Louisiana Purchase; 1803 and Associated Documents
  • 1800 - Treaty of San Ildefonso; October 1- Retrocession of Louisiana from Spain to France

  • 1802 - Jefferson's Second Annual Message to Congress : December 15

  • 1803 - Jefferson's Message to the Senate of January 11

  • The Louisiana Purchase
  • 1803 - Louisiana Purchase Treaty; April 30

  • Hunter Miller's Notes on the Louisiana Purchase Treaty

  • 1803 - First Convention; April 30

  • 1803 - Second Convention; April 30

  • 1803 - Jefferson's Third Annual Message to Congress : October 17, 1803

  • 1803 - Jefferson's Message to the Senate of October 17

  • 1803 - Jefferson's Message to the Senate and House of October 21

  • 1804 - Jefferson's Message to the Senate and House of January 16

  • 1804 - Jefferson's Fourth Annual Message to Congress : November 8

  • United States Statutes Relating to the Louisiana Purchase
  • 1803 - Authority Given to the President to Take Possession of the Territory of Louisiana; October 31

  • 1803 - Stock to be Created to Carry into Effect the Treaty with the French Republic; November 10

  • 1803 - Provision for Claims of Citizens of the United States on the Government of France; November 10

  • 1804 - An Act for Laying And Collecting Duties or Imports and Tonnage within the Territories Ceded to the United States, by the Treaty of the Thirtieth of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three, Between the United States and the French Republic, and for Other Purposes; February 24

  • 1804 - Louisiana Erected into Two Territories and Temporary Government Established; March 26

  • Bibliography Compiled by the Avalon Project

  • 127 Wall Street, New Haven, CT 06511.