The French Yellow Book

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No. 259 :
M. Corbin, French Ambassador in London, to M. Georges Bonnet, Minister for Foreign Affairs. London, August 26, 1939.

(Received by telephone at 10 p.m.)

ACCORDING to what Sir Nevile Henderson said this afternoon to a member of Lord Halifax's staff, the question of the exchange of populations had been the subject of only one very vague allusion in the course of yesterday's conversations with Herr Hitler, and it had arisen in the following way.

During the interview the Führer spoke at one point of "Macedonian conditions" which complicated the racial problems on the German-Polish frontier.

The British Ambassador then remarked that this situation is the more to be deplored as national sentiments were today so strong that one could understand the exchanges of population which certain countries had carried out.

Moreover, this remark, which could not, properly speaking, be considered as a suggestion, was not taken up by the German Chancellor.


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