Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey/Denizli 

Hydrogen Fusion Bomb Design

Everybody has this now. It is really really hard to make the almost pure plutonium or highly enriched uranium pits for these bombs.

Hydrogen Bomb

Created by: April,Tony,Mahen

The process of combining nuclei (protons and neutrons in a nucleus) together with a release of kinetic energy is called fusion. This is unlike fission, which is the opposite of fusion. Examples of fusion are seen in the Sun, WMD (weapons of mass destruction), and in some cases, power generators. The Hydrogen bomb was developed after the atomic bomb, which was a fission bomb. The hydrogen bomb, first tested in 1952, differs from the original atomic bombs in that it releases energy through fusion instead of fission. As a result, hydrogen bombs are considered relatively "clean", and release much less radioactive material than fission bombs.


The idea for the Hydrogen Bomb began with Edward Teller and his plans for a "super" bomb. The hydrogen bomb was built in 1952. Teller and Enrico Fermi first studied whether or not a hydrogen bomb was possible in 1942. They believed that it might be possible after looking at research on thermonuclear reactions in stars. Teller at first wasn't too sure that a hydrogen bomb would work because of the extremely high temperatures required for thermonuclear reactions, which could also burn the atmosphere. During World War Two, Teller and his team discovered that much less materials would be reqiured than originally thought.

Bomb Design

A problem that was faced in designing the hydrogen bomb was: how can it maintain the high temperature needed for the thermonuclear reactions to occur? The shock waves produced by the primary needed had to reach the secondary thermonuclear stage before the bomb blew itself apart.

This problem was solved by Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam. However, the exact design is still classfied. The presumable structure of a thermonuclear bomb is as follows. In the center is an atomic bomb, surrounding which is a layer of lithium deuteride (deuterium is H-2, hydrogen atom with atomic mass 2). Around this is a tamper (thick outer layer), made of fissionable material, that holds the contents together to acheive a larger, and more powerful explosion. The neutrons that are released from the fission reaction (atomic bomb explosion) cause* the lithium to fission into helium, tritium (H-3, isotope of hydrogen with atomic mass 3), and energy. When the atomic bomb explodes, the temperature required for fusion of deuterium with tritium or of tritium with tritium are reached (50,000,000 degrees celsius and 400,000,000 degrees celsius, respectively). Once the fusion reactions start, they start releasing neutrons, amongst other things, that continue fission in the core and initiate fission in the tamper.

*High energy gamma ray absorbing material is used to capture the energy of the radiation. At the same time these are absorbed, compression forces are unleashed on the entire cylinder, so that the lithium deuteride compresses also. Neutrons produced reflect toward the lithium deuteride and cause it to produce tritium.

Like other types of nuclear explosion, the explosion of a hydrogen bomb creates an extremely hot zone near its center. In this zone, because of the high temperature, nearly all of the matter present is vaporized to form a gas at extremely high pressure. A sudden overpressure, i.e., a pressure far in excess of atmospheric pressure, propagates away from the center of the explosion as a shock wave, decreasing in strength as it travels. It is this wave, containing most of the energy released, that is responsible for the major part of the destructive mechanical effects of a nuclear explosion. The details of shock wave propagation and its effects vary depending on whether the burst is in the air, underwater, or underground.

The first thermonuclear bomb was exploded in 1952 at Enewetak by the USA. The second one was exploded in the following year by Russia (USSR then). Great Britain, France, and China have also exploded thermonuclear bombs, and these five nations comprise the so-called nuclear club (nations that have means of producing nuclear weapons and admit to having an inventory of them.

The US hydrogen bomb was tested in the Bikini Islands in the Pacific Ocean. 23 nuclear tests were carried out at these Islands between 1946 and 1958. It was a 15 megaton bomb and delivered far more force than expected. 264 people were exposed to radiation because the fall out was greater than expected. It's believed that the hydrogen bomb was up to 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.

Possible Future Nuclear Bombs
Since the fusion reaction produces mostly neutrons and very little that are radioactive, the concept of a “clean” bomb resulted: one having a small atomic trigger, a less fissionable tamper, and therefore less radioactive fallout. Carrying this progression further would result in the suggested neutron bomb, which would have a minimum trigger and a nonfissionable tamper; there would be blast effects and a hail of lethal neutrons but almost no radioactive fallout; this, theoretically, would cause minimal physical damage to buildings and equipment but will kill most living things. The theorized cobalt bomb is, on the contrary, a radioactively “dirty” bomb (with a cobalt tamper). Instead of generating additional explosive force from fission of the uranium, the cobalt is transmuted into cobalt-60, which has a half-life of 5.26 years and produces energetic (and thus penetrating) gamma rays. The half-life of Co-60 is just long enough so that airborne particles will settle and coat the earth's surface before significant decay has occurred, thus making it impractical to hide in shelters. This prompted physicist Leo Szilard to call it a “doomsday device” since it was capable of wiping out life on earth.

Deadly hydrogen bomb is a nuke within a nuke!!

  The hydrogen or thermonuclear bomb is just a nuke within a nuke. In other words, it uses fission and billions of degrees in a conventional atomic bomb (primary) to trigger a chain reaction (fusion) in another bomb (secondary) in order to create a nuclear explosion. A third or tertiary stage can be added yielding up to 20 million tons of TNT!!

Dr. Edward Teller said that the limit on these monsters was 100 million tons of TNT!!

The first H-bombs produced in Nazi Germany were huge devices and needed special refrigeration devices (cryogenics) to keep the liquid deuterium below 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

A submarine was the ideal delivery method at that time but the sub would be blown up in the explosion too.

First test of an atomic bomb took place at Port Chicago on July 17, 1944!!

The world's first atomic explosion took place at Port Chicago just north of San Francisco on July 17, 1944. This was a test of the gun-assembly uranium bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on July 6, 1945.

The atomic test was carried out using the smokescreen of conventional explosives. Hundreds of black sailors were loading ammunition ships in the harbor bound for the Pacific war. The explosion destroyed everything within 1/2 mile and actually caused a tidal wave. The Pentagon said that the ammunition on the ships caught fire and caused the explosion. This was pure fiction as there was no fire preceding the sudden explosion.

Hydrogen bomb principles were well know in 1944!!

The principles of the hydrogen bomb were well know in 1944....Compared to the destructive force of a hydrogen bomb an atomic bomb is a TOY....Hitler was not playing games and his scientists were focused on building and delivering H-bombs.

According to Dr. James B. Conant, President of Harvard University and scientific adviser to General Groves, the U.S. Super bomb was very close to development in 1944:

"By various methods that seem quite possible of development within six months after the first bomb is perfected, it should be possible to increase the efficiency ... in which case the same amount of material would yield something like 24,000 Tons TNT equivalent. Further developments along this same line hold a possibility of producing a single bomb with such amounts of materials and such efficiencies as to run this figure up to several hundred thousand Tons TNT equivalent, or even perhaps a million Tons TNT equivalent... All these possibilities reside only in perfecting the efficiency of the use of elements "25"[U235] and "49"[Pu239]. You will thus see that a considerable "super" bomb is in the offing quite apart from the use of other nuclear reactions."(Bush-Conant Letter on the Super Bomb, National Archives).

This letter was written by Dr. Conant to Vannevar Bush on Oct. 20, 1944!!

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