Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey / Denizli 


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 IC 1396


    with vdb 142

About this Object:  

A little known cluster and nebula in the Milky Way region of Cepheus.  IC 1396 is large in size, covering approximately 3 degrees of the sky just southeast of Alderamin, the brightest star in Cepheus.  In fact, it's one of the largest emission nebula in the sky, about 6 times wider than our full moon.  The large, bright star in this photo is the Garnet Star, Mu Cephei, a red variable star.  This star varies between 3.4 and 5.1 magnitude over a 730 day period.  Several dark nebula permeate IC 1396 including Barnard 160, the larger of the dark nebula on the right side as shown here.  Perhaps the most spectacular feature is van den Bergh 142 commonly called the "elephant trunk".

Click <here> to see detail of vdb 142.

Location:  Okie-Tex Star Party, Kenton, OK
Date:  September 18-19, 2006
Transparency: 9/10 
Temperature: -25 degrees C on camera
Scope/Mount: Tak FSQ-106 @ f/5 on Paramount ME
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M astro CCD camera
Filter: Custom Scientific 4.5 nm H-alpha filter
Exposure Info: Ha+LRGB image; 150:40:30:30 minutes with 60 minutes of clear luminance data (10 minute subexposures for LRGB, 30 minute subexposures for Ha)

Processing Information:  Acquisition with CCDSoft. Calibration (darks/flats), and registration in CCDstack (median combine). LRGB combine and Ha blending, color balance, levels/curves, and noise removal/local contrast enhancement/star halo reduction (Noel Carboni's Astronomy Tools) in Photoshop CS.

Hydrogen Alpha Data used for image (150 minutes)

Previous Images:

Click on the image for larger resolution (1600 x 1062 pixels)

 Location:  Texas Star Party 2004 near Fort Davis, Texas
Seeing: 6/10
Transparency: 8/10
Date and Time: May 21, 2003
Scope/Mount: Tak FSQ-106 on Tak NJP mount
Exposure information: Grayscale, clear luminance (7 x 10 minutes)
Camera: SBIG STL-6303E with integrated filter wheel
Processing Information:  Dark calibration, deblooming, alignment, and sigma combine in MaxIm DL 4.  Digital Development in MaxIm 4. Levels and Curves in Photoshop CS.

Location:  Texas Star Party 2003 near Fort Davis, Texas
Seeing: 6/10
Transparency: 8/10
Date and Time: May 3, 2003 @  3:35 AM CST
Equipment: 420mm @ f4 (300mm Nikkor ED lens with TC14B teleconverter) guided with Meade 208xt
Length: A single 45 minute exposure
Film: Kodak E200 slide film with one stop push to ISO 320
Processing Information:  Image is slightly cropped with a levels adjustment and contrast/saturation increase. Slight unsharp mask applied.  

Exposure Notes: I shot this object a bit low on the horizon so some atmospheric discoloration occurred.  I managed to process much of it out but come color shift remains.  Still, a very pleasing shot!

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Copyright(c) 2003 - 2006 Cetinbal All rights reserved.