Quantum Optics Group
Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics
California Institute of Technology
A great article explaining this experiment can be found at
ABC news. See the October 23, 1998 issue of
Science magazine for the
article in full, or read the
press release for a summary.
In quantum teleportation, an unknown quantum state is faithfully
transferred from a sender (Alice) to a receiver (Bob). To perform the
teleportation, Alice and Bob must have a classical communication channel and
must also share quantum entanglement -- in the protocol we employ*, each
possesses one half of a two-particle entangled state. Alice makes an
appropriate projective measurement (Bell measurement) of the unknown state
together with her component of the shared entangled state. The result of
this measurement is a random piece of classical information which Alice
sends to Bob over their classical communication channel. Bob uses this
information to choose a unitary transformation which he performs on his
component of the shared entangled state, thus transforming it into an output
state identical to the original (unknown) input. Notice that the input state
is destroyed by Alice's projective measurement, so that teleportation does
not result in "cloning" of a quantum state.
(*Teleportation protocol of C. H. Bennett et al., PRL 70, 1895
Teleportation with
Squeezed Light
- We have implemented quantum teleportation with light beams serving as
both the entangled pair and the input (and output) state. Squeezed light
is used to generate the entangled (EPR) beams which are sent to Alice and
Bob. A third beam, the input, is a coherent state of unknown complex
amplitude. This state is teleported to Bob with a high fidelity only
achievable via the use of quantum entanglement.
Teleportation Apparatus
Entangled EPR beams are generated by combining two beams of squeezed light
at a 50/50 beamsplitter. EPR beam 1 propagates to Alice's sending station,
where it is combined at a 50/50 beamsplitter with the unknown input state,
in this case a coherent state of unknown complex amplitude. Alice uses two
sets of balanced homodyne detectors to make a Bell-state measurement on
the amplitudes of the combined state. Because of the entanglement between
the EPR beams, Alice's detection collapses Bob's field (EPR beam 2) into a
state conditioned on Alice's measurement outcome. After receiving the
classical result from Alice, Bob is able to construct the teleported state
via a simple phase-space displacement of the EPR field 2.
Fidelity (Quantum vs. Classical?)
Quantum teleportation is theoretically perfect, yielding an output state
which equals the input with a fidelity F=1. In practice, fidelities
less than one are realized due to imperfections in the EPR pair, Alice's
Bell measurement, and Bob's unitary transformation. By contrast, a sender
and receiver who share only a classical communication channel
cannot hope to transfer an arbitrary quantum state with a fidelity of one.
For coherent states, the classical teleportation limit is F=0.5,
while for light polarization states it is F=0.67. The quantum
nature of the teleportation achieved in this case is demonstrated by the
experimentally determined fidelity of F=0.58, greater than the
classical limit of 0.5 for coherent states. Note that the fidelity is an
average over all input states and so measures the ability to transfer an
arbitrary, unknown superposition from Alice to Bob.
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