Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90 05366063183 - Turkey / Denizli A New Theory of the Gravitational Forceby DaliGravitons and a new theory of the nature of Gravity. It could be stated that gravitons are the fundamental construct of space-time, and anti-graviton holes are a lack of space-time. Anti-graviton holes seem to exist as a by-product of matter, or more precisely as a by-product of quantum fluctuation. Anti-gravitons may actually lie in another dimension but their effects are felt in this dimension as gravity. Gravity exists only in the presence of matter. It is said that matter actually tears space-time to varying degrees. We see the effects of this with extremely massive and dense objects. But what about the 'tearing' that occurs when trillions of relatively small pieces of matter exist over a large area, ie: Earth or any small particle? If anti-graviton holes are "holes" gravitons are trying to "fill", then the effects of gravity we feel are just this absence of our 3 dimensional space (gravitons) in between massive objects. Gravitons , fall into the anti-graviton hole which exists only for a fraction of a second. Gravitons are constantly pouring into anti-graviton holes because the lack of space sucks them in. Without the presence of matter although, the intense fire of quantum fluctuation no longer exists and the anti-graviton hole simply vanishes. . Anti-gravitons themselves only exist for a split second within our universe, only we feel the effects of the 'tear' in space-time that occur because of the trillions of matter fluctuations per second. This is similar to the effect that the singularity of a black hole has on our universe. The singularity doesn't exist in our universe, but it's effects do. My theory is that the presence of matter begets quantum fluctuations that actually tear the fabric of space when they emerge, causing a graviton’s anti-particle (the anti-graviton) to exist for a fraction of a second only to cause a tear in space-time. But this absence of space-time causes the "feel" of gravity as gravitons try to "fall' into a lack of space. In other words, The space existed until the fluctuations occurred in matter that spit out anti-gravitons and their effect of gravity. Because of their potential, objects in motion should create more quantum fluctuation (or uncertainty). Objects in non-linear motion and high velocity should create even more quantum flux, resulting in more anti-graviton space.(more gravity). Massive objects are constructed of so many dense particles in quantum flux that they become more and more excited as their gravity builds, smashing them together and repeating the process until they too can tear through the fabric of graviton space-time. The graviton fabric in our universe is actually falling into another dimension -anti-graviton space. Once the graviton falls into this other dimension it may cause a quantum fluctuation in an anti-matter universe. And so the anti-matter universe's particles may be the cause of quantum flux of matter in our universe. Massive and dense matter becomes very excited, in turn producing more quantum flux thus more anti-gravitons to break the fabric. It then seems that the ultimate goal of a particle is to break into another dimension, or simply to break out of our space-time universe. This may be to give birth to a quantum reaction in an anti-matter universe and continue a never-ending cycle of matter and anti-matter universes inherently reliant on each other. Gravitons and anti-graviton reaction detailed. Let me put it this way: Let's focus on just a single atom existing in our post Big Bang universe within the vacuum of space. The fabric of the space is constructed of gravitons (or gravity strings) caused by the initial Big Bang. Gravitons are millions of times smaller that the atom. This single atom has quantum fluctuation simply because it is matter that exists in our universe. When a single fluctuation occurs, an electron materializes into another state, it just pops into being out of nowhere and graviton-space is taken up. When a particle (electron) emerges out of nowhere (changes its quantum state) it tears the fabric of graviton-space. Just as a dense singularity of mass tears space and forms a black hole. When an electron just emerges out of nowhere it doesn't "push" the space around it away from itself as it emerges. It becomes the space. Even though the electron became the space, there is still a hole in that space because there are less gravitons that now exist. An absence of gravitons is hole in graviton-space. These microscopic holes reside on the outside of the electron. The electron will never appear in the exact same place twice, but every time it jumps, it creates holes around it. These holes exist for only a fraction of a second, but the electron is jumping from place to place at the speed of light. So the effect is trillions of graviton holes compounding, forming a field around the entire atom like clouds of tiny holes. these holes are so tiny that only gravitons can fall into them, but all matter is surrounded by gravitons, so the effect is gravity. Since the tiny holes that are created were once gravitons, I call the actual hole the anti-graviton hole. It's also rather fitting because only gravitons (the smallest conceivable particle) can fall into them. Gravitons are constantly falling into our atom, but since gravitons are so small they can pass right through us and most matter easily. Very dense matter feels the effect of gravitons streaming by more because its atoms are more closely packed together. The denser the matter, the more trouble gravitons have getting around its atoms. So the effect of gravity is stronger. The effect of gravity then, is simply the rushing by of gravitons. Gravity is not its own force. Gravity is an effect, Gravity is not its own force. -The undetermined here although, is the rate gravitons fall into anti-graviton holes. But this should be equal to the force of gravity minus the density of the object interacting with gravitons. Question: "Is there a mathematical base by which this statement can be expressed?" Well I'm working on that, but it is difficult because the nature of the space-time fabric (or gravitons) is still relatively unknown. These are very small particles. I think I'm going to look for help. Know anybody? The nature of the Quantum Fluctuation and its need in the metauniverse. Question: "In what way does the observer effect time?" Well, This of course is highly speculative and difficult as an answer would provide not only for a Grand Unified theory, but a new view of the fundamental nature of life as well. In my version of time-loop theory the past and the future of our universe theoretically, is already "known" by the metauniverse (or cosmos). That future must be fulfilled and the Q flux is the means to do it. One speculation of mine is that our gravitons existing in another universe cause that universe to expel them back into our universe creating Q flux in a particle. Thus, the more matter that exists in our universe, the more gravitons are expelled into that other universe causing Q-flux in the matter in the first place. The other universe is not relative to us in regards to time and space, so the gravitons existing in it for only a fraction of a second, could have come from our future or past. Since life exists in our universe, we are creating possibilities to which to which the Q-flux must fulfill in order to exist in the present and thus fulfill itself coming from our future or past. In this way time is truly just relative to an observer in our universe. The more action that takes place, the more the universe must fulfill that time-loop destiny. In this model there is a destiny within our universe, but we can't know it because our conceptions and acts are fulfilling it. Hiçbir yazı/ resim izinsiz olarak kullanılamaz!! Telif hakları uyarınca bu bir suçtur..! Tüm hakları Çetin BAL' a aittir. Kaynak gösterilmek şartıyla siteden alıntı yapılabilir. The Time Machine Project © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90 05366063183 -Turkiye/Denizli
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