The Nazi Party was the conspiracy's main instrument of control. As its directing head, Hess used this instrument vigorously to advance the purposes of the conspiracy. He thus played a decisive part in the preparation and execution of its criminal designs.
Hess began his conspiratorial activities immediately upon the termination of World War I by joining militaristic and nationalistic organizations. He became a member of the Thule Society and of the Free Corps Epp. In June 1920 he joined the Nazi Party, receiving membership card No. 16 (3191-PS; 3347-PS).
By 1923 Hess was an SA leader and head of the Nazi University Organization in Munich. He took part in the Nazi Putsch of 8-9 November 1923. As a result he was tried and convicted on a charge of high treason (3132-PS). He spent 7½ months of his 18 months' sentence with Hitler at the Landsberg Fortress (3191-PS). There Hitler dictated Mein Kampf to him (3132-PS).
After their release, Hess remained extremely close to Hitler. In 1925, he became officially his private secretary and A. d. C. (3192-PS).
During the Party crisis which resulted from the sudden resignation of Gregor Strasser, head of the Party's Political Organization, in December 1932, Hitler called on Hess to take charge of the newly formed Central Political Committee of the Party, in order to restore its strength and unity (3132-PS).
Shortly thereafter, Hess took part in the decisive negotiations which brought the Nazi conspirators into power on 30 January 1933 (3132-PS).
Upon the conspirators' accession to power, Hess was appointed Deputy to the Fuehrer of the NSDAP (3196-PS). His broad powers and responsibilities in that position were officially described as follows:
"All the threads of the Party work are gathered together by the Deputy of the Fuehrer. He gives the final word on all intra-Party plans and all questions vital for the existence of the German people. The Deputy of the Fuehrer gives the directives required for all the Party work, in order to maintain the unity, determination and striking power of the N.S.D.A.P. as the bearer of the National-socialist philosophy." (3163-PS; Chart Number 15).
Through Hess the Conspirators established the control of the Party over the State. As a first step he obtained a seat in the Cabinet, which had in effect become the sole legislative organ of the Reich (2001-PS; 2426-PS; 1395-PS). As a Cabinet Minister, Hess signed the laws which further strengthened the political power of the Nazi Party. Among these enactments were the law of 1 August 1944 consolidating the positions of Chief of State and Leader of the Party (2003-PS); and the law of 20 December 1934 against treacherous attacks on Party and State (1393-PS).
Through a long series of decrees Hess obtained control over every aspect of public and private life in Germany, in order to subvert it to the aims of the conspiracy, as represented by the Party.
(1) Hess gained control over all legislation.
A Hitler Decree of 27 July 1934 provided for Hess's participation in the drafting of all legislation (D-138). In a circular to Cabinet members on 9 October 1939, Hess stated that he would in the future veto every bill which reached him too late to allow him enough time for its thorough study from the Party point of view (D-139). A letter from Chief of the Reich Chancellery Lammers, on 12 April 1938, announced a supplementary decree extending Hess's participation, especially with regard to the drafting of laws affecting individual States (D-140; see 1942-PS).
(2) Hess gained control over all government appointments, including those of the judiciary and university teachers.
A decree of 24 September 1935 provided for the consultation of Hess in the appointment of Reich and State civil servants (3180-PS). a decree of 10 July 1937 provided for the participation of the Fuehrer's Deputy in the appointment of Reich and State civil servants (3184-PS). A decree of 14 October 1936, signed by Hess, regulated the status of Reich and State civil servants (3183-PS). A further decree of 3 April 1936 provided for Hess's participation in the appointment of Labor Service officials (3182-PS).
(3) Hess gained control over Local Government Administration.
This control was effected through the German Municipality Act of 30 January 1935 provided for the participation of Party delegates (2008-PS).
(4) Hess gained control over the administration of annexed territories.
Thus, the Ordinance of 10 June 1939 provided for Hess's participation in the administration of Austria (Reichsgesetzblatt 1939, Part I, p. 995) while another Ordinance of the same date provided for Hess's participation in the administration of the Sudetenland (Reichsgesetzblatt 1939, Part I, p. 997).
(5) Hess, in his capacity as Deputy Leader of the Party, gained control over the German Youth.
An order of 10 July 1934 set up a University Commission of the NSDAP under Hess; an Order of 18 July 1934 placed the NS German Student League directly under Hess; and an Order of 14 November 1934 delegated to the Student League exclusive jurisdiction over the political and ideological education of German students (3132-PS). A Hess Decree of 3 June 1936 established the NS Aid Fund for the Struggle in the Universities (3203-PS; see also 3132-PS and 1392-PS).
The success of this entire program of legislation was described by Hitler as follows:
"In this Reich everybody who has a responsible position is a National Socialist * * * Every institution of this Reich is under the orders of the supreme political leadership * * * The Party leads the Reich (2715-PS; see 1774-PS and 3163-PS).
In order to enable the conspirators to buttress their power through the armed terror of the SA and SS, Hess, while not actually in control of these Party formations, nevertheless gave them active support. Thus, he was instrumental in establishing the Hitler Grant (a large fund contributed annually by heavy German industry under the chairmanship of Krupp) and in directing part thereof to the support of the SA and SS (D-151).
When several SA men were convicted for mistreatment of inmates of the Hohnstein concentration camp, two members of the jury which had voted the conviction were expelled from the party (784-PS).
Finally, when Himmler, Reich Leader of the SS, organized the SD, Hess issued an order establishing the SD as the sole political information service of the Nazi Party, its functions to be exercised through the SS (3385-PS).
Hess also sought to destroy the influence of the independent churches among the German people, in order to wipe out every opposition to the aims of the conspirators. Thus, Hess's Chief of Staff, Bormann, issued numerous orders and communications from Hess's office against the independent churches. Among these were the Secret Order of 27 July 1938 making clergymen ineligible for party offices (113-PS); the Party directive of 14 July 1939 making the clergy and theology students ineligible for Party membership (840-PS); the letter of 22 February 1940 discussing ways and means of eliminating religious instruction from the schools (098-PS); the report of 25 April on the progressive substitution of National Socialist mottoes in place of morning prayers in the schools (070-PS); the letter to Rosenberg of 17 January 1940 concerning the undesirability of religious literature for members of the Wehrmacht (101-PS); the instructions of 8 March 1940 against the further issuance of newsprint to confessional newspapers (089-PS); and the letter to the Minister of the Interior, in May 1938, agreeing to the invalidation of the Concordat between Austria and the Holy See (675-PS; 838-PS and 107-PS).
Hess was one of the members of the conspiracy who professed as early as 1933 the aim of complete world domination (2385-PS).
In pursuance of that aim Hess threw the power of the Party which he directed, behind the war preparations of the conspiracy. Hess himself described the Party, in this connection, as the mechanism with which to "organize and direct offensively and defensively the spiritual and political strength of the people" (2426-PS).
Hess's tasks in the preparations for aggressive wars fell mainly into the fields of military preparedness, political planning, and fifth-column activities.
(1) Rearmament. Even before 1933 Hess took a personal interest in the secret military training program of the uniformed Party organizations (1143-PS).
After the conspirators had come to power, Hess was one of those who echoed the cry of "guns for butter" in his speeches (2426-PS).
Hess signed the law which reintroduced universal military conscription in Germany on 16 March 1935 (1654-PS). Hess admitted that signing this law was no mere formality for him, but rather the realization of one of his most important aims, when he declared in a speech to Army officers in 1937:
"When I spoke about conscription after the 16th of March 1935, in what used to be the most radical industrial plant of Munich * * * to thousands and thousands of the same workers who but a few years before had been singing the Internationale, I was interrupted again and again by such applause and cheers as I would never have believed possible. That was the most beautiful and at the same time the most moving demonstration of my life (3124-PS).
When the Nazi conspirators were ready to launch their aggressive wars in the fall of 1938, Hess and the Party agencies under his control cooperated with the Army High Command in the mobilization of the German Army (388-PS, Item 32).
(2) Political Planning for War. when the Reich Defense Council was reorganized in September 1938, Hess became one of its members with the express assignment of assuring "the political direction of the nation" (2261-PS).
Hess was also made a member of the Ministers' Council for the Defense of the Reich upon its creation in 1939. Here he continued to exercise an important war-planning function with the specific task of "guaranteeing the unity between Party and State" within that body (2018-PS; 2608-PS).
Hess's functions in the field of political planning for war were not limited to the domestic sphere. He was also a member of the Secret Cabinet Council formed to advise Hitler on foreign policy planning (1377-PS; 3189-PS).
(3) Fifth Column Activities. Hess' most important contribution to the conspirators' preparations for aggressive war lay in his organization of the German fifth-columns abroad through the Foreign Organization (Auslands Organisation (AO)) of the Nazi Party and its various affiliated semi-official organizations. Through these channels Hess succeeded in building up conspiratorial shock-troops in foreign countries, composed of citizens of these countries who were of German "racial stock." These foreign citizens were incited by Hess to acts of treason against their country in furtherance of the plans of the conspiracy. It was the subversive activities of these fifth-column groups which prepared the way for the conspirators' destruction of independence of many countries. Principal among these were Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
As his chief instrument in this conspiratorial campaign Hess created the Foreign Organization of the Nazi Party on 3 October 1933. This office was placed directly under Hess, who from then on was known to take the greatest personal interest in its rapid development and expansion (3258-PS; 3401-PS; 3254-PS).
The Foreign Organization extended its activities not only to German citizens living abroad but to all persons allegedly of German ancestry regardless of their foreign citizenship. In the early years after the conspirators' rise to power and up to 1937 this aim was openly admitted by the responsible heads of the Foreign Organization (3258-PS).
Hess announced that it was the task of the Foreign Organization to organize all persons of the German race who lived abroad and to turn them into active Nazi supporters, thus making them subservient to the purposes of the conspiracy. In his speech at the 1937 Congress of the Foreign Organization, Hess declared:
"You stand before me as a slice of the great German racial community, the racial community which extends beyond the borders of our Reich, for National Socialism has not only at home created a national community transcending all classes and groups in a way previously unknown, but it has also included German racial comrades [Volks-Genossen] in foreign countries. It has made them conscious and proud members of this racial community! * * *
"Under the leadership of the Foreign Organization, Germandom abroad is also becoming more and more filled with the National Socialist spirit. The Foreign Organization of the NSDAP has brought together the Germans out there, who even long after the seizure of power were disunited and split by class differences, and joined them with Adolf Hitler's Reich. The National Socialist care for Germandom abroad is maintaining an enormous number of Germans for the nation, who otherwise would be absorbed as cultural fertilizer for other nations" (3258-PS).
The same principle was expressed bluntly by Gauleiter Ernst Bohle, head of the Foreign Organization of the NSDAP directly under Hess from 1933 to 1945, who stated in his address at the Nurnberg Party congress of 1936:
"The Fuehrer had to come in order to hammer into all of us the fact that the German cannot choose and may not choose whether or not he will be German but that he was sent into this world by God as a German, that God thereby had laid upon him as a German duties of which he cannot divest himself without committing treason to Providence. Therefore we believe and we know that the German everywhere is a German-whether he lives in the Reich or in Japan, in France or in China or anywhere else in the world. Not countries or continents, not climate or environments but blood and race determine the world of ideas of the German." (3258-PS).
Hess was also in control of all other semi-official organizations associated with the Foreign Organization in fifth-column work among foreign citizens of German ancestry, for the purpose of gaining foreign support for the conspiracy. Thus, by a Secret Circular of 3 February 1939, Hess ordered the consolidation of the undercover activities of all organizations active in the foreign field, subject to the central direction of SS Gruppenfuehrer Werner Lorenz, head of the Volks-deutsche Mittelstelle (Central Agency for Racial Germans) (837-PS).
The two most important of these semi-official agencies were the VDA (League for Germandom Abroad) and the DAI (German Foreign Institute). The VDA was a vast world-wide organization giving financial support to various activities of German groups abroad without regard to their nationality. Its large funds were collected in Germany with the aid of the Nazi Government (3258-PS). The aim of the activities of the VDA was to establish a great German world empire of 100,000,000 inhabitants, containing all persons of German "racial stock" everywhere, including millions of American citizens (3258-PS). The DAI was a world-wide information intelligence and propaganda service (3258-PS).
Hess repeatedly stressed the importance of using Germans abroad for spreading Nazi propaganda (3124-PS).
The DAI also based its activities on the proposition that all persons of German ancestry belonged to the Nazi German Reich, though they held citizenship in foreign countries. This was stated by Nazi Minister-President Mergenthaler of Wuerttemberg in his address at the 1933 annual meeting of the DAI:
"The liberalist ideology which has been overcome dealt with the formal concept of the citizen. We have gotten rid of that. Today the blood-united German racial comrade stands in the center. That is the new foundation upon which we must build * * *. Hence I want to impress on the DAI: Join us therefore in taking care that the spirit of National Socialism also becomes alive among the German racial comrades in foreign countries so that streams of energy may emanate from it." (3258-PS).
At the annual meeting held by the DAI in 1937, Frick restated in his address the fundamental aim of this organization: to unite every person of German "racial stock" under the control of the Nazi conspirators.
"* * * the new Germany has recognized that its attention and devotion to the welfare of the millions of Germans who have not the fortune to owe political allegiance to Germany, but who are condemned to live abroad, are not merely a matter of natural sympathy and solidarity but are in a higher degree dictated by the strong political and economic interests of the Reich." (3258-PS).
It is noteworthy that the DAI was closely affiliated with the German-American Bund, a subversive Nazi organization in the United States. The DAI's official periodical, "Germandom Abroad" (Deutschtum im Ausland), was edited during the war by Walter Kappe, former press chief of the Bund (3258-PS). Walter Kappe and Fritz Gissibl, another former leader in the Bund, established on the premises of the DAI in Stuttgart an organization called "Comradeship U. S. A." The purpose of this "Comradeship U. S. A." was to maintain during the war an organization for all Nazi Party members who had been active in the Bund in the United States (3258-PS). Even before the outbreak of the war, in the spring of 1939, Walter Kappe had undertaken to collect a complete archive of Nazi activities in the U. S. on behalf of the DAI and the Nazi Party (3258-PS).
The success of this world-wide fifth column directed by Hess in now a matter of historical record. Hess himself guided the subversive foreign groups which he had created until the day when the conspirators were ready to annex the countries which they had undermined.
Thus, the annexation of Austria was principally due to the efforts of the Nazi Party's work within that country under the orders of Hess. As early as 1934 Hess had appointed Reinthaler leader of the Nazi peasants in Austria, and thus placed him in a position to take over the leadership of the Nazi Fifth Column in Austria (812-PS). Hess took a major part in the negotiations carried on by Seyss-Inquart and other members of the conspiracy in preparation of the Anschluss (3254-PS; 3425-PS). When on 12 March 1938 Germany invaded Austria, Hess, accompanied by Himmler, was the first member of the conspiracy to arrive in Vienna at noon on the same day (L-292). The next day Hess signed the decree by which the conspirators destroyed the independence of Austria (2307-PS; 3075-PS).
Once the conspirators had achieved their aim, Hess did not hesitate to admit publicly that he had approved of the steps which led to the final subjection of Austria. On 24 July 1938 he addressed a meeting held on the fourth anniversary of the assassination of Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss by members of the 89th SS Regiment. he devoted the larger part of his speech to a justification of that assassination (L-273).
When the conspirators turned their attention to their next victim, Czechoslovakia, Hess was again in the forefront directing the German fifth-column in the Sudetenland. In his speech at the annual meeting of the Foreign Organization of the NSDAP on 28 August 1938, Hess declared that Nazi Germany was giving full backing to the demands of the Sudeten German agitators. What such support meant in fact became very clear when Hess pointed to the success of the Nazi policy in Austria (3258-PS). All through the summer of 1938 Hess was engaged in consultations with Karl H. Frank and Konrad Henlein, leaders of the Nazi Sudeten German Party (3061-PS).
A few months later Hess could mark up another success for his fifth-column. When the Munich Agreement forced Czechoslovakia to surrender the Sudeten territory to Germany, Hess went to Reichenberg, the capital of that district, as Hitler's representative in order to accept the official incorporation of the Sudeten German Party into the Nazi Party on 5 November 1938. In his address on that occasion he emphasized repeatedly that the Nazi conspirators had been ready to go to war for the possession of the Sudetenland (3204-PS).
Hess also put his signature to the Act of 14 April 1939 setting up the government of the Sudetenland as an integral part of the Reich (3076-PS).
Later during the same year, after the conspirators had loosed their first aggressive war, Hess signed the laws incorporating first Danzig and then a large portion of Poland into the Reich (3077-PS; see also Decree 8 October 1939 (RGBI 1939, Part I, p. 2042); Decree of 12 October 1939, Part I, p. 2077).
When in July 1941 the Nazi conspirators occupied Greece, the members of the local Nazi Party were ready to take over as an auxiliary Army service (3258-PS).
Thus, wherever the conspirators sent their invading armies Hess' fifth-column had prepared the soil.
Hess, as Deputy Leader of the Nazi Party, had the task of realizing its "ideological" program (3200-PS).
One of the demands of this conspiratorial program was the destruction of so-called inferior racial stock. Persons who suffered from hereditary insanity or other hereditary diseases were considered useless to the Nazi community. They were therefore to be killed or at least to be prevented from procreating their kind.
In order to carry out this plan Hess established a special Racial Policy Division on his Staff under Dr. Walter Gross, by his order of 17 November 1933. This Division was to "participate with the competent government agencies in all race and population measures" (3322-PS; 3163-PS). In addition, other agencies of the Nazi Party, under Hess, actively cooperated in the administration of this criminal program (D-181; 842-PS; 1969-PS).
In 1937 Hess publicly claimed credit for having used his Party organization in order to gain the nation's approval for compulsory sterilization (3124-PS; 3067-PS).
More important still in the Nazi program were the persecution and extermination of religious and racial minorities. Hess vigorously propagated the doctrine of the superiority of the German race with which the conspirators sought to justify these persecutions (3124-PS).
The Nurnberg Laws, which constituted the legal basis of this campaign, were the work of the Party. This was solemnly announced by Hitler in the peroration of the address in which he announced these laws to the Reichstag in Nurnberg 15 September 1935:
"I now propose to the Reichstag the acceptance of those laws which Party member Goering will read to you.
"The first and second laws fulfill the program of the National Socialist Party in one important respect, and thereby pay a debt of gratitude to the Movement under whose symbol Germany has regained her freedom.
"The second law constitutes an attempt to solve by legislation a problem, the final solution of which, if it should again fail, will then have to be referred by law to the National Socialist Party. All three laws are backed by the National Socialist Party and with it and behind it by the German Nation.
"I ask you to accept these laws." (3419-PS).
Hess, along with Frick, was placed in charge of the administration of the Nurnberg Laws and of the issuance of ordnances and regulations there under (1416-PS; 3179-PS; 1417-PS; 2124-PS).
With the launching of their aggressive wars, the Nazi conspirators embarked on the execution of their plan to exterminate the non-German populations which fell into their hands. This plan, especially insofar as it concerned the Jews, had been bluntly revealed by Hitler well in advance in his address to the Reichstag on 30 January 1939:
"If inter-national finance-Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in throwing the nations into another World War, the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth and thus the victory of Jewry, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe!" (3418-PS).
In support of this campaign, which was continued by his coconspirators after his flight to Scotland, Hess issued an order through his Party Chancery on behalf of the SS, which had been put in charge of the extermination program. In this order, Hess demanded the support of all Party members for the recruiting drive of the SS Army Corps (Waffen SS). Hess added that these SS formations were scheduled for service in the Eastern occupied areas, where their "special training in race matters" could be used to best advantage (3245-PS).
By a series of further legislative and administrative measures, Hess participated in the establishment of a special regime in Poland which deprived the inhabitants of that country of their legal protection, and thus initiated their wholesale extermination (R-139; R-96; R-141).
In pursuance of the same policy Hess signed the decree which forced certain groups of Polish citizens to surrender their original national allegiance and to accept German citizenship (Decree of 24 October 1939, RGBI 1939, Part I, p. 2077).
Hess also signed the decree establishing the German Racial Register, under which Allied nationals of German stock were registered and then compelled to accept German nationality and to remove to German territory (2917-PS).
Hess also used Party channels in order to incite the German people to violations of the rules of war. Thus, he ordered that the population be instructed to seize Allied parachutists or to "liquidate them" (062-PS).
Hess also issued instructions to enforce Hitler's orders prohibiting the reconstruction of the city of Warsaw or of any of Poland's destroyed industries (EC-411).
On 10 May 1941, Hess flew to Scotland for the purpose of seeking an end to the war with England, and support for Germany's demands against Russia. Upon his arrival, he was incarcerated and thus forcibly eliminated from further participation in the crimes of the conspiracy (D-614).
Of all the members of the Nazi conspiracy, Hess was closest to Hitler from the first. As Hitler's secretary and A. d. C., as his Deputy, and finally as his Second Successor Designate, Hess was at all times his direct representative in all Party matters. Thus, the conspiracy's most powerful instrument of political action rested in his hands.
Hess used this power to penetrate and dominate the German government administration with National Socialist functionaries; to control legislation and education; and to persecute all independent groups, especially the churches and the Jews.
Being responsible for the political direction and control of the German people, through the Party, Hess played a decisive role in preparing the nation for war. He furthered the secret rearmament of the Party's military formations; he signed the Conscription Law of 1935; he sat on the Reichs Defense Council, the inner Cabinet in which the heads of the conspiracy blue-printed the administrative, economic, and political preparation of their aggressive wars.
Hess, above all, was responsible for the creation and direction of the Nazi fifth-column, in which foreign citizens of German extraction joined under the Nazi banner to weaken and undermine those countries which the Nazi conspirators had determined to subjugate.
All through the years from 1920 to 1941 Hess remained the most faithful and relentless executor of Hitler's aims and designs. This complete devotion to the success of the conspiracy was climaxed by his flight to Scotland in an attempt to end the war with England and to receive English support for Germany's demands against Russia, which he had helped to prepare.
The share of Hess' participation in the Nazi conspiracy is as great as that of the Party which he directed. The Party's crimes are his.
Document Description Vol. Page
Charter of the International Military Tribunal, Article 6....I 5
International Military Tribunal, Indictment Number 1, Section IV (H); Appendix A....I 29,58
Note: A single asterisk (*) before a document indicates that the document was received in evidence at the Nurnberg trial. A double asterisk (**) before a document number indicates that the document was referred to during the trial but was not formally received in evidence, for the reason given in parentheses following the description of the document. The USA series number, given in parentheses following the description of the document, is the official exhibit number assigned by the court.
*062-PS Top secret Hess directive of 13 March 1940, concerning behavior in case of landings of enemy planes or parachutists. (USA 696)....III 107
*070-PS Letter of Deputy Fuehrer to Rosenberg, 25 April 1941, on substitution of National Socialist mottos for morning prayers in schools. (USA 349)....III 118
*089-PS Letter from Bormann to Rosenberg, 8 March 1940, instructing Amann not to issue further newsprint to confessional newspapers. (USA 360).....III 147
*098-PS Bormann's letter to Rosenberg, 22 February 1940, urging creation of National Socialist Catechism, etc. to provide moral foundation for NS religion. (USA 350)....III 152
*101-PS Letter from Hess' office signed Bormann to Rosenberg, 17 January 1940, concerning undesirability of religious literature for members of the Wehrmacht. (USA 361)....III 160
*107-PS Circular letter signed Bormann, 17 June 1938, enclosing directions prohibiting participation of Reichsarbeitsdienst in religious celebrations. (USA 351).....III 162
*113-PS Secret Order issued by Hess' Office signed Bormann, 27 July 1938, making clergymen ineligible for Party offices. (USA 683)....III 164
*388-PS File of papers on Case Green (the plan for the attack on Czechoslovakia), kept by Schmundt, Hitler's adjutant, April-October 1938. (USA 26)....III 305
675-PS Letter from Hess' office to Minister of Interior, signed Bormann, 25 August 1938, agreeing to invalidation of Concordat between Austria and Holy See.....III 482
*784-PS Letters from Minister of Justice to Hess and SA Chief of Staff, 5 June 1935, concerning penal proceedings against merchant and SA leader and 22 companions because of inflicting bodily injury on duty. (USA 732)....III 559
*812-PS Letter from Rainer to Seyss-Inquart, 22 August 1939 and report from Gauleiter Rainer to Reichskommissar Gauleiter Buerckel, 6 July 1939 on events in the NSDAP of Austria from 1933 to 11 March 1938. (USA 61).....III 586
*837-PS Secret circular by Hess, 3 February 1939, concerning National League of Germans abroad and the German Eastern League. (GB 265).....III 603
*838-PS Letter from Hess' office signed Bormann, 3 June 1939, referring to Hitler's Decree of 6 March 1939 which precluded Christian Scientists from joining the Party. (USA 684)....III 605
*840-PS Party Directive, 14 July 1939, making clergy and theology students ineligible for Party membership. (USA 355)....III 606
842-PS Correspondence between Party officials, 30 December 1940, concerning killing of the insane.....III 609
*1143-PS Letter from Schickendanz to Rosenberg, 20 October 1932, for personal transmission to Hess concerning organization of Air Force. (USA 40)....III 806
1377-PS Decree establishing a Secret Cabinet Council, 4 February 1938. 1938 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 111....III 931
1392-PS Law on the Hitler Youth, 1 December 1936. 1936 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 993.....III 972
1393-PS Law on treacherous attacks against State and Party, and for the Protection of Party Uniforms, 20 December 1934. 1934 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 1269.....III 973
*1395-PS Law to insure the unity of Party and State, 1 December 1933. 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 1016. (GB 252)....III 978
1416-PS Reich Citizen Law of 15 September 1935. 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 1146.....IV 7
*1417-PS First regulation to the Reichs Citizenship Law, 14 November 1935. 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I p. 1333. (GB 258)....III 8
**1654-PS Law of 16 March 1935 reintroducing universal military conscription. 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 369. (Referred to but not offered in evidence.).....IV 163
*1774-PS Extracts from Organizational Law of the Greater German Reich by Ernst Rudolf Huber. (GB 246)....IV 349
*1866-PS Record of conversation between Reich Foreign Minister and the Duce, 13 May 1941. (GB 273).....IV 499
1942-PS Hess' participation in legislative process, published in Legal Regulations and Legal Problems of the Movement, by Dr. O. Gauweiler, p. 20.....IV 584
1969-PS Correspondence of Party officials, concerning killing of insane.....IV 602
2001-PS Law to Remove the Distress of People and State, 24 March 1933. 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 141.....IV 638
2003-PS Law concerning the Sovereign Head of the German Reich, 1 August 1934. 1934 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 747...VI 639
2008-PS German Communal Ordinance, 30 January 1935. 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 49......IV 643
*2018-PS Fuehrer's decree establishing a Ministerial Council for Reich Defense, 30 August 1939. 1939 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. (GB 250)....IV 650
*2124-PS Decree introducing the Nurnberg Racial Laws into Austria, 20 May 1938. 1938 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. (GB 259)......IV 755
*2261-PS Directive from Blomberg to Supreme Commanders of Army, Navy and Air Forces, 24 June 1935; accompanied by copy of Reich Defense Law of 21 May 1935 and copy of Decision of Reich Cabinet of 12 May 1935 on the Council for defense of the Reich. (USA 24)....IV 934
*2307-PS Law concerning reunion of Austria with German Reich, 13 March 1938. 1938 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 237. (GB 133)....IV 997
*2385-PS Affidavit of George S. Messersmith, 30 August 1945. (USA 68).....V 23
*2426-PS Extracts from Speeches, by Hess. (GB 253).....V 90
*2608-PS Frick's lecture, 7 March 1940, on "The Administration in Wartime". (USA 714)....V 327
*2715-PS Speech by Hitler to the Reichstag on 20 February 1938, published in The Archive, February 1938, Vol. 47, pp. 141-1442. (USA 331)....V 376
*2788-PS Notes of conference in the Foreign Office between Ribbentrop, Konrad Henlein, K. H. Frank and others on program for Sudeten agitation, 29 March 1938. (USA 95).....V 422
2917-PS Decree concerning German people's list and German nationality in the incorporated Eastern Territories of 4 March 1941. 1941 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 118....V 587
*3054-PS "The Nazi Plan", script of a motion picture composed of captured German film. (USA 167)...V 801
*3061-PS Supplement No. 2 to the Official Czechoslovak Report entitled "German Crimes Against Czechoslovakia" (document 998-PS). (USA 126).....V 857
3067-PS Law for the prevention of offspring with Hereditary diseases, 14 July 1933. 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 529.....V 880
3075-PS Law for the building up of administration in Ostmark, 14 April 1939. 1939 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 777.....V 884
3076-PS Law for building up of administrations in Reich Gau Sudetenland, 14 April 1939. 1939 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 780...V 889
3077-PS Law regarding reunion of Free City of Danzig with German Reich of 1 September 1939. 1939 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 1547....V 891
3124-PS Extracts from Rudolf Hess - Speeches. (GB 253)....V 902
3132-PS Extracts from Dates of the History of the NSDAP, 1939.....V 906
3163-PS The Deputy of the Fuehrer - Rudolf Hess, published in National Socialist Yearbook, 1941, pp. 219-22.....V 914
*3178-PS Law to Secure the Unity of Party and State, 1 December 1933. 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 1016. (GB 248)....V 916
3179-PS Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor of 15 September 1935. 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 1146....V 916
3180-PS Decree providing for the participation of the Fuehrer's Deputy in appointment of officials, 24 September 1935. 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 1203.....V 918
3182-PS Decree concerning participation of Deputy Fuehrer in the appointment of Labor Service Leaders and Heads of departments of Reich, 3 April 1936. 1936 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 373.....V 918
3183-PS Reich Regulations for enlistment, employment and promotion of Reich and Provincial officials, 14 October 1936. 1936 Reichsgesetzblatt, p. 893....V 919
3184-PS Order of Fuehrer and Reichschancellor concerning appointment of Civil Servants and termination of employment as Civil Servants of 10 July 1937. 1937 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 769....V 921
*3189-PS Greater Germany, published in documents of German Politics, Vol. VI, Part 1, pp. 4-5. (GB 249)....V 922
3190-PS The Development of the Reich, published in documents of German Politics, Vol. VII, Part 1, p. 264.....V 923
3191-PS Extracts from German Fuehrer Dictionary, 1934-1935, p. 25, concerning Hess.....V 923
3192-PS Extract concerning Hess from The German Reichstag, p. 180.....V 924
3196-PS Hitler decree of 21 April 1933, published in National Socialist Party Correspondence, 27 April 1933, p. 1.....V 924
3197-PS First decree for execution of Sudeten Gau Law of 10 June 1939. 1939 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 997....V 924
3198-PS Official Party News, 26 September 1933, published in National Socialist Party Correspondence......V 927
3200-PS Extract concerning Hess as Deputy Fuehrer from National Socialist Yearbook, 1939, pp. 188-189.....V 927
3203-PS Hess decree of 3 June 1936 establishing the NS Aid Fund for the Struggle in the Universities, reported in The Third Reich, 1937, Vol. IV, p. 360....V 927
3204-PS Ceremonial Initiation of Sudeten German Party into NSDAP by Rudolf Hess, published in Voelkischer Beobachter, 7 November 1938, p. 5.....V 928
*3245-PS Order of 21 February 1940, concerning recruiting for Waffen SS, published in Decrees, Regulations, Announcements, Vol. III, p. 354. (GB 267)....V 946
*3254-PS The Austrian Question, 1934-1938, by Seyss-Inquart, 9 September 1945. (USA 704)....V 691
*3258-PS Extracts from National Socialism Basic Principles, Their Application by the Nazi Party's Foreign Organization, and the Use of Germans Abroad for Nazi Aims, by U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1943. (GB 262)....V 997
3322-PS Office for Racial Policies of NSDAP, from Organization Book of NSDAP, 1940, P. 330.....VI 38
3347-PS Seniority List of the SS, of NSDAP, as of 1 December 1936.....VI 78
*3385-PS Hess Order of 14 December 1938 concerning position of the SD within the Party, from Decrees, Regulations, Announcements, Vol. IV, Part I, p. 231. (GB 257).....VI 104
*3401-PS National Socialism and German Nationalism Abroad, from Voelkischer Beobachter, 24 May 1934, p. 2. (GB 263)....VI 120
3418-PS Destruction of the Jewish race, from The Archive, January 1939, p. 1605......VI 121
3419-PS Extract from The Party Congress of Freedom, 1936, pp. 258-259.....VI 122
*3425-PS Voluntary statement made by Seyss-Inquart with advice of counsel, 10 December 1945. (USA 701)....VI 124
*3796-PS Letter of Canaris enclosing a report, 25 October 1939, concerning the activities of Auslands organization. (GB 286)....VI 732
*3817-PS File of correspondence and reports by Dr. Haushofer on Asiatic situation. (USA 790)....VI 752
*D-138 Decree of 27 July 1934, providing for participation of Fuehrer's deputy in the drafting of all legislation. (USA 403)....VI 1055
*D-139 Letter from Hess to Goebbels, 9 October 1934, concerning participation in legislation of the Reich. (USA 404)....VI 1056
*D-140 Letter from Lammers to Reich Ministers, 12 April 1938. (USA 405)....VI 1057
*D-151 Krupp, Schacht and Hess correspondence in 1933 regarding the Hitler Fund. (GB 256; USA 831)....VI 1060
*D-181 Circular from Gauleiter of South Westphalia, 21 January 1937, concerning Hereditary Health Law. (GB 528)....VI 1073
D-614 Statement of British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in Parliament on 22 September 1943.....VII 94
*EC-411 Order by Hess concerning the reconstruction of certain industrial enterprises in Poland, 20 November 1939. (USA 299).....VI 469
*L-273 Report of American Consul General in Vienna to Secretary of State, 26 July 1938, concerning anniversary of assassination of Chancellor Dollfuss. (USA 59)....VII 1094
*L-292 Telegram of American Consul General in Vienna to Secretary of State, 12 March 1938, concerning propaganda dropped over Vienna. (USA 78)....VII 1098
*M-102 Extract from National Zeitung, 27 April 1942, concerning Hess. (GB 254)....VIII 32
M-103 Speech by Hess to representatives of Foreign Chamber of Commerce, from Voelkischer Beobachter, 30 June 1934....VIII 33
*M-104 Speech by Hess at inauguration of new Adolf Hitler Hall at Hof, from Frankfurter Zeitung, 13 October 1936. (GB 260).....VIII 33
*M-105 Speech by Hess at meeting of Reich Chamber of Labour at Messerschmitt Works, from Voelkischer Beobachter, 2 May 1941. (GB 261).....VIII 34
*M-107 Speech by Hess at 7th Annual Meeting of Foreign Organization of NSDAP, from Voelkischer Beobachter, 28 August 1939. (GB 266).....VIII 35
M-108 Speech by Hess broadcast on Fuehrer's birthday, 20 April 1941.....VIII 37
*M-116 Report of interview with Hess by Wing Commander the Duke of Hamilton, 11 May 1941. (GB 269).....VIII 37
*M-117 Record of interview with Hess, 13 May 1941. (GB 270)....VIII 40
*M-118 Record of interview with Hess, 14 May 1941. (GB 271)....VIII 43
*M-119 Record of conversation with Hess, 15 May 1941. (GB 272)....VIII 45
M-120 "The VDA and the Nazi Party", extracted from German Basic Handbook, Part III, Chap. IV...VIII 46
M-121 "German Foreign Institute", extracted from German Basic Handbook, Part III, Chap. IV.....VIII 47
*M-122 "The Problem of German Minorities", from German Basic Handbook, Part III, Chap. IV. (GB 264)....VIII 48
*R-96 Correspondence of Minister of Justice in preparation of the discriminator decree of 4 December 1941 regarding criminal justice against Poles and Jews in annexed Eastern Territories. (GB 268)....VIII 72
R-139 Correspondence between Hess' office and the Ministry of Justice concerning civil law in Eastern Territories.....VIII 209
R-141 Minutes of conference directed by Hess' assistants, 20 February 1941, concerning racial problems in Armed Forces.....VIII 236
Affidavit F Affidavit of Josef Dietrich, 20-21 November 1945......VIII 631
*Chart No. 1 National Socialist German Workers' Party. (2903-PS; USA 2).....VIII 770
*Chart No. 15 Staff of the Fuehrer's Deputy. (3201-PS; GB 251).....End of VIII