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The Revelations of an Elite Family Insider (2005)

A person by the moniker of Insider claimed he was from a ruling bloodline and gave the people a chance to ask everything they wanted and Insider would answer. At first it looks like another internet hoax, some lightweight questions were followed by lightweight answers, but then things started changing drastically.

Anyone who understands dialectics knows that the answers Insider gave were designed to force/provoke others to ask questions which went to the core of the matter. First some questions are being asked by Insider like "Are you really living on the planet you think you are?" which made people react differently than before. The answers this person started giving to those following questions showed a deep, broad understanding of philosophy, history, metaphysics, religion, magic, politics, and more in a way which is very innovative, detailed and some answers are thought provoking to say the least.

What amazes is that Insider answered these questions in a very short time span and if you keep in mind that the topics are diverse, some indepth and some epic answers showed up literally minutes apart, one must wonder how it was done. Copy/paste from internet? I checked intensively and the sentences Insider used cannot be found on internet. Like one person observed, this was way over the heads of the usual suspects.

Some people started getting upset, others were drawn to it and this all lead to a dialogue where so much was revealed, including by the other posters that it can be studied for years to come.

Sounds hard to believe? Read on.

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A person by the moniker of Insider claimed he was from a ruling bloodline and gave the people a chance to ask everything they wanted and Insider would answer. At first it looks like another internet hoax, some lightweight questions were followed by lightweight answers, but then things started changing drastically.

Anyone who understands dialectics knows that the answers Insider gave were designed to force/provoke others to ask questions which went to the core of the matter. First some questions are being asked by Insider like "Are you really living on the planet you think you are?" which made people react differently than before. The answers this person started giving to those following questions showed a deep, broad understanding of philosophy, history, metaphysics, religion, magic, politics, and more in a way which is very innovative, detailed and some answers are thought provoking to say the least.

What amazes is that Insider answered these questions in a very short time span and if you keep in mind that the topics are diverse, some indepth and some epic answers showed up literally minutes apart, one must wonder how it was done. Copy/paste from internet? I checked intensively and the sentences Insider used cannot be found on internet. Like one person observed, this was way over the heads of the usual suspects.

Some people started getting upset, others were drawn to it and this all lead to a dialogue where so much was revealed, including by the other posters that it can be studied for years to come.

Sounds hard to believe? Read on.

Pdf_16x16 39 Pages

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about 1 year ago


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ashatav3761 3 months ago

Luciferianism in the most High Degree.

(Denying Jehoshua and Puting the role of the christ in "another ancient being", who is?

The new age disminishing Jeshoshua are a luciferian invention, investigate Teilhard de Chardin, the father of the new age movement)

Cheers !

Benarius 4 months ago

Hidden by the Insider is a statement (actually a question). WHO IS NATASCHA? (PDF page 5). Backwards read AHCSATAN...AHC SATAN...A.H.C. SATAN. Still figuring out how this sentence actually got there...???

onyxgod777 4 months ago

did anyone ever got a hold on this Insider? did he make any new appearances on other websites?

Anonymous about 1 year ago

There are spelling mistakes which lead me to the conclusion that the originator of the messages may have been young or poorly educated.

syxle about 1 year ago

Hmm...very strange

diinero about 1 year ago

I've not found anything comparable before or since.

This is all there is...

Anonymous about 1 year ago

Has anything like this been posted before or since...using those terms, phrases, hierarchical super-structure? I'm very interested to know if this voice has emerged anywhere else?

rj des bois about 1 year ago

I just finished reading it - and I'll have to re-read it again, for sure. I was bothered by the initial questions asked insider, because they were so closed-minded, but I was also occasionally bothered by Insider's responses. They seemed provocative in the negative. But as the questions and answers progressed, it got more interesting, and the answers also.

There appears to be truth in what Insider says, but as with anything, do your homework and, as Insider said: be discerning and use your intuition to pick the wheat from the chaffe. (paraphrasing)

Lucius about 1 year ago

If one can see the perspective of the Insider by getting past ones own belief system, there is substantial value in what He/She says.

tjlsmith about 1 year ago

Ok I'm impressed

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