Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

Larimer County "Bill of Rights" Ordinance
Author: Nagel, Rick; Pond, Dale
Full text of an ordinance model being introduced around the country. Introducing this ordinance to your county commissioners will once and for all bring their county back to a lawful and Constitutional basis in operation. This startling document: 1. Enacts the first ten articles (our Bill of Rights) as the foundation ordinance of the county. 2. It enacts Title 18 of the United States Code which defines violation of a person's rights as a crime. 3. It enacts Title 42 of the United States Code which defines the penalties for violations against a person's rights referred to in #1 above. 4. It further states that all disputes or violations of this ordinance will be resolved in an article 3 Common Law court. The implications of this ordinance will be staggering and will fundamentally change the way the county and People associate. This document is the place to start to get one passed in your county. This ordinance is being introduced into other Colorado counties as well as a number of cities. This ordinance is being proposed in counties in New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, Kentucky, Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada and California. 8.5" X 11"
Pages: 9

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