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Why You Cannot Die
Why You Cannot Die
Author: Russell, Lao
Description: That the body is not the person, that the sensed world is not the sum total of reality, that the brain is not the mind, and that the nature of life is cyclic are themes of Why You Cannot Die! Lao Russell invites “those who are searching into the unknown” to enter with her into “a step-by-step process of thinking together, reasoning together and meditating together in order that the answers to all your questions may reach your very soul." "All thinking people recognize, and believe in, the principle of growth. With their own eyes they see things grow. They do not need to be convinced. All things which grow also disappear for a while. When human consciousness develops the ability to comprehend that rest periods between actions are not death, then death will have been conquered by knowledge and those who thus comprehend will know that there is no death." —Lao Russell Part I: Man—The Supreme Mystery; The Identity of Man; Desires of the Body and Desires of the Soul; Desire, Instinct and Sensation; Sensing, Thinking, Reasoning, Knowing; Consciousness, Sense-Thinking and Reasoning; Life Alone Is, There is No Death; Life, Rest and the Resurrection. Part II: Reality: Oneness, Spirit, Heaven; The Soul of Man Scientifically Defined; God’s Sole Reason for Creating Man; The Meaning of Oneness; Reincarnation—Nature’s Basic Principle. Part III: The Spiritual Half of Creation; Prayer and Meditation; The Genius; The Cosmic Conscious Illuminate; Christ Consciousness; The First Christ Conscious Messenger.; An Afterword; Author’s Letter to the Reader; There Is No Death, from The Divine Iliad. 252 pages
6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
Item#: BKP400
Category: Walter Russell
Type: Book - Hardbound
Pages: 252
Price: $20.00
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