Sympathetic Vibratory Physics

Unincorporated Business Organization Trust


When you purchase our trust package we will send you a free copy of "Massachusetts Court Citations on Trusts" containing 45 actual court cites concerning trusts. That is 45 in addition to the 55 already included in the trust package.

Author: Pond, Dale & Logan, Larry
Description: Boom your business to success, capture the rewards due you. This is the Do-It-Yourself pure business trust. Protect yourself from bureaucracies, licences, inheritance taxes, probate, fees, moochers and looters. Liberate your creativity to mushroom your wealth. Become the business success you know you can be! This package contains everything you need to create your own Unincorporated Business Organization Trust(UBO). All forms are supplied - just fill in the blanks. It is the same trust used by the super-rich and those who wish to keep what is theirs private and secure. The package also contains legal and background documentation, step-by-step instructions and legal cites to guide you to a perfect preparation of your own easy to operate business trust.

This onshore Common Law Unincorporated Business Organization Trust has successfully weathered two IRS audits!!!

Don't put all your "Risks" in one basket. Common Law trusts are meant to protect the wealth of ordinary Americans. One of the greatest defenses we have, has been used by very wealthy families for a great many generations. We call it a UBO, (Unincorporated Business Organization).It is not a typical trust as set up by an attorney. Attorneys are taught to practice statutory or equity law, not common law. Equity law takes away rights and property. Common law secures property and rights.

Properly placing your assets in a private UBO trust under its own Employer Identification Number would help shield assets. This offers you a chance to bargain with legitimate creditors from a position of strength and have protection from those who are illegitimate. A UBO Trust is a wonderful estate planning tool, a means of reducing taxes, protecting assets, and preserving privacy. Although some would have you feel it is criminal for exercising privacy, however it is very critical as we are being driven toward a One World Government. If privacy and security are important to you then a common law trust may be the answer.

Advantages of the UBO trust:
• A Pure Trust
• No yearly fee.
• Limited liability.
• Privacy - All officers or Board of Trustees do not have to be revealed.
• Your financial records are private and, under common law, require notification and a court order to be seen.
• Privacy in personal and business dealings
• Greater control over what you have acquired and accomplished.
• Reduced exposure from lawsuits and claims of adverse parties.
• Reduced liability when owning and operating high risk asset or performing high risk professional services, thereby saving money on high-priced insurance premiums.
• Increased profits via reducing business costs.
• Flexibility and creativity in personal and business planning.
• Simplicity of doing business in this increasingly complex society; including the buying and selling of big-ticket capital assets, businesses and real estate.
• Preserve and distribute assets at your sole discretion.
• Avoid probate and eliminate death taxes.
No inheritance taxes. Preserves and grows capital from generation to generation.
• Reduce or avoid federal and stateincome/franchise taxes.
• The trust may develop its own credit and investment program to provide security and protection for the beneficiaries at retirement.
• and more....

The trust is bound in a handsome three ring binder for easy access to all forms and procedures. Simply photocopy and fill them in. You may create ONE UBO trust with this copyrighted program. Additional UBOs may be created by purchasing item#R1601 which grants copyright permission to create an additional UBO trust.
Item#: LN0021194
Category: Common Law
Book - Softbound
Pages: 110
Price: $99.00


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