One Of The Superpowers Of The Human Biomind



Ingo Swann



Part One

Three general problems regarding remote viewing were pointed up in the introductory materials of these essays:
(1) remote viewing as a human superpower of mind;
(2) lack of adequate concepts and nomenclature by which this superpower can be discussed and comprehended and;
(3) lack of appropriate mental information grids needed by the recombinant analog mind to cognitively process the necessary experiential information.


As a term, "remote viewing" emerged in 1971 and was at first quite obscure. It achieved luminosity when the intelligence community took a long-term interest in what it referred to. Since then remote viewing has been thought of in different ways, depending on whose thinking was involved.

It is to be understood that different people think of things in different ways. There is no real way to prevent this --- and in fact it should --not-- be prevented. For the ability to arrive at different conclusions is very important to the progress and achievements of the human species.

However, what kind of information, and what amount of it, different people utilize to arrive at conclusions --is- - or should be a matter of concern and interest not only to others but to themselves. It is well known that the use of erroneous or inadequate information results in conclusions of the same kind.


A proper working definition of remote viewing will be presented ahead --after-- certain information points have been established. The proper working definition more or less prevailed in the intelligence community up until about 1988.

Outside of the intelligence community, though, between 1974 and 1988, no consistent definition of remote viewing has prevailed or been subscribed to. At about 1980, the term began being popularly utilized as a descriptor for random affairs which might not be remote viewing. Many have most incorrectly used it as a replacement term for "psychic."

As contrasted to the various popular ideas which might be applied to it, a precise technical definition (or descriptor) for remote viewing does exist. But it is a complicated one in that remote viewing is --not-- a singular thing in itself, but a compounded series of awareness-dynamic processes.


Experience has shown that English-speaking people have difficulty in combining two different words with a hyphen in order to approximate a concept for which English has no singular word. German and other languages, however, have this capability, and their speakers are used to stringing words together without hyphens in order to get at some special concept.

Remote viewing must be discussed in --its own contexts,-- not within those hampered by terminological and conceptual inadequacies. To get around those inadequacies it is useful to combine two common English words to produce a combined and new meaning.


"Dynamic" essentially means "active." "Aware" means "having or showing perception, realization, or knowledge." Realization, perception and knowledge are usually considered somewhat passive states. So the term "dynamic" needs to be associated with "awareness" in order to get at the needed --active-- potentials.

Generally speaking, remote viewing is a form of active perception and realization as contrasted to their usual states as passive reception or passive experiencing. If you have trouble conceptualizing dynamic-awareness experiencing, just remind yourself of sexual arousal, music participating, or encountering a beautiful thing.

In order to figuratively get at this combined but unfamiliar meaning even better, we will utilize an unusual analogy.

Since about 1990 or earlier, the computer subculture began giving special neo meanings to the term --WIRED--. Loosely defined, the neo term refers to how the mind- awareness of a person is "wired" regarding active states of cognition and subsequent activity based on them.

"Wired" then approximates dynamic awareness as contrasted to being passively aware. It also refers to "nets" or "grids" which consist of interactive "wiring" and "terminals." It also refers to being active ("hot") rather than passive ("unwired"), more or less in the same way as a system becomes active by being electrified or fed energy ("turned on").

In a certain sense, then, --dynamic-awareness- - means "being hot wired." An earlier term from the 1950s --- being "with it" --- meant approximately the same thing.


In this sense, then, remote viewing is a form of being wired in the neo sense of that word. The younger, computer savvy "hot" generations who utilize it in that context probably will most easily comprehend what remote viewing actually is:

-- a special active form of awareness wirework netting;

-- or a "being wired" format;

-- or being wired into or hooked up into "multiple terminals" or multiple "wired grids;"

-- or being wired into different levels or strata of Biomind information processes.

As we will see below, mental information grids are forms of wiring that can be "hot," crosswired, or obsolete. One can also be "dead" wired, or wired in closed-circuited ways.


The younger computer-wired generations clearly think of the human mind as a computer which itself can be up-linked into other computers --- and the whole of which becomes a systemic net or grid of information-carrying processes.

The same system can exchange, up-load and down- load information --- providing one can work or "hack" the system by having access to pertinent addresses behind which various kinds of information are stored and available.

This is actually a technological form of "remote viewing," and is almost an exact metaphor for Biomind remote viewing.


The definitions of these neo terms are not the principle issue here. But the concepts behind them are.

Remote viewing is a form of "hacking" the information-bearing terminals of our species bio- mind - -- which itself is a very impressive and sophisticated "net." Each born individual is not only a "terminal" in that net, but carries within itself a replica of it.

In this sense, then, each born human is a reproduction down-loaded from the species Biomind net. In this context, each born human in essence is an issued-forth -- extension-terminal-- of the larger Biomind net.

This analogy is clearly compatible with the known fact that each born human is a reproduced, down-loaded extension of the species larger genetic pool.


These analogies and metaphors might be somewhat creaky to begin with since we don't usually think of the mind as a Biomind, and otherwise tend to think of it as entirely separate, self-contained and an extension of nothing except its individual self. On the other hand, we do think of our individual genetic bodies as extensions of the genetic pool as carried down and distributed through genetic lineages.

We can get around the creakiness by accepting that when a genetic babe is born physically, the elements of bio- mind are --also-- born with it. Not only is the physical bio- body born but a mind is also born. The bio-body and its mind are inseparable. And so we just as well think in terms of Biomind.

Geneticists now can show that about 98.5 per cent of our species genetic elements are identical and universal in everyone --- and that only about 2.5 per cent account for --all- - differences no matter what they are.

It should therefore follow that about the same statistical distribution refers to the Biomind born at the same time the body is. In other words, about 98.5 per cent of our Biomind endowment is identical and universal in everyone.

In other words, all of us are more the same than we are different. That we give overwhelming attention to our perceived differences gives rise to much of the human drama. But beneath and behind that drama other perpetual factors are at work.


If we accept that about 98.5 percent of our bio- mind endowment is universal in everyone, it shouldn't take much imagination to envision that this greater endowment constitutes the Biomind "hard drive" --- much in the same way that the 98.5 percent of our genetic makeup provides the physical "hard drive" for all our bodily functions.

And indeed, if we utilize the computer-model as something akin to the computerlike functioning of the biomind we are almost required to introduce the term "hard drive." All "terminals" must have access to a hard drive in order to function at all.


The reason for the above discourse is that it can be demonstrated that the basis of remote viewing is found in the biomind's hard drive. All reproduced genetic biomind downloads (i.e. you, me, everyone) possess the hard drive rudiments for remote viewing (and other superpowers of mind as well.)

All biomind hard drives are relatively similar. Therefore the basis for remote viewing is universal within each of us --- and which is THE reason elements of remote viewing manifest down through the generations.

The only thing that gets in the way of our becoming "wired" into these hard drive rudiments, are installed mental software programs which abort cognitive access to them. This will become more clear ahead.


If credence can be given to any of the above, then it becomes clear why the entire nomenclature of parapsychology and psychical research is inadequate --- and why the cultural West in general has never evolved terms that are adequate or appropriate.

The worst term of all is "psychic." No stable definition has ever been established for it, and there are great hazards in attempting to utilize a term which has not much in the way of an agreed- upon definition. Supporters do assume that it refers to extraordinary, non-normal (paranormal) activities of mind. But skeptics assume it refers to illusion, derangement and a variety of non- normal or abnormal clinical psychopathologies.


As will be discussed ahead, that the concept of "normalcy" should have been used as the central focus for modern mind research, is one of the greatest flaws of the Twentieth Century.

But here it can be stated that what is perceived as "normal" anywhere or at any given time is completely and only relative to social circumstances. And our history shows that social relativity has very little to do with the true extent of our species Biomind hard drive capabilities. Social relativity is always a situation regarding software information programs installed into the hard drive. Such software programs come and go at a great rate. The bio- mind's hard drive stays mostly the same.

That true extent of the biomind's capabilities will never anywhere be identified from within local normalcy venues. All of these must be transcended in order to get fairly at the species biomind faculties and capabilities.