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Wormholes In Space

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Astro Weekly:
July 7, 2002

Fall into a black hole and you face instant annihilation, according to traditional wisdom. But some astronomers think that black holes could be gateways instead of dead ends - that they may open the way to wormholes, tunnels through space-time that could lead in an instant to past or future epochs, to far-flung regions of the cosmos, or even to other universes. Wormholes do not appear to violate any of the currently understood laws of physics. Whether they can exist in nature, though, is still not known.

    Quick Facts:
    Linking Laws: Some physicists think that the universe may be riddled with ultra-microscopic wormholes that allow information to pass between vastly separated regions of the cosmos. This would ensure that the laws of physics were the same everywhere.
    First Thoughts: Austrian physicist Ludwig Flamm was the first to suggest the possibility of wormholes - only a year after Albert Einstein published his General Theory of Relativity. But Flamm didn't actually use the term "wormholes," and their significance was not recognized at the time.


Tunnel Vision
Wormholes, as their name suggests, are like burrows. But rather than tunneling trough soil, they wind through a dimension of space and time that we cannot see - so-called hyperspace. An ant can walk more quickly between two surface points on a hill by tunneling through the mound than by going over its surface. In exactly the same way, an object could pass from one part of the cosmos to another much faster if it could burrow through the fabric of space and time instead of being forced to travel through it. A wormhole is a theoretical tunnel that might allow such a feat.

Physicists Ludwig Flamm in Austria and Karl Schwarzchild in Germany independently conceived the the idea of a tunnel through hyperspace in 1916. Later, in the 1930's, Albert Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen, both working at Princeton University, developed the idea more fully and derived the Einstein-Rosen bridge. This was a neck connecting two spinning black holes, objects so dense that not even light can escape their gravity.

At the time, the Einstein-Rosen bridge was seen as nothing more than the bizarre theoretical outcome of one solution to the equations of Einstein's General Theory of General Relativity. Most theorists thought that if you fell into a black hole, you would be squashed to a point of infinite density and zero size - called a singularity - at the hole's origin. So even if there were such a bridge, nothing could cross it and live to tell the tale.

    True Story
    Thorny Problems:
    The idea of wormholes has been around for decades, but it was the work of U.S. physicist Kip Thorne that helped to popularize it. Thorne, who is Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology (CalTech), Pasadena, once suggested that passage through a wormhole might be possible if the hole could be held open long enough. Nowadays, though, he is more skeptical about the idea.

Propping The Door Open
In the mid-1980s, U.S. physicist Kip Thorne
proposed that falling into a black hole might not end in tragedy after all. Mathematically, he showed that if the mouth of the wormhole in a rotating black hole could be forced to stay open, a trip through it might be possible. A person could enter the wormhole at one end and emerge in an entirely different part of the universe altogether. The trick was to get the wormhole to keep its mouth open.

To keep a wormhole open requires something almost as bizarre as a wormhole itself: exotic matter. Unlike ordinary matter, exotic matter always exerts a negative pressure. It you were to pump exotic matter into a tire, the more you put in, the flatter the tire would get. This, Thorne showed, was the key to surviving a fall through the throat of a wormhole. If enough exotic matter could somehow be fed into the wormhole's mouth, the powerful negative pressure that it generated would counteract gravity and prevent the gate from closing.

Strane as these concepts are, they do not violate the current laws of physics. Scientists already have indirect evidence for the existence of small amounts of exotic matter. But we are still a very long way from the technology needed to turn these theories into a workable method of intergalactic space travel.

    Wormhole Timeline:

  • 1915: Albert Einstein publishes his General Theory of Relativity, incorporating field equations that express how matter has an effect on both space and time.
  • 1916: German physicist Karl Schwarzschild solves field equations for a non-rotating black hole. He and Austrian physicist Ludwig Flamm simultaneously but independently suggest a tunnel through space-time between black holes.
  • 1933: Einstein and fellow Princeton scientist Nathan Rosen solve Einstein's equations and derive the Einstein-Rosen Bridge - the first mathematically proven wormhole.
  • 1948: Austrian mathematician Kurt Godel shows that tunnels in time may be possible.
  • 1950s: Princeton scientist John Wheeler invents the term "wormhole." He coins the term black hole in the late 1960s.
  • 1985: Caltech astrophysicist Kip Thorne and colleagues suggest in the scientific paper "Wormholes, Time Machines and the Weak Energy Condition" that traversable wormholes could exist.

Alıntı: http://www.midtel.net/~cjworeth

                                           Resource: The Secrets of the Universe.


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