Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey/Denizli 


 |Science| - Warp Graphics

Warp Drive Graphical

This page presents pictorial effects of warp drive for the mathematically impaired, and for the graphic lover (note:  the images are given with a bit of creative licensing to help illustrate key points).

Warp Drive Propulsion

The Warp Drive works by creating a contraction in front of a spaceship and an expansion behind it, this method of warp drive was proposed in 1994 by Miguel Alcubierre.  A simple graphic of this interpretation is given below:

"The Warp Drive:  Hyper Fast Travel"

The method of warp drive proposed by Alcubierre causes a spaceship to be pulled and pushed to a distant point at the same time (For an alternative view of the warp drive click here, origin Scientific American).  While it is still unclear as to what would be able to produce such a geometry in space, its effects are quite clear.

Spatial Propulsion

A depiction of this type of propulsion is shown on the left.  It can be imagined as follows:  a deflating balloon is pulling space towards it, while at the same time a second balloon is inflating and pushing space away.  

If one were to witness these effects outside of the space ship they would notice that star light would appear to bend around the ship.  This of course assumes that you are traveling along with the ship at the same rate of travel which it is propagating through space (below is a depiction of this effect).

spatial effects of the warp drive

This bending of star light is consequence of the general theory of relativity, which is known as gravitational lensing.  This effect earns its name because light bends around space as it would around an eye glass lens (click here to see an image from the Hubble Space Telescope showing this effect).

Visual Effects of Warp Drive

Science fiction portrays the effects of warp drive by simply passing stars nearby the ship in question.  However this is not how such an effect would truly appear, the stars would simply remain stationary until they are passed.  Occasionally streaks will go by, due to the fact that there particles floating through space.  But one effect will be noted, stars appearing to group together and becoming blue shifted; just as one would expect from the Doppler Effect (click here to view a more accruate avi of the effect 94K).

Warp Drive:  view from the bridge


    The animation of the star light (above) is as it would appear looking into the direction of travel.  The above animation also depicts an ever increase in speed (the strength of the warp bubble).  However from the aft (rear) position, stars would appear to become red shifted because of the expansion behind the space ship. The details of these effects are covered in a paper entitled Null geodesics in the Alcubierre warp drive spacetime (Class.Quant.Grav. 16 (1999) 3965-3972).  If reading the paper scares you, don't worry, a picotoral version of this click here (53 kb), origin Scientific American).

Aft View:  the enterprise going into warp

The traditional view of spaceship going into warp is wrong as well, you would one have to be caught within the warp bubble to view this, this means you would be effected by the gravitational field of the warp bubble ouch!  The image on the left is the reverse of what you in the bridge image and is obviously located outside the ship.  From the rear the ship would appear to expand, as well as become red shifted this increases exponentially until the warp bubble hits you, returning space to normal and making a spaceship seem to disappear.  

 ©2001:  Edward Halerewicz, Jr.

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