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The Secret KGB UFO Files
Paul Stonehill is a Soviet-born researcher of anomalous phenomena, and
an independent consultant. Paul has lived in the United States since
1973. He is the director of the Russian Ufology Research Center (subject
of a special article in OMNI magazine, October 1993 issue). The Center
has served as a bridge for the CIS scientists, researchers, ufologists,
and military personnel who want to share information about the past and
present research of anomalous phenomena. Most of the information has
never reached the West before. The Center also helps investigate hoaxes,
and planted "dezinformatsia."
Paul Stonehill has written several books about anomalous phenomena,
published in Moscow in 1992. The Soviet UFO Files,
published by Bramley Books in1998, will be in bookstores in September of
1998. Paul's articles and research papers have been published in English,
Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Italian languages, all over the world.
He is a freelance journalist who has covered military conflicts in the
1980's (Middle East, South Africa). He graduated from the CSUN in 1983,
with a B.A. in Political Science. Paul Stonehill has written extensively
about Soviet espionage, covert actions, and Russian history. His main
areas of research are Russian and Chinese applied studies of anomalous
phenomena: Military Studies of UFOs, Pychotronics, Naval Intelligence
Studies of UFOs, Unidentified Under Water Objects, Space Defense
Programs, Cryptozoology. Paul Stonehill has consulted Sightings
and Encounters TV shows. Paul has made numerous radio and
television appearances in his capacity as a researcher and journalist.
Currently Paul is working on several projects: research of China's
paranormal secrets and UFO phenomena; and a thriller based on the KGB
interest in ufology and participation in the UFO research.
Paul Stonehill has resided in the United States since 1973.

Stanton T. Friedman was born in NJ on July 29, 1934, was valedictorian
of his 1951, Linden, NJ, high school class, and spent 2 years at Rutgers
Univ. In New Brunswick, NJ, before switching to the University of
Chicago in 1953. He received BS and MS degrees in Physics from UC in
1955 and 1956. Carl Sagan was a classmate there. He worked for 14 years
as a nuclear physicist for such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW,
Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced,
highly classified, eventually canceled projects as nuclear aircraft,
fission and fusion rockets, nuclear power plants for space.
Since 1967, he has lectured on the topic "Flying Saucers ARE Real" at
more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in 50 states, 9
Provinces, England, Italy, Germany, Holland, France, Finland, Brazil,
Australia, Korea, Mexico and Israel. He has published more than 70
papers on UFOs in addition to dozens of conventional articles, and
appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows. These include the TNT
Larry King UFO Special on Oct.1, 1994, Nightline,
Sally Jessy Raphael, Unsolved Mysteries, Entertainment
Tonight, Leeza, Sightings, Canada AM and
many more. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell
Incident, co-authored Crash at Corona, and instigated the
Unsolved Mysteries Roswell program. He was heavily involved in both
the 1979 documentary UFOs are Real, and the 1993 Video
Flying Saucers Are Real. His new interactive CD ROM, UFOs: The
Real Story, was published in 1996. TOP SECRET / MAJIC
(Marlow and Co., NY) his explosive new book about the Majestic 12 group
established in 1947 by President Truman to deal with crashed saucers,
was published in July, 1996, and includes classified documents never
before published. It is already in a fifth printing.
Stan anchored the affirmative team in an October, 1995 debate at Oxford
Univ., "This House Believes That Intelligent Alien Life Has Visited
Planet Earth", garnering 60% of the member-vote. On June 27,1997, his TV
Debate team got 92% of 100,000 votes called into ITV in London, England:
"Are Aliens Visiting Earth?" He has provided testimony to congressional
hearings, appeared twice at the UN, and been a pioneer in many aspects
of Ufology, including the Betty Hill star map work, crashed saucers,
analysis of the Delphos physical trace case, and challenges to the
S.E.T.I. (Silly Effort To Investigate) cultists. |
Dr. Richard F. Haines, Ph.D., a research scientist for NASA since 1967,
has investigated numerous aviation accidents and incidents for the FAA,
NTSB, and other private attorneys. He has over two decades of
involvement in "Human Factors in Space" research studies for the Ames
Research Center. Dr. Haines is a member of the International Society of
Air and Safety Investigators and has worked with the FAA on several
projects, including the "Heads-Up Display" project. In his studies, Dr.
Haines has interviewed hundreds of military and commercial airline
pilots and air traffic controllers, amassing reports of more than 3,000
UFO sightings.
Dr. Haines has been researching pilot UFO sightings for more than 37
years and has written two books and more than 70 articles relating to
the scientific and techical aspects of unidentified aerial phenomena. He
holds three U.S. Patents and is cited in Who's Who in America,
American Men and Women of Science, and Jane's Who's Who in
Aviation and Aerospace.
Known throughout the world for his detailed reporting of UFO cases,
Huneeus has spent the past year following the surprising announcement of
the Chilean Government to form a bonafide research division to study the
phenomenon. His current report for FATE Magazine - UFO
Chronicle - details this South American's government increasing interest.
Huneeus has contributed articles and papers to FATE magazine,
UFO Report, and many other national and international magazines
and newspapers throughout the world. He serves as the International
Coordinator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and is a member of
several UFO and Fortean organziations.
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