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Today, in ancient lands, men moved to hope by the revolutions of your young nations search for liberty. Now we must give a new meaning to that revolutionary heritage. For America stands at a turning point in history. The men and women of our Hemisphere are reaching for the better life which today's skills have placed within their grasp. They are determined for themselves and their children to have decent and ever more abundant lives, to gain access to knowledge and equal opportunity for all, to end those conditions which benefit the few at the expense of the needs and dignity of the many. It is our inescapable task to fulfill these just desires-to demonstrate to the poor and forsaken of our countries, and of all lands, that the creative powers of free men hold the key to their progress and to the progress of future generations. And our certainty of ultimate success rests not alone on our faith in ourselves and in our nations but on the indomitable spirit of free man which has been the heritage of American civilization. </P> <P>Inspired by these principles, and by the principles of Operation Pan America and the <A W3MIRHREF="http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/intam08.asp" HREF="intam08.asp">Act of Bogota</A>, the American Republics hereby resolve to adopt the following program of action to establish and carry forward an Alliance for Progress. </P> <H3>Title I. Objective of the Alliance for Progress</H3> <P>It is the purpose of the Alliance for Progress to enlist the full energies of the people and governments of the American republics in a great cooperative effort to accelerate the economic and social development of the participating countries of Latin America, so that they may achieve maximum levels of well-being, with equal opportunities for all, in democratic societies adapted to their own needs and desires. </P> <P>The American Republics agree to work toward the achievement of the following fundamental goals in the present decade: </P> <P>1. To achieve in the participating Latin American countries a substantial and sustained growth of per capita income at a rate designed to attain, at the earliest possible date, levels of income capable of assuring self-sustaining development, and sufficient to make Latin American income levels constantly larger in relation to the levels of the more industrialized nations. In this way the gap between the living standards of Latin America and those of the more developed countries can be narrowed. Similarly, presently existing differences in income levels among the Latin American countries will be reduced by accelerating the development of the relatively less developed countries and granting them maximum priority in the distribution of resources and in international cooperation in General In evaluating the degree of relative development, account will be taken not only of average levels of real income and gross product per capita, but also of indices of infant mortality, illiteracy, and per capita daily caloric intake. </P> <P>It is recognized that, in order to reach these objectives within a reasonable time, the rate of economic growth in any country of Latin America should be not less than 2.5 percent per capita per year, and that each participating country should determine its own growth target in the light of its stage of social and economic evolution, resource endowment, and ability to mobilize national efforts for development. </P> <P>2. To make the benefits of economic progress available to all citizens of all economic and social groups through a more equitable distribution of national income, raising more rapidly the income and standard of living of the needier sectors of the population, at the same time that a higher proportion of the national product is devoted to investment. </P> <P>3. To achieve balanced diversification in national economic structures, both regional and functional, making them increasingly free from dependence on the export of a limited number of primary products and the importation of capital goods awhile attaining stability in the prices of exports or in income derived from exports. </P> <P>4. To accelerate the process of rational industrialization so as to increase the productivity of the economy as a whole, taking full advantage of the talents and energies of boll; the private and public sectors, utilizing the natural resources of the country and providing productive and remunerative employment for unemployed or part-time workers. Within this process of industrialization, special attention should be given to the establishment and development of capital-goods industries. </P> <P>5. To raise greatly the level of agricultural productivity and output and to improve related storage transportation, and marketing services. </P> <P>6. To encourage, in accordance with the characteristics of each country, programs of comprehensive agrarian reform leading to the effective transformation, where required, of unjust structures and systems of land tenure and use, with a view to replacing latifundia and dwarf holdings by an equitable system of land tenure so that, with the help of timely and adequate credit, technical assistance and facilities for the marketing and distribution of products, the land will become for the man who works it the basis of his economic stability, the foundation of his increasing welfare, and the guarantee of his freedom and dignity. </P> <P>7. To eliminate adult illiteracy and by 1970 to assure, as a minimum, access to 6 years of primary education for each school-age child in Latin America; to modernize and expand vocational, secondary and higher educational and training facilities, to strengthen the capacity for basic and applied research; and to provide the competent personnel required in rapidly-growing societies. </P> <P>8. To increase life expectancy at birth by a minimum of 5 years, and to increase the ability to learn and produce, by improving individual and public health. To attain this goal it will be necessary, among other measures, to provide adequate potable water supply and sewage disposal to not less than 70 percent of the urban and 50 percent of the rural population; to reduce the mortality rate of children less than 5 years of age by at least one-half; to control the more serious communicable diseases, according to their importance as a cause of sickness, disability, and death; to eradicate those illnesses, especially malaria, for which effective techniques are known; to improve nutrition; to train medical and health personnel to meet at least minimum requirements; to improve basic health services at national and local levels; and to intensify scientific research and apply its results more fully and effectively to the prevention and cure of illness. </P> <P>9. To increase the construction of low-cost houses for low-income families in order to replace inadequate and deficient housing and to reduce housing shortages; and to provide necessary public services to both urban and rural centers of population. </P> <P>10. To maintain stable price levels, avoiding inflation or deflation and the consequent social hardships and maldistribution of resources, always bearing in mind the necessity of maintaining an adequate rate of economic growth. </P> <P>11. To strengthen existing agreements on economic integration, with a view to the ultimate fulfillment of aspirations for a Latin American common market that will expand and diversify trade among the Latin American countries and thus contribute to the economic growth of the region. </P> <P>12. To develop cooperative programs designed to prevent the harmful effects of excessive fluctuations in the foreign exchange earnings derived from exports of primary products, which are of vital importance to economic and social development; and to adopt the measures necessary to facilitate the access of Latin American exports to goals it will be necessary: </P> <H3>Title II. Economic and Social Development</H3> <H4>Chapter I. Basic Requirements for Economic and Social Development</H4> <P>The American Republics recognize that to achieve the foregoing goals it will be necessary: </P> <P>1. That comprehensive and well-conceived national programs of economic and social development, aimed at the achievement of self-sustaining growth, be carried out in accordance with democratic principles. </P> <P>2. That national programs of economic and social development be based on the principle of self-help-as established in the Act of Bogota-and on the maximum use of domestic resources, taking into account the special conditions of each country. </P> <P>3. That in the preparation and execution of plans for economic and social development, women should be placed on an equal footing with men. </P> <P>4. That the Latin American countries obtain sufficient external financial assistance, a substantial portion of which should be extended on flexible conditions with respect to periods and terms of repayment and forms of utilization, in order to supplement domestic capital formation and reinforce their import capacity; and that, in support of well-conceived programs, which include the necessary structural reforms and measures for the mobilization of internal resources, a supply of capital from all external sources during the coming 10 years of at least 20 billion dollars be made available to the Latin American countries, with priority to the relatively less developed countries. The greater part of this sum should be in public funds. </P> <P>5. That institutions in both the public and private sectors, including labor organizations, cooperatives, and commercial, industrial, and financial institutions, be strengthened and improved for the increasing and effective use of domestic resources, and that the social reforms necessary to permit a fair distribution of the fruits of economic and social progress be carried out. </P> <H4>Chapter II. National Development Programs</H4> <P>1. Participating Latin American countries agree to introduce or strengthen systems for the preparation, execution, and periodic revision of national programs for economic and social development consistent with the principles, objectives, and requirements contained in this document. Participating Latin American countries should formulate, if possible within the next eighteen months, long-term development programs. Such programs should embrace, according to the characteristics of each country, the elements outlined in the Appendix. </P> <P>2. National development programs should incorporate self-help efforts directed to: </P> <P>a. Improvement of human resources and widening of opportunities by raising general standards of education and health; improving and extending technical education and professional training with emphasis on science and technology; providing adequate remuneration for work performed, encouraging the talents of managers, entrepreneurs, and wage earners; providing more productive employment for underemployed manpower; establishing effective systems of labor relations, and procedures for consultation and collaboration among public authorities, employer associations, and labor organizations; promoting the establishment and expansion of local institutions for basic and applied research; and improving the standards of public administration. </P> <P>b. Wider development and more efficient use of natural resources, especially those which are now idle or under-utilized, including measures for the processing of raw materials. </P> <P>c. The strengthening of the agricultural base, progressively, extending the benefits of the land to those who work it, and ensuring in countries with Indian populations the integration of these populations into the economic, social, and cultural processes of modern life. To carry out these aims, measures should be adopted, among others, to establish or improve, as the case may be, the following services: extension, credit, technical assistance, agricultural research and mechanization; health and education; storage and distribution; cooperatives and farmers' associations; and community development. </P> <P>d. More effective, rational and equitable mobilization and use of financial resources through the reform of tax structures, including fair and adequate taxation of large incomes and real estate, and the strict application of measures to improve fiscal administration. Development programs should include the adaptation of budget expenditures to development needs, measures for the maintenance of price stability, the creation of essential credit facilities at reasonable rates of interest, and the encouragement of private savings. </P> <P>e. Promotion through appropriate measures, including the signing of agreements for the purpose of reducing or eliminating double taxation, of conditions that will encourage the flow of foreign investments and help to increase the capital resources of participating countries in need of capital. </P> <P>f. Improvement of systems distribution and sales in order to make markets more competitive and prevent monopolistic practices. </P> <H4>Chapter III. Immediate and Short-term Action Measures</H4> <P>1. Recognizing that a number of Latin American countries, despite their best efforts, may require emergency financial assistance, the United States will provide assistance from the funds which are or may be established for such purposes. The United States stands ready to take prompt action on applications for such assistance. Applications relating to existing situations should be submitted within the next 60 days. </P> <P>2. Participating Latin American countries should, in addition to creating or strengthening machinery for long-term development programing, immediately increase their efforts to accelerate their development by giving special emphasis to the following objectives: </P> <P>a. The completion of projects already underway and the initiation of projects for which the basic studies have been made, in order to accelerate their financing and execution. </P> <P>b. The implementation of new projects which are designed: </P> <P>(1) To meet the most pressing social needs and benefit directly the greatest number of people; </P> <P>(2) To concentrate efforts within each country in the less developed or more depressed areas in which particularly serious social problems exist; </P> <P>(3) To utilize idle capacity or resources, particularly under-employed manpower; and </P> <P>(4) To survey and assess natural resources. </P> <P>c. The facilitation of the preparation and execution of long-term programs through measures designed: </P> <P>( 1 ) To train teachers, technicians. and specialists; </P> <P>(2) To provide accelerated training to workers and farmers; </P> <P> (3) To improve basic statistics; </P> <P>(4) To establish needed credit and marketing facilities; and </P> <P>(I) To improve services and administration. </P> <P>3. The United States will assist in carrying out these short-term measures with a view to achieving concrete results from the Alliance for Progress at the earliest possible moment. In connection with the measures set forth above, and in accordance with the statement of President Kennedy, the United States will provide assistance under the Alliance, including assistance far the financing of short-term measures, totaling more than one billion dollars in a year ending March 1962. </P> <H4>Chapter IV. External Assistance in Support of National Development Programs</H4> <P>1. The economic and social development of Latin America will require a large amount of additional public and private financial assistance on the part of capital-exporting countries, including the members of the Development Assistance Group and international lending agencies. The measures provided for in the Act of Bogota and the new measures provided for in this Charter, are designed to create a framework within which such additional assistance can be provided and effectively utilized. </P> <P>2. The United States will assist those participating countries whose development programs establish self-help measures and economic and social policies and programs consistent with the goals and principles of this Charter. To supplement the domestic efforts of such countries, the United States is prepared to allocate resources which, along with those anticipated from other external sources, will be of a scope and magnitude adequate to realize the goals envisaged in this Charter. Such assistance will be allocated to both social and economic development and, where appropriate, will take the form of grants or loans on flexible terms and conditions. The participating countries will request the assistance of other capital-exporting countries and appropriate institutions so that they may provide assistance for the attainment of these objectives. </P> <P>3. The United States will assist in the financing of technical assistance projects proposed by a participating country or by the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States for the purpose of: </P> <P>a. Providing experts contracted in agreement with governments to work under their direction and to assist them in the preparation of specific investment projects and the strengthening of national mechanisms for preparing projects, using specialized engineering firms where appropriate; </P> <P>b. Carrying out, pursuant to existing agreements for cooperation among the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States, the Economic Commission for Latin America, and the Inter-American Development Bank, field investigations and studies, including those relating to development problems, the organization of national planning agencies and the preparation of development programs, agrarian reform and rural development, health, cooperatives, housing, education and professional training, and taxation and tax administration; and </P> <P>c. Convening meetings of experts and officials on development and related problems. </P> <P>The governments or above mentioned organizations should, when appropriate, seek the cooperation of the United Nations and its specialized agencies in the execution of these activities. </P> <P>4. The participating Latin American countries recognize that each has in varying degree a capacity to assist fellow republics by providing technical and financial assistance. They recognize that this capacity will increase as their economies grow. They therefore affirm their intention to assist fellow republics increasingly as their individual circumstances permit. </P> <H4>Chapter V. Organization and Procedures</H4> <P>1. In order to provide technical assistance for the formulation of development programs, as may be requested by participating nations, the Organization of American States, the Economic Commission for Latin America, and the Inter-American Development Bank will continue and strengthen their agreements for coordination in this field in order to have available a group of programming experts whose service can be used to facilitate the implementation of this Charter. The participating countries will also seek an intensification of technical assistance from the specialized agencies of the United Nations for the same purpose. </P> <P>2. The Inter-American Economic and Social Council, on the joint nomination of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, the President of the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, will appoint a panel of nine high-level experts, exclusively on the basis of their experience, technical ability, and competence in the various aspects of economic and social development. The experts may be of any nationality, though if of Latin American origin an appropriate geographical distribution will be sought. They will be attached to the Inter-American Economic and Social Council, but will nevertheless enjoy complete autonomy in the performance of their duties. They may not hold any other remunerative position. The appointment of these experts will be for a period of three years, and may be renewed. </P> <P>3. Each government. if it so wishes, may present its program for economic and social development for consideration by an ad hoc committee, composed of no more than three members drawn from the panel of experts referred to in the preceding paragraph together with an equal number of experts not on the panel. The experts who compose the ad hoc committee will be appointed by the Secretary Genera] of the Organization of American States at the request of the interested government and with its consent. </P> <P>4. The committee will study the development program, exchange opinions with the interested government as to possible modifications and, with the consent of the governments report its conclusions to the Inter-American Development Bank and to other governments and institutions that may be prepared to extend external financial and technical assistance in connection with the execution of the program. </P> <P>5. In considering a development program presented to it, the ad hoc committee will examine the consistency of the program with the principles of the Act of Bogota and of this Charter, taking into account the elements in the Appendix. </P> <P>6. The General Secretariat of the Organization of American States will provide the personnel needed by the experts referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Chapter in order to fulfill their tasks. Such personnel may be employed specifically for this purpose or may be made available from the permanent stabs of the Organization of American States? the Economic Commission for Latin America, and the Inter-American Development Bank, in accordance with the present liaison arrangements between the three organizations. The General Secretariat of the Organization of American States may seek arrangements with the United Nations Secretariat, its specialized agencies and the Inter-American Specialized Organizations, for the temporary assignment of necessary personnel. </P> <P>7. A government whose development program has been the object of recommendations made by the ad hoc committee with respect to external financing requirements may submit the program to the Inter-American Development Bank so that the Bank may undertake the negotiations required to obtain such financing, including the organization of a consortium of credit institutions and governments disposed to contribute to the continuing and systematic financing, on appropriate terms, of the development program. However, the government will have full freedom to resort through any other channels to all sources of financing, for the purpose of obtaining, in full or in part, the required resources. </P> <P>The ad hoc committee shall not interfere with the right of each government to formulate its own goals, priorities, and reforms in its national development programs. </P> <P>The recommendations of the ad hoc committee will be of great importance in determining the distribution of public funds under the Alliance for Progress which contribute to the external financing of such programs. These recommendations shall give special consideration of Title I 1. </P> <P>The participating governments will also use their good offices to the end that these recommendations may be accepted as a factor of great importance in the decisions taken, for the same purpose, by inter-American credit institutions, other international credit agencies, and other friendly governments which may be potential sources of capital. </P> <P>8. The Inter-American Economic and Social Council will review annually the progress achieved in the formulation, national implementation and international financing of development programs and will submit to the Council of the Organization of American States such recommendations as it deems pertinent. </P> <H3>Appendix</H3> <H4>Elements of National Development Programs</H4> <P>1. The establishment of mutually consistent targets to be aimed at over the program period in expending productive capacity in industry, agriculture, mining? transport, power and communications, and in improving conditions of urban and rural life, including better housing, education and health. </P> <P>2. The assignment of priorities and the description of methods to achieve the targets, including specific measures and major projects. Specific development projects should be justified in terms of their relative costs and benefits, including their contribution to social productivity. </P> <P>3. The measures which will be adopted to direct the operations of the public sector and to encourage private action in support of the development program. </P> <P>4. The estimated cost, in national and foreign currency, of major projects and of the development program as a whole, year by year over the program period. </P> <P>5. The internal resources, public and private, estimated to become available for the execution of the programs. </P> <P>6 .The direct and indirect effects of the programs on the balance of payments, and the external financing, public and private, estimated to be required for the execution of the program. </P> <P>7. The basic fiscal and monetary policies to be followed in order to permit implementation of the program within a framework of price stability. </P> <P>8. The machinery of public administration-including relationships with local governments, decentralized agencies and non-governmental organizations, such as labor organizations, cooperatives, business and industrial organizations-to be used in carrying out the program, adapting it to changing circumstances and evaluating the progress made. </P> <H3>Title III. Economic Integration of Latin America</H3> <P>The American Republics consider that the broadening of present national markets in Latin America is essential to accelerate the process of economic development in the hemisphere. It is also an appropriate means for obtaining greater productivity through specialized and complementary industrial production which will, in turn, facilitate the attainment of greater social benefits for the inhabitants of the various regions of Latin America. The broadening of markets will also make possible the better use of resources under the Alliance for Progress. Consequently, the American Republics recognize that: </P> <P>1. The Montevideo Treaty (because of its flexibility and because it is open to adherence of all of the Latin American nations) and the Central American Treaty of Economic Integration are appropriate instruments for the attainment of these objectives, as was recognized in Resolution No. 11 (III) of the Ninth Session of the Economic Commission for Latin America. </P> <P>2. The integration process can be intensified and accelerated not only by the specialization resulting from the broadening of markets through the liberalization of trade but also through the use of such instruments as the agreements of complementary production within economic sectors provided for in the Montevideo Treaty. </P> <P>3. In order to assure the balanced and complementary economic expansion of all of the countries involved, the integration process should take into account, on a flexible basis, the condition of countries at a relatively advanced stage of economic development, permitting them to be granted special, fair, and equitable treatment. </P> <P>4. In order to facilitate economic in Latin America, it is advisable to establish effective relationships between the Latin American Free Trade Association and the group of countries adhering to the Central American Economic Integration Treaty, as well as between either of these groups and other Latin American countries. These arrangements should be established within the limits determined by these instruments. </P> <P>5. The Latin American countries should coordinate their actions to meet the unfavorable treatment accorded to their foreign trade in world markets, particularly that resulting from certain restrictive and discriminatory policies of extra-continental countries and economic groups. </P> <P>6. In the application of resources under the Alliance for Progress, special attention should be given not only to investments for multinational projects that will contribute to strengthening the integration process in all its aspects, but also to the necessary financing of industrial production, and to the growing expansion of trade in industrial products within Latin America. </P> <P>7. In order to facilitate the participation of countries at a relatively lower stage of economic development in multinational Latin American economic cooperation programs, and in order to promote the balanced and harmonious development of the Latin American integration proeess, special attention should be given to the needs of these countries in the administration of financial resources provided under the Alliance for Progress, particularly in connection with infrastructure programs and the promotion of new lines of production. </P> <P>8. The economic integration process implies a need for additional investment in various fields of economic activity and funds provided under the Alliance for Progress should cover these needs as well as those required for the financing of national development programs. </P> <P>9. When groups of Latin American countries have their own institutions for financing economic integration, the financing referred to in the preceding paragraph should preferably be channeled through these institutions. With respect to regional financing designed to further the purposes of existing regional integration instruments, the cooperation of the Inter-American Development Bank should be sought in channeling extra-regional contributions which may be granted for these purposes. </P> <P>10. One of the possible means for making effective a policy for the financing of Latin American integration would be to approach the International Monetary Fund and other financial sources with a view to providing a means for solving temporary balance-of-payments problems that may occur in countries participating in economic integration arrangements. </P> <P>11. The promotion and coordination of transportation and communications systems is an effective way to accelerate the integration process. In order to counteract abusive practices in relation to freight rates and tariffs, it is advisable to encourage the establishment of multinational transport and communication enterprises in the Latin American countries, or to find other appropriate solutions. </P> <P>12. In working toward economic integration and complementary economies, efforts should be made to achieve an appropriate coordination of national plans, or to engage in joint planning for various economies through the existing regional integration organizations. Efforts should also be made to promote an investment policy directed to the progressive elimination of unequal growth rates In the different geographic areas, particularly in the case of countries which are relatively less developed. </P> <P>13. It is necessary to promote the development of national Latin American enterprises, in order that they may compete on an equal footing with foreign enterprises. </P> <P>14. The active participation of the private sector is essential to economic integration and development, and except in those countries in which free enterprise does not exist. development planning by the pertinent national public agencies, far from hindering such participation, can facilitate and guide it, thus opening new perspectives for the benefit of the community. </P> <P>15. As the countries of the Hemisphere still under colonial domination achieve their independence, they should be invited to participate n Latin American economic integration programs. </P> <H3>Title IV. Basic Export Commodities</H3> <P>The American Republics recognize that the economic development of Latin America requires expansion of its trade, a simultaneous and corresponding increase in foreign exchange incomes received from exports, a lessening of cyclical or seasonal fluctuations in the incomes of those countries that still depend heavily on the export of raw materials, and the correction of the secular deterioration in their terms of trade. </P> <P>They therefore agree that the following measures should be taken: </P> <H4>Chapter I. National Measures</H4> <P>National measures affecting commerce in primary products should be directed and applied in order to: </P> <P>1. Avoid undue obstacles to the expansion of trade in these products; </P> <P>2. Avoid market instability; </P> <P>3. Improve the efficiency of international plans and mechanisms for stabilization; and </P> <P>4. Increase their present markets and expand their area of trade at a rate compatible with rapid development. </P> <P>Therefore: </P> <P>A. Importing member countries should reduce and if possible eliminate, as soon as feasible, all restrictions and discriminatory practices affecting the consumption and importation of primary products, including those with the highest possible degree of processing in the country of origin, except when these restrictions are imposed temporarily for purposes of economic diversification, to hasten the economic development of less developed nations, or to establish basic national reserves. Importing countries should also be ready to support, by adequate regulations, stabilization programs for primary products that may be agreed upon with producing countries. </P> <P>B. Industrialized countries should give special attention to the need for hastening economic development of less developed countries. Therefore, they should make maximum efforts to create conditions, compatible with their international obligations, through which they may extend advantages to less developed countries so as to permit the rapid expansion of their markets. In view of the great need for this rapid development, industrialized countries should also study ways in which to modify, wherever possible, international commitments which prevent the achievement of this objective. </P> <P>C. Producing member countries should formulate their plans for production and export, taking account of their effect on world markets and of the necessity of supporting and improving the effectiveness of international stabilization programs and mechanisms. Similarly they should try to avoid increasing the uneconomic production of goods which can be obtained under better conditions in the less developed countries of the Continent, in which the production of these goods is an important source of employment. </P> <P>D. Member countries should adopt all necessary measures to direct technological studies toward finding new uses and byproducts of those primary commodities that are most important to their economies. </P> <P>E. Member countries should try to reduce, and, if possible, eliminate within a reasonable time export subsidies and other measures which cases instability in the markets for basic commodities and excessive fluctuations in prices and income. </P> <H4>Chapter II. International Cooperation Measures</H4> <P>1. Member countries should make coordinated, and if possible, joint efforts designed: </P> <P>a. To eliminate as soon as possible undue protection of the production of basic products; </P> <P>b. To eliminate taxes and reduce excessive domestic prices which discourage the consumption of imported basic products; </P> <P>c. To seek to end preferential agreements and other measures which limit world consumption of Latin American basic products and their access to international markets, especially the markets of Western European countries in process of economic integration, and of countries with centrally planned economies; and </P> <P>d. To adopt the necessary consultation mechanisms so that their marketing policies will not have damaging effects on the stability of the markets for basic commodities. </P> <P>2. Industrialized countries should give maximum cooperation to less developed countries so that their raw material exports will have the greatest degree of processing that is economic. </P> <P>3. Through their representation in international financial organize" tions, member countries should suggest that these organizations, when considering loans for the promotion of production for export, take into account the effect of such loans on products which are in surplus in world markets. </P> <P>4. Member countries should support the efforts being made by international commodity study groups and by the Commission on International Commodity Trade of the United Nations. In this connection, it should be considered that producing and consuming nations bear a joint responsibility for taking national and international steps to reduce market instability. </P> <P>b. The Secretary General of the Organization of American States shall convene a group of experts appointed by their respective Governments to meet before November 30, 1961 and to report, not later than March 31, 1962 on measures to provide an adequate and effective means of offsetting the effects of fluctuations in the volume and prices of exports of basic products. The experts shall: </P> <P>a. Consider the questions regarding compensatory financing raised during the present meeting; </P> <P>b. Analyze the proposal for establishing an international fund for the stabilization of export receipts contained in the Report of the Group of Experts to the Special Meeting of the InterAmerican Economic and Social Council, as well as any other alternative proposals; </P> <P>c. Prepare a draft plan for the creation of mechanisms for compensatory financing. This draft plan should be circulated among the member Governments and their opinions obtained well in advance of the next meeting of the Commission on International Commodity Trade. </P> <P>6. Member countries should support the efforts under way to improve and strengthen international commodity agreements and should be prepared to cooperate in the solution of specific commodity problems. Furthermore they should endeavor to adopt adequate solutions for the short- and long-term problems affecting markets for such commodities so that the economic interests of producers and consumers are equally safeguarded. </P> <P>7. Member countries should request other producer and consumer countries to cooperate in stabilization programs, bearing in mind that the raw materials of the Western Hemisphere are also produced and consumed in other parts of the world. </P> <P>8. Member countries recognize that the disposal of accumulated reserves and surpluses can be a means of achieving the goals outlined in the first chapter of this Title, provided that, along with the generation of local resources, the consumption of essential products in the receiving countries is immediately increased. The disposal of surpluses and reserves should be carried out in an orderly manner, in order to: </P> <P>a. Avoid disturbing existing commercial markets in member countries; and </P> <P>b. Encourage expansion of the sale of their products to other markets. </P> <P>However. it is recognized that: </P> <P>a. The disposal of surpluses should not displace commercial sales of identical products traditionally carried out by other countries; and </P> <P>b. Such disposal cannot substitute for large scale financial and technical assistance programs. </P> <P>IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Charter is signed, in Punta del Este, Uruguay, on the seventeenth day of August, nineteen hundred sixty-one. </P> <P>The original texts shall be deposited in the archives of the Pan American Union, through the Secretary General of the Special Meeting, in order that certified copies may be sent to the Governments of the Member States of the Organization of American States. </P> <P>The records of the Conference include a statement that the only authoritative text of agreements reached during the Conference is contained in the Charter of Punta del Este and in the specific resolutions passed by the Conference. </P> <P><A NAME="1">(1)</A> The special meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council which began at Punta del Este Uruguay on August 5, 1961, was concluded on August 17, 1961, with the signing of a declaration and a charter by all members of the Organization of American states except Cuba. <A W3MIRHREF="http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/intam16.asp#b1" HREF="#b1">Back</A> </P> <DIV ALIGN="center"> <TABLE CLASS="sourcetable"> <TR> <TD CLASS="sourcecell"> Source:<BR> Inter-American relations; collection of documents, legislation, descriptions of inter-American organizations, and other material pertaining to inter-American affairs.<BR> Compiled by Barry Sklar and Virginia M. Hagen<BR> Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. 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