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Government Scientist Goes Public the original site has vanished. to see the warp drive, a "Star Gate" Metal Warp Drive, using Ununpentium 115, click here and word-search lazar. Caution, the file you will click is about 3 megabytes (recapit.doc, a recapitulation of the course once run by this firm.)

A former Department of Naval Intelligence Scientist discusses our government's most highly classified subject.

by Mark Hines, M.A.

Slender and bespectacled, with a bookish air about himself, Bob Lazar certainly looks the part. In fact, he is a young scientist who has worked on one of our government's most highly classified projects, Galileo, which involves back engineering alien technology. His employment as a Majestic-12 scientist required a clearance 38 levels above Q. Since going public and telling of his work as a senior staff physicist at Area S4 in the Nellis Air Force Range, he has had his life threatened and he has been shot at. Operatives have also erased hospital birth records, college transcripts, and employment records, including those of his employment with Los Alamos National Laboratories and through EG&G.

Considerable evidence supporting his claims

Evidence supporting his claims is considerable. In addition to his claiming Naval Intelligence work at S4 from late 1988 to early 1989, Lazar claimed to have worked at the Meson Physics lab, a part of the Los Alamos National Laboratories. The FBI is still dragging its feet in investigating his employment there, even though former Nevada Congressman James Bilbray asked it to investigate over four years ago. Evidently, FBI agents are still scratching their heads, wondering how to both deny his employment at Los Alamos and explain why his name is in an old telephone directory of Los Alamos scientists. An article by staff writer Terry England in the June 27, 1982 edition of the Los Alamos Monitor, which shows a picture of Lazar standing next to a jet car and refers to his employment as a scientist with Los Alamos, is also hard to explain. Two-dozen odd Los Alamos employees told former KLAS-TV anchor George Knapp that they remembered Lazar. Some of them said that they had been warned not to talk about Lazar and that they were afraid to talk about him. Four of them, though, confirmed for Knapp that Lazar had been working on classified projects there. After denying Lazar's employment there since 1989, Los Alamos in April 1994 finally changed its story and said that he had been employed there. Knapp also talked to former employees of the super-secret Groom Lake base, who corroborated Lazar's description of such details as how one gets to the base dining room, what the dining room looks like, and how one pays for meals there. It's extremely unlikely that an outsider would know such information.

A respected, no-nonsense reporter, Knapp has a master's degree in communications and has won AP and UPI awards for his quality UFO journalism. He accepts Lazar's story because too much of it checks out. In 1989, Lazar passed a lie-detector test arranged by Knapp. At MUFON's 1992 Midwest Conference in Springfield, Missouri, Knapp presented further strong evidence of Lazar's credibility. Lazar had mentioned that a man by the name of Mike Thigpen had visited his house and interviewed him in connection with his S4 employment. Kristen Merck and Mrs. Wayne Higdon, two witnesses who happened to be at Lazar's house, confirmed Thigpen's visit. Knapp rhetorically asks, "How did Bob Lazar know the name Mike Thigpen?"

The Department of Energy confirmed for Knapp that the Office of Federal Investigations (whose phone number is not even listed in Las Vegas phone books) performs background checks on people who get clearances to work at the Nevada Test Site or at Nellis AFB. An employee of OFI called Knapp and confirmed that Thigpen worked for OFI. How did Lazar know that Thigpen did background checks? It took Knapp phone calls, friendly insider governmental contacts, and all his award-winning investigative skills before he found out who Thigpen was. The W-2 form Naval Intelligence mailed Lazar is hard to explain away as well. Knapp has examined this W-2 form, and copies of it have been seen on TV. Further boosting Lazar's credibility, John Andrews, plastic kit division manager of the Testor Corporation, found out that the U.S. Postal Service sends mail with the zip code NIC-01, the code on Lazar's W-2 form, to Naval Intelligence command in Maryland.

Also hard to explain away is the unusual response the State of Nevada received when it requested documents about Lazar from the federal government. The reply said that information on Bob Lazar was on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know. This kind of reply is consistent with Lazar's having had a high security clearance.

Further supporting evidence

On October 17, 1993 Knapp, after recently returning from his trip to Russia, gave some news on Art Bell's Area 2000 radio show. Knapp's contact in Russia was a general who reported directly to the Russian counterpart of the Pentagon's chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. Knapp said that in the summer of 1988, a Soviet spy satellite took pictures of the Papoose Lake area. One of the photos shows roads that lead into nearby hills where Lazar said the discs were stored. Parked busses with blacked-out windows are shown near the hanger area. (In early interviews, Lazar had specifically mentioned being transported from Groom Lake to S4 in busses with blacked-out windows.) Before May, 1989 (the date of Lazar's first appearance on KLAS TV), Soviet satellites took only one or two photos of S4 a month, but after that date they took them daily. For sale at sky-high prices, the photos are cataloged according to date, time, and satellite.

Antimatter reaction and gravity amplification

On several local Las Vegas radio shows and on Chuck Harder's national For the People radio show, Lazar has answered questions on the propulsion system of flying saucers, or "discs" as our government calls them. According to documents Lazar read at S4, discs fly by amplifying gravitational waves. Gravity is actually two waves, identified as gravity A and gravity B. Gravity A is at the atomic level. That is, the wave does not extend beyond the molecular bond except in element 115. This slight extension allows the wave to be accessed and amplified. Gravity A is currently called the strong nuclear force. The propulsion system is an antimatter reactor. In the disc Lazar crawled inside, the reactor was a sphere, about the size of a medicine ball. The top half of it was visible in the middle of the floor. Fuel for the reactor is element 115, ununpentium. On a periodic table, ununpentium, a super-heavy metal, would be listed as UUP. It has a melting point of 1,740 degrees Celsius. When it is bombarded with protons, it becomes element 116, an element that gives off anti-matter. In the reactor, there is an annihilation reaction between matter and anti-matter.

The copper-orange colored fuel pellet aliens use is about the size of a fifty-cent piece, and it weighs about 223 grams. Supporting the claim that ununpentium is a stable element, Lazar notes, ". . . in that heavy ion research facility [GSI] in Germany, they just discovered that in their dabbling in transmuting elements, and as we got higher up on the periodic chart their half lives got shorter and shorter. Well, for the first time they came up with element 109, I think, and the half life became longer, and they are seriously considering that this may be a trend and that it may lead up to a stable element. And they theorize that it would be in the 115 area. And, in fact, this is true, and this is what this element is; it is essentially stable."

The wave that is produced from the matter-antimatter reaction is present on the spherical reactor. Attached to the reactor is a transparent wave guide which is tuned in such a manner that it provides an easy path for the wave to take. It takes less effort for the wave to travel up the wave guide than go elsewhere. The bottom of the tapered wave guide touches the top of the reactor, while the top of the wave guide extends to the ceiling. Electric power is produced in thermoelectric generators located at the bottom of the reactor. The generators are virtually 100% efficient.

The gravity amplifiers themselves are three tubes about two feet in diameter and four feet long. They are arranged in a triangular configuration below a false floor and above the bottom of the craft. The reactor is centered between the three amplifiers because the wave is also present at the bottom of the reactor. The reactor acts as a transmitter, similar to a Tesla Coil, in that each amplifier is independently tuned to function as an amplifying receiver. Gravity waves have amplitude, wavelength and frequency, just as any other wave does. As the amplitude is increased, gravitational waves bend space around the disc. Each of the three gravity amplifiers produces its own gravitational wave, and, depending on how the amplifiers are oriented, gravity waves can be focused on a point or spread out. On gimbols, each amplifier can operate independently. The waves are phase shifted, which changes the wave's orientation and plane from zero to 180 degrees, thereby changing the attraction or repulsion of the wave. When a disc operates on only one amplifier, standing on a pedestal of gravity, it is said to operate in an omicron configuration. In this configuration, the other two amplifiers are freed for other uses--such as picking up cattle.

In the delta configuration, discs operate on all three amplifiers. This configuration is used in space for long-distance travel. In space, a disc tilts over on its back so that the gravitational amplifiers focus on where the disc is going, and the propulsion system is powered up, amplifying gravitational waves that are out of phase with Earth's gravity. The amplified gravitational waves distort space and time or "space-time" as it is referred to in the documents. That gravity distorts or warps space is currently known in mainstream physics. That is why astronomers, at certain positions during an eclipse, can see stars that are directly behind the sun (the sun's gravity causes the star's light to bend around the sun). That gravity distorts time is also known. For example, if you and a friend have atomic clocks synchronized to each other and your friend climbs a mountain or goes up in an airplane, the clocks will be out of sync when your friend returns (your clock is in a stronger gravitational field). In short, the disc warps space-time, attaches itself to the warp and snaps back. Imagine a thin sheet of rubber stretched out (this represents space). Now, put a ball bearing on the sheet (this represents the disc). Now, with your fingers under the sheet, pinch the rubber at a point some distance from the ball bearing. Keeping the rubber pinched, move the pinch to the ball bearing. As you bring the pinch back to its original position, the ball bearing will follow. This is an analogy of what happens.

Of the nine discs, each different, kept in interconnecting hangers, Lazar had hands-on experience with one he dubbed the "Sportmodel" because of its sleek appearance. It was about 52 feet in diameter. Before he worked on it, he was shown a short demonstration of its ascending about 30 feet, moving to the left, then to the right, and then alighting. Before ascending, the disc briefly gave off a corona discharge, a sound similar to that of high-voltage electricity, and then it was completely silent, its bottom glowing blue. The hissing and glowing are by-products of the tremendous electromagnetic pulses generated from the craft. Inside the Sportmodel, Lazar saw a console and children-sized chairs. There were no 90 degree angles inside, and everything appeared softly rounded.

According to the documents, the aliens are identified as being from Zeta 2 Reticuli, the second star of a binary system in the constellation Reticulum. They come from the fourth planet out. A day on their planet is about 90 hours long. Although it is about 37 light years from Zeta 2 Reticuli to Earth, discs take very little time to cover the distance because discs do not travel in a linear mode. (Speed is defined as distance divided by time. And since discs operate by warping time itself and space itself, a more complicated formula than s = d/t is needed to describe what happens.) It is not so much that discs break Einstein's famous rule that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light; it's more accurate that discs get around the rule altogether. Recall that Einstein died trying to understand gravity. According to Lazar, gravity propagates instantly.

When traveling at relatively slow speeds near a planet, discs again use gravity, but in a different way. This time discs balance on gravity waves and "fall" in the direction they want to go. Gravitational waves from the disc are phase shifted into the planet's gravity. Although discs are more unstable in this mode, they can still perform maneuvers that are beyond the capabilities of conventional aircraft--such as making 90 degree turns on a dime or accelerating rapidly. Those inside the discs experience no G forces during these maneuvers.


Robert Lazar, worked at the S4 facility, close to Area 51, as a Senior Staff Physicist. He was one of a total of 22 that people had "Majestic 12 clearance," which is 38 levels above "Q Clearance," which is the civilian Top Secret clearance. People at Area 51 didn't have the clearance to know what goes on at S4. He was hired by Naval Intelligence to reverse engineer a captured UFO's gravity drive, Project Galileo. He was hired to replace people that were killed working one of the UFOs anti-matter reactor. The explosion that killed them happened when they tried to cut open the reactor at the Nevada Test Site (fairly close by), and had the power of a small nuke. It was passed off as an unannounced nuclear test. He says the crafts allegedly originated from the Zeta-Reticuli star system, a solar system in one of the two star systems (it's a binary star system). He says he saw pictures of the alien autopsy and they look just like most of the aliens you see on TV (little gray people). He says there was an "alien exchange program" that was halted when around a dozen military security tried to enter a building with the aliens, and a UFO. One of the aliens tried to warn and stop the security force that the bullets in their sidearms would explode because of the microwave energy, and a fight ensued.

The bottom line is that all people were killed from massive head wounds. Here's how he says the gravity drive works (this is how warp engines theoretically work in Star Trek, by the way), "It produces a gravity wave, which is similar to the gravity wave that the Earth produces. However, the craft phase shifts the wave. In other words, it turns the wave, not really in an opposite polarity, but something to that affect, where it will work against the natural gravity wave of the Earth, and it produces lift in that affect... ...the craft generates its own gravitational field. Being inside that field, essentially doesn't shield you (from Earth's gravity), but essentially you're in, and this is terrible way to say it, almost in a different realm, because you're now influenced only by that gravitational field. For instance, people wonder how a craft like this can make a turn at such high speed, a 90 degree turn, when they would imaging people slamming up against a wall, or something to that affect. Well, that wouldn't happen, inertia would have no affect. You're in a distortion, and don't forget that gravity distorts time and space, so really nothing is going to influence you while you're in there... ...there are three (gravity) amplifiers, the craft can operate on a single one, can lift off the ground. The way in which it gets propelled, are two different ways.

There's what they call omicron configuration, where the craft is using one generator, or delta configuration, where it's utilizing all three. Delta configuration would be for space travel. Essentially the craft will tilt up on its side, as opposed to science fiction movie where you see a flying saucer is moving around, the craft will tilt up on its side, focus the three gravity generator to a single point, and move through space that way. Moving around a source of gravity is a problem to a disc, because its interference, essentially. So what they do is work with that interference to their benefit. They'll use one gravity generator to lift the craft off the ground, and as opposed to what we're used to, for instance a plane, once it's in the air, we envision thrust, or some force coming out of the back of it to push it forward, the crafts work completely opposite of that. What they do, is once they're hovering in the air, they'll swing the two remaining gravity generators up in front of them, and create a distortion, essentially a downhill, and the craft rolls downhill for infinity, it's always chasing a little distortion.

That's why they look goofy when they fly around at low speeds, because they're essentially at any time, you run over, you know the gravity field around the Earth is not completely constant and stable, depending on the minerals and the density of the Earth underneath it, the gravity will vary somewhat, and you'll get odd movements of the craft. So it's low speed mode is kind of unstable for the most part. I only witnessed one test flight up close officially, I was just inside the hanger, the test was going on, probably just as the sun was going down, it was a low performance test, I believe there were some pilots or test pilots in the craft, the craft must have been retrofitted to fit them, because the seating arrangements were really not accommodating, they were in radio communication with the craft, which was kind of surprising to me because the gravity waves that the craft was producing should have distorted the radio waves also, so apparently there was something there that I don't understand.

The craft lifted off the ground, virtually noiseless other than a small corona discharge on the bottom of the craft, indicating the presence of high voltage. That dissipated at about thirty feet, and it stood there completely silently, moved over to the left, to the right, and sat down and that was the entire test. However that was an extremely impressive test. Maybe to someone that really knows little about science or anything, that wouldn't be a whole lot, but you have to realize this craft was about 52 feet in diameter, I don't know exactly how much it weighed, but it weighed a lot, and this was quite a scientific feat, to lift something completely silently, under control, and perform a maneuver like that. The craft itself, I assumed was metal, it was cold to the touch, it was a brushed aluminum actually just an unfinished stainless steel not shiny finish to it, had no seems, as if it were injection molded from one giant die. I was completely amazed, I can't really reflect on how it made me feel, but that was exciting....

He continues about why they seem to be invisible, "Because it produces a gravitational field, I wouldn't say the craft is invisible during the day, however if you're under the craft, because of the way the gravity is being used, gravity bends time and space, and it bends light. If you were looking underneath the craft, or from certain vantage points, you will actually see what's above the craft. It's really a trick of the way light bends under the influence of gravity. For instance, we can see stars that are behind the sun, that are blocked from our view by the sun, and the reason we can see them is because the sun is a tremendous gravitational field and it's bending the light around it, where we can see the star. Space, time, and gravity are all essentially interrelated, they all act on one another. Gravity bends space, gravity also distorts time, you vary one, you essentially vary the other two. As an example, if you have a massive body, say a planet or something that's making a lot of gravity, producing a lot of gravitational waves if you will, it distorts space, it bends space to it. It also slows down time. These things aren't theories, we know them to be true. We cannot artificially create this, because we can't create gravity, this is how they're all interrelated."

He continues about Project Sidekick, where they were trying to figure out the crafts' weapons potential, "Sidekick dealt with any of the weapon potential of the craft, whether or not the craft had a weapon in it, or could it be used as a weapon, but it had something to do with some kind of particle beam configuration where the gravity generator could be used as a lens to focus a weapon of some sorts, similar to the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative under Reagon, better known as the Star Wars Project to the public) we were working on in the '80s, but with the potential with a focusing device using the gravity generator."

When asked about the magic element 115, which makes this all work, and if it's found here on Earth, he says, "115 is strictly an extraterrestrial material. It probably occurs naturally in some other places, maybe other star systems. Some people not familiar with science or chemistry, say that's ridiculous, all of the elements occur on Earth, but that's not true, there are several elements in the periodic chart that aren't found on Earth. I believe the heavy ion research lab in Darmstart, Germany, has reached element 112 recently, so 115 isn't that far away. And when they synthesize it, it's not like they're making a couple of ounces of it, they're talking about one or two atoms of it, to make any usable amount of a heavy element like is virtually impossible. Element 115 is in the top of the reactor, and the base of the reactor, apparently, is a small, something similar to a cyclotron, it's a particle accelerator.

A particle is accelerated to high speed, and then deflected up a small tube, and it's aimed at the 115. This transmutes the 115, similar to the way we do that in a normal particle accelerator. This causes a reaction, a radiation emission, that we really haven't seen before, it produces anti-matter. This anti-matter is guided down a tuned tube, and reacts with a gas. When anti-matter and matter react, they convert to 100% energy. This heat energy is converted to converted to electrical power, in the reactor itself. This is done through a thermos-electric converter. And this electrical power is used to power other subsystems on the craft, though there is no wiring as we would know it. That's almost a byproduct of the reactor, the reactor also sets up a gravitational wave, from the 115 being bombarded, this gravitational wave is present at the top of the reactor and is essentially guided in the same way microwaves are guided, through tuned tubes.

And this goes to their amplifying cavities and to the projectors that are in the bottom of the craft. There is no thermal radiation while the reactor is running. The thermionic generator is 100% efficient, which is in violation the first law of thermodynamics, but in fact it works. Element 115 is stable, and for those who familiar with chemistry, we know that elements with higher atomic numbers have shorter and shorter half lives. However, when you reach a certain point, they call it the island of stability, there is a place, and we've theorized this for a long time that somewhere around 114 to 116, there should be an area in there where the nucleus of the atom is geometrically stable, with protons and neutrons, where it no longer decays, it's not radioactive. 115 is in fact this element, it fact it does occur again around element somewhere around element 247. Of course, we're nowhere near synthesizing that, we can only predict things like that. That's where 115 is.... ...Whether or not it was given to us, I can't answer that question, however, I was told, that we have 500 pounds by one of my coworkers. How it was obtained and exactly where it came from, I don't know, whether it came in one of the crafts, or with separate cargo somewhere, anyone can speculate, but I was told that was the figure."

He was able to get away with a sample of 115 and said, "No comment" when asked about that.

When asked when they appear as a glowing balls of light in the night sky, "Well it's kind of the same reason why a neon light or fluorescent light lights up, what you're dealing with is a high-energy source in essentially a gas atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, and when you apply enough energy to a gas molecule, they emit photons. They emit light. It's really a byproduct of how the craft operate, when it's emitting that much energy, the gas surrounding the craft emits light, the same reason why lightning is visible. You have a huge electrical discharge and the gas emits light in the form of a lightning bolt. If you were going to see one of these crafts at night operating, it would appear really as a glowing ball or just a bright light in the sky from a distance, even close up you'd see a glowing halo around it. This is typically what you'd see in your typical UFO sighting, if you'd heard them a lot, however, keep in that lights in the sky are caused by a much more common things than flying saucers."

He says only once did someone try to shoot him, after he left the project, and told his story to everyone. Security did threaten both both his life, and his wife's life, while he was working at the project, when he was caught with his friends out in the desert videotaping crafts flying on test flights.


Lazar's UFO drive mechanism seems highly improbable according to current physics. While element 115 may eventually be synthesized, it is not expected to have any isotopes with half lifes longer than 10-2 to 1 second. Even the most stable superheavy elements are expected to have half-lives of the order of a few days maximum. The second problem is making 115. Current nuclear chemistry experiments have stalled around 109 or possibly 110 as the production rate gets too low. The problem is that such elements cannot be built up from lighter ones by successive neutron capture in reactors or in nature in supernovas because the fission half-lives around 94-100 become too short. Hence they have to be made by fusing heavy nuclei (U, Pu, or higher) with medium sized nuclei such as Ca, Fe, etc. To get such nuclei with their high electric charges to fuse requires so much energy that the compound nucleus fissions before it can evaporate enough neutrons to deexcite to a stable state.

Finally, there is no reason to believe that 116 would decay into antimatter. The total kinetic energy released by the fission of a nucleus of 116 is estimated to be about 250 to 300 MEV. An antiproton or antineutron has a mass of about 940 MEV with the positron or antielectron about 1/1800 of this. So even assuming there was a plausible route not violating any known conservation laws, there is not enough energy in the decay of superheavy nuclei to generate atoms of antimatter. Also, Lazar's physics is suspect. While some theories predict that gravity and the strong nuclear force are aspects of the same force, the energy level of unification, the point at which they become indistinguishable, is about 10 to the 15th GEV. Current accelerators are <= about 1000 GEV, far above the energies available in atomic nuclei. With our technology, scaling up by a factor of 10 to the 12th would mean building a machine whose circumference is about that of the Milky Way galaxy. If we had access to a technology that could reduce this scale to vehicular dimensions, do you really think we would even consider building something as primitive as the SSC. Gravitons are not out of vogue theoretically, but they have never been observed due to the weakness of their interaction with matter. If the LIGO or similar gravitational wave observatories are built, they will provide the first direct evidence for gravitons or rather the wave-like aspect of gravitational radiation, which is equivalent to the particle aspect by the Correspondence Principle. Gravitation is about 39 orders of magnitude weaker than the strong nuclear force so even though the SNF may have gravity-like properties, they are unobservable even at nuclear energies.

Antimatter per se has not yet been made in the laboratory although both positrons and antiprotons are made routinely in accelerators and stored. The difficulty lies in cooling both components down sufficiently and mixing them to produce antihydrogen while still confining them and the resulting neutral atoms. It should be doable and I would expect the announcement to be made at any time. However, these experiments will produce only a few atoms at a time, nowhere near enough for bombs or space vehicle fuel. Lazar is correct that fission and fusion bombs release only a very small fraction of the total available energy. The problem here is confinement; the bombs destroy themselves and the density of fissionable and fusionable materials drop too low for the reactions to procede. Similar problems would exist with matter -antimatter reactions as well. It has been predicted that matter and antimatter stars might just bounce off each other as the annihilation energy released as their outer atmospheres touched would push them apart before more than a fraction of their masses had been consumed. They might, however, be sufficiently disrupted by the shock and acceleration that their cores would be exposed, producing two novas. In any case, the collision would be spectacular, even if it did not result in mutual annihilation. Even if one could 'distort space time' what is to prevent the distortion from affecting the vehicle and its crew? There might very well be strong gravitational tidal effects which would destroy both in the process as a space-time distortion would look like a very strong and inhomogeneous gravitational field. Creating and terminating such 'distortions' would probably generate gravitational radiation. Such strong fields might also create Hawking radiation and be visible to outsiders, if not lethal to the crew. 'Worm holes,' which might be what Lazar means by these distortions, might very well actually be longer and slower routes. Lazar needs to think this one through further. It is difficult to design a gravitational wave amplifier as it would require a source of energy to power a gravitational wave generator that could respond to incoming GW's and draw on this energy to generate new waves of increased amplitude. Perhaps orbiting black holes might contract their orbits in response to a passing GW and generate a stronger replica wave if the phases were right. If the black holes were electrically charged, then perhaps electrical energy could be converted to GW's. There are some severe technical constraints, however. Are there any engineer/physicists out there who want to try designing a GW amplifier?

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