Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey/Denizli 


Gun-Barrel design. This bomb was used on Hiroshima, and has about a 20 KiloTon (of TNT) power. This is about 8x1013 Joules. This achieves critical mass by firing the 235U into the hollowed out ball.

The second type is a plutonium compression bomb. First seen tested Alamogordo, New Mexico 1945. This has similar 20 KT power.


This is a thermo nuclear explosive. Uses both uranium and plutonium. The D-T fusion provides the bulk of the power, using fission to initiate it. The destructive power is of the 1-10 Megaton. This will completely destroy everything within a 10Km radius. A lower yield bomb could also be 'clean' that is no radioactive fallout. However as yield is the aim, most nukes are of the dirty type.

If you do the maths, because of nuclear armaments each person is effectively sitting on 2 tons of TNT. That is about 1m3.

And before you get angry, all this information is widely available, and totally unclassified. There is no way you could make a bomb using this information. You would require highly specialist equipment to manipulate the radioactive elements. This is a page of physics interest. There are many good books on the subject, and it is an interesting one.

Alıntı: http://www.tribeclown.com/nuke3.htm 

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