Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90  05366063183 - Turkey/Denizli 


Black holes suck in objects but -- according to Einstein's general theory of relativity that time reversal is possible -- objects that travel through black holes could theoretically be spewed out of other holes. Such holes are called white holes. The tunnels that connect black and white holes are known as wormholes.

The space-time tunnels of another world

Black holes are the final stage of a star's development. But in extraordinary times, such as the start of the Universe, wormholes could be created. If the changing nature of space and time is considered, it's better to think that wormholes appear and disappear. By thinking closely about wormholes, it's possible to understand that there is a different world to the one we live on. If we consider both these worlds as being parallel, wormholes are like a space-time tunnel that joins our world to the other.

Wormholes present time travel opportunities

Kip Sone, a relative theorist, devised a theory where wormholes could act as time machines. He believed that, according to the principles of quantum mechanics, if a space ship was strong enough to travel at something near light speed through a wormhole, time would travel backwards. By following the principles of the special theory of relativity that say time moves slower for objects traveling at the speed of light, it would be possible to travel in time.

Stephen Hawking has dismissed the possibility of creating time machines

There are a number of factors working against the theory of creating a time machine and it's better at this stage to consider its construction impossible. Stephen Hawking has often said that if the effects of quantum mechanics are considered, the construction of a time machine is not possible in the real world.

Time warps

Ever see "Back to the Future"? Well, I have and it really made me think. Could we travel back through time? Would it be a two-way trip? Here's what I have to say... At first I thought, no way, time travel can't be achieved! But when I really think about it, why not? Let's talk about Einstein. Space and time co-exist. Giant gravitational forces (such as stars) cause "dents" in this space-time fabric. Could we possibly "jump" over these dents? In the future maybe, but for now we have to think realistic. If you don't know already, if you travel even close to the speed of light, time starts to slow down. Back on Earth though time goes at normal speed therefore the people on Earth will age faster since time is going faster for them. That's one way you could get to the future faster.

     What about going back in time? You'd need a giant ferris wheel o' time travel. It would of course have to spin at the speed of light and it would have to have tremendous mass! You could in theory beat the light to where it was heading and again in theory arrive back in time by beating the light to it's intended destination.

     Here's where I try to explain complicated things. Hold on. Two-way time travel is going to a point in time and then returning to the point you came from. Such a journey is said to open a closed timelike loop (CTL). The problem with this is, if you go back in time and cause the (accidental, inadvertently, whatever) death of your maternal grandmother before you mom was born you would have therefore never been born and never made the trip. So the journey never happened and granny didn't die after all. In which case the time traveler HAS been born...and so on. Causality is a hypothetical law that says causes always precede effects. That theory does give us reason to believe we can open a CTL.

     When an electron/positron pair is made out of gamma radiation, the positron may annihilate with a different electron, leaving it's original partner free. Feynman pointed out that this is exactly equivalent to a single electron bouncing off a gamma ray and traveling backward in time before bouncing off a second gamma ray and continuing it's path into the future. Got it?

     Many geniuses, in my opinion, have come up with their theories of two-way time travel. From tipping light cones to my rotating cylinder theory, it is complex! Thanks to John Gibbin's book, "Unveiling the Edge of Time", I better understand these ideas and it's the source of my information.

Curved space time

It isn't space which is curved it's spacetime. When I talk about curved space I'm not being very accurate. The reason I do talk about curved space is because it's easier to understand than curved spacetime. Spacetime is a fusion of space and time; we put the two together because they are not independent. They may appear to be independent in every day life but they're noticeably connected if you travel at near light speed.

     What does it mean for space to be curved? Moving through curved space is not the same as driving down a curved road, because when you're moving through curved space, you think you're travelling in a straight line. How can this be? Imagine approaching an area of great curvature, which therefore is very hard to traverse. The easiest way to get to the other side is to go around, rather than through. Thus the line (which is the shortest distance between two points, as defined by geometry) of your path is not straight, but curved. Such a line is called a geodesic.

     In our universe, things travel along geodesics of spacetime. Because these geodesics are curved by the presence of matter, an object's geodesic will curve inward toward a massive body. We observe this effect as gravitation. Light, too, travels along geodesics, and its path is bent and curved as it speeds through spacetime.


 copyright (c)http://www.netlabs.net/hp/tremor/wormholes.html

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