Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey/Denizli 

AnalogScience Fiction & Fact Magazine
"The Alternate View" columns
of John G. Cramer
Subject Index

"The Alternate View" columns of John G. Cramer are short (~2,000 word) essays about cutting-edge science. They are aimed at readers (and writers) of "hard" science fiction, as exemplified by the SF stories of Analog, but are about real science, usually physics or astronomy. These columns are published bimonthly in Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine.

This index is current to 08/01/2003
© John G. Cramer, 1984-2003; All rights reserved.
No part of these columns may be reproduced in any form
without prior explicit permission of the author.

Group 6 - Wormholes

The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
Wormholes and Time Machines General relativity and FTL travel 06/89 AltVw33
Wormholes II: Getting There in No Time Wormholes as starships 05/90 AltVw39
Natural Wormholes: Squeezing the Vacuum Negative mass from squeezed vacuum 07/92 AltVw53
NASA Goes FTL - Part 1: Wormhole Physics JPL relativity/quantum workshop report 1 13/94 AltVw69
New Improved Wormholes Making wormholes without negative mass 11/00 AltVw103

Group 8 - Space Drives

The Alternate View
Column Title
Subject of Column Analog
The Dark Side of the Force of Gravity The Dark Matter Problem 02/85 AltVw05
Strings and Things Cosmic strings 04/87 AltVw19
Laser Propulsion and the Four P's Laser-sustained propulsion 08/87 AltVw21
FTL Photons The Casimir Effect and the speed of light 13/90 AltVw43
Nuke Your Way to the Stars Continuously detonating nuclear rocket 13/92 AltVw56
The Tachyon Drive: Vex=¥and Eex= 0. Using tachyons as reaction fuel 10/93 AltVw61
NASA Goes FTL - Part 2: Cracks in Nature's FTL Armor JPL relativity/quantum workshop report 2 02/95 AltVw70
The Alcubierre Warp Drive A warp-drive solution to Einstein's equations 11/96 AltVw81
Space Drives, Phased Arrays, and Interferometry  Amplitude and intensity interferometry 01/97 AltVw82
Antigravity Sightings  Woodward's Mach's Principle space drive 03/97 AltVw83
The Krasnikov Tube: A Subway to the Stars A solution to Einstein's equations in the form of a time-shortcut tube 09/97 AltVw86
The Micro-Warp Drive An improvement on the Alcubierre Drive that makes the warp-bubble large on the inside and microscopic on the outside.


Antigravity II: A Fifth Force? Hypercharge and hyperforce 09/86 AltVw15
Other Universes II Everett-Wheeler interpretation of QM 11/84 AltVw03
Quantum Time Travel Time tricks with quantum mechanics 04/91 AltVw45
The Quantum Physics of Teleportation Transporting a complete quantum state 12/93 AltVw62
The Other 40 Dimensions Klein-Kaluza compactification 04/85 AltVw06

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The Time Machine Project © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 -Turkiye/Denizli 

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Time Travel Technology /Ziyaretçi Defteri /UFO Technology/Duyuru

Kuantum Teleportation /Kuantum Fizigi /Uçaklar(Aeroplane)

New World Order(Macro Philosophy)/Astronomy