Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90 05366063183 - Turkey/Denizli

General Relativity premise:

Curvature of spacetime <-- matter/energy distribution. But
matter/energy distribution <-- curvature of spacetime. Lots of possibilities!




A short cut. Rather than travel along the surface, punch through the surface.


But we don't know how the sheet (spacetime) is curved to punch the surface in the right way to make a useful wormhole.

Need ``exotic material'' (one with negative energy, anti-gravity) to keep wormhole open. Otherwise it collapses too quickly for anything to travel through.


Time Travel

Wormholes can be time machines. Simple design with one end fixed and other end moving at fast speed. Special Relativity => different flow of time at each mouth of wormhole.


Slide moving end back to original position. Observer at stationary end sees observer at other end has aged less => looking back in time. Observer at moving end sees observer at other end has aged more => looking forward in time.

Need to understand laws of quantum gravity to determine if this is possible or not.

Warp Travel

Warp spacetime to travel ``faster than light''.

Relativity says nothing can travel locally faster than the speed of light with respect to local distance markers. But in curved spacetime, local distance markers need not be global ones. (Krauss)

How manipulate spacetime for warp travel?


Spacecraft surfs along the spacetime wave

Energy requirements for warping spacetime this much are astronomical

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The Time Machine Project © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 -Turkiye/Denizli 

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