Tachyon theory

Date   17.7.2003
Submitted by   John Georghiou  
Title   Tachyon theory
Source   Bilaniuk, Deshpande, Sudarshan, "Meta Relativity," American Journal of Physics, XXX (1962): 718ff;

Gerald Feinberg, "Possibility of Faster-than-light Particles," Physical Review, CLIX (1967): 1089-1105.

See Bilaniuk et al., "More about Tachyons," Physics Today (December 1969), p. 49;

David Bohm, The Special Theory of Relativity (New York: W. A. Benjamin, 1965), p. 158;

F. A. E. Pirani, "Noncausal Behavior of Classical Tachyons," Physical Review, D 1 (1970): 3224.

Bilaniuk and Sudarshan, "Particles beyond the Light Barrier," Physics Today (May 1969): 47
Context   Theoretical basis for advanced space technologies including FTL communications, travel, energy generation
Description   Recent discussions of the speed of gravitational propagation concern the possibility that gravitons are tachyonic. Tachyon theory allows for FTL particles with real energy. This is a basis of many SF concepts
Comments   Recent discussions of the speed of gravitational propagation concern the possibility that gravitons are tachyonic. Tachyon theory allows for FTL particles with real energy capable of transferring momentum.

At speeds above c2, and at speeds between c and c2, depending on the observer’s (STL) speed, negative time ordering reverses the direction of said particles from the observer’s (STL) reference frame, and hence the direction of transferred momentum.

This accounts for the attractive force of gravitation, as well as gravitation’s time dilation.

A second class of tachyonic particles has real rest mass and imaginary energy; they do not interact with matter, nor is there the effect by gravitation of attraction since that requires relativistic reference frames FTL and STL and these tachyons are, of course, FTL as well as the gravitons. Gravitation is therefore a force of repulsion to them and they would be curved away from gravitational sources. Since the space-time continuum is so curved in the presence of mass, an obvious conclusion is that they compose the “fabric of space”. By vibrating FTL, as an observer’s speed increases, an increasing portion of the vibratory cycle is negative time ordered. Another reasonable expectation is that this slows time for the observer, thus accounting for relativistic time dilation.

As for the portion of the energetic tachyon’s travels at speeds below those necessary for NTO effects, the momentum transfer is repulsive, and may account for the weak nuclear force since atoms experience relativistic length contraction.

Other sources to check:
www.metaresearch.com by Dr. Van Flandren, suggested that gravitation propagates in excess of 20 billion times the speed of light.

http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/ast12oct99_1.htm ) is on the August 11th eclipse relating to the experiments of Maurice Allais with a Foucault pendulum, which seemed to be exhibiting peculiar movements at the time of a solar eclipse, apparently indicating a near infinite speed of gravitational propagation.

I found these documents interesting because in 1979 I realized that the graviton is a Tachyons with real, positive energy and Negative Time Ordering (to use Dr. Feinberg’s terminology). That is, the observed effect of gravitation is time-reversed momentum transfer.

I am proposing that such Tachyons, moving faster that the square of the speed of light (the speed at which for all STL reference frames, FTL particles move in a negative time direction, see Tolman's paradox: all velocities greater than C2/W, where W is the relative velocity of two observers.) have a reversed physical direction of motion, appearing to move toward their source.

This concept, NTO resulting in a reversal of the apparent direction of motion is critical to theorizing tachyon experimentation. I find only casual references to it in laymen-oriented reports of Clay and Crouch’s 1972 experiment.

Causal arguments aside, please note that with NTO gravitons, a few observed aspects of the universe become a little more logical:

1. The curvature of space.

Gravity seems to curve space in the opposite direction attractive force would cause. The “fabric” of the space-time continuum is pushed away from massive objects. Since there is no temporal reversal between FTL reference frames, this indicates that said fabric is itself tachyonic; the type of tachyon with real, positive rest mass. It vibrates FTL, while going nowhere. Fast! This “fabric” obviously fits the characteristics of the dismissed 19th century theory of the “ether.”

As an aside, Isaac Asimov wrote a brilliant short fact article on the unbelievable properties of the ether, and why it could not exist. The listed properties match perfectly with what could be expected from Real Rest Mass Tachyons!

2. Relativistic time dilation.

If the ether is FTL, then this particle vibrates faster than light, and, therefore, it can be modeled (I apologize for my non-scientific imagery!) as a racecar on a track with 2 straight-a-ways and 2 hairpin turns; it moves very fast, then slows, and reverses direction without moving from its local domain. An observer at rest will see the entire vibrational cycle of this particle in positive time ordering, and therefore, the observer will experience time flowing forward at the maximum rate possible. As an observer’s speed approaches c, an increasing part of the "racetrack" becomes negative time ordered, reducing the rate at which time flows forward for the observer

3. Conservation of energy maintained.

Matter (protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.) emits energy (like gravitons) and interacts with other matter, and has for billions and billions of years without decreasing in energy or mass?
Perhaps a life cycle of matter involving Negative energy is indicated?

As I envision it, that life cycle must occur at an extremely high frequency:

Particles have real and positive energy and mass in the third dimension. They break down into the tachyonic state producing two particles, one with real energy and imaginary or negative rest mass, is responsible for the weak nuclear force at short range, and, after it accelerates to a negative time ordered state, gravitation.

Across the diameter of an atom, at a slow f-t-l speed, there is no temporal reversal for virtually all reference frames. This tachyonic state seems to provide the weak nuclear force in the atom. However, as the particle accelerates, passes the temporal reversal speed for an observer’s reference frame, and, therefore, begins moving in a negative time direction. At this point it has a reversed direction of travel, and therefore, the effect of interactions has a reversed direction.

The other tachyonic particle (with real rest mass) moves through what I call "an interdemensional life-cycle", re-creating the original type of third dimensional particle using real negative energy while in a 6th dimensional state.

Matter as we know it, with Real, Positive rest mass and energy, exists in the 3rd dimension, which is space.

The 4th dimension is polarized time- time moving "forward" in 2 co-existent universes.

The 5th dimension is "eternity" existing outside of polarized time.

In the 6 dimension, the tachyon has real negative energy and can (continuously) re-create the original particle in the 3rd dimension.

There are a few other assorted items; e.g., the necessity for 2 time-reversed matter-opposed universes, but these are the basic concepts.
Feasibility   Untried
Keywords   tachyon graviton ftl

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