equal to the time of
observers in flat space. We have avoided the time dilation
of Special Relativity! Furthermore, the
has no dependence on
so we are free to make
as large as we like!
Recall that the curvature of
space-time and the energy density present was given by
the equation,
We can use this equation, by
for the warpdrive to calculate
to work out how much energy we need to construct the
warpdrive. In doing so it can be shown that the energy
density is given by,
As we can see, this is negative
everywhere, and tends to infinity in the wall of the
warp bubble as
approaches the top-hat type function. It has been
calculated that it would require a negative energy
greater than the mass of the universe to construct this
bubble. This is a big problem. I would like to emphasise
the fact that this is negative energy. Think about what
that means; this would correspond to a
negative mass. Now, such a
thing is forbidden by classical theories of physics, and
so would have been a reason to reject the warpdrive
space-time immediately as implausible. However, quantum
theory comes to the rescue as it does allow for negative
energy densities. Whether the amount of negative energy
that can be generated by quantum field theories is
limited by some uncertainty principle is still being
researched. So our warp-drive proposal certainly isn't
dead yet. Furthermore, subsequent papers on warp-drives
have managed to reduce the total energy requirement to
merely a few stars rather than the known universe.
If one calculates the
expansion of space-time in the Alcubierre metric it is
found that space is expanding behinds the craft and
contracted in front. This has led to the more
heuristic explanation of the warpdrive as pushing
things behind it away and pulling things in front
towards it. This is slightly inaccurate as you can
construct warp-drive spacetimes that have zero
expansion of space-time, but it is still a nice
picture to have.
I have already mentioned one
very major problem with the warp-drive; it needs
totally unreasonable amounts of
negative energy. One can by some clever tricks
reduce the total energy requirement to an amount that
one could imagine an arbitrarily advanced civilisation
could utilise and then appeal to quantum mechanics to
provide us with the negative. However, in addition to
this there are a number of other problems that have
been identified. One of these is that part of the warp
bubble becomes causally disconnected from the ship
once light speed is surpassed. This means that once
you jump to light-speed you would have no way of
controlling the warp bubble, i.e. you wouldn't be able
to turn it off. Even more problematic is the
possibility is that some of the material in warp field
must move in space-like way. If this was the case it
would totally rule out the warpdrive, since as we said
nothing can move on spacelike curves. However, many of
these problems have been at least partially solved in
more recent papers, and so the warpdrive is still far
from ruled out.