Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey / Denizli 

         Unified Field Theory
                                                         last updated:01 Dec 2002

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           Unified Field Theory (1 Dec 2002)

  Time-Gravity Potential












Here are some of my thoughts on an Electric-Gravity Unified Field Theory. I wanted to present some of the theory, before I present experimental results from my newest experiments concerning TIME MACHINE. Remember Time = Gravity (that is exactly what equation 9 is saying). If you want to create an artificial gravity field, you must also understand how it relates to time. Eq 1 is the potential energy of a spherical gravity source. Eq 2 is the energy of a photon. Eq 3 is a statement of conservation of Energy (photon in a gravity well at 2 points see Modern Physics by Serway, Moses, Moyer). Eq 4 is an equation of how the frequency of a photon changed in a gravity potential. Its re-written as a partial differential equation in Eq 5. Eq 6 is Newtons gravitational force equation. I define the G-field vector similar to how the E-field vector is defined in E-Mag (Eq7). I define a 'Time Rate' scalar potential (Capital Fi) (eq 8) And finally the eq 9 tells us that the gradient of a Scalar 'time rate progression' potential (Fi) defines the G-field. This is how gravity is related to time or more precisely the rate of time progression.

  Maxwell's Equations






For reasons I'll discuss later, I believe the dynamic gravity equations will have a similar form as that of the Electromagnetism equations of Maxwell.

  Gravity-Electric Analogy








Next we will discuss the similarity between the Electric and Gravity field. Eq 14 is the Expression for the Electric Field. Going through the steps, we can relate the Electric to the gravity field. Finally Eq 19 shown the proper form of the gravito-static G-field, where Gc is the gravitational constant, and rho_m is the mass-density (in counter-distinction to the charge density of rho)... (Note: I have defined the G-field as Force/Mass analogues to how the Electric field is defined as Force/charge)

  General Relativity

(p 67, Modern Physics, Serway, Moses, Moyer)


PE = mgH (21)





Hopefully the Math isn't scaring too many people away. Here are some equations from General Relativity. If we make the "ASSUMPTION" that the photons 'gravitational mass' is equal to its 'inertail mass'....(eq 20) (of course we know that a photon has no mass, but it has velocity and momentum so p=mv or m=p/v) Then we can derive the frequency shift (time rate progression change) for an observer and (a photon source) in a gravitational potential. What this tells us is that we can never hope to make a time machine in 'normal' gravitational circumstances. Don't give up hope yet, there are more fields than the static gravitational one. I'll have more to say on this later.....

  Movement of charge









Next I'll talk about 'dynamic' fields. We must have an equation that describes how a (moving) charged particle behaves in the fields (eq 25 for electromagnetism). Also it follows that if a 'source' of a field is moved or accelerated, assuming that the information of its movements does not travel to the most remote edges of the universe instantaneously, It will produce waves or radiation (eq 26 for E-M). With a constant movement of current in a pair of wires, Special Relativity can be used to predice the magnetic 'force' between them (see Introduction to Electrodynamics, by Griffiths, p489) which shows that magnetism is a relativistic phenomenon and is produced by movement of charge. A moving source is expected to produce a 'different' type of field than the static source. Here (Eq 27) shows how an electric current (in the absence of any 'displacement currents') produces a magnetic field. Following the analogy through, I define an M-field (motional-gravitational field) which is the gravitational analog of the magnetic field. (more to come....)

  The Duality of E-Mag and Gravity











If we assume a duality between Maxwells equations and the gravity equations, We can complete the set of gravity equations with no coupling to the electromagnetic fields. Eq 31 is the Dual of the Electric field displacement vector. We must define an analogous 'displacement G_d field'. To make things simplier, I will mainly work with only the G-field as defined previously. Similarly we can define a M_B which is the motional g-field equivalent to the B-field. Relating Eq 19 to Eq 36 we get Eq 33 which defines eta. Equations 34-37 are the non-coupling dynamic gravity equations. Notice that eta (eq 33) has the proper units to complete eq 35. This leaves one variable xi left to define. If we look at the wave equations (eq 38) and we 'ASSUME' that gravity waves travel at the speed of light 'c' we get eq 39. Note: there is no particular reason to assume the speed of light other than this is what Einstein did. If gravity and Electromagnetism are related to each other, this is probably a good assumption, but the speed of gravity still must be measured experimentally for verification. For now we'll go with this assumption to complete the non-coupling dynamic gravity equations.


Unified Field Theory update (20 Dec 2002)

How to Generate a Gravito-Magnetic Field

Griffiths, P 229










Now I'll talk about how to generate a Gravito-Magnetic field, or the M-field as I have defined. We will start with the electromagentic analogy, a rotating spherical shell (solution found in Griffiths, Introduction to Electromagnetism, p 229) see eq 40. Since most massive objects distribute their 'mass charge' through the interior and not just on the surface like electrical charges on a conductor, we must integrate over the volume (eq 41), giving the vector potential in eq 42. Converting from charge density to total charge (eq 43) and using the relation to the B-field (eq 44), we get the magnetic (B-field) of a spinning 'dielectric' with charge evenly distributed through the volume (eq 45). Now we use the Duality of the gravity to electric fields (derived previously above) to get the M-field generated by a rotating mass 'M' of radius R-primed (note primed is not derivate, but only there to designate R in integral from R in the limits of integration, also the M-field is the Dual of the H-field not the B-field.) and rotating at a radial angular frequency of omega. Lower case r is the radius where the field is measured. If we set r =R so we can determine the order of magnitude of the generated field near the surface of the rotating mass, we get eq 47. This M-Field term is the field component that is responsible for the 'Frame dragging' phenomenon in General Relativity. (Note: NASA's experiment with gravity probe-B is looking to measure this) Notice that the field drastically increases as R decreases and as omega increases. Two words come to mind Labority Experiment. Above is a picture of the center of a crop circle. (Crop circles are created by UFO propulsion system, anyone who tells you otherwise, obviously has not done their homework....[or of course has ulterior motives]*) The grains are swirled down in a counter clockwise direction. Could this be caused by a 'Frame Dragging' phenomenon of a component of the propulsion system rotating very rapidly in an intense (artificially created) gravitation field?.......

* (I reacently saw a show on TLC that tried to claim that three men with 'wooden planks' are responsible for creating the thousands of crop circles around the world. Shame on you TLC for pushing such a blaitent lie. Here some of the facts that TLC chose to ignore. 1. Stomping the crops down with wooden planks does not duplicate the subtle manner in how the grains bent, not broken. 2. The grains in a real crop circle are intricatly intrewoven. (this could not be done with boards and stomping) 3. The soil is 'chemically' transformed, burnt and shows signs of radioactivity. 4. The cropcircles have been appearing a long time before these 'skeptic scammers' came along, trying to mislead the public. Shall I go on??? There are reasons why certain 'groups' would like to explain away this tangible evidence left behind by flying saucers.... After all how could a few meglomaniacs and oil barrons control the 'whole world' if the average person had access to an infinite supply of free energy???)

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