Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - Turkey/Denizli 

last modified on: Mar. 24, 2005

Excerpt from Chap. 2 of StarDrive Engineering:
"Tales of Starships"

   "For two thousand years, the only viable aerospace propulsion systems developed by Mankind have all utilized the rocket principle, representing Newton's law of equal and opposite action & reaction, in one form or another. Unfortunately, there are [at least] two completely insurmountable problems in trying to apply this propulsion method to interstellar space travel: (1) the tremendous bulkiness and weight of the types of fuel ordinarily used, in the huge amounts that would be required; and (2) the fact that the top speed of most vehicles is limited to the velocity of an exhaust stream composed of relatively heavy particles, which require vast amounts of energy to accelerate even to any appreciable sub-light velocity.

    "To develop a true 'reactionless' space drive, which has never been practicably (or publicly) demonstrated to date on this world [except perhaps by 'real' UFOs and flying saucers!], we therefore need to use a fuel or energy source of ultimate compactness  and absolutely minimal weight which can be made to produce a net longitudinal thrust without producing an oppositely-vectored exhaust stream.

    "Almost no 'substance' in the universe is more compact, lightweight, and abundant than  the  electron,  and realizing that this elementary particle can be made to serve as  a tappable energy source in and of itself is fundamental to an understanding of what the StarDrive field really is. This is the single most important axiom of both advanced [new-age] magnetic engineering and StarDrive technology. In addition, no other mass object known can be more readily accelerated to ultra-high relativistic velocities or be more precisely controlled in doing so.

   "Therefore, we will make the not-unrealistic deductive assumption that the field of force surrounding real UFOs is actually composed of electricity itself: fantastic numbers of  orderly-moving electrons  which are harnessed and directed in such a manner that they yield an asymptotically rising level of thrust with no significant 'backward' exhaust. As we'll see, this is accomplished in large part by means of a specially-shaped charged hull and magnetic fields, and a StarDrive vessel's electrodynamic field is perhaps best described as a "semi-polarized capacitive arc-discharge envelope". And, as Poul Anderson suggests in his essay Our Many Roads to the Stars, an ultra-dense toroidal field of electrons spinning at extreme speed in the manner of a smoke ring should theoretically be able to produce a Kerr metric space warp.

   "Once we realize that the field envelope about a starship hull is not some mysterious anti-gravity or quasi-nuclear machination, . . . [certain] drive field effects [commonly attributed  by flying saucer and UFO propulsion enthusiasts]  become much easier to understand as a logical consequence of two things which are surely more familiar to us: a rotating dc electric field encompassing a stationary magnetic field. Thus, the StarDrive hull and field combination - to a certain extent - mimics in macrocosm the electron itself! With this in mind (and after a great deal of deliberation), the 'official' name which I selected during the Patent application process for my StarDrive system as a whole is Electrodynamic Field Generator. And I think that sums it up nicely.

   "Assuming that we can develop the necessary hardware inside a starship to produce and control our external electromagnetic drive field, we then need only select a proper hull shape. Because of its pure symmetry and beauty, I've confined my design analysis to the 'Eridani' configuration [shown above and on the homepage].

   "I think many serious flying saucer buffs have long suspected that something solid in there must be rotating. Before we get into hardware in depth, suffice it to say that this is indeed the case. It may sound a bit simplistic, and is, but inside that thin saucer wing is a great charged flywheel . . ."

A stylized 3D representation of a maximum-ampacity StarDrive vessel rotor assembly, having 180 radial copper conductor segments (shown in aquamarine) and 180 peripheral field emitters (shown in bronze) composed of a sintered tungsten/copper composite.

    On June 11, 2002, U.S. Patent 6,404,089 for the Electrodynamic Field Generator was issued to Mark Tomion, author of StarDrive Engineering. This Patent is the first in the world for a truly all-electric flying saucer design, and you may click here to link to it. Unfortunately, many students and engineers might be a bit disappointed to see that the Detailed Calculations provided at the close of the Patent's Description section, showing how the level of electrically-developed reactionless thrust is determined, are almost unrecognizable in the online American version.
    Fortunately, the Europeans distilled a pdf copy for the EDF Generator's PCT (International) Patent Application that is photostatically identical to the original, so the math and drawings are reproduced beautifully. The Detailed Calculations are shown on pages 70–78, and the Table of Dimensions that describes the "classical" flying saucer hull configuration in purely algebraic terms is on pgs. 70–71. Therefore, if you'd like to review the PCT Application, click here.

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If you would like to learn more about the StarDrive technology discussed above, and its exciting potential for true interstellar propulsion, just click on the homepage button below. You may also use the link provided to purchase a copy of our landmark  441-pg. electrodynamic field drive technical manual*, which includes a full basic set of scalable specifications and schematics for real light-speed starships up to 100 feet in diameter.

<> Jean-Louis Naudin, head of JLN Labs in France, once proposed a Biefield-Brown-effect-drive vessel or  Lifter-Craft  which would also employ a version of this same Eridani flying saucer hull configuration. This elegant experimental vessel design and its essential hull components are shown in some detail at Lifter-Craft....!  . Of course, comprehensive information about the basic Lifter drive methodology is also available on JLN Labs' great website.

      copyright © 2002 by Jean-Louis Naudin - JLN Labs - The Lifter-Craft Project. Used by permission.
      E-mail: JNaudin509@aol.com

    While Lifter-type vessels may one day be engineered to function adequately in the atmosphere, Blaze Labs has essentially proven that Lifters will not operate in vacuum! Most importantly, however, they would lack the heavy EM shielding capability of a StarDrive vessel – to adequately protect both ship and crew from micrometeoroids, interstellar particles, and radiation at relativistic velocities – and the thrust they produce is not reactionless in nature: more about reactionless electric propulsion.

*  *  *  *  *

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