Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 -Turkey/Denizli 

History of Neuro-Electromagnetics--EM/RF Mind and Time/Space Control

Some of this material was excerpted and quoted in our second major
report on the Montauk Project's mind control and
spatio-temporal-dimensional "travel" operations; entitled "PHOENIX
UNDEAD--The Montauk Project and Camp Hero Today".

There was some uncertainty on my part as to the authorship of the
material, when I included portions of this treatise in the Montauk
Project book. To the best of my knowledge, it has been ascertained that
the author is Val Valerian of the Leading Edge International Research
Group, at -- http://trufax.org. However, it has also been noted that
Col. Tom Bearden has apparently written at least some of this material
as well. (See -- http://www.enterprisemission.com/hyper2.html -- ).

We're confused!!

Anyway, this information is TREMENDOUSLY important for achieving an
understanding of exactly WHAT is REALLY going on in the realms of
advanced sciences, physics, etc. today: particularly with regard to
ultra-advanced of EM/RF "mind control" technologies as well as
interdimensional and "time travel" technologies; which were discussed at


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CH. 1

Maxwell's Equations

Distortion of Truth in Physics

For thousands of years, many discoveries have been suppressed from the populations of the planet in order to keep them in bondage. The burning
of the libraries of Alexandria is one example of how information can be
suppressed. Another example would be the common technique of suppression
of scientific information by alteration of the information itself. Perhaps the most blatant and far reaching alteration of data was the alteration of Maxwell's
equations. James Clerk Maxwell was a mathematical genius who lived in the
late l9th century. His original work, which is available to covert scientific
departments in the government, had the potential to radically alter the entire course of our civilization.

It is certainly clear to most of you by now that the human population
can be manipulated by electronic means using various methods developed
through the military industrial complex. What may not be clear to you is
that many of the EM effects can be initiated from outside of what is
normally seen as the electromagnetic spectrum. Just as a magnetic field
in a wire is at right angles to the current flow, other fields and
waveforms exist that are an integral part of the electromagnetic
spectrum, yet exist at a certain number of right-angle rotations
(orthogonal rotations) away from the electromagnetic field components we
are normally accustomed to. If these hyperspacial components, which are
not subject to the usual electromagnetic constraints of time and space,
are generated and manipulated, they can in turn generate EM effects that
have the capability to influence human biology and consciousness.

The Hertzian Assumption

In late 1864, James Clerk Maxwell published his epic material on
electromagnetic waves. His material dealt not only with electrical and
magnetic waves, but also the relativistic/etherial psycho-active
component of these waves (representing electromagnetics of the second
order and above). The equations also included transformations that
enabled the change from inertial frames of reference to non-inertial
frames of reference. Maxwell's original equations were written in
Quaternion notation, a complex mathematical system available at that
time before Vector Analysis was introduced by Oliver Heaviside. Today's
generalized equivalent of Quaternions is Tensors.

In short, Maxwell's original work gave the necessary information for
gravitational propulsion and psychoactive devices. Someone somewhere
recognized this, for shortly after his death, the mathematician Oliver
Heaviside, the chemist Willard Gibbs, and physicist Heinrich Hertz
decided to "interpret" Maxwells famous equations which were, in the
original form, the foundations of electromagnetics and Unified Field
Theory (UFT). This "unholy trio, especially Heaviside, disregarded the
Quaternions or Scalar components of Maxwell's original equations,
because they represented potentials and not fields. He thought
potentials were akin to "mysticism", because "everybody knows that
fields contain mass, and mass cannot be created from apparently nothing,
which is what potentials are, both literally and mathematically; they
are an accumulation or reservoir of energy. Furthermore, not only did
they throw away the gravitational component with the Quaternion/Scalar,
but also postulated that gravitation and electromagnetism were mutually
exclusive, not interdependent. That was the death blow to subsequent
efforts by scientists to realize a functioning unified field theory.
Because of this one act, electromagnetism was reduced from its original
five dimensions to only four: X, Y, Z, and time. The element of G was removed.

Because of this deliberate act, twenty-two other errors exist today in
electromagnetic theory. The very concepts of force, mass and charge are
ill-defined, and the so-called "static" electrical charge has been
discovered by Quantum mechanics not to be static at all, but to move
rotationally by virtue of the quantum mechanical spin. Finally, adding
insult to injury, the so-called "imaginary components" of Maxwells
original equations as well as the mutilated version of the equations
have also been discarded or ignored. With this last error, the door to
hyperspacial domains was forever closed, for the present mathematics and
physics of electromagnetic theory do not allow for hyperspacial domains
(domains outside of three dimensions), superluminal signals (signals
that exceed the speed of light or are infinite in speed), and a unified
field theory.

Discrepancies in the Present EM Theory

(1) In present electromagnetics theory, charge and charged mass are
falsely made identical. Actually, on a charged particle, the "charge" is
the flux of virtual particles on the "bare particle" of observable mass.
The charged particle is thus a "system" of true massless charge coupled
to a bare chargeless mass. The observable "mass" is static,
three-dimensional, and totally spatial. "Charge" is dynamic,
four-dimensional or more, virtual and spatiotemporal. Further, the
charge and observable mass can be decoupled, contrary to present theory.
Decoupled charge -- that is, the absence of mass -- is simply what we
presently refer to as "vacuum." Vacuum, spacetime, and massless charge
are all identical. Rigorously, we should utilize any of these three as
an "ether," as suggested for vacuum by Einstein himself (see Max Born,
Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Revised Edition, Dover Publications,
New York, 1965, p. 224). And all three of them are identically anenergy
-- not energy, but more fundamental components of energy.

(2) Electrostatic potential is regarded as a purely 3-dimensional
spatial stress. Instead, it is the intensity of a many-dimensional (at
least four-dimensional) virtual flux and a stress on all four dimensions
of spacetime. This is easily seen, once one recognizes that spacetime is
identically massless charge. (It is not "filled" with charge; rather, it
is charge!) Just as, in a gas under pressure, the accumulation of
additional gas further stresses the gas, the accumulation of charge
(spacetime) stresses charge (spacetime). Further, if freed from its
attachment to mass , charge can flow exclusively in time, exclusively in
space, or in any combination of the two. Tesla waves -- which are scalar
waves in pure massless charge flux itself -- thus can exhibit
extraordinary characteristics that ordinary vector waves do not possess.
And Tesla waves have extra dimensional degrees of freedom in which to
move, as compared to vector waves. Indeed, one way to visualize a Tesla
scalar wave is to regard it as a pure oscillation of time itself.

(3) Voltage and potential are often confused in the electrostatic case,
or at least thought of as "composed of the same thing." For that reason,
voltage is regarded as "potential drop". This also is not true.
Rigorously, the potential is the intensity of the virtual particle flux
at a single point -- whether or not there is any mass at the point --
and both the pressure and the point itself are spatiotemporal
(4-dimensional), not spatial (3-dimensional) as presently assumed.
Voltage represents the spatial intersection of the difference in the
potential between two separated spatial points, and always implies at
least a miniscule flow of mass current (that is what makes it spatial!).
"Voltage" is spatial and depends upon the presence of observable mass
flow, while scalar electrostatic potential is spatiotemporal and depends
upon the absence of observable mass flow. The two are not even of the
same dimensionality.

(4) The charge of vacuum spacetime is assumed to be zero, when in fact
it is a very high value. Vacuum has no mass, but it has great massless
charge and virtual particle charge flux. For proof that a charged vacuum
is the seat of something in motion, see G.M. Graham and D.G. Lahoz,
"Observation of static electromagnetic angular momentum in vacuo,"
Nature, Vol. 285, 15 .May 1980, pp. 154-155. In fact, vacuum IS charge,
identically, and it is also "spacetime" and at least four-dimensional.

(5) Contrary to its present usage, zero is dimensional and relative in
its context. A three-dimensional spatial hole, for example, exists in
time. If we model time as a dimension, then the spatial hole has one
dimension in 4-space. So a spatial absence is a spatiotemporal presence.
In the vacuum 4-space, a spatial nothing is still a something. The
"virtual" concept and the mathematical concept of a derivative are
simply two present ways of unconsciously addressing this fundamental
problem of the dimensional relativity of zero.

(6) The concepts of "space" and "time" imply that spacetime (vacuum) has
been separated into two parts. We can only think of a space as
"continuing to exist in time " To separate vacuum spacetime into two
pieces, an operation is continually required. The operator that
accomplishes this splitting operation is the photon interaction, the
interaction of vector electromagnetic energy or waves with mass. I have
already strongly pointed out this effect and presented a "raindrop
model" of first-order physical change itself in my book, The Excalibur
Briefing, Strawberry Hill Press, San Francisco, 1980, pp. 128-130.

(7) "Vector magnetic potential" is assumed to be always an aspect of
(and connected to) the magnetic field. In fact it is a separate,
fundamental field of nature and it can be entirely disconnected from the
magnetic field. See Richard P. Feynman et al, The Feynman Lectures on
Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York, 1964, Vol. II, pp.
15-8 to 15-14. Curiously, this fact has been proven for years' yet it
has been almost completely ignored in the West. The "Vx" operator, when
applied to the A-field, makes B-field. If the Vx operator is not
applied, the "freed" A-field possesses much-expanded
characteristics from those presently allowed in the "bound" theory.
Specifically, it becomes a scalar or "shadow vector" field; it is not a
normal vector field. (note: for V read inverted capital Delta)

(8) The speed of light in vacuum is assumed to be a fundamental constant
of nature. Instead it is a function of the intensity of the massless
charge flux (that is, of the magnitude of the electrostatic potential)
of the vacuum in which it moves. (Indeed, since vacuum and massless
charge are one and the same, one may say that the speed of light is a
function of the intensity of the spatiotemporal vacuum!). The higher the
flux intensity (charge) of the vacuum, the faster the speed of light in
it. This is an observed fact and already shown by hardcore measurements.
For example, distinct differences actually exist in the speed of light
in vacuum, when measured on the surface of the earth as compared to
measurements in space away from planetary masses. In a vacuum on the
surface of the earth, light moves significantly faster. For a discussion
and the statistics, see B. N. Belyaev, "On Random Fluctuations of the
Velocity of Light in Vacuum," Soviet Physics Journal, No. 11, Nov. 1980,
pp. 37-42 (original in Russian; translation by Plenum Publishing
Corporation.) The Russians have used this knowledge for over two decades
in their strategic psychotronics (energetics) program; yet hardly a
single U.S. scientist is aware of the measured variation of c in vacuum.
In fact, most Western scientists simply cannot believe it when it is
pointed out to them!

(9) Energy is considered fundamental and equivalent to work. In fact,
energy arises from vector processes, and it can be disassembled into
more fundamental (anenergy) scalar components, since the vectors can.
These scalar components individually can be moved to a distant location
without expending work, since one is not moving force vectors. There the
scalar components can be joined and reassembled into vectors to provide
"free energy" appearing at a distance, with no loss in between the
initial and distant points. For proof that a vector field can be
replaced by (and considered to be composed of) two scalar fields, see E.
T. Whittaker, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 1,
1903, p. 367. By extension, any vector wave can be replaced by two
coupled scalar waves.

(10) The classical Poynting vector predicts no longitudinal wave of
energy from a time-varying, electrically charged source, In fact, an
exact solution of the problem does allow this longitudinal wave. See T.
D. Keech and J. F. Corum, "A New Derivation for the Field of a
Time-Varying Charge in Einstein's Theory," International Journal of
Theoretical Physics, Vol. 20, No, 1, 1981, pp. 63-68 for the proof.

(11) The present concepts of vector and scalar are severely limited, and
do not permit the explicit consideration of the internal, finer-grained
structures of a vector or a scalar. That is, a fundamental problem
exists with the basic assumptions in the vector mathematics itself. The
"space'' of a vector field, for example, does not have inter-nested
sublevels (subspaces) containing finer "shadow vectors" or "virtual
vectors," Yet particle physics has already discovered that electrical
reality is built that way. Thus one should actually use a "hypernumber"
theory after the manner of Charles Muss. A scalar is filled with (and
composed of) nested levels of other "spaces'' containing vectors, where
these sum to "zero" in the ordinary observable frame without an
observable vector resultant. In Muss' mathematics, for example, zero has
real roots. Real physical devices can be -- and have been -constructed
in accordance with Muses' theory. For an introduction to Muss' profound
hypernumbers approach, see Charles Muss' foreword to Jerome Rothstein,
Communication Organization and Science, The Falcon's Wing Press, Indian
Hills, Colorado, 1958. See also Charles Muss, "Applied Hypernumbers:
Computational Concepts," Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 3,
1976. See also Charles Muss, "Hypernumbers II," Applied Mathematics and
Computation, January 1978.

(12) With the expanded Tesla electromagnetics, a new conservation of
energy law is required. Let us recapitulate for a moment. The oldest law
called for the conservation of mass. The present law calls for the
conservation of "mass and energy", but not each separately. If mass is
regarded as simply another aspect of energy, then the present law calls
for the conservation of energy. However, this assumes that energy is a
basic, fundamental concept. Since the energy concept is tied to work and
the movement of vector forces, it implicitly assumes "vector movement"
to be a "most fundamental" and irreducible concept. But as we pointed
out, Whittaker showed that vectors can always be further broken down
into more fundamental coupled scalar components. Further, Tesla
discovered that these "coupled components" of "energy" can be
individually separated, transmitted, processed, rejoined, etc. This
directly implies that energy per se need not be conserved. The new law
therefore calls for the conservation of anenergy, the components of
energy. These components may be coupled into energy, and the energy may
be further compacted into mass. It is the sum total of the (anenergy)
components -- coupled and uncoupled -- that is conserved, not the matter
or the energy per se. Further, this conservation of anenergy is not
spatial; rather, it is spatiotemporal in a spacetime of at least four or
more dimensions.

(13) Relativity is presently regarded as a theory or statement about
fundamental physical reality. In fact, it is only~ a statement about
FIRST ORDER reality -- the reality that emerges from the vector
interaction of electromagnetic energy with matter. When we break down
the vectors into scalars (shadow vectors or hypervectors), we
immediately enter a vastly different, far more fundamental reality. In
this reality superluminal velocity, multiple universes, travel back and
forth in time, higher dimensions, variation of all "fundamental
constants" of nature, materialization and dematerialization, and
violation of the "conservation of energy" are all involved. Even our
present Aristotlean logic -- fitted to the photon interaction by vector
light as the fundamental observation mechanism -- is incapable of
describing or modeling this more fundamental reality. Using scalar waves
and scalar interactions as much subtler, far less limited
observation/detection mechanisms, we must have a new "superrelativity"
to describe the expanded electromagnetic reality uncovered by Nikola Tesla.

(14) "Charge" is assumed to be quantized, in addition to always
occurring with -- and locked to -- mass. Indeed, charge is not
necessarily quantized just as it is not necessarily locked to mass.
Ehrenhaft discovered and reported fractional charges for years, in the
30's and 40's, and was ignored. See P.A.11. Dirac, "Development of the
Physicist's Conception of Nature," Symposium on the Development of the
Physicist's Conception of Nature, ed. Jagdish Merha, D. Reidel, Boston,
1973, pp. 12-14 for a presentation of some of Ehrenhaft's results.
Within the last few years Stanford University researchers also have
positively demonstrated the existence of "fractional charge." For a
layman's description of their work, see "A Spector Haunting Physics,"
Science News, Vol. 119, January 31, 1981, pp. 68-69. Indeed, Dirac in
his referenced article points out that Millikan himself -- in his
original oildrop experiments -- reported one measurement of fractional
charge, but discounted it as probably due to error.

(15) Presently, things are always regarded as traveling through normal
space. Thus we use or model only the most elementary type of motion --
that performed by vector electromagnetic energy. We do not allow for
things to "travel inside the vector flow itself." Yet, actually, there
is a second, more subtle flow inside the first, and a third, even more
subtle flow inside the second, and so on. We may operate inside, onto,
into, and out of energy itself -- and any anenergy component of energy.
There are hypervectors and hyperscalars unlimited, within the ordinary
vectors and scalars we already know. Further, these "internal flows" can
be engineered and utilized, allowing physical reality itself to be
directly engineered, almost without limits.

(16) We always assume everything exists in time. Actually, nothing
presently measured exists in time, because the physical
detection/measurement process of our present instruments destroys time,
ripping it off and tossing it away -- and thereby "collapsing the wave
function." Present scientific methodology thus is seriously flawed. It
does not yield fundamental (spacetime) truth, but only a partial
(spatial) truth. This in turn leads to great scientific oversights. For
example, mass does not exist in time, but mass x time (masstime) does. A
fundamental constant does not exist in time, but the "constant x time"
does. Energy does not exist in time, but energy x time (action) does.
Even space itself does not exist in time -- spacetime does. We are
almost always one dimension short in every observable we model. Yet we
persist in thinking spatially, and we have developed instruments that
detect and measure spatially only. Such instruments can never measure
and detect the phenomenology of the nested substrata of time. By using
scalar technology, however, less limited instruments can indeed be
constructed - and they have been. With such new instruments, the
phenomenology of the new electromagnetics can be explored and an
engineering technology developed.

(17) We do not recognize the connection between nested levels of virtual
state (particle physics) and orthogonally rotated frames (hyperspaces).
Actually the two are identical, as I showed in the appendix to my book,
The Excalibur Briefing, Strawberry Hill Press, San Francisco, 1980, pp.
233-235. A virtual particle in the laboratory frame is an observable
particle in a hyperspatial frame rotated more than one orthogonal turn
away. This of course implies that the hyperspatial velocity of all
virtual particles is greater than the speed of light. The particle
physicist is already deeply involved in hyperspaces and hyperspatial
charge fluxes without realizing it. In other words, he is using tachyons
(particles that move faster than light) without realizing it.

(18) Presently quantum mechanics rigorously states that time is not an
observable, and therefore it cannot be measured or detected. According
to this assumption, one must always infer time from spatial
measurements, because all detections and measurements are spatial. With
this assumption, our scientists prejudice themselves against even
looking for finer, subquantal measurement methodologies and
instrumentation. Actually this present limitation is a result of the
type of electromagnetics we presently know, where all instruments (the
"measurers") have been interacted with by vector electromagnetic energy
(light). Every mass that has temperature (and all masses do!) is
continually absorbing and emitting photons, and in the process they are
continually connecting to time and disconnecting from time. If time is
continually being carried away from the detector itself by its emitted
photons, then the detector cannot hold and "detect" that which it has
just lost. With Tesla electromagnetics, however, the fundamental
limitation of our present instruments need not apply. With finer
instruments, we can show there are an infinite number of levels to
"time", and it is only the "quantum level time" which is continually
being lost by vector light (photon) interaction. By using subquantal
scalar waves, instruments can move to deeper levels of time -- in which
case the upper levels of time ARE measureable and detectable, in
contradistinction to the present assumptions.

(19) In the present physics, time is modeled as, and considered to be, a
continuous dimension such as length. This is only a gross approximation.
Indeed, time is not like continuous "dimension," but more like a series
of "stitches," each of which is individually made and then ripped out
before the next stitch appears. "Vector light" photons interact one at a
time, and it is this interaction with mass that creates quantum change
itself. The absorption of a photon -- which is energy x time -- by a
spatial mass converts it to masstime: the time was added by the photon.
The emission of a photon tears away the time, leaving behind again a
spatial mass. It is not accidental, then, that time flows at the speed
of light, for it is light which contains and carries time. It is also
not accidental that the photon IS the individual quantum. Since all our
instruments presently are continually absorbing and emitting photons,
they are all "quantized," and they accordingly "quantize" their
detections. This is true because all detection is totally internal to
the detector, and the instruments detect only their own internal
changes. Since these detections are on a totally granular quantized
background, the detections themselves are quantized. The Minkowski model
is fundamentally erroneous in its modeling of time, and for that reason
relativity and quantum mechanics continue to resist all attempts to
successfully combine them, quantum field theory notwithstanding.

(20) Presently, gravitational field and electrical field are considered
mutually exclusive. Actually this is also untrue. In 1974, for example,
Santilly proved that electrical field and gravitational field indeed are
not mutually exclusive In that case, one is left with two possibilities:
(a) they are totally the same thing, or (b) they are partially the same
thing. For the proof, see R. M. Santilli, "Partons and Gravitation: Some
Puzzling Questions," Annals of Physics, Vol. 83, No. 1, March 1974. With
the new Tesla electromagnetics, pure scalar waves in time itself can be
produced electrically, and electrostatics (when the charge has
been separated from the mass) becomes a "magic" tool capable of directly
affecting and altering anything that exists in time--including
gravitational field. Antigravity and the inertial drive are immediate
and direct consequences of the new electromagnetics.

(21) Presently, mind is considered metaphysical, not a part of physics,
an not affected by physical means. Literally, the prevailing belief of
Western scientists is that man is a mechanical robot -- even though
relativity depends entirely upon the idea of the "observer." Western
science today thus has essentially become dogmatic, and in this respect
borders on a religion. Since this "religion," so to speak, is now fairly
well entrenched in its power in the state, Western science is turning
itself into an oligarchy. But mind occupies time, and when we measure
and affect time we can directly measure and affect mind itself. In the
new electromagnetics, then, man regains his dignity and his humanity by
restoring the reality of mind and thought to science. In my book, The
Excalibur Briefing, I have already pointed out the reality of mind and a
simplified way in which it can be modeled to the first order. With
scalar wave instruments, the reality of mind and thought can be measured
in the laboratory, and parapsychology becomes a working, engineering,
scientific discipline.

(22) Multiple-valued basic dimensional functions are either not
permitted or severely discouraged in the present theory For one thing,
integrals of multiple valued derivative functions have the annoying
habit of "blowing up" and yielding erroneous answers, or none at all.
And we certainly do not allow multiple types of time! This leads to the
absurdity of the present interpretation of relativity which permits only
a single observer (and a single observation) at a time. So if one
believes as "absurd" a thing as the fact that more than one person can
observe an apple at the same time, the present physics fails. However,
the acceptance of such a simple proposition as multiple simultaneous
observation leads to a physics so bizarre and incredible that most
Western physicists have been unable to tolerate it, much less examine
its consequences. In the physics that emerges from multiple simultaneous
observation, all possibilities are real and physical. There are an
infinite number of worlds, orthogonal to one another, and each world is
continually splitting into additional such "worlds" at a stupendous
rate. Nonetheless, this physics was worked out by Everett for his
doctoral thesis in 1956, and the thesis was published in 1957. (See Hugh
Everett, III, The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: A
Fundamental Exposition, with papers by J. A. Wheeler, B.S. DeWitt, L. N.
Cooper and D. Van Vechten, and N. Graham; eds. Bryce S. Dewitt and Neill
Graham, Princeton Series in Physics, Princeton University Press, 1973.)
Even though it is bizarre, Everett's physics is entirely consistent with
all the present experimental basis of physics. The present
electromagnetic theory is constructed for only a single "world" or
universe -- or "level." The expanded theory, on the other hand, contains
multiply nested levels of virtual state charge -- and these levels are
identically the same as orthogonal universes, or "hyperframes." Multiple
kinds -- and values - of time also exist. The new concept differs from
Everett's, however, in that the orthogonal universes intercommunicate in
the virtual state. That is, an observable in one universe is always a
virtual quantity in each of the other universes. Thus one can have
multi-level "continuities" and "discontinuities" simultaneously, without
logical conflict. It is precisely these levels of charge -- these levels
of scalar vacuum -- that lace together the discontinuous quanta
generated by the interaction of vector light with mass.

Out with the OLD and in with the New

The edited version of Maxwells work, which every physicist and engineer
has had to contend with, discards electrogravitation, and avoids the
unification of gravitation and electromagnetics. It also prevents the
direct engineering of gravitation,
space-time, time flow rates, free energy devices, and quantum changes,
which is viewed by the altered equations that are vector-based as only a
statistical change. The quaternion approach captures the ability to
utilize electromagnetics and
produce local curvature of spacetime. Heaviside wrote a subset of
Maxwell's equations where this capability is excluded.

In the 1960's the Hertz (Hz) replaced Cycles Per Second. Since, then
everyone thinks that all electromagnetic waves are hertzian. Only the
upper portion of the spectrum before Infra-red contains Hertzian waves.
ELF and ULF are not; waves in biosystems and natural phenomena are not
Hertzian in nature.

However, to understand the new electromagnetic reality, one requires a
new, expanded logic which contains the old Aristotlean logic as a
subset. I must point out the new logic in a paper, "A Conditional
Criterion for Identity, Leading to a Fourth Law of Logic," 1979,
available from the National Technical Information Center, AD-A071032.

Dr. Henry Monteith independently discovered that Maxwell's original
quaternion theory was a unified field theory. Einstein assumed, because
he only had access to the altered equations, that curving spacetime
could only be achieved by the weak gravitational force due to mass, that
the local frame would always be a Lorentz frame, which would mean that
all operations would be constrained to "conservation laws of physics."

The present electromagnetics is just a special case of a much more
fundamental electromagnetics discovered by Maxwell and used by Nikola
Tesla, just as Newtonian physics is a special case of relativistic
physics. But in the electromagnetics case, the differences between the
old and the new are far more drastic and profound.


1, Boren, Dr. Lawrence Milton, "Discovery of the Fundamental Magnetic
Charge (Arising from the new Conservation of Magnetic Energy)," 1981/82.
Dr. Boren has a cogent argument that the positron is the fundamental
unit of magnetic charge. His theory thus assigns fundamentally different
natures to positive charge and negative charge. In support of Dr. Boren,
one should point out that the "positive" end of circuits can simply be
"less negative" than the "negative" end. In other words, the circuit
works simply from higher accumulation of negative charges (the
"negative" end) to a lesser accumulation of negative charges (the
"positive" end). Nowhere need there be positive charges (protons,
positrons, etc.) to make the circuit work. Dr. Boren's theory, though
dramatic at first encounter, nonetheless bears close and meticulous
examination -- particularly since he has been able to gather
experimental data which support his theory and disagree with present theory.

2. Eagle, Albert, "An Alternative Explanation of Relativity Phenomena,"
Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, No. 191, December 1939, pp.694-701.

3. Ehrenhaft, Felix and Wasser, Emanuel, "Determination of the Size and
Weight of Single Submicroscopic Spheres of the Order of Magnitude r = 4
x 10(-5)cm. to 5 x 10(-6) cm., as well as the Production of Real Images
of Submicroscopic Particles by means of Ultraviolet Light," Phil. Mag.
and Jour. of Sci., Vol. II (Seventh Series), No. 7, July 1926, pp. 30-51.

4. Ehrenhaft, Felix and Wasser, Emanuel, "New Evidence of the Existence
of Charges smaller than the Electron - (a) The Micromagnet; (b) The Law
of Resistance; (c) The Computation of Errors of the Method," Phil. Mag.
and Jour. of Sci., Vol. V (Seventh Series), No. 28, February 1928, pp. 225-241.

5. See also Ehrenhaft's last paper dealing with the electronic charge,
in Philosophy of Science, Vol. 8, 1941, p. 403.

6. McGregor, Donald Rait, The Inertia of the Vacuum: A New Foundation
for Theoretical Physics, Exposition Press, Smithtown, NY, First Edition,
1981, pp. 15-20.

7. Ignat'ev, Yu. G. and Balakin, A. B., "Nonlinear Gravitational Waves
in Plasma," Soviet Physics Journal, Vol. 24, No. 7, July 1981, (U.S.
Translation, Consultants Bureau, NY, January 1982), pp. 593-597.

8. Yater, Joseph C., "Relation of the second law of thermodynamics to
the power conversion of energy fluctuations," Phys. Review A, Vol. 20,
no. 4, October 1979, pp. 1614-1618.

9. DeSantis, Romano M. et al, "On the Analysis of Feedback Systems With
a Multipower Open Loop Chain," October 1973, available through the
Defense Technical Information Center (AD 773188),

10. Graneau, Peter, "Electromagnetic jet-propulsion in the direction of
current flow," Nature, Vol. 295, 28 January 1982, pp, 311-312.

11. "Gravity and acceleration aren't always equivalent," New Scientist,
17 September 1981, p. 723.

12. Gonyaev, V. V , "Experimental Determination of the Free-Fall
Acceleration of a Relativistic Charged Particle. II. A Cylindrical
Solenoid in a Time-Independent Field of Inertial Forces," Izvestiya VUZ,
Fizika, No. 7, 1979, pp. 28-32. English Translation: Soviet Physics
Journal, No. 7, 1979, pp. 829-833. If one understands the new, expanded
electromagnetics, this Soviet paper indicates a means of generating
antigravity and pure inertial fields.

13. R. Schaffranke, "The Development of Post-Relativistic Concepts in
Physics and Advanced Technology Abroad," Energy Unlimited, No. 12,
Winter 1981, pp. 15-20.

14. F. K. Preikschat, A Critical Look at the Theory of Relativity,
Library of Congress Catalogue No. 77-670044. Extensive compilation of
measurements of the speed of light. Clearly shows the speed of light is
not constant but changes, sometimes even daily.

History of Neuro-Electromagnetics

CH. 2


Tesla's writings have many references
to the use of his wireless power
transmission technology as a directed
energy weapon. These references are
examined in their historical
relationship to the development of
today's modern directed energy
devices (DEW).

The French ship Iena blew up in 1907. Electrical experts were sought by
the press for an explanation. Many thought the explosion was caused by
an electrical spark and the discussion was about the origin of the
ignition. Lee De Forest, inventor of the Audion vacuum tube adopted by
many radio broadcasters, pointed out that Nikola Tesla had experimented
with a "dirigible torpedo" capable of delivering such destructive power
to a ship through remote control. He noted, though, Tesla also claimed
that the same technology used for remotely controlling vehicles also
could project an electrical wave of "sufficient intensity to cause a
spark in a ship's magazine and explode it."

In the summer of 1913, Signor Giulio Ulivi, blew up a gas meter with his
"F-Ray" device and destroyed his laboratory. Then, in August of that
year, exploded three mines in the port of Trouville for a number of high
ranking French naval officers. The following November, he traveled to
Splezzia, Italy to repeat the experiments on several old ships and
torpedo boats for that country's navy.

In the Spring of 1924 newspapers carried several stories about "death
rays" inventions in different parts of the world. The work of Harry
Grindell-Matthews, London, was the first reported. The New York Times of
May 21st had this one:

Paris, May 20 - If confidence of Grindell Matthews, inventor of the
so-called ' diabolical ray,' in his discovery is justified it may become
possible to put the whole of an enemy army out of action, destroy any
force of airplanes attacking a city or paralyze any fleet venturing
within a certain distance of the coast by invisible rays. So much the
inventor consented to tell The New York Times correspondent today while
continuing to refuse to divulge the exact nature of the rays beyond that
they are used to direct an electric current able to perform the program
just mentioned.

Grindell-Matthews stated that his destructive rays would operate over a
distance of four miles and that the maximum distance for this type of
weapon would be seven or eight miles. Asked if it would be possible to
destroy an approaching enemy fleet, the inventor said it would not,
because "Ships, like land, are in continual contact with the earth, but
what I can do is to put the ships out of action by the destruction of
vital parts of the machinery, and also by putting the crews temporarily
out of action through shock." Airplanes, on the other hand, could be
completely destroyed. As soon as his ray touched the plane it would
burst into flames and fall to earth.

Grindell-Matthews asserted, "I am convinced the Germans possess the
ray." He believed, though, they were carrying out their experiments with
high frequencies and at high power, around 200 kilowatts, and could not
control the weapon to hit a specific target. So far, said
Grindell-Matthews, he had tried tests at 500 watts in his laboratory
over a distance of sixty-four feet.

A French company, the Great Rhone Engineering Works of Lyon, had offered
Grindell-Matthews extensive financial backing that would allow him to
test his device at much higher power levels. He replied that would not
undertake such tests "except under conditions of absolute safety on a
wide tract of uninhabited land," such was the destructive power of his rays.

Details of the "diabolical rays'" destructive power surfaced that
August. "Tests have been reported where the ray has been used to stop
the operation of automobiles by arresting the action of the magnetos,
and an quantity of gunpowder is said to have been exploded by playing
the beams on it from a distance of thirty-six feet." Grindell-Matthews
was able, also, to electrocute mice, shrivel plants, and light the wick
of an oil lamp from the same distance away.

His own laboratory assistants were themselves became unintentional
victims of the ray. When crossing its path during tests they were either
knocked unconscious by violent electrical shocks or received intense
burns. The inventor stated that though it would be possible to kill
enemy infantry with the ray, "it would be quite easy to graduate the
electric power used so that hostile troops would only be knocked out
long enough to effect their capture."

On May 25th, a second death ray was announced in England. Doctor T.F.
Wall, a "lecturer in electrical research in Sheffield University,
"applied for a patent for means of transmitting electrical energy in any
direction without the use of wires. According to one report. even though
he has not made tests on a large scale yet "Dr. Wall expressed the
belief that his invention would be capable of destroying life, stopping
airplanes in flight and bringing motor cars to a standstill." On a more
positive note, he added that his invention would have beneficial
applications in surgical and medical operations.

Germany joined the technology race on May 25th when it announced its
electrical weapon. As the Chicago Tribune reported:

Berlin - That the German Government has an invention of death rays that
will bring down airplanes, halt tanks on the battlefields, ruin
automobile motors, and spread a curtain of death like the gas clouds of
the recent war was the information given to Reichstag members by Herr
Wulle, chief of the militarists in that body. It is learned that three
inventions have been perfected in Germany for the same purpose and have
been patented.

Sensing something of importance the New York Times copyrighted its story
of May 28th on a ray weapon developed by the Soviets. The story opened:
"News has leaked out from the Communist circles in Moscow that behind
Trotsky's recent war-like utterance lies an electromagnetic invention,
by a Russian engineer named Grammachikoff for destroying airplanes."

Tests of the destructive ray, the Times continued, had began the
previous August with the aid of German technical experts. A large scale
demonstration at Podosinsky Aerodome near Moscow was so successful that
the revolutionary Military Council and the Political Bureau decided to
fund enough electronic anti-aircraft stations to protect sensitive areas
of Russia. Similar, but more powerful, stations were to be constructed
to disable the electrical mechanisms of warships. The Commander of the
Soviet Air Services, Rosenholtz, was so overwhelmed by the ray weapon
demonstration that he proposed "to curtail the activity of the air
fleet, because the invention rendered a large air fleet unnecessary for
the purpose of defense."

An English engineer, J.H. Hamil, offered the American army plans for
producing " an invisible ray capable of stopping airplanes and
automobiles in midflight," invented by a German scientist. The ray
device was said to have been used the previous summer to bring down
French planes over Bavaria. Hamil noted, however, that "the fundamental
work was done by Nikola Tesla in Colorado Springs about 30 years ago. He
built a powerful electrical coil. It was found that the dynamos and
other electrical apparatus of a Colorado fuel company within a 100 yards
or so were all put out of business.

Hamil believed the Tesla coil scattered rays which short- circuited
electrical machinery at close range. Laboratories all over the world, he
added, were testing methods of stepping up the Tesla coil to produce its
effects at greater distances. "Working on an entirely different
principle," Hamil said, "the German scientist has succeeded in
projecting and directing electrical power."

Those Colorado Springs tests carried out by Tesla were well remembered
by local residents. With a 200 foot pole topped by a large copper sphere
rising above his laboratory he generated potentials that discharged
lightning bolts up to 135 feet long. Thunder from the released energy
could be heard 15 miles away in Cripple Creek. People walking along the
streets were amazed to see sparks jumping between their feet and the
ground, and flames of electricity would spring from a tap when anyone
turned them on for a drink of water. Light bulbs within 100 feet of the
experimental tower glowed when they were turned off. Horses at the
livery stable received shocks through their metal shoes and bolted from
the stalls. Even insects were affected: Butterflies became electrified
and "helplessly swirled in circles - their wings spouting blue halos of
'St. Elmo's Fire.'"

The effect that captured the attention of foreign death ray inventors
occurred at the Colorado Springs Electric Company powerhouse. One day
while Tesla was conducting a high power test, the crackling from inside
the laboratory suddenly stopped. Bursting into the lab Tesla demanded to
know why his assistant had disconnected the coil. The assistant
protested that had not done anything. The power from the city's
generator, the assistant said, must have quit. When the angry Tesla
telephoned the power company he received an equally angry reply that the
power company had not cut the power, but that Tesla's experiment had
destroyed the generator!

The inventor explained to The Electrical Experimenter, in August of 1917
what had happened.

As an example of what has been done with several hundred kilowatts of
high frequency energy liberated, it was found that the dynamos in a
power house six miles away were repeatedly burned out, due to the
powerful high frequency currents set up in them, and which caused heavy
sparks to jump through the windings and destroy the insulation! The
lightning arresters in the power house showed a stream of blue-white
sparks passing between the metal plates to the earth connection.

When questioned about the Ulivi ray that created so much comment a few
years earlier, Tesla asserted, in the same interview, that "it was
transplanted from this country to Italy." He saw it as simply a
modification of his ultra-powerful high frequency coil tested in
Colorado. With thousands of horsepower of energy "it would become
readily possible to detonate powder and munitions magazines by means of
the high frequency currents induced in every bit of metal, even when
located five to six miles away or more."

With others attributing an energy weapons technology to Tesla's wireless
power transmission research, his comments on the destructive
capabilities of his system take on a great deal of importance. Writing
tersely for Liberty magazine of February 1935 he stated:

My invention requires a large plant, but once it is established it will
be possible to destroy anything, men or machines, approaching within a
radius of 200 miles. It will, so to speak, provide a wall of power
offering an insuperable obstacle against any effective aggression.

He went on to make a distinction between his invention and those brought
forward by others. He claimed that his device did not use any so-called
"death rays" because such radiation cannot be produced in large amounts
and rapidly become weaker over distance. He likely was making reference
to a Grindell-Matthews type of device that, according to contemporary
reports, used a powerful ultra-violet beam to make the air conducting so
that high energy current could be directed to the target. The range of
an ultra-violet searchlight would be much less than what Tesla was
claiming. As he put it: "all the energy of New York City (approximately
two million horsepower [1.5 billion watts]) transformed into rays and
projected twenty miles, would not kill a human being."

Not wanting to give away a potentially valuable creation in an
interview, he was intentionally opaque concerning the details of his
design. He did clarify how his design differed from the ray type of devices.

My apparatus projects particles which may be relatively large or of
microscopic dimensions, enabling us to convey to a small area at a great
distance trillions of times more energy than is possible with rays of
any kind. Many thousands of horsepower can be thus transmitted by a
stream thinner than a hair, so that nothing can resist.

If Tesla's energy weapon cannot be called a "ray" device, but as one
projecting microscopic particles, it would seem that it had to differ
from the other designs in one of two ways. Either he was making the
distinction between a beam of radiant energy, like a beam from a
flashlight that has billions of energy carrying photons, and his own
with all of its energy concentrated into a stream a single particle
wide, or he was making a distinction about the size of the beam and the
method it is used to reach the target.

In a Grindell-Matthews type of beam, the flashlight model, a huge number
of high energy particles or photons would have to be sent out from the
system so that a large enough area on the target would be covered to
disable it. What Tesla seems to have intended was that his energy
transmitter would set up a field of force around itself which, when
penetrated, would release its energy directly to the target. The effect
would be like sending a current of particles through a wire directly to
the target. A large area on the target would not have to be "painted" by
a beam, so the current reaching the intruder could be very thin and
deliver a great deal of energy to a small area.

The Colorado tests that gave rise to the variety of "death ray"
inventions in the U.S. and Europe may have lead to the development of a
much more powerful weapon.

When Tesla realized that economic forces would not allow the development
of a new type of electrical generator that would supply power without
burning fuel he "was led to recognize [that] the transmission of
electrical energy to any distance through the media as by far the best
solution of the great problem of harnessing the sun's energy for the use
of man.", His idea was that a relatively few generating plants located
near waterfalls would supply his very high energy transmitters which, in
turn, would send power through the earth to be picked up wherever it was needed.

Receiving energy from this high pressure reservoir only would require a
person to put a rod into the ground and connect it to a receiver
operating in resonance with the electrical motion in the earth. As Tesla
described in 1911, "The entire apparatus for lighting the average
country dwelling will contain no moving parts whatever, and could be
readily carried about in a small valise."

The difference between a current used to "light the average country
dwelling" and a current used as a method of destruction, however, is a
matter of timing. If the amount of electricity used to run a television
for an hour is released in a millionth of a second, it would have a very
different, and negative, effect on the television.

Tesla said his transmitter could produce 100 million volts of pressure
and currents up to 1000 amperes, with experimental power levels of
billion or tens of billions of watts. If that amount of power were
released in "an incomparably small interval of time," the energy would
be equal to the explosion of millions of tons of TNT, that is, a
multi-megaton explosion. Such a transmitter would be capable of
projecting the force of a nuclear warhead by radio. Any location in the
world could be vaporized at the speed of light.

Not unexpectedly, many scientists doubted the technical feasibility of
Tesla's wireless power transmission scheme whether for commercial or
military purposes. Modern authorities in electronics, even those who
express admiration for the Tesla's genius, believe he was mistaken in
the interpretation of his experiments when it came to electrical
transmission through the earth.

On the other hand, statements from authoritative witnesses who saw
Tesla's equipment in operation support his claim about transmission with
something other than the radio waves known today. During the Chicago
World's Fair of 1893, the Westinghouse exhibit set up by Tesla was
visited by the Herman Von Helmholtz, the first director of the
Physico-Technical Institute of Berlin and one of the leading scientists
of his time. When Tesla "asked the celebrated physicist for an
expression of opinion on the feasibility of the [transmission] scheme.
He stated unhesitatingly that it was practicable." In 1897, Lord Kelvin
visited New York and stopped at the Tesla laboratory where Tesla
"entertained him with demonstrations in support of my wireless theory."

Suddenly [Kelvin] remarked with evident astonishment: 'Then you are not
making use of Hertz waves?' 'Certainly not', I replied, 'these are
radiation's.' ... I can never forget the magic change that came over the
illustrious philosopher the moment he freed himself from that erroneous
impression. The skeptic who would not believe was suddenly transformed
into the warmest of supporters. He parted from me not only thoroughly
convinced of the scientific soundness of the idea but strongly expressed
his confidence in its success.

A recent analysis of Tesla's wireless transmission method shows that he
used an electrostatic transmission technique that did not radiate radio
waves as we know them and could sent waves through the earth with little
loss of power. The question remains of whether Tesla demonstrated the
weapons application of his power transmission system. Circumstantial
evidence found in the chronology of Tesla's work and financial fortunes
between 1900 and 1908 points to there having been a test of this weapon.

1900: Tesla returned to New York from Colorado Springs after completing
the tests of wireless power transmission that destroyed the power
company's generator. He received $150,000 from J.P. Morgan to build a
transmitter to signal Europe. With the first portion of the money he
obtained 200 acres of land at Shoreham, Long Island and built an 187
foot tall tower with a steel shaft running 120 feet into the ground.
This tower was topped with a 55 ton, 68 foot diameter metal dome. He
called the research site "Wardenclyffe" and envisioned 2000 people
eventually working at his global communications center.

A stock offering is made by the Marconi company. Supporters of the
Marconi Company include his old adversary Edison and one-time associate
Michael Pupin. Investors rushed to buy the Marconi shares. On December
12th, Marconi sent the first transatlantic signal, the letter "S," from
Cornwall, England to Newfoundland, Canada. He did this with, as the
financiers noted, equipment much less costly than that being built by Tesla.

1902: The Wardenclyffe transmitter nears completion. Marconi is hailed
as a hero around the world while Tesla is seen as a shirker by the
public for ignoring a call to jury duty in a murder case (he was excused
from duty because of his opposition to the death penalty).

1903: When Morgan sent the balance of the $150,000, it would not cover
the outstanding balance Tesla owed on the Wardenclyffe construction. To
encourage a larger investment in the face of Marconi's success, Tesla
revealed to Morgan his real purpose was not to just send radio signals
but the wireless transmission of power to any point on the planet.
Morgan was uninterested and declined to provide further funding.

A financial panic that Fall put an end to Tesla's hopes for financing by
Morgan or other wealthy industrialists. This left Tesla without money
even to buy the coal to fire the transmitter's electrical generators.

1904 - 1906: Tesla writes for the Electrical World, "The Transmission of
Electrical Energy Without Wires," noting that the globe, even with its
great size, responds to electrical currents like a small metal ball.

Tesla declares to the press the completion of Wardenclyffe. Marconi is
hailed as a world hero.

Tesla subject to multiple law suits over unpaid Colorado Springs
expenses. George Westinghouse, who bought Tesla's patents for
alternating current motors and generators in the 1880's, turns down the
inventor's power transmission business proposal. Workers gradually stop
coming to the Wardenclyffe laboratory when there are no funds to pay
them. In an article, Tesla comments on Peary's expedition to the North
Pole and tells of his, Tesla's, plans for energy transmission to any
central point on the ground.

1907: When commenting on the destruction of the French ship Iena, Tesla
noted in a letter to the New York Times that he has built and tested
dirigible torpedoes (remotely controlled torpedoes), but that electrical
waves would be more destructive. "As to projecting wave energy to any
particular region of the globe ... this can be done by my devices," he
wrote. Further, he claimed that "the spot at which the desired effect is
to be produced can be calculated very closely, assuming the accepted
terrestrial measurements to be correct."

1908: Tesla repeated the idea of destruction by electrical waves to the
newspaper on April 21st. His letter to the editor stated, "When I spoke
of future warfare I meant that it should be conducted by direct
application of electrical waves without the use of aerial engines or
other implements of destruction." He added: "This is not a dream. Even
now wireless power plants could be constructed by which any region of
the globe might be rendered uninhabitable without subjecting the
population of other parts to serious danger or inconvenience."

In the period from 1900 to 1910 Tesla's creative thrust was to establish
his plan for wireless transmission of energy. Undercut by Marconi's
accomplishment, beset by financial problems, and spurned by the
scientific establishment, Tesla was in a desperate situation by
mid-decade. The strain became too great by 1906-1907 and, according to
Tesla biographers, he suffered an emotional collapse. In order to make a
final effort to have his grand scheme recognized, he may have tried one
high power test of his transmitter to show off its destructive
potential. This would have been in 1908.

In 1907 and 1908, Tesla wrote about the destructive effects of his
energy transmitter. His Wardenclyffe facility was much larger than the
Colorado Springs device that destroyed the power station's generator.
Then, in 1915, he stated bluntly:

"It is perfectly practical to transmit electrical energy without wires
and produce destructive effects at a distance. I have already
constructed a wireless transmitter which makes this possible. ... But
when unavoidable [it] may be used to destroy property and life. The art
is already so far developed that the great destructive effects can be
produced at any point on the globe, defined beforehand with great accuracy."

A typical statement about the light induced by his transmitter is this
from the New York American of December 7th, 1914:

The lighting of the ocean ... is only one of the less important results
to be achieved by the use of this invention [the transmitter]. I have
planned many of the details of a plant which might be erected at the
Azores and which would be amply sufficient to illuminate the entire
ocean so that such a disaster as that of the Titanic would not be
repeated. The light would be soft and of very small intensity, but quite
adequate to the purpose.

When Tesla used his high power transmitter as a directed energy weapon
he drastically altered the normal electrical condition of the earth. By
making the electrical charge of the planet vibrate in tune with his
transmitter he was able to build up electric fields that effected
compasses and caused the upper atmosphere to behave like the gas filled
lamps in his laboratory. He had turned the entire globe into a simple
electrical component that he could control.

Given Tesla's general pacifistic nature it is hard to understand why he
would carry out a test harmful to both animals and the people who herded
the animals even when he was in the grip of financial desperation. The
answer is that he probably intended no harm, but was aiming for a
publicity coup and, literally, missed his target.

At the end of 1908, the whole world was following the daring attempt of
Peary to reach the North Pole which he claimed in the Spring of 1909. If
Tesla wanted the attention of the international press, few things would
have been more impressive than the Peary expedition sending out word of
a cataclysmic explosion on the ice near or at the North Pole. Tesla,
then, if he could not be hailed as the master creator that he was, could
be seen as the master of a mysterious new force of destruction.

Or, perhaps, Nikola Tesla did shake the world in a way that has been
kept secret for over 85 years.


1.) New York Times, "Wireless Caused Iena Disaster?", Mar. 19, 1907, p.
4, col. 4.

2.) New York Times, "Signor Ulivi First Blew Up Gas Meter," Nov. 2,
1913, III, p. 4, col. 5.

3.) New York Times, "Tells Death Power of 'Diabolical Rays'," May 21,
1924, pg.1.

4.) Popular Mechanics, "'Death Ray' Is Carried by Shafts of Light," Aug.
1924, pgs. 189-192.

5.) Current Opinion, "A Violet Ray That Kills," June 1924, pgs. 828-829.

6.) New York Times, "Second British Inventor Reveals a Death Ray," May
25, 1924, p. 1, col. 2.

7.) New York Times, "Suggests Russia Has A 'Ray'," May 28, 1924, pg. 25.

8.) Colorado Springs Gazette, "Tesla Discovered 'Death Ray' In
Experiments Made Here," May 30, 1924, pg. 1.

9.) Goldman, Harry L., "Nikola Tesla's Bold Adventure," The American
West, Mar. 1971, pgs. 4-9; Reprinted by Nick Basura, 3414 Alice St., Los
Angeles, Ca. 90065, 1974.

10.) Tesla, Nikola, "Famous Scientific Illusions," Electrical
Experimenter, Feb. 1919, pgs. 692f.

11.) Tesla, Nikola, "A Machine to End War," as told to George Sylvester
Viereck, Liberty, Feb. 1935, p. 5-7.

12.) Tesla, Nikola, "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - Through
Use of the Sun's Energy," The Century Illustrated Magazine, reprinted in
Lectures, Patents, and Articles, Nikola Tesla Museum, Belgrade, 1956;
reprinted by Health Research (Mokelumme Hill, Calif., 95245), 1973, pg. A-143.

13.) Nichelson, Oliver, "Nikola Tesla's Later Energy Generation
Designs," IECEC, 1991.

14.) American Examiner, Copyright 1911, no date, no pg.

15.) Tesla, Nikola, New York Times, "How to Signal Mars," May 23, 1909,
pg. 10. He claims to have sent "a current around the globe " on the
order of "15,000,000" horsepower or 11 billion watts.

16.) Secor, H. Winfield, "The Tesla High Frequency Oscillator," The
Electrical Experimenter, March 1916, pg. 615.

17.) Wait, James R., "Propagation of ELF Electromagnetic Waves and
Project Sanguine/Seafarer," IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol.
OE-2, no. 2, April 1977, pgs. 161-172.

18.) Marinic, Aleksandar, Nikola Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes
1899-1900, Nikola Tesla Museum, Published by Nolit, Beograd, Yugoslavia, pg.19.

19.) Corum, James F., and Corum, Kenneth L., "Disclosures Concerning the
Operation of an ELF Oscillator," Tesla '84: Proceedings of the Tesla
Centennial Symposium, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Mr. Toby Grotz,
editors, International Tesla Society, Inc., Colorado Springs, 1985, pgs. 41-49.

20.) Tesla, Nikola, "Famous Scientific Illusions," Electrical
Experimenter, Feb. 1919, pg. 732.

21.) Nichelson, Oliver, "Tesla's Wireless Transmission Method," 1992.

22.) Tesla, Nikola, "Tesla's Wireless Torpedo," New York Times, Mar. 20,
1907, pg. 8.

23.) Tesla, Nikola, New York Times, "Mr. Tesla's Vision," April 21,
1908, pg. 5.

24.) Seifer, Marc J., "Nikola Tesla: The Lost Wizard," Tesla '84:
Proceedings of the Tesla Centennial Symposium, op. cit., pgs. 31-40.
Seifer, a psychologist, believes Tesla suffered a nervous breakdown
catalyzed by the death of one the partners in the Tesla Electric Company
and the shooting of Stanford White, the noted architect, who had
designed Wardenclyffe. Seifer places this in 1906 and cites as evidence
a letter from George Scherff, Tesla's secretary:

Wardenclyffe, 4/10/1906

Dear Mr. Tesla:

I have received your letter and am glad to know you are vanquishing your
illness. I have scarcely ever seen you so out of sorts as last Sunday;
and I was frightened.

25.) Cheney, Margaret, Tesla: Man out of Time, Dell Publishing Co.,
N.Y., 1983, pg. 187. Cheney sees a mental change taking place about
1907. Having lost most of his money and many of his friends and seeing
less talented people praised for achievements based on his inventions
"exerted a corrosive and lasting effect on his personality."

26.) Tesla, Nikola, "Tesla's New Device Like Bolts of Thor," New York
Times, Dec. 8, 1915, pg. 8.

27.) New York American, "Tesla Light to Rob Oceans of Every Danger,"
Dec. 7, 1914,

28.) Tesla suggested a similar test of his power transmission system
aimed at the moon where everyone could see "the splash and volitization
of matter." See note 19, pg. 255.

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