The SVP Universal Cosmology

A Rosetta Stone for the New Science Paradigm

Version 1.0

Part 01 - Overall General View
Part 02 - Origin of Polar States
Part 03 - Polarity Manifests as Rotating Vortex
Part 04 - Rotation on Three Planes
Part 05 - Three Rotating Planes Become Spheres
Part 06 - Formation of Cubes
Part 07 - Compound Cubes
Part 08 - Sympathetic Streams and 3-D Matter
Part 09 - What Vibration Is
Part 10 - What Sympathy Is
Part 11 - SVP Music Model
Part 12 - Locked Potentials
Part 13 - Rotation from Vibration/Oscillation
Part 14 - Keely's Mysterious Thirds, Sixths and Ninths
Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically
Part 16 - Electricity and Magnetism
Part 17 - Gravity
Addendum - - - - - - - - - - - -
01 - Bjerknes Effect
02 - Chart of Locked Potentials
03 - Ether
04 - Origin of Matter
05 - Indig Numbers
06 - One Phase of Keely's Discoveries...
07 - Pond's Original Notes on the Scale______
08 - Laws of Being
09 - Table of the Elements
10 - Keely's Forty Laws
11 - Russell's Laws and Principles
12 - What Electricity Is.
13 - Puharich, Water Dissociation via AC
14 - As a Man Thinketh
15 - Genero-Radiative Concept
16 - The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex
99 - Definitions

"A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
~~~Dresden James

[updated 12/04/07]
© Dale Pond, 2007
Delta Spectrum Research
921 Santa Fe Avenue
La Junta, Colorado 81050

(This is an incomplete presentation. Not every item is as it will be in the final version of these documents. Until the final version is published use the information presented herein at your own risk. In the meantime please peruse the SVP Recommended Reading List for additional background information.)

Part 1 - Overall General View

1.0 - Introduction
1.1 - Mind is deemed a force
1.2 - One Phase of Keely's Discovery in its Relations to the Cure of Disease (See Addendum 6)
1.3 - Fractal Structure of Matter
1.4 - Structure of Matter
     Figure 1.1 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
1.5 - Nothing from Nothing
1.6 - Ultimate Constituents of Matter
     Figure 1.2 - Dynamical Full Gamut of Mind and Matter
1.7 - A Whole and Its Parts
     Figure 1.3 - From One Mind comes all. All goes back to One Mind.
     Figure 1.4 - From One (on left) comes all diversity.
     Figure 1.5 - Electromagnetic Spectrum
1.8 - Vibratory Universe
1.9 - Cultivating Stillness
1.10 - The Origin of Things
1.11 - Matter Evolves from Mind
     Figure 1.6 - Keely's Molecular Morphology
1.12 - Evolution/Devolution of Frequency
     Figure 1.7 - Keely's Vibratory Relations of Multi-Level Matter
1.13 - It Really is a Musical Universe!
1.14 - Definitions of Vibration
1.15 - The Proof
     Figure 1.8 - Chladni Plate and its various modes of vibration.
     Figure 1.9 - Modes of tested vibrating plate.
     Figure 1.10 - Progressive Evolutions

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This version 1.0 of the SVP Cosmology is public and of course FREE - but still copyrighted. A vastly more completed version (version 2.1) is available for purchase. Click here to see the full Table of Contents of version 2.1.

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Overall General View
1.0) Introduction - The following presentation endeavors to show and explain

1 - how the material and energetic universe is a construct of Undifferentiated Mind or Consciousness.
2 - how energy is resident (latent) within the so-called vacuum of space which space is really an expanded tenuous form of matter.
3 - how that latent energy accumulates naturally to form quanta then atoms and molecules.
4 - how this latent energy may be accummulated artificially for purposes to serve humanity.

NOTE: The term "God" and its synonyms are used extensively throughout this document. These terms are not meant to delineate an anthropomorphic (God in man's image) entity or being, dogma or doctrine. We use these terms referencing the Creative Element that continuously creates and recreates all that is. Even though science maintains the universe is "running down" through entropic energies it nevertheless was builded up by something, sometime and these are subtle yet powerful Constructive and Creative Forces. No belief system (religion) is promoted, supported or implied by this writer. These terms point to an INTELLIGENCE (Mind; i.e., consciousness/awareness) that induces CREATIVE activities EVOLVING into perceptible MATTER and devolving back into raw POTENTIAL - all according to LAW.

"There is a celestial mind-force, a great sympathetic force which is life itself, of which everything is composed." [John Keely]

"We must assume behind this force [in the atom] the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." -- Max Planck, accepting the Nobel Prize for Physics, 1918
The physical universe is an effect of this Cosmic Consciousness. The Mind of I AM or Whole Consciousness is the cause. Your consciousness is as a subset or derivative of the Universal or Divine Mind sometimes called Christ Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness or the Mind of Diety.
In the beginning (and the end) we will see there is no thing other than this All-Encompassing Consciousness.
There is no differentiating between your Mind or Consciousness and that of any other Mind or Consciousness. There is only One Consciousness manifesting as seeming individuated consciousnesses. The illusory part, created by the ego, is when things appear contrary to this Oneness of Being or Undifferentiated Love.

" . . in love all life is given, in love all things move." Cayce (345-1)

When speaking of Oneness we are speaking of a "pluralty of unity" as mentioned by Fuller. Unison is not One as in a singular excluding all else but in fact One as encompassing every thing. Every thing being imminent or latent in One much as notes of a music scale are latent within the scale's fundamental or key note having an assigned value of 1.

Many great persons have left enormous amounts of materials bearing on this subject: John Worrell Keely, Walter Russell, Dr. Phineas P. Quimby, Nikola Tesla, Buckminster Fuller, Edgar Cayce, Paul Brunton, many Sacred Texts and countless other individuals. The vast amounts of literature left by these ones and many others is outside of the "accepted literature" which is why scientists are unfamiliar with it and them. The following then is a synthesis of some these people's contributions.

I did a presentation in 1994 for the USPA Conference in Minneapolis that covers a lot of the basic principles discussed in this cosmology. I've been getting a lot of positive email and orders for my book from this video. Watching this video will definitely help grasp the Big Picture.

The same video can be accessed here:

Since this video I did three more presentations as sequels to the first 1994 presentation. These are:

MIND: An Engineerable Force
Activating Your Power to Create
The Keely Legacy: Sympathetic Vibratory Physics

1.1 - Mind is deemed a force. Undifferentiated Universal Mind is the One Force from which all other forces are derived. This premise is born out in the writings of many great thinkers and inspired texts.
"All force is Mind force." Keely
 From Edgar Cayce:
"In the manifestation of all power, force, motion, vibration, that which impels, that which detracts, is in its essence of one force, one source, in its elemental form. As to what has been done or accomplished by or through the activity of entities that have been delegated powers in activity, is another story.
"As to the one source or one force, then, are the questions presented in the present.
"God, the first cause, the first principle, the first movement, IS! That's the beginning! That is, that was, that ever will be!
"The following of those sources, forces, activities that are in accord with the Creative Force or first cause - its laws, then - is to be one with the source, or equal with yet separate from that first cause.
"When, then, may man - as an element, an entity, a separate being manifested in material life and form - be aware or conscious of the moving of that first cause within his environ?
"Or, taking man in his present position or consciousness, how or when may he be aware of that first cause moving within his realm of consciousness?
"In the beginning there was the force of attraction and the force that repelled. Hence, in man's consciousness he becomes aware of what is known as the atomic or cellular form of movement about which there becomes nebulous activity. And this is the lowest form (as man would designate) that's in active forces in his experience. Yet this very movement that separates the forces in atomic influence is the first cause, or the manifestation of that called God in the material plane!
"Then, as it gathers of positive-negative forces in their activity, whether it be of one element or realm or another, it becomes magnified in its force or sources through the universe.
"Hence we find worlds, suns, stars, nebulae, and whole solar systems, moving from a first cause.
"When this first cause comes into man's experience in the present realm he becomes confused, in that he appears to have an influence upon this force or power in directing same. Certainly! Much, though, in the manner as the reflection of light in a mirror. For, it is only reflected force that man may have upon those forces that show themselves in the activities, in whatever realm into which man may be delving in the moment - whether of the nebulae, the gaseous, or the elements that have gathered together in their activity throughout that man has chosen to call time or space. And becomes, in its very movement, of that of which the first cause takes thought in a finite existence or consciousness.
"Hence, as man himself applies himself - or uses that of which he becomes conscious in the realm of activity, and gives or places the credit (as would be called) in man's consciousness in the correct sphere or realm he becomes conscious of that union of force with the infinite with the finite force.
"Hence, in the fruits of that - as is given oft, as the fruits of the spirit - does man become aware of the infinite penetrating, or interpenetrating the activities of all forces of matter, or that which is a manifestation of the realm of the infinite into finite - and the finite becomes conscious of same. [please see Spirit; Spirit Force; in the Glossary section]
"As to the application of these as truths, then:
"It may be said that, as the man makes in self - through the ability given for man in his activity in a material plane - the will - one with the laws of creative influence, we begin with:
"Like begets like - As he sows, so shall he reap - As the "man thinketh in the heart, so is he."
"These are all but trite sayings to most of us, even to the thinking man; but should the mind of an individual (the finite mind) turn within his own being for the law pertaining to these trite sayings, until the understanding arises, then there is the consciousness in the finite of the infinite moving upon and in the inner self.
"So does life in all its force begin in the earth. The moving of the infinite upon the negative force of the finite in the material, or to become a manifested force." Cayce (262-52)
What is being meant about illusions (unreal thoughts or misperceptions or misbeliefs) is the "thing" or "pain" is only of the subjective mind and not an objective reality. It may be a powerful revelation to learn objective reality is a RESULT of our subjective existence (inner thinking) and not the other way around. Sometimes talking through past experiences will allow the original problem causing thought pattern to change - sometimes it won't. Hence we see some postive results from AA, psychotherapy, hypnosis, NLP, religious conversions, etc.
"The sympathetic conditions that we call mind are no more immaterial in their character than light or electricity. The substance of the brain is molecular, while the substance of the mind that permeates the brain is interetheric and is the element by which the brain is impregnated, exciting it into action and controlling physical motion."
[Keely, Snell Manuscript]
Below (Addendum 6) is a quote from Bloomfield-Moore's book, Keely and His Discoveries, which covers this very subject. Keely regarded the brain "as strings on a violin" which can develop "knots" which impede the flow of sympathetic etheric transmission (Love (superconducting) flow or Mind Flow).

'Keely, writing on brain disturbance, says, "In considering the mental forces as associated with the physical, I find, by my past researches, that the convolutions which exist in the cerebral field are entirely governed by the sympathetic conditions that surround them.

The question arises, what are these aggregations and what do they represent, as being linked with physical impulses? They are simply vibrometric resonators, thoroughly subservient to sympathetic acoustic impulses given to them by their atomic sympathetic surrounding media, all the sympathetic impulses that so entirely govern the physical in their many and perfect impulses (we are now discussing purity of conditions) are not emanations properly inherent in their own composition. They are only media - the acoustic media - for transferring from their vibratory surroundings the conditions necessary to the pure connective link for vitalizing and bringing into action the varied impulses of the physical."' [Keely and His Discoveries]

1.2 - "One Phase of Keely's Discoveries in Its Relations to the Cure of Disease"; See Addendum 6 

1.3 - Fractal Structure of Matter - To picture the structure, dynamics and formative forces making up the perceptible physical universe we can begin with Matter and work upwards from that low frequency domain to the higher one of Mind, using general terms which can be refined as we go along. We will see there is no hard or solid matter - there is only energy in various degrees and types of motion. See Figure 1. (Many words are defined or referenced to definitions and useage in the Word and Term Glossary linked to this paper.) However what vibration is is somewhat different than conventionally thought.
1.4 - Structure of Matter - it is generally held that:
1. Matter is made of molecules.
2. Molecules are made of atoms.
3. Atoms are made of leptons, fermions, etc.
4. Leptons, fermions are made of photons.
5. Photons are made of quarks (of 6 types only).

Figure 1.1
- Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
(click here for an expand model of this chart
Figure 1.1 illustrates how the universe is constructed of imbedded or nested layers of physical structure and dynamics. Molecules are made of atoms, atoms are made of leptons, etc. These are not dimensions existing independent of each other but are intermingled together interpenetrating each other. The lower frequency dimensions or realms of existence are predicated on or effectuated by the higher frequency realms, dimensions, planes or levels. The finer levels are the building blocks of the lower realms. In other words there can be no molecules without atoms; no atoms without electrons; no electrons without photons; no photons without quarks, etc. The structure of these nested realms are held (Keely) to be indentical on all levels much like the imbeddedness of fractal math and images.

The two great divisions: “The physical organism (through the medium of celestial radiation) is a trinity, both in regard to its visible form and the invisible sympathetic streams which govern it, in its individual and combined movements. The visible includes the molecular, the atomic and inter-atomic in combination; while the invisible, or spiritual, includes the etheric, interetheric and luminous in combination, each of which is essential to the proper completion of the combined action, comprising as it does every minute law governing the celestial and terrestrial universe." Keely (Newton of the Mind)

What are quarks made of? I think Hawkings said "muons". Keely maintained this nested triplet structuring proceeds to many levels - eight of which he could directly measure - beyond that he could not measure but only imagine in awe:

"What does this activity represent, by which luminosity is induced in the high etheric realm? Does not the force following permeation by the Divine Will show that even this order of ether, this luminiferous region, is bounded by a greater region still beyond?-that it is but the shore which borders the realm, from which the radiating forces of the Infinite emanate: the luminiferous being the intermediate which transfers the will force of the Almighty towards the neutral centres of all created things, animate and inanimate, visible and invisible; even down into the very depths of all molecular masses. The activity of the corpuscles, in all aggregations, represents the outflow of this celestial force, from the luminiferous track, towards all these molecular centres of neutrality, and reveals to us the connecting link between mind and matter. How plainly are we thus taught that God is everywhere, and at the same time in every place. It gives us a new sense of the omniscience and omnipresence of the Creator. In these researches I am brought so near to the celestial conditions that my pen it ready to fall from my hand while writing on this subject; so more and more sensibly do I feel my abject ignorance of its depths. . . ." [Keely, Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter XVII, Part I - 1891, Keely's Theories]
1.5 - Nothing from Nothing - But however you look at it quarks are made of SOMETHING because you can't get something from "nothing". Then again nothing really exists but motion and even motion is an illusion.... There is however "latency" or "potential" which bears a strong nonobservable resemblance to "nothing" or "no (physical) thing".
1.6 - Ultimate Constituents of Matter - Keely said the ultimate constituents of all matter are what he called "atomolini". Which he said is the same thing as the "luminiferous ether" of the ancients and may be the same as Russell's alphanon and includes the twenty-five forms of proto-matter shown in Russell's charts of the elements preceeding Hydrogen. (See The Universal One.) The etheric realm is like an Elastic Continuum sometimes called space and having many properties. (See the Russian text on the physics of vacuum, Something from Nothing.) This initial realm of Undifferentiated Energy then is composed of One Substance. These fine particles are sensitive to thought or mind therefore are sympathetic with mind; i.e., of similar frequency, vibration or "resonant" to thought. Regardless of label let us admit there is a fundamental particle making up the initial phase or stage of what will eventually become a piece of matter as delineated above. If we use Keely's morphology of matter and energy each of the categories above are made of three only constituent subdivisions. Notice the omnipresence of threes. Threeness is essential to this paradigm.

There are three fundamental states of force or energy. There is the centropic (negentropic) attractive or assimilative to a center. There is the entropic repulsive or dispersive and there is the neutral state having both of these polar conditions yet manifesting neither, predominately. There will be more on this later.
"God moved, the spirit came into activity. In the moving it brought light, and then chaos. In this light came creation of that which in the earth came to be matter; in the spheres about the earth, space and time; and in patience it has evolved through those activities until there are the heavens and all constellations, the stars, the universe." Cayce (3508-1)
Figure 1.2 - Dynamical Full Gamut of Mind and Matter

Showing full dynamical gamut of Mind integrating into Matter and Matter disintegrating to Mind in a continuous loop. Thus illustrating decentralized Mind is non-motion-in-inertia while Matter is Mind-in-motion, centralized. Notice the three states or conditions of Matter/Energy: Centropic, Entropic and two kinds of Neutrals.

Chart of Matter and Energy

Figure 1.3 - Expanded Gamut of Mind and Matter Chart

Showing full dynamical gamut of Mind (on right) integrating counter-clockwise (top of chart) into Matter (on left) and Matter disintegrating (bottom of chart) to Mind in a continuous loop. Thus illustrating decentralized Mind is non-motion-in-inertia while Matter is Mind-in-motion, centralized.

1.7 - A Whole and Its Parts - We are talking about passive consciousness (thought) expressing itself through active thinking. Russell gives some clarity on this by using a metaphor of ocean and ocean waves in "The Message of the Divine Iliad". The ocean is whole, undivided. It is One thing and one substance from end to end. Yet it's surface may break up into seemingly discrete wave entities. The waves are not separate from the ocean but are individual expressions of that One ocean. Waves are seeming motion. The wave motions move horizontally but the water in fact does not. We perceive the waves and assign them an importance they do not really have - individuality because the unwakened human egoic mind primarily focuses on things that move (effects) hence the egoic mind constantly deceives itself. Waves (vibrations) are perceived effects of unperceived causes. Cause can only be perceived by MIND, not by sense. Atlin, you or me are the same in regards to the One Cosmic Consciousness permeating everything everywhere. We are nothing more than expressions of that One Mind. We assign discrete acknowledgement of our individualities to these seeming separated expressions. When in fact they are nothing more than seeming singular expressions of a One Whole Mind undivided. Atlin, you or me are expressions of an Undivided One Mind that we assign a value of individuality. This assignment is our interpretation of what we think we see. We are as the waves of the undivided ocean of Mind (consciousness). Russell goes on to say there is only One Mind endlessly expressing itself. There are not multitudes of individual minds. There is only One God (Consciousness) manifesting everywhere simultaneously - in Atlin, you, me, everyone and every thing else.

Figure 1.4 - From One Mind comes all. All goes back to One Mind.
(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
This expression of the mind of God has been labeled many names including: "God said...", The Word, Love, Being, etc.
"In the beginning was The Word."
Book of John

Figure 1.5 - From One (on left) comes all diversity.
How does immaterial mind then become the material universe? Russell gives a broad explanation. Russell says that every atom of materiality is a "recording" or "casting" into form the Light (Mind) of the Creator. This recording or casting process or fixing into form takes place through "electrical" action. (Electrical here means two unbalanced poles rhythmically interchanging with and through each other (waves of motion or vibration). This electrical state is self or mutual assimilative.) These waves form standing waves or oscillatory motion about a neutral center which structure we then (mis)perceive as solid matter much as we misperceive spokes of a spinning bicycle wheel appear as solid. Keely and Russell held that neutral points or assimilative centers are infinite in number and extension (Keely) and atoms may form (and deform) around one or any of them anywhere at anytime. Atoms are an effect (recording or casting) of that electrical thinking but are not the thinking itself. Much like a wave is not the ocean but a manner of the ocean's expressionings of its being. Another way to see this is heat from a fire is not the fire but an effect of the fire, the heat's cause. Vibrations therefore are effects. We may know the vibratory and oscillatory composition of the universe by its numbers or rates of vibration acting through our physical senses or instruments. Our five senses function like narrow band-pass filters allowing narrow ranges of vibration to be perceived. Therefore our awareness of our surroundings is a merging or compounding of the five narrow ranges of vibratory phenomena perceived through these five senses. It is a given we are NOT aware of the vast ranges of vibratory phenomena OUTSIDE of those five narrow bands. Figure 1.3 lists some of the frequencies and their modes we interpret as sensual manifestations.
"All force, all matter, is motivative by force known as spiritual.
While the body is made up of elements that are atomic, super atomic, gas, influences that combine, all give off their radiation, both as to the mental reaction and what the body-mind does about that reaction of that phase or manifestation in which the entity is conscious at such a period. And it is recorded upon that known or experienced by the conscious mind as time and space. And it may be read even as the records of a printed page. Hence that which has been the thought, the activity of the entity throughout its experience in matter, in gaseous forces, in the atomic influences, is part and parcel of the entity's being. Thus we are, then, the sum, the substance, of that we do, we have, or may think and do. For each entity has that imprint of the Creative Energies or Force that makes of it an influence that is seen, known, felt, throughout the universe." Cayce (833-1)
Figure 1.6 - Electromagnetic Spectrum
 (the numbers and placements of octaves is general)
1.8 - Vibratory Universe - Figure 1.6 shows how the universe may be viewed as vibration or frequency. The lower realms of matter, molecules and atoms, are at the top of the chart with higher and higher frequency ranges towards the bottom. Man perceives vibrations and oscillations through his senses. These senses act like narrow band-pass filters. Each filter is sensitive to a narrow range of frequencies. Touch is the lowest from 1-32 vibrations per second while hearing is from the 5th through the 13th octave, generally speaking. Visible light occupies only a single octave of vibration from the many octaves. Seeing can not encompass all there is. Hearing on the other hand encompasses a much wider range of vibration and their attendent phenomena or manifestations. The unseen, unperceived or occulted universe is a far greater place than simple human senses can be aware of. Some are sensitive to a broader range of frequencies and we call this ability the "sixth sense" or psychic ability in its varied forms.
High frequency vibrations centralize about centers of focalization. That is their nature - to densify into ever more compact structures. These centers are for our purposes neutral of polarity (depolar). Being neutral they are resonant one to another or sympathetic with each other, vibratorily speaking. What happens to one is experienced by them all (Is not this the definition of Love?). They are One Substance, like our ocean, having independent existence yet co-reactive to all others.
We could liken the energetic and material universe as God's holodeck (ala Star Trek). Anything God (I AM) thinks electrically into being will manifest as form and structure through these sympathetic linked neutral centers. Since everything that exists is already a manifestation of God's electrical thinking we are in the holodeck of His created thinking. We exist in a world matrix of effects arising from an unseen (except by a few) Cause.
The reality of Atlin, you or me is we are not our physical bodies. We are individuated expressions of consciousness - operating through a physical body - of the One Undivided Consciousness. The Dialogue on Awakening puts it this way:
"What is it like to be enlightened or awake? It is when you see only God as cause and effect being you expressing Him wholly."
As we awaken(become more aware) the process unfolds as we perceive the reality of cause while releasing the unreality of effect. In the end (and beginning) there is only the One Mind, the I AM, being causitive (Creator) of everything perceived. Just HOW this is so is the purpose of this dissertation.
1.9 - Cultivating Stillness
I've not read any Taoist materials so when I saw the title I was attracted to the idea of quietness which I practice continually anyway. A little surprise awaited me as I read the introduction. The ancients were correct even more than I'd figured. The origins of this text go back centuries, as far back if not more so, than our Western religious and metaphysical roots. While I was surprised to see the following description of the Origin of Things it was not totally unexpected either. The second surprise was to see how clearly these old ones understood things and how perfectly matched their description is with that of Keely and Russell. Contemplate the following quote from the text:
1.10 - The Origin of Things
'The Taoist origin of the universe and life is expounded by Chu-hsi of the Sung Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.), who combined the Confucianist and taoist theories of the origin of things. He revised Chou Tuan-i's treatise T'ai-chi T'ao Shuo and wrote, "From wu-chi comes t'ai-chi. When t'ai-chi moves, it creates yang. When movement reaches its extreme, stillness emerges. In stillness, yin is born. Thus, movement and stillness follow each other. Yin and yang, stillness and movement form the force of creation. From yang and yin are created the elements water, fire, wood, metal and earth. The Five Vapors mutually enrich each other and generate the four seasons. The five elements originate from yin and yang. Yin and yang originate from t'ai-chi and t'ai-chi originates from wu-chi. From the properties of the five elements and the essence of wu-chi emerges generative energy. From the Way of Heaven (ch'ien), male is born. Following the Way of Earth (K'un), female is born. The union of ch'ien and k'un gives rise to the ten thousand myriad things. The ten thousand myriad things procreate and contribute to many forms of existence whose origin is wu-chi." This is the description of the origin of things.' From Cultivating Stillness - The Taoist Manual for Transforming Body and Mind, by Eva Wong, 1992; Shambhala Publications, ISBN 0-87773-687-I
The above quote is extremely interesting. It is for all practical purposes the same theory being expressed in our SVP Universal Cosmology web pages represented in the SVP Matter & Energy Chart et al. The jargon is different. Here are some translations of terms:
wu-chi = Void, Neutral, Origin, Tao, Source
t'ai-chi = Word, Cosmic/Christ Consciousness
Tao = Oneness, Divinity
Way of Heaven = Celestial
Way of Earth = Terrestrial
chi'en = male
k'un = female
Five Vapors = Five Ethers
yang = expressive motion, movement, (day)
yin = peace, quiet, nonmotion, (night)
water, fire, wood, metal and earth = material universe
Four Seasons = Angular Inclinations of Refraction (Spectral Differentiation), Rainbow, Octaves of Density
Lets substitute words and see what we have:
"From [The Void, Whole Mind] comes [The Word, Divided Mind]. When [The Word] moves, it creates [expressive motion]. When movement reaches its extreme, stillness emerges. In stillness, [peace, quiet] is born. Thus, movement (day) and stillness (night) follow each other. [nonmotion] and [motion], stillness (night) and movement (day) form the force of creation. From [motion] and [nonmotion] are created the elements [of the material universe]. The Five [Ethers] mutually enrich each other and generate the [Octaves of Density]. The [material universe] originate from [nonmotion] and [motion]. [nonmotion] and [motion] originate from [The Word] and [The Word] originates from [The Void]. From the properties of the [material universe] and the (potential) essence of [The Void] emerges generative energy. From the [Celestial], male is born. Following the [Terrestrial], female is born. The union of [male] and [female] gives rise to the ten thousand myriad things. The ten thousand myriad things procreate and contribute to many forms of existence whose origin is [The Void]." This is the description of the origin of things.
The text goes on to describe the (alchemical) process of reconnecting the material to the spiritual, which process happens to be a definition of the term "religion"; to re-connect or re-member or re-awaken. If Undifferentiated Mind differentiates (splits, refracts) into egoic mind then "awakening" is the differentiated, split or refracted egoic mind becoming whole (undifferentiated) again. Differentiated Mind is anti-sympathetic (passive resistant) to the One Whole Mind while the One Whole Mind is, among its seeming individuated parts, wholly sympathetic or "as one"; i.e., Love.
Sounds like Genesis, no? Also sounds like Russell and many others. The Story of the Origin of the Universe may not have originated with Genesis nor the development of principles as outlined in SVP by Keely nor the philosophical underpinings of Russell. Universal Knowledge has always been and always will be. The writers of Genesis (whoever they were), Keely and Russell, separated by thousands of years, tapped into The Whole Mind (God) just as you or I may and are doing via our connections through Cosmic Consciousness. No one can claim exclusive rights of discovery or divine priviledge subsequent thereto because it is what we ALL ARE - Mind Consciousness.
The above describes some of the energy sets and dynamics of the Musical Dynasphere.
These pages attempt to relay the above conception, as also its near twin found in Genesis, in scientific terms; i.e., the process of creation and evolution of matter from so-called Spirit. Evolution is a ceaseless creative and progressive process. These natural and foundational laws, principles and concepts, without religious interpretations, are the foundation of Keely and Russell's work - object of SVP.
1.11 - Matter Evolves from Mind - Let us assume these "atomolini" or alphanon really are the basic building-block of matter (for this conversation anyway). If this is so how do they come into being? Out of the "nothingness" of free or open space? Out of Mind itself? There is a building up of vibration and oscillatory wave lengths beginning from the One Fundamental sound or interchange. These are created and manifest as evolutionary progressions as are seen in the arithmetical development of musical scales.

"The substance of Mind is the foundation of creation." [Russell, The Universal One]

Figure 1.7 - Keely's Molecular Morphology
 (showing the nested levels of quantum entities)
1.12 - Evolution/Devolution of Frequency - Figure 1.6 shows how a fundamental or base frequency multiplies through the creation of harmonics (overtones) and their interactions by summation and difference tones to create the multitude of frequencies perceptible as the energy filled active universe.


Figure 1.8 - Keely's Vibratory Relations of Multi-Level Matter
 (showing the nested levels of quantum entity relations)

1.13 - It Really is a Musical Universe!
This article below appeared in the Winter 2000 Edition of the University of Science and Philosophy's quarterly magazine,
The Cosmic Light.
The Theory of a Musical Universe1
"The universe consists solely of waves of motion." relates Walter Russell in chapter 31 of A New Concept of the Universe. Another way of saying this is: "There exists nothing other than vibration/oscillation." In Russell's statement lies the base for his next blast at orthodoxy's belief in a billiard-ball-like material universe: "Any theory which cannot find a fitting place within the wave has no other place for it in Nature." Hard words for sure but can they stand up to scrutiny? Is it possible to create a paradigm of nature that is structured entirely on wave or vibration theory? Investigating the pioneer work of John W. Keely's Sympathetic Vibratory Physics would lead us to believe this is so.
1.14 - Definitions of Vibration: (See Part 9 for finer discussion on the nature of vibration and oscillation.)
"Vibration is the rhythmical motion of a body within itself." Keely
"All force is vibration..." Cayce (900-422) "So is matter." Cayce (1861-16)
"All comes from one central vibration--taking different form." Cayce (900-422)
"Everything is vibratory." Cayce (195-54)
"Vibration is movement. Movement is activity of a positive and negative force." Cayce (281-29)
"Electricity or vibration is that same energy, same power, ye call God." Cayce (2828-4)
Logically speaking for such a paradigm to exist it would be couched entirely in vibration terms and concepts and would evolve from the simple to the complex addressing atomic phenomena all the way through human activity. This author believes this can be done as we are so doing. Inasmuch as a premise voiced ought to be demonstrated it will herein be shown how all vibration is intimately connected to all other vibration thereby demonstrating 1) the interconnectedness of all things and energies; 2) all things are themselves built up from simple vibration to complex chords using universal principles of vibration alone; 3) there is no such thing as chaos in the universe; 4) all things exist by virtue of harmony among the vibrations that make it what it is; and 5) all things are intimately connected by sympathetic vibration.
Some of the information presented here was first published in 1991 (but written earlier) and again in the author's book in 1994, Universal Laws Never Before Reveal: Keely's Secrets. This material represents the beginning of the science side of the "science and philosophy" equation. The universe vibrates from end to end as does everything in it. Therefore if we are to investigate and understand this awesome spectacle we are obliged to investigate the nature of vibration.
If the universe were chaos there would be no harmony but only degrees of chaos. All sound and vibration would be just plain noise. Noise, therefore is unorganized vibration. But none can doubt there is order recognizable throughout nature from the uniformity of atomic structures and behaviors to spiral galaxies whose swirling arms of orderly stars span light years and billions of years of activity. This innate order inherent in vibratory/oscillatory phenomena has been long recognized, researched and categorized and may be found in music theory. In vibratory terms disorderly vibration can be organized in terms of music principles. Therefore music is organized vibration or sound set in orderly principles of structure and behavior. The principles that make sound into harmonious music are the same principles that govern all associating vibrations throughout the universe - and that includes everything that there is. It will be shown how any given vibration gives rise to a complex yet simple series of subordinate vibrations known generally as harmonics or overtones and these harmonics are arithmetically relative to one another as are musical intervals.
It is generally recognized that everything is a result of vibration and each thing has its own chord of vibration or vibration signature. This state of vibratory condition is characterized in John Keely's Law of Corporeal Vibrations:
"All coherent aggregates when isolated from like bodies, or when immersed or confined in media composed of matter in a different state, vibrate at a given ascertainable pitch."
[John Keely]
It is a well known and accepted fact that any vibration as in a sound tone will give rise to its octave harmonics. These are the harmonics generally acknowledged by science as multiples of 2, which multiplication derives superharmonics, and divisions by 2 derive subharmonics. These types of harmonic products or results of 2 are called octave harmonics. What is not so generally acknowledged but nevertheless just as true is a tone will give rise to harmonics not divisible 2 but divisible by other numbers such as 3, 5, 7, etc. These other harmonics are developed from and within the octave harmonic series first mentioned, by the octave harmonics interacting arithmetically with and among themselves and with the fundamental. These spontaneously and naturally occurring tones will add and subtract from each other in a perfectly orderly manner giving rise to summation and difference tones sometimes referred to as secondary, tertiary or higher harmonics. When these summation tones are very powerful they are referred to as beat tones or beat frequencies and are considered inharmonic. These arithmetically derived harmonics are characterized in Keely's Law of Cycles:
"Coherent aggregates harmonically united constitute centers of vibration bearing relation to the fundamental pitch not multiples of the harmonic pitch, and the production of secondary unions between themselves generate pitches that are discords, either in their unisons, or overtones with the original pitch; from harmony is generated discord, the inevitable cause of perpetual transformation."
[John Keely]
Vibrations are harmonious to one another when their aliquot parts (factors and/or products) are the same. When these harmonics form unisons or direct harmonic relations the two vibrating aggregates and their chords of vibration are said to be sympathetic to each other. This unison of frequency (sympathy) dictates that what happens to one vibratorily happens to the other simultaneously. In this case the vibrations of each aggregate or chord and the vibrations active between each are forming unisons or coincident harmonics and are therefore called sympathetic vibrations or sympathetic oscillations. Vibrations are considered inharmonic when their aliquot parts or factors are not similar. Most vibrations will have similar factors and/or products and a few dissimilar factors and/or products thereby giving rise to varying degrees of harmony or dissonance whichever the case may be.
In Figure 1.6 we can see how this process works. Any harmonic series or scale has a base frequency from which all its harmonics are derived. This base tone is called its fundamental or key note. In the chart a subharmonic of the musical note "C" is used as the fundamental or foundation upon which are self-generated a series of harmonics. This note has a frequency or rate of vibration of 256 cycles per second (cps) or a suboctave harmonic of middle "C". The smaller squares contain a number representing the relative amplitude or power of this note compared to the other notes soon to be introduced. As a natural process of creative and evolutionary force this fundamental tone will vibrate and this vibration will divide itself into its own superharmonic of 512 cps (2 X 256) which will in turn divide ad infinitum according to natural law. Concurrently the number will also resonate and be sympathetic with subharmonics of 128, 64, etc. This process of dividing into smaller and smaller wavelengths is creative and evolutionary and according to Keely's Law of Harmonic Vibrations:
"All coherent aggregates are perpetually vibrating at a period-frequency corresponding to some harmonic ratio of the fundamental pitch of the vibrating body; this pitch is a multiple of the pitch of the atomole [a subatomic unit]."
[John Keely]
This new frequency of vibration is the octave harmonic of the fundamental (2 X 1) and is shown placed in the 2nd octave row directly above the first "C1" vibrating on the 1st octave row. The same process continues to unfold for virtually uncountable octaves creating higher and higher frequencies in ever more rising octaves. We will refer to this second "C" as "C2" and so forth for each octave. So far so good, we have a harmonic series born from the lone "C" stretching nearly into infinity both above the progenitor as superharmonics and below it as subharmonics. So in the beginning there was One.... C1 is the creator of C2 which is the created and so forth. This family of "Cs" are all related by number and this relationship of number can be discovered by factoring and multiplying.
256 factors into:
1X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X2. With this it can be seen the "C" family "gene" (factors) is constructed of a 1 and eight 2s or reduced to simply 1 and 2.
The number 1 will be seen to be shared by all other numbers since all numbers contain 1. One is the ultimate Progenitor having its essence in every thing that was created from it. Therefore One permeates all vibrations equally everywhere and is sympathetic to them all equally because 1:1 is unison, pure harmony (the superconductive state).
Vibrations are dynamic things not unlike living things. They are creative and evolutionary simultaneously. They are active and prolific in their dynamics as are their harmonic offspring. These discrete tones of the harmonics interact with each other as they intermingle. Being primarily number oriented they will, in a very natural way mix, merge and divide among themselves just like living cells as detailed in the Law of Cycles already mentioned, the Fibonacci series or Golden Mean and according to Keely's Law of Harmonic Pitch:
"Any aggregate in a state of vibration develops in addition to its fundamental pitch a series of vibration in symmetrical sub-multiple portions of itself, bearing ratios of one, two, three, or more times its fundamental pitch."
[John Keely]
C1 will add its numerical value to C2 and create a third number: 768 cps, which in terms of "Cness" means little. But in relative terms it can be seen the 768 is 3 times the original C1 of 256 cps while 512 cps is 2 times the Creator pitch. These terms of degrees of relativity are then 3 is to 2 as 768 is to 512 . The 3:2 (768:512 reduced to their least common denominators) ratio is a musical ratio of a Perfect Fifth. In this first ratio of spontaneously created harmonics we can see how a base tone gives rise to a naturally occuring harmonic that is identical to two musical notes representing a perfect musical interval of a Perfect Fifth.
768 factors into:
1X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X3. The "G" family "gene" is contructed of a 1, eight 2s and a 3. Reduced down we see a Fibonacci connection to the "C" family being 1 + 2 = 3 thus deriving all three "genes" or originating substance of the family. The Fibonnacci series was developed as a result of analysis of the reproduction rate of rabbits or as living things. And in these musical notes we see the same genre of self-replicating activity playing throughout the universe.
The next harmonic to be born of the intermingling of the lower tones is the rate of 1280 resulting from the additive summation of 512 cps to 768 cps. As an additional impetus to life 1280 is also given more life force by adding in the energy of the 1st harmonic of G being 1536 - C1 = 1280. This naturally derived rate of vibration is equivalent to the musical note "E". E is a musical Major Third above the patriarchal family of C and a Minor Third below the matriarchal family of G.
Interestingly these three first notes derived from a fundamental form the Great Triadic Chord of C, E & G long considered as the most harmonious of all chords. This chord is formed of musical Minor and Major thirds combining to form a Perfect Fifth. This author believes this natural process is revealed allegorically in the first few chapters of Genesis demonstrating the seven intervals of creation resulting from Divine Voice (sound) and Light then evolutionary steps forming the material existence of Adam (C) and Eve (G), i.e., man and woman. In other words, Genesis is an ancient and enlightened scribe's attempt at detailing and conveying what they perceived as this creationist and evolutionary process of life becoming and being what it is - a rhythmic vibratory dance, oscillating and undulating motions governed by the rules of music development. Please notice the intimate connection of threes to nature as regarded by both Russell and Keely:
"The seceret of man's ability to control his universe lies in the knowledge of the tonal octave wave and its field. Therefore know the wave in all of its simplicity of three-times-three in numbered effect, multiplied to infinite complexity but still not passing beyond the three-times-three of man's easy comprehension."
[Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, page 56.]
"Rotation arises through the harmonic interactions of the dominant and enharmonic modes of vibration, in the ratio of 3:9." [John Keely, Snell Manuscript]
E's "gene pool" is again different from its progenitors:
1280 factors into:
1X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X5. This "gene pool" reduces to 1, 2 and 5 wherein we can see the harmonious connection to the C and G families in the 1 and 2 being common "genes" or factors of multiplicity which establish a degree of "sympathy" or harmony between tones. And the Fibonacci aspect is seen again: 1 + 2 = 3 and 2 + 3 = 5.
Next in line of procreation is "D" having 2304 cps. The "D" family of harmonics are created from a merging of G1 + G2 = 2304 and C3 + E1 = 2304 . D is therefore offspring of several combinations of progenitor tones and has relatively high power of 16.
2304 factors into:
1X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X3X3. D's gene pool reduces to 1, 2 and 3 same as the G family just a musical and harmonic Fifth away. While E is a musical third from its parents C and G while D is only a musical Second away. A third in musical terms is considered more harmonious a relationship than a Second which is considered somewhat discordant. The reason for this is the closeness of the numbers. The ratio of numbers in a Second may be so close that when they subtract from one another there arises a slight difference which can become a beat tone and it is this difference that gives rise to the perceived "harshness" of sound of a chord made of these two tones when played together. This new beat tone may have a factor set of numbers not wholely similar to its progenitors. One could liken this "marriage" of Second tones to an interfamilial one wherein offspring may be "aberrant" in formation and or activity. When sounded sequentially one after the other there is a degree of harmony but together they do not make harmonious music due to the enharmonic character of the beat tone.
Another interesting harmonic born of this process of evolution of harmonies is an interval close to the note F. An arithmetically derived Perfect Fourth (3:4) above C4 (2048) would yield F at 2730.6 which would be enharmonic. However a naturally occuring summation tone of C4 (2048) + G1 (768) yields 2816 (F) which coincides with a musical Perfect Fourth derived from C4 (2112) when A=440. What this shows is the "pedigree" of a number determines how its harmonics will interface with itself being then harmonious or discordant to some degree. By simply shifting the fundamental by a digit or two changes the degree of concordance. But this area of music and harmony excedes the scope of this brief paper. This conversion from naturally occuring harmonics to artifically derived musical intervals(7) is outside the scope of this short discussion. The writer wishes to simply present the idea that all sounds or vibrations when considered as a fundamental will yield a complex series of octave and nonoctave harmonics following the rules that govern music development which are in reality an attempt to mirror naturally occuring activities among vibrations.
There is another kind of additive and subtractive synthesis going on in vibrations as they interact. This summation or difference is also in the POWER of the vibrations. Throwing a pebble in a calm pool of water will give rise to concentric rings of waves expanding outward. The rings of waves possess two basic wave characteristics. Each ring is composed of a raised portion of water and a sequential portion of lowered water each portion being above and below the normal level of the water respectively. If another pebble is thrown into the water a second series of concentric rings will arise. The two series of rings will interact. Where the crest of a wave meets another crest of a wave from the other ring series the two crests will add their height to each other thereby creating a momentary increase in height above the unadded portion of each wave. And where a trough meets a trough the reverse will be true. In sound waves this adding and subtracting will occur with harmonics and harmonics of harmonics resulting in quite complex wave configurations.
1.15 - The Proof
All good theories require a proof before they can be accepted. In our case of musical octave and nonoctave harmonics arising from all vibrations we can present a model.
In November 1989 Sound & Vibration magazine published an interesting article on Chladni wave plate modes and frequencies. The latest technology was used to record and tabulate this intriguing phenomenon. The aim was to find the various naturally occuring frequencies and modes of a vibrating square plate when forced to vibrate thus revealing its natural frequencies or modes of resonance.

Figure 1.9 - Chladni Plate and its various modes of vibration.
In finding the interrelationships of the vibratory activities along the lines of our theory a table of these naturally occuring frequencies and modes was prepared, see chart #2. Common music note intervals are compared along with the various modes and frequencies discovered. It is very interesting to see that the naturally occuring frequencies when compared one to another, as is done with musical pitches to derive intervals, all fall very close to known musical intervals7!

Figure 1.10 - Modes of tested vibrating plate.
Taking just two modes by way of example, "Mode 3" and "Mode 2," we see the difference between these two numbers is only 19/1000ths greater than a Minor Third. The difference between this naturally occuring interval and a Major Third is only 31/1000ths. The differences of some of the other numbers are even closer to an accurate musical interval. This becomes significant when a vibration of 1207 cycles per second in the Mode 2 pattern could generate a Mode 3 pattern at 1472 cps by simply increasing the 1207 cps by a musical third, a simple arithmetic procedure. There would be no complicated mathematical calculation required to calculate or predict this new frequency. The right-brain art of music would win out in its simplicity (chart #3). In other words, the right brain simplicity would succeed easily over the left brain complications (chart #2). Even more significant is the grasp we would weld over a complicated subject (chart #4). This simple insight gives us the Holy Grail of science: Predictability. The resultant frequencies can be accurately predicted before attempting the experiment. Thus instead of finding a series of unrelated frequency numbers we find a highly relative and organized phenomenon - pure harmony where chaos was thought to be.
Musical intervals are the distances between pitches (relative frequencies). An interval is the amount of change (delta) between the pitches. The frequencies can be set up as algebraic variables set to a given difference in quantity just like symbolic notes on a staff. See chart #3. It would then be easy to determine the resultant secondary frequencies and modes from this fundamental number by using the decimal values given above or simply marking another note symbol a musical third, fifth, etc. accurately representing a harmonic, naturally derived. In other words: when given a vibrating plate of these dimensions and characteristics it would be a simple matter to predict its vibrational behavior using these musical intervals and understandings. An in-depth, left-brain, time-consuming and expensive analysis would not be required.
Thus we can see our theory as stated earlier is accurate in its concept, execution and in the information it yields. Proving then, it really is a Musical Universe! which is both created and evolved from its vibratory root of One demonstrating there is no conflict between concepts of a created universe and theories supporting material evolution. Both these concepts work hand in hand to manifest, choreograph and present the spectacle of beauty, structure, dynamics, utility and love seen all around us. Genesis records God as having said Light into Being but perhaps it would be more accurate to say God sang Light into Being as the prelude to our Cosmic dance of Life?
Figure 1.11 - Progressive Evolutions

2 Keely and His Discoveries
Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore
3 The Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Volume V, Issue 3, page 8
4 Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets
5 Keely's Forty Laws of Harmony
Sound & Vibration magazine
Acoustical Publications, Inc.
27101 E. Oviatt Rd.
P.O. Box 40416
Bay Village, OH 44140
(216) 835-0101
7 Complete list of these intervals can be found in:
Part 01 - Overall General View
Part 02 - Origin of Polar States
Part 03 - Polarity Manifests as Rotating Vortex
Part 04 - Rotation on Three Planes
Part 05 - Three Rotating Planes Become Spheres
Part 06 - Formation of Cubes
Part 07 - Compound Cubes
Part 08 - Sympathetic Streams and 3-D Matter
Part 09 - What Vibration Is
Part 10 - What Sympathy Is
Part 11 - SVP Music Model
Part 12 - Locked Potentials
Part 13 - Rotation from Vibration/Oscillation
Part 14 - Keely's Mysterious Thirds, Sixths and Ninths
Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically
Part 16 - Electricity and Magnetism
Part 17 - Gravity
Addendum - - - - - - - - - - - -
01 - Bjerknes Effect
02 - Chart of Locked Potentials
03 - Ether
04 - Origin of Matter
05 - Indig Numbers
06 - One Phase of Keely's Discoveries...
07 - Pond's Original Notes on the Scale______
08 - Laws of Being
09 - Table of the Elements
10 - Keely's Forty Laws
11 - Russell's Laws and Principles
12 - What Electricity Is.
13 - Puharich, Water Dissociation via AC
14 - As a Man Thinketh
15 - Genero-Radiative Concept
16 - The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex
99 - Definitions

"A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
~~~Dresden James

© Dale Pond, 2007
Delta Spectrum Research
921 Santa Fe Avenue
La Junta, Colorado 81050

Part 1 - Overall General View

1.0 - Introduction
1.1 - Mind is deemed a force
1.2 - One Phase of Keely's Discovery in its Relations to the Cure of Disease (See Addendum 6)
1.3 - Fractal Structure of Matter
1.4 - Structure of Matter
     Figure 1.1 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
1.5 - Nothing from Nothing
1.6 - Ultimate Constituents of Matter
     Figure 1.2 - Dynamical Full Gamut of Mind and Matter
1.7 - A Whole and Its Parts
     Figure 1.3 - From One Mind comes all. All goes back to One Mind.
     Figure 1.4 - From One (on left) comes all diversity.
     Figure 1.5 - Electromagnetic Spectrum
1.8 - Vibratory Universe
1.9 - Cultivating Stillness
1.10 - The Origin of Things
1.11 - Matter Evolves from Mind
     Figure 1.6 - Keely's Molecular Morphology
1.12 - Evolution/Devolution of Frequency
     Figure 1.7 - Keely's Vibratory Relations of Multi-Level Matter
1.13 - It Really is a Musical Universe!
1.14 - Definitions of Vibration
1.15 - The Proof
     Figure 1.8 - Chladni Plate and its various modes of vibration.
     Figure 1.9 - Modes of tested vibrating plate.
     Figure 1.10 - Progressive Evolutions


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