Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey / Denizli 


From a dream to the stars


Building Warp Drives in a Lab?

September 19, 2002

There are a number of theoretical works on the warp drive spacetime, as of yet no one has thought up a way it may be possible to simulate a Warp Drive Spacetime. There are also a number number of unresolved issues about the physicality of a warp drive. With advances in the field superluminal warp drives are possible, but there is no clear underlying principals for a superluminal warp drive (as they seem to contradict known physics). So it may be best to simulate a warp drive for subluminal velocities, it would of also be of great benefit if a model of a warp drive could be constructed to test its physicality. We at ESAA-ATPG think it may be possible to simulate a Warp Drive Spacetime using similar methods that are used to build laboratories equivalents of black holes.  

Warp Drives in BEC?

Bose-Einstein Condensate Connections

We are particularly interested in exploring Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) to create a hydrodyanmical model of a Warp Drive spacetime. The reason for this is because at present there exist no known way to manipulate gravitation however it is possible to model a BEC according to hydrodynamics. A BEC is an interesting phenomena in physics in which several atoms can behave collectively as a single entity at low temperatures. It is also of interest to use BECs to generate a Warp Drive model as the bosonic state of a BEC can be generalized as a vacuum solution to spacetime which is precisely how the Alcubierre Warp Drive behaves. It would be difficult to generate such a model, however unlike theoretical computations it should have physically measurable results.

Expectations and Further Research

From studying a gravitational Warp Drive we are convinced a number of interesting affects will occur in a Laboratory based Warp Drive. One our predications is that a warp drive will loose energy over time in form of Hawking Radiation, so the energy of a warp field would be required to be replaced before it collapses. Because of the intensity of a Warp Drive it excepted to give off more Hawking Radiation then a black hole. It will require the latest advances in BEC study in order to establish such a field within a BEC. Due to the limits of a Lab experiment we expect a Warp Drive to be stationary in the form of BEC. However the presence of a Warp Drive we can run a series of light pulses outside and through the warp field in order to detect a time differential which would only be possible according to warp theory. We here at ESAA-ATPG are very excited about this possibility as it for the first time for real Warp Drive science to be performed. It is not clear at present if a BEC Warp Drive is possible, however we in coming months will dedicate our efforts towards this goal. Accomplishing this goal will either reinforce the fact that warp drives are pure science fiction, or allow for developments which one day may allow for a "starship."


Copyright©2002 by The Advanced Theoretical Physics Group

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