
A wormhole is a hypothetical hole in space that connects to another point in time. American scientist Kip Thorne first described the idea that wormholes could be used for time travel in 1985. A wormhole consists of an event horizon and a vortex, which leads to the other end of the wormhole.

Any objects that reach the event horizon are pulled into the vortex and across hyperspace. In theory wormholes are very unstable and do not have their ends fixed to a certain point in space. Sometimes two wormhole ends will connect in hyperspace and allow objects to travel through them. The connection between two wormholes is called the Einstein-Rosen Bridge as it was theorised by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in the 1930s.

To use a wormhole for time travel you would have to find a stable wormhole that was connected in hyperspace. Next you would need a ship capable of withstanding intense gravity distortions and that could travel faster than the speed of light.

You would have to travel faster than light to stay ahead of the wormhole collapsing as you passed through it. When an object travels through a wormhole, the wormhole collapses thus if your spacecraft survives the trip through the wormhole you will have no way back. Therefore this is another idea that works on paper but could not be put into practice. Wormholes are small, hard to detect and as of yet no spacecraft could travel through one. Wormholes are still just a part of Startrek because no one has seen one, no one has detected their effects, and we are still as of yet uncertain if they actually exist.

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