Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey / Denizli 

 M24 - Star clouds in Sagittarius


The small Sagittarius star cloud stretches across the middle of the frame, under dark nebulae  B92 and B93 at top. Open cluster NGC 6603 is near the left side of the frame about 1/3 of the way down. The complex of emission and reflection nebulosity at the bottom of the frame is IC 1283/4, NGC 6589/90, NGC 6995.

Exposure Data

  • Lens: Astro-Physic's 130 EDT f/8 refractor
  • F/stop: with f/6 telecompressor
  • Exposure: Composite of two 60 minute exposures
  • Film: Gas-hypersensitized Fujicolor Super HG 400
  • Filter None
  • Date: First frame taken at 09:25 UT on 8 May 1994 from Sentinel Arizona
  • Date: Second frame taken at 08:28 UT on 9 May 1994 from Massai Point, Arizona

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Catching the Light

Small Sagittarius
Star Cloud

Open cluster
Magnitude: 4.0
Size: 100' x 100'
Constellation: Sagittarius
RA: 18h 16m 36s
Dec: -18 38' 53"