Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey / Denizli 

Open Clusters - M6 and M7

Next, we'll hit a nice Open Star Cluster M6(mag4.25). Also known as The Butterfly Cluster, M6 is an impressive sight. This object is just barely visible with the naked eye. It looks very nice in a telescope or binoculars. Check out the nebulosity so beautifully captured in the accompanying image.

M6 Cluster:

M7 Cluster:

Moving on about 3.5° to the northwest we come to another impressive Open Star Cluster, M7 (mag 3.5). M6 and M7 provide a nice contrast for observers. Again, this is easily visible to the naked eye to the southwest of M6. It looks absolutely stunning in a small telescope.

 Astronomi   Galaxy Resimler    Nebula Resimler     Yıldız Kümeleri Resimleri   Astrophotography

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