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The Middle East 1916-2001 : A Documentary Record
See Also:
United Nations - Question of Palestine
1916 - The Sykes-Picot Agreement
1917 - Balfour Declaration; November 2
1922 - British White Paper on Palestine; June
1922 - The Palestine Mandate; July 24
1939 - British White Paper on Palestine
1944 - The Alexandria Protocol; October 7
1945 - Pact of the League of Arab States, March 22
1945 - Attitude of American Government Toward Palestine : Letter From President Roosevelt to King Ibn Saud, April 5
1946 - Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry; April 20
1946 - Immigration into Palestine : Statement by President Truman, October 4
1947 - U. S. Position on Palestine Question - Statement by Herschel V. Johnson, U. S. Deputy Representative to the United Nations, October 11
1947 - Partition of Palestine : United Nations Resolution 181; November 29
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 42; March 5,
1948 - U. S. Position on the Palestine Problem - Statement by Ambassador Warren R. Austin, U. S. Representative in the Security Council, March 19
1948 - U. S. Proposal for Temporary United Nations Trusteeship for Palestine : Statement by President Truman, March 25
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 43; April 1
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 44; April 1
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 46; April 17
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 48; April 23
1948 - General Assembly Resolution 186 : Appointment and terms of reference of a United Nations Mediator in Palestine; May 14
1948 - Israeli Declaration of Independence; May 14
1948 - Letter From the Agent of the Provisional Government of Israel to the President of the United States, May 15
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 49; May 22
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 50; May 29
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 53; July 7
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 54; July 15
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 56; August 19
1948 - Conclusions From Progress Report of the United Nations Mediator on Palestine, September 16
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 57; September 18
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 59; October 19
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 60; October 29
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 61; November 4
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 62, November 16
1948 - Creation of a Conciliation Commission for Palestine - Resolution of the General Assembly, December 11,
1948 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 66, December 29
1949 - Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24
1949 - Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, March 23
1949 - U.S Congressionsal Joint Resolution for the Authorization of a Special Contribution by the United States for the Relief of Palestine Refugees; March 24
1949 - Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, April 3
1949 - Syrian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, July 20
1949 - Report on Status of the Armistice Negotiations and Truce in Palestine (Excerpts), July 21
1949 - Assistance to Palestine Refugees - Resolution of the General Assembly, December 8
1949 - International Regime for the Jerusalem Area and Protection of the Holy Places - Resolution of the General Assembly, December 9
1950 - Tripartite Declaration Regarding the Armistice Borders : Statement by the Governments of the United States, The United Kingdom, and France, May 25
1950 - United Nations Palestine Refugee Aid Act of 1950: Title III of Public Law 535 (81st Congress, 2d Session), June 5
1950 - Treaty of Joint Defense and Economic Cooperation Between the States of the Arab League, June 17
1950 - United Nations General Assembly Resolution 393 (V), December 2
1951 - Authority of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization and of the Syrian-Israeli Mixed Armistice Commission: United Nations Security Council Resolution, May 18
1951 - Egyptian Restrictions on Israeli Shipping in the Suez Canal: United Nations Security Council Resolution, September 1
1952 - Respect for the Mandate of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine: United Nations General Assembly Resolution 512 (VI), January 26
1953 - Removal of the Israeli Foreign Office From Tel Aviv to Jerusalem: Statement by the Secretary of State, July 28
1953 - Israeli-Syrian Water Diversion Dispute: United Nations Security Council Resolution, October 27
1953 - The Qibya (Israel-Jordan) Incident: United Nations Security Council Resolution, November 24
1954 - Obligation of Egypt to Comply with the Security Council's Resolution of 1951: Statement by the United States Representative at the United Nations Before the Security Council, March 25
1954 - Prevention of Local Arms Imbalance: Address by the President, October 21 (Excerpt)
1954 - Retention of the American Embassy at Tel Aviv: Statement by the Department of State, November 3
1955 - Baghdad Pact; February 4
1955 - Israeli Attacks in the Gaza Strip: United Nations Security Council Resolution, March 29
1955 - Israeli-Egyptian Obligations to Cooperate with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization: United Nations Security Council Resolution, March 30
1955 - Call for the Implementation of the Security Council Resolution of March 30, 1955: Letter From the President of the Security Council to Each Member, June 7
1955 - Renewed Appeal for Israeli-Egyptian Cooperation with the Truce Supervision Organization: United Nations Security Council Resolution, September 8
1955 - Avoidance of an Arms Race: Statement by the Secretary of State and the British Foreign Secretary, September 27
1955 - Shipment of Soviet Arms to Arab Countries: Remarks by the Secretary of State at News Conference, October 4 (Excerpts)
1955 - United States Support of United Nations Efforts to Achieve Peaceful Settlement: Statement by the Department of State, November 5
1955 - Reaffirmation of the Tripartite Declaration: Statement by the President, November 9
1955 - United Nations General Assembly Resolution 916 (X), December 3
1967 - The Khartoum Resolutions; September 1
1967 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 242; November 22
1968 - The Palestinian National Charter; July 1-17
1973 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 338; October 22
1974 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 346; April 8
1974 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 347; April 24
1974 - Separation of Forces Agreement Between Israel and Syria; May 31
1974 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 350; May 31
1974 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 363; November 29
1975 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 371; July 24
1976 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 398; November 30
1977 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 420; November 30
1978 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 425; March 19
1978 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 426; March 19
1978 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 427; May 3
1978 - Camp David Accords; September 17,
1979 - Israeli-Egyptian Treaty; March 26
1979 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 449; May 30
1979 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 450; June 14
1979 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 452; July 20
1979 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 456; November 30
1979 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 459; December 19
1980 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 470; May 30
1981 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 481; June 19
1981 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 487; June 19
1981 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 493; November 23
1981 - Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United States and the Government of Israel on Strategic Cooperation; November 30
1981 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 497; December 17
1988 - Hamas Covenant; August 18
1993 - Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization Declaration of Principles; September 13
1993 - Israel-Jordan Common Agenda; September 14
1994 - The Washington Declaration : Israel - Jordan - The United States; July 25
1994 - Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities Between Israel and the PLO; August 29
1994 - Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities - Annex I Protocol Concerning Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities in the Sphere of Education and Culture; August 29
1994 - Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities - Annex II Protocol Concerning Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities in the Sphere of Health; August 29
1994 - Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities - Annex III Protocol Concerning Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities in the Sphere of Social Welfare; August 29
1994 - Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities - Annex IV Protocol Concerning Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities in the Sphere of Tourism; August 29
1994 - Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities - Annex V Protocol Concerning Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities in the Sphere of Direct Taxation; August 29
1994 - Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities - Annex VI Protocol Concerning Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities in the Sphere of VAT on Local Production; August 29
1994 - Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities - Schedule 1 Six-month Budget for the Spheres; August 29
1994 - Treaty of Peace Between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; October 26
1994 - Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty Annex I; October 26
1994 - Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty Annex II Water Related Matters; October 26
1995 - Executive Order 12947 : Prohibiting Transactions with Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process; January 23
1995 - U.S. Senate Resolution 69 Condemning Terrorist Attacks in Israel; January 24
1996 - Presidential Determination - Suspending Restrictions on U.S. Relations with the Palestine Liberation Organization; January 4
1996 - U.S. Senate Resolution 228 Condemning Terror Attacks in Israel; February 29
1996 - Secretary of State Christopher - Remarks in Damascus April 20
1996 - U.S. - Israel Joint Statement; April 30
1996 - President Clinton and Prime Minister Peres - Remarks at the Signing Ceremony for the U.S.-Israel Counterterrorism Accord; May 1
1997 - Statement by the Secretary of State on the Hebron Agreement; January 14
Statement by President Clinton on Hebron Protocol; January 14, 1997
1997 - Statement by Special Middle East Coordinator Ambassador Dennis Ross on Hebron Agreement; January 15
1997 - Protocol on redeployment in Hebron; January 15
1997 - UN Ambassador Richardson - Speech on Israeli Settlements; April 25
1997 - Presidential Determination on Waiver and Certification of Statutory Provisions Regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization; December 9
1998 - Middle East Signing Ceremony; October 23
1998 - The Wye River Memorandum; October 23
1998 - Remarks by the President to the Members of the Palestinian National Council and Other Palestinian Organizations; December 14
1998 - US-EU Declaration on the Middle East Peace Process; December 18
1999 - Joint Statement by President Clinton and Prime Minister Ehud Barak; July 19
1999 - The Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum on Implementation Timeline of Outstanding Commitments of Agreements Signed and the Resumption of Permanent Status Negotiations; September 4
1999 - UN Security Council Resolution 1276; November 24
2000 - UN Security Council Resolution 1288; January 31
2000 - Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright Statement at the Opening Plenary of the Multilateral Steering Group (Middle East Peace) Moscow, Russia; February 1
2000 - Statement by the President on the Annoucement of Camp David Summit; July 5
2000 - President, William J. Clinton Remarks Upon Departure for Camp David Peace Summit; July 11
2000 - Trilateral Statement on the Middle East Summit at David Peace; July 25
2000 - President, William J. Clinton Statement on the Middle East Peace Talks at Camp David; July 25
2000 - Sharm el-Sheikh - Remarks by President Clinton and President Mubarak in Delivery of Joint Statements at the Conclusion of the Middle East Peace Summit; October 17
2001 - Sharm el-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee - The Mitchell Plan; April 30
2001 - The Tenet Plan : Israeli-Palestinian Ceasefire and Security Plan, Proposed by CIA Director George Tenet; June 13
2001 - Statement by Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs William J. Burns to the House International Relations Committee, Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia; October 17
2001 - Secretary Colin L. Powell Remarks with Foreign Minister Mohammed Bin Mubarak al-Khalifa of Bahrain; November 11
2001 - United States - Russia Joint Statement on the Middle East; November 13
2001 - Secretary Colin L. Powell Remarks at the McConnell Center for Political Leadership University of Louisville, Kentucky 11:17 a.m. EST; November 19
2001 - Secretary Colin L. Powell On-The-Record Briefing In Route From Louisville, Kentucky, To Washington, D.C.; November 19
2003 - A Performance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; April 30
2003 - The Middle East Peace Process at a Crossroads; June 11
United Nations Security Council Resolutions Relating to the Middle East
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