Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90 05366063183 -Turkey/Denizli Superluminal velocity particles researchExtracts from the article: Magical Attraction of Tesla`s ideas"Svedok", No.354, May 06. 2003, pages 46,47. Electro technical engineer Goran Marjanovich approaches directly and
creatively: wireless transmission of energy on great distances , without
losses. Marjanovich has developed model of eternally oscillating Universe
and theory on quantized energy density of real objects.
Energy-space position: k=9 was empty for a long period; according to
my model the inertion-mass of supposed object is approximately 10-49<
Kg. According to Loui de Broulli, it is frequency 14,8 Hz. My hypothesis
is: in wave form takes spectrum of 1 Hz – 30 KHz. For k=9 I couldn’t find
any object that would fit, in spite of model prediction, before I found
Tesla’s frequency of 11,7 Hz. That was frequency quite close to k=9 and it
triggered my deeper interest in tesla’s work. In one of his patent
applications, Tesla recommended usage of 6 Hz – 25 KHz, emphasizing that
waves he is using for wireless transmition of energy are not of Hertzian
nature (aren’t obey classical Maxwell’s ‘electromagnetic equations’). What is the essential difference between Hertzian and tesla’s waves? Hertzian waves characteristics: dissipation of the beam in all
directions, quantity of received energy content is dependant upon
transmission distance, diminishing with factor of distance squared. Not
suitable for energy supply on great distances.
Tesla`s wave variant: propagation in straight lines, as laser beam. For that Tesla designed The famous Wardencliffe Tower. But the experimental work was not completed. He probably realized that he could trigger the energy levels that were able to destroy ‘atom nucleus’ or cause the chain collapse of the Ionosphere. I deem that tesla stopped because of Ethical reasons. Tesla’s waves are traveling with superluminal velocity. In "WORLD SYSTEM OF WIRELESS TRANSMISSION OF ENERGY", Telegraph and Telephone Age, Oct. 16, 1927.; "The "Magnifying Transmitter" and Earth Resonance; Tesla wrote: "...The mode of propagation of the currents from my
transmitter through the terrestrial globe is most extraordinary
considering the spread of the electrification of the surface. The wave
starts with a theoretically infinite speed, slowing down first very
quickly and afterward at a lesser rate until the distance is about six
thousand miles, when it proceeds with the speed of light. From there on it
again increases in speed, slowly at first, and then more rapidly, reaching
the antipode with approximately infinite velocity. The law of motion can
be expressed by stating that the waves on the terrestrial surface sweep in
equal intervals of time over equal areas, but it must be understood that
the current penetrates deep into the earth and the effects produced on the
receivers are the same as if the whole flow was confined to the earth's
axis joining the transmitter with the antipode. The mean surface speed is
thus about 471 200 kilometers per second - fifty-seven per cent. greater
than that of the so-called Hertz waves - which should propagate with the
velocity of light if they exist. The same constant was found by the noted
American astronomer, Capt. J. T. T. See, in his mathematical
investigations, for the smallest particles of the ether which he fittingly
designated as "etherons". But while in the light of his theory this speed
is a physical reality, the spread of the currents at the terrestrial
surface is much like the passage of the moon's shadow over the globe. Since it was written in 1927, this was heresy (Special Theory of
Relativity was widely recognized at the time). Theoretical Light velocity
( C= 300 000 000 m/sec) isn’t meet its measuring in the Vacuum that is
C=299.792.458 +/- 12 m/s! There is a gap in between that shows possibility
of velocity greater than light, without changing the basic of Quantum
Mechanics. The only valid solution is CRUCIAL EXPERIMENT. Marjanovich (who is extremely skilled with Tesla Coils construction)
is working intensively. The goals are: Positive results of above mentioned experiments would be equal to Copernican turning point in contemporary Physics. Teslion as Tesla's waves quant carrier illustration According to EDQ
and EOU models' propositions, there is an analogy between (a number of)
different radiation ranges and (a number of) basic stable corpuscles.
Moreover, in considering
Hypothesis 3, the speed of light is quite reachable for objects
with a real remaining mass (m0) and a Photon (e.g. as a quant
carrier of classical "Hertzian" EM waves), being a stable object of order
8 (H1/EDQ
model), with m0 = 1.6*10- 38 kg, and an associated compton
wavelength: lc=1.35*10-4
[m]. Peak energy level
of a K9-object, whose wave form of "space-time-matter" entity we called
Tesla waves, is
l = lc * (1-v2/vmax2)1/2
= 20.04*106*0.037 = 741480 m, which corresponds to frequency
of 404.59 Hz. As we know, most of "zero point", "free energy", and all
different kinds of "overunity" devices (Thomas Moray Radiant device, Floyd
Sweet VTA,...,Michel Mace Solid state energy converter etc.) provide
maximal output energy with current whose frequency is about 400 Hz!
Amazingly, "Earth - radius - resonant - length" is Rp
= 6.38*106 * 3.14 = 2.004*107 m, which is
almost equal to Tesla-waves compton wavelength:lc=2*107
[m]. Without prompting for a conclusion, we can suggest the idea that Milan Mancich reached some kind of "Overunity" effects, because of a great similarity between his "HF transformer" construction parameters and "Earth dimensions", which are both resonant with the frequency matching the Tesla wave frequency range. In the case of Mr. Greg Watson's PMOD experiment this condition was not satisfied, as he works with classical Hertzian EM waves, and his PMOD is NOT "OverUnity" in itself (but is intended to show how one of the necessary elements of a solid state OverUnity power system can be built). Unlike him, Mr Mancich succeeded to "get" Tesla waves in his scope. In our opinion, these waves are "topsy turvy" Hertzian EM waves. Please compare pictures given below:
What science say about M.Mancich "resonant rise" waves? Official science
does not comment on "unconventional,..., alternative" physics devices,
such as most "overunity" are. One of very rare yet certainly competent
opinions is Mr. Jean Lous Naudin's depiction of Mr M.Mancich Photo: ...One can notice that the "right wave" seems just like a "TIME REVERSED" left wave ... which means that our EDQ / EOU models' postulates (such as that Tesla waves are "topsy turvy" Hertzian EM waves) are quite OK! ... Official
science offers us a fact that EM spectrum ends with a long radio waves
band, with the largest wavelength of about 104 meters ! ...
What is beyond that range ? ... "... It is too noted that the phenomenon here involved in the transmission of electrical energy is one of TRUE CONDUCTION AND IS NOT TO BE CONFOUNDED WITH THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICAL RADIATION which have heretofore been observed and which from the very nature and mode of propagation would render practically IMPOSSIBLE THE TRANSMISSION OF ANY APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF ENERGY TO SUCH DISTANCES as are of practical importance. ..." Obviously, Nikola
Tesla accentuates that his "energy-transfer-waves" ARE NOT HERTZIAN !!!. "... It is necessary to employ oscillations in which the rate of radiation of energy into space IN THE FORM OF HERTZIAN OR ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IS VERY SMALL. To give an idea, I would say that the frequency should be smaller than twenty thousand per second, though shorter waves might be practicable. The lowest frequency would appear to be six per second, in which case there will be but one node, at or near the ground-plate, and paradoxical as it may seem, the EFFECT WILL INCREASE WITH THE DISTANCE and will be greatest in a region ..." Frequency of 20 KHz corresponds to a wavelength of 1.5*104 m, and 6 Hz can be expressed as 5*107 m. which proves that Nikola Tesla's experimental wavelength range recommendation is almost identical to the EDQ model predictions! This fact in itself should be a good reason for one to re-read this article ... To find something more about Tesla waves click here. Hiçbir yazý/ resim izinsiz olarak kullanýlamaz!! Telif haklarý uyarýnca bu bir suçtur..! Tüm haklarý Çetin BAL' a aittir. Kaynak gösterilmek þartýyla siteden alýntý yapýlabilir. The Time Machine Project © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90 05366063183 -Turkiye/Denizli
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