The R Manuals
edited by the R Development Core Team.
Current Version: 2.12.2 (February 2011)
The following manuals for R were created on Debian Linux and may
differ from the manuals for Mac or Windows on platform-specific pages,
but most parts will be identical for all platforms. The correct
version of the manuals for each platform are part of the respective R
installations. Here they can be downloaded as PDF files or directly
browsed as HTML:
An Introduction to R
is based on the former
"Notes on R",
gives an introduction to the language and how to
use R for doing statistical analysis and graphics.
[browse HTML |
download PDF ]
- A draft of
The R language definition
documents the
language per se. That is, the objects that it
works on, and the details of the expression evaluation
process, which are useful to know when programming R functions.
[browse HTML |
download PDF ]
- Writing R Extensions
covers how to create your own
packages, write R help files, and the foreign language (C,
C++, Fortran, ...) interfaces.
[browse HTML |
download PDF ]
- R Data Import/Export
describes the import and export facilities available
either in R itself or via packages which are available
from CRAN.
[browse HTML |
download PDF ]
- R Installation and Administration
[browse HTML |
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- R Internals: a guide to the internal
structures of R and coding standards for the core team working
on R itself.
[browse HTML |
download PDF ]
- The R Reference Index: contains all help files
of the R standard and recommended packages in printable form.
[download PDF, 16MB, approx. 3100 pages]
Translations of manuals into other languages than English are
available from the contributed
documentation section (only a few translations are available).
The latex or texinfo sources of the latest version of these documents
are contained in every R source distribution (in the subdirectory
doc/manual of the extracted archive). Older versions of the
manual can be found in the respective archives of
the R sources. The HTML versions of the manuals are also part of most R
installations (accessible using function help.start()