Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90 05366063183 - Turkey/Denizli Space Portal--A Device To Travel In Space And Time A Proposal For Creating Permanent Artificial Wormholes In Space-Time By John K. Harms Go To HOME © Copyright, 2001 Abstract: This text proposes a space portal device, a method for permanently opening a wormhole for the purpose of travel by human beings throughout the Universe. It is proposed that a large asteroid might be modified for such a purpose. A diagram of the design of this device is put forth within the text, as well as a discussion of some of the device's vital elements. The idea for the device logically follows from the author's previous ideas concerning gravity. Some of the probable consequences of this space portal idea are discussed. Key Words: Space Portal, Time Travel, Wormholes, Space-Time, Casimir Effect, Long-Wavelength Radiation Introduction This text is a somewhat less-serious (than other texts) proposal for a device to travel in time and space through an artificially created (and permanent) wormhole. Although this text was (relatively speaking) more fun for the author to ponder, this idea is also based upon the author's rather more serious gravity ideas; that gravity is a disturbance of background radiation in the Universe. Therefore, assuming the validity of the gravity model, the machine proposed in this text should function as described herein. See either of the gravity texts at the links below for a further description of the author's view of gravity. It can be understood that if the author's ideas of gravity are correct, then the ideas proposed here should have validity and be logically consistent. It should be noted that the device proposed in this text is of the author's own design and creation and the author has not obtained (or heard of) this idea elsewhere. Hence, to the best of the author's knowledge this idea is original. However, in a planet as populated as ours is (and with all these brilliant minds constantly "working away" on new ideas), the author realizes that completely original ideas can often be difficult to come by. But, here is the proposal nonetheless; a space portal, an artificially generated permanent wormhole, perhaps, of a dimension that an astronaut might be able to pass through to an unknown place and time. Gravity And Wormholes If the author's ideas concerning gravity are essentially correct, then it follows that the centers of very massive bodies may contain wormholes, tunnels or passages through cracks in space and time. These wormholes may be somewhat large space-time curvatures or radiation voids at a bodies center-of-mass. Since it is impossible for us to gaze within (for example) the Earth to view the wormhole which may surround the Earth's center-of-mass, we cannot ever know anything about the wormhole that may exist there. Hence, this is a forbidden territory, the shrouded contents of a "black box" which we can never open and directly observe. The Earth may "act" as if it is completely solid (and it may be as far as we know), but at the boundary deep within the Earth where the incoming long-wavelength radiation from space becomes completely blocked or absorbed by the matter in the Earth, is the starting point of the radiation void. This void surrounds the core and is equivalent to a highly curved space, a wormhole. The inbound residual radiation not completely absorbed by matter may primarily be funnelled into this wormhole and, thus, it enters hyperspace. The size of the wormhole depends upon the location (or line) deep within the Earth where all inbound radiation ceases to penetrate. This energy will be absorbed deep within the Earth. This will create a negative "absence of radiation" pressure surrounding the core and the center-of-mass. This negative pressure is essentially the source of the Earth's gravity from the point of view of all bodies on the Earth's surface. At the very center of the wormhole lies the Earth's center-of-mass, a singular point where all this incoming radiation in-essence departs the physical Universe. It is noteworthy that this absorbed long-wavelength radiation may fabricate mass-growth in the Earth and other planets, not only from the absorbed long-wavelength vacuum radiation that creates the radiation void, but also from any other radiation that will be attracted to the Earth by the void near the core. Moreover, these absorbed photons should cause significant heating to the rock over time. Perhaps, this is the mechanism (gravitational energy) for the volcanism so common to the various planets in our solar system. These ideas will not be explored here in detail as this model has its own text. See the "Gravity-Growth" text at the link below for further details. As Newton discovered, all the mass of the Earth (or any other massive body), "acts" as if every particle composing it is at the bodies center-of-mass--this is not a coincidence that this is true! The center-of-mass is a singular point where all incoming radiation not blocked ends by entering hyperspace, a wormhole through space and time. The Space Portal Device--A Massive Sphere With An Enclosed Cavity This text proposes a new piece of technology, a space portal device for the transportation of human beings through space and time in an absolutely unconventional fashion. That is, a device for humans to enter hyperspace i.e., the realm of higher dimensions. Although we can now travel through space and time only by conventional means, this device might offer a quite different mode of transportation--through a space portal. Although this device may indeed work as proposed, this particular method of travel may, perhaps, have its drawbacks overall and may turnout not to be very practical for rapid space and time travel. More discussion of this topic subsequently. Fundamentally, the proposed device is a massive solid sphere with a cavity hollowed-out at its core. The sphere must composed of very dense materials to block the incoming long-wavelength radiation (creating the void) as well as be very structurally sturdy, so as not to implode inward into the wormhole created at the hollow core. Thus, at the hollow core resides the wormhole. Please note the following diagram: A rocky body at A could be drilled into at B creating a void to be hollowed-out at C. Incoming radiation from space would be blocked by the dense rocky materials at A. Astronauts enter the rocky body (perhaps by an elevator) at B and at C, the wormhole is generated at the core. The size of drill-hole B is vastly exaggerated and, therefore, not to scale due to the unfortunate limitations of the computer image. A possibility for the future manufacture of such a device might be to locate and land a spacecraft on a suitably-sized asteroid, perhaps, a rocky object in the asteroid belt close to the planet Jupiter. Such an asteroid would have to be rather large (perhaps up to 100 km in diameter), very massive and rocky. Drilling equipment would then bore a somewhat large hole through the rock (letter B above) and down into the core of the asteroid at C. A sizable cavity C could then be hollowed-out at the bodies center-of-mass, perhaps, with the aid of high explosives. This excess material could then be brought up to the surface to fill surface holes and add additional radiation shielding to the surface rock. To prevent penetration of long-wavelength radiation into the core area, perhaps, a liquid helium (or other very cold liquefied gas under pressure) jacket (or bladder) might surround the inner walls of the cavity C. This jacket would cover all sections of the inner wall of the cavity and might consist of a layer several meters in thickness. This inner-barrier of coldness, not only would prevent the penetration of long-wavelength radiation into the cavity C from space, but also any radiation from the inner walls themselves, the product of heating. Moreover, to control the wormhole that will be created when long-wavelength radiation hopefully becomes vanquished entirely from the cavity, the liquid helium may be stored elsewhere (perhaps, at the surface of the asteroid) and then only used when needed. Pumping the liquid helium from the surface and into the bladder might initiate the wormhole effect. This reaction, therefore, might be somewhat controllable. This point is somewhat speculative, however. This cavity would then be a permanent wormhole, largely shielded from the long-wavelength cosmic vacuum radiation background. This cavity is fundamentally a place where long-wavelength background radiation does not penetrate--a radiation void. The void is essentially a location in space where the electromagnetic field potential fluctuates about the zero-point. It can be demonstrated that such a radiation void is equivalent to a bodies gravity, an attractive force similar to the Casimir force. The Casimir Force--Proof Of Concept The Casimir experiment and (now called) the Casimir force essentially proves that this idea might indeed work. This device described and pictured above is basically a huge (and far superior) Casimir experiment. The Casimir effect will be only briefly summarized here as it is described in greater detail in other texts. The Casimir effect can be demonstrated when two metallic plates a certain distance apart block vacuum radiation from going between them. Hence, between the plates, there is an absence of vacuum radiation which produces a positive force on each plate (from positive radiation pressure) toward each other. The plates, therefore, are slightly attracted to each other, because a slight radiation void is created between the plates themselves. This force can now be measured very accurately in experiments. The Casimir force is due not only to the inward pressure from the absence of vacuum quanta pushing the plates together, but also by the inward collapse of space from the void (relatively speaking) between the plates. These two descriptions of this experiment are essentially equivalent. References: (Lamoreaux, 1997; Mohideen & Roy, 1998) From the point of view of "quantum space" in the author's other work, the absence of radiation that exists between the metal plates equates to an increase of space quanta between them. This accumulation of space particles is equivalent to an increase in the positive curvature between the plates, providing the illusion that a force is primarily responsible. See the "Quantum Space And General Relativity" text for further details at the link below. Waves And Particle Spin Polarization The cancellation of vacuum long-wavelength radiation is the secret to achieving a radiation void at the core of this device. If a method were devised to cancel the incoming quanta by other means, then vastly less (and also less dense) materials would be required for its construction. This might be a more practical solution. This might be accomplished either by: 1) Creating precisely out-of-phase waves of either radiation or matter to cancel-out the incoming long-waves of radiation. The void can be generated through cancellation. 2) Generating particles of opposite spin of (again) either radiation or matter to cancel-out the incoming long-wavelength radiation. This is also cancellation. Either of these approaches (particle or wave) might generate the necessary void at the core of this device. Perhaps, special technologies could be developed for the emission outward from the surface of the device of out-of-phase or opposite-spin radiation to cancel the incoming vacuum quanta. Or, perhaps, special materials on the surface of the asteroid might be developed to produce similar cancellation effects there. Either of these approaches (or both) should produce the desired effect--an artificial wormhole. A Trip Through A Portal In Space And Time This technological conception of a permanent portal in space and time raises the question of future human travel and exploration through hyperspace. While the wormhole (portal) through space may be large enough for a human astronaut to enter (as the boundaries of the portal are set where long-wavelength radiation is halted on its way to the core of a body), there may be other hazards, perhaps three that come to mind, that an astronaut might encounter. These three hazards might include: 1) Very strong tidal forces from the environment of highly curved space (similar to a black hole) may rip the astronaut apart. Forces on the astronaut's head would be quite different than on his feet, thus, a strong stretching of the astronaut's body would take place. One can calculate these forces on the astronaut (using the Newtonian gravity equations) and this hazard may put a rapid and unpleasant halt to the adventure. 2) Research in other texts indicates that the environment of higher dimensions may be very hot, perhaps, brighter (and hotter) than the Sun. If true, this would not be a very comfortable environment for a human astronaut and human travel through hyperspace could not proceed simply on this basis alone. 3) If one arrives at a destination at faster than the time for a similar light beam to go from the departure point to the destination point, one must (given that relativity is correct) travel backwards-in-time. This means that one's metabolic functioning rate must halt or operate in a backward mode. This might be impossible without killing the astronaut. More about this in the subsequent "Travel In Time" section. Concerning hazard # 1: A human being at the core of a massive asteroid (such as we are describing above) would be in-essence weightless. This is because the gravitational effects of all the matter in the asteroid would be pulling evenly from all directions on an astronaut at the asteroid's center-of-mass. Hence, at the absolute center of the asteroid, the astronaut would be floating freely. This might have the beneficial effect of countering somewhat the strong tidal forces as described in # 1 above. Thus, this situation is not very similar to the tidal forces as one approaches a singularity in, for example, a black hole. Therefore, the difficulty mentioned in hazard # 1 may vanish altogether. Hazard # 2 may simply not be true. As we are creatures of four dimensions (if one includes time along with the three dimensions of space), we cannot really know about what exists at the fifth or sixth dimensions (or higher). Even with present algebraic techniques, we can only guess what exists at dimensions above the fourth. So, to say that hyperspace is too hot for human travel, is only a conjecture at this point. This idea is explored in the "Flames" text, however, at the link below. Travel In Time The author's view of time, that time is related to metabolic rate and this metabolic rate inherently changes with velocity, suggests that time and space are connected. Thus, in the highly-curved space environment within the portal, travel by an astronaut in this warped space must also be travel in time. As mentioned in hazard # 3 above, if travel time to one's destination is the same as the time taken for a light beam (from the point of departure) to arrive, time for the astronaut will absolutely stop within the portal, a result of the hyper dimensional effects on metabolic rate. If, however, the portal takes the astronaut through higher dimensions arriving at a location faster than the time that a similar light beam could get you there, this travel would necessarily be backward-in-time. This concept is outlined by Einsteinian dynamics. As one might expect, metabolic rate within the portal would point also in the opposite-backward direction. Hence, one would become increasingly younger during the journey as metabolic functioning flows in the opposite direction. Therefore, it can be understood that the speed of one's body relative to the speed of light, governs also one's metabolic functioning rate and metabolic rate in-turn governs time. This is an important point worthy of note. If one does not believe that a person's metabolic rate is capable of halting altogether or flowing backward (that this would kill the individual), then this might be a hazard (# 3 above) that prevents any human travel in this space portal whatsoever. This is left as an open question in this model and is, thus, subject to interpretation. It is worthy of note that in this picture of backward-in-time travel that (the usually described difficulty of) killing one's own grandmother can never happen, because although one personally becomes younger in age, this has no effect upon anyone else! Time is personal. One's grandmother may still be dead and she doesn't come back to life, although one can personally become younger by entering the portal. Hence, the metabolic rates of other people on Earth still flow always in the forward-in-time direction. To others on Earth, they interpret the time it took for you to go on your journey and return from their point of reference (and according to their metabolic rates). However, if you do return, you are younger (and will appear to be so) than before you left. Perhaps, since your metabolic functioning was flowing backward to a time prior to your departure, you may have no memory of the journey (or even prior to it) at all. This description, and that in the previous paragraph, are some of the time paradox's that can happen if the astronaut does return home. Alternatively, it is not clear that you would be able to return home at all! If one can never get home, this essentially solves all the above "time paradox's". The space portal "wormhole" at this end would remain always open. But, unless others (alien cultures perhaps) have built other such devices elsewhere to transport you back to the departure point (portal device), there would be no way of returning home. Moreover, the navigation technologies from one device to another (connected by wormholes) or to different points in space and back is utterly unknown to us. Perhaps, the aliens know how to do this. For this idea to work at all, let us hope that they do. Conclusion This model lead to the following probable consequences: 1) Wormholes may exist with matter. 2) The blockage of background radiation creates a void, an area of very high space-time curvature. 3) The line where long-wavelength radiation becomes blocked inside a massive body is the beginning of the wormhole. 4) The center-of-mass is equivalent to a massive bodies singularity, the point within the body where space-time ends. 5) Cancellation of incoming vacuum radiation might be achieved either by producing matter or radiation of precisely opposite spin or exactly out-of-phase. 6) Speed of your body relative to the speed of light determines metabolic rate; metabolic rate determines time. Faster-than-light reverses one's metabolic rate. 7) New planetary mass growth may be fabricated from incoming vacuum long-wavelength or other photons, the cause of the radiation void. Relevant Links Gravity: http://www.johnkharms.com/gravitation.htm Quantum Space And General Relativity: http://www.johnkharms.com/GTR.htm Time And Metabolic Rate: http://www.johnkharms.com/time.htm Flames And Higher Dimensions: http://www.johnkharms.com/flames.htm The Gravity-Growth Text: http://www.johnkharms.com/gravity-growth.htm Go To HOME References Lamoreaux, S. K., January 6, 1997, Physical Review Letters, Vol 78, P. 5 Mohideen, U., Roy, A., November 3, 1998, Physical Review Letters, Vol 81, P. 4549 Reader's Note: Proper References And/Or Acknowledgments To This Text Are Appreciated. © Copyright X-Copyright: J. K. Harms, 2001 Hiçbir yazı/ resim izinsiz olarak kullanılamaz!! Telif hakları uyarınca bu bir suçtur..! Tüm hakları Çetin BAL' a aittir. Kaynak gösterilmek şartıyla siteden alıntı yapılabilir. The Time Machine Project © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90 05366063183 -Turkiye/Denizli
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